General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: david1967 on May 16, 2010, 04:57:22 PM
Here is the link: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=153417
Obama's nomination of Kagan is working perfectly: People are already blaming/scapegoating the Jews instead of Obama and his administration. This technique was utilized and mastered by the Soviet Union after W.W II, by putting Jewish Communists in very, high positions of leadership in Eastern Europe. Eastern Europeans blamed the "Jews" for their problems, instead of the Soviet Union. Even today, Jews and Communists are viewed as one in the same by the general population worldwide.
For example, Obama has Emmanuel and Axelrod; they deflect alot of blame away from him. He has obviously learned a great deal about the history and governing tactics of the Soviet Union.
I think there's too many Pat Buchanan's in America.
I agree with Pat, but for different reasons... there are too many Jews (and especially the self hating ones)..and the righteous ones shouldn't be serving in the US, but in Israel.
The Jewish Judges on THE SUPREME COURT ARE leftists
i wish you guys were judges....this world would be a better place, no blacks for starters
I agree with Pat, but for different reasons... there are too many Jews (and especially the self hating ones)..and the righteous ones shouldn't be serving in the US, but in Israel.
DR DAN, so where do you get this info that they should not be in office outside of Israel? And Dr Dan, dont you know, according to this new jerk 'frum yid' that this is LASHON HARA........
BTW dr Dan, I am being facetious.. ; )
If we do not say what must be said, (AGAINST Erav Rav) then turn yourselves over to the gentiles- who are none too nice to Jews when they go nuts.
The Jewish Judges on THE SUPREME COURT ARE leftists
They are a greater enemy than anyone else to us, to the gentiles, they think ALL of us are like that.
That is what this STUPID DREK Frum Yid does NOT GET.
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
WND is usually a good website. I'm surprised they ran this article. When I saw the title of the thread and the link, I thought that the article would be about what Buchanan said rather than his actual article.
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
I hope you don't agree with Buchanans other anti-semitic ideas such as:
On Jews
Buchanan referred to Capitol Hill as "Israeli-occupied territory." (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 10/20/90)
During the Gulf crisis: "There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East -- the Israeli defense ministry and its 'amen corner' in the United States." (McLaughlin Group, 8/26/90)
In a 1977 column, Buchanan said that despite Hitler's anti-Semitic and genocidal tendencies, he was "an individual of great courage.... Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path." (Guardian, 1/14/92)
Writing of "group fantasies of martyrdom," Buchanan challenged the historical record that thousands of Jews were gassed to death by diesel exhaust at Treblinka: "Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody." (New Republic, 10/22/90) Buchanan's columns have run in the Liberty Lobby's Spotlight, the German-American National PAC newsletter and other publications that claim Nazi death camps are a Zionist concoction.
Buchanan called for closing the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations, which prosecuted Nazi war criminals, because it was "running down 70-year-old camp guards." (New York Times, 4/21/87)
Buchanan was vehement in pushing President Reagan -- despite protests -- to visit Germany's Bitburg cemetery, where Nazi SS troops were buried. At a White House meeting, Buchanan reportedly reminded Jewish leaders that they were "Americans first" -- and repeatedly scrawled the phrase "Succumbing to the pressure of the Jews" in his notebook. Buchanan was credited with crafting Ronald Reagan's line that the SS troops buried at Bitburg were "victims just as surely as the victims in the concentration camps." (New York Times, 5/16/85; New Republic, 1/22/96)
After Cardinal O'Connor criticized anti-Semitism during the controversy over construction of a convent near Auschwitz, Buchanan wrote: "If U.S. Jewry takes the clucking appeasement of the Catholic cardinalate as indicative of our submission, it is mistaken. When Cardinal O'Connor of New York seeks to soothe the always irate Elie Wiesel by reassuring him 'there are many Catholics who are anti-Semitic'...he speaks for himself. Be not afraid, Your Eminence; just step aside, there are bishops and priests ready to assume the role of defender of the faith." (New Republic, 10/22/90)
The Buchanan '96 campaign's World Wide Web site included an article blaming the death of White House aide Vincent Foster on the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad -- and alleging that Foster and Hillary Clinton were Mossad spies. (The campaign removed the article after its existence was reported by a Jewish on-line news service; Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2/21/96.)
In his September 1993 speech to the Christian Coalition, Buchanan declared: "Our culture is superior. Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free." (ADL Report, 1994)
On American Jews and the Pro-Israel Lobby
2008: “Israel and its Fifth Column in this city seek to stampede us into war with Iran. Bush should rebuff them, and the American people should tell their congressmen: You vote for 362, we don’t vote for you.”
-- Column, “A Phony Crisis — and a Real One,” July 15, 2008
2007: “If you want to know ethnicity and power in the United States Senate, 13 members of the Senate are Jewish folks who are from 2 percent of the population. That is where real power is at….”
-- On The McLaughlin Group, February 2, 2007
2005: “Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon.”
-- Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, P.136
2005: “They charge us with anti-Semitism…The truth is, those hurling these charges harbor a 'passionate attachment' to a nation not our own that causes them to subordinate the interests of their own country and to act on an assumption that, somehow, what's good for Israel is good for America.”
-- Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, P.137
2005: “Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud.”
-- Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, P.142
2004: "[Richard] Perle's depiction of his delight at first meeting the future president reads like Fagin relating his initial encounter with the young Oliver Twist."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.42
2004: "Who would benefit from these endless wars in a region that holds nothing vital to America-save oil…Who would benefit from a 'war of civilizations' with Islam? Who other than these neoconservatives and Ariel Sharon? Indeed, Sharon was everywhere the echo of his American auxiliary…."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.52
2004: "Israel is in an existential crisis. It can wall itself off and annex what it wants on the West Bank, and leave Palestinians in tiny truncated, nonviable bantustans that will become the spawning pools of terror. Or it can give the Palestinians what Oslo, Camp David, Taba and the 'roadmap' promised; a homeland, a nation and a state of their own. Israel is free to choose. But American needs a Middle East policy made in the USA, not in Tel Aviv, or at AIPAC or AEI."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.241
2004: "America has given up its role as 'honest broker.' President Bush no longer sits at the head of the negotiating table, but directly behind Sharon."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.242
2004: "Dissent to the neocon line on Iraq or Israel has come to be equated with treason."
-- Where the Right Went Wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency, P.248
2004: BUCHANAN: [N]eoconservatives…Perle and Wolfowitz and Wurmser and the others, working with Netanyahu, had an agenda for war with Iraq that was going nowhere.
9/11 happens, and they put this agenda before a president, who in my judgment was untutored, as his father was not. Reagan would not have done this. I don't think his father would have done this.
They captured Rumsfeld, and they captured Cheney, and I think they captured the president…
BLITZER: Did you think of the Jewish line of Fagan [sic] when you wrote that and Richard Perle being Jewish?
BUCHANAN: Well, I mean, obviously Fagan was Jewish. But the thing about it is he was a leader of pick-pockets in a fictional book. Why is it unacceptable for me to use a literary allusion when I am called routinely Father Charles Coughlin of the modern era who was alleged to be an anti-Semitic priest? That is an outrage because that's a real character.
But I'll tell you this. Look, my views with regard to the security of this country - I disagree with Sharon's agenda. I think we have outsourced Middle East policy to Ariel Sharon. I think that's a disaster for this country. It's damaging our relations over the world.
And we cannot allow ourselves to be silenced because people call us names. My objection to the neoconservatives is not their ethnicity, Wolf. It is their war-mongering.
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
Why do you say this, DR Brennan?
We have stupid "Frum Yid" here, a left wing Neutarei Karta that says that WE as JEWS should not say a WORD about fellow EVIL Rav Rav "Jews" B/c it is Lashon Hara.... Please..
And, since SO MANY Jewish people have held their peace, we are now in the hands of the gentiles. Which I TOLD "Frum yid" who is a naive moron.
So, what can we expect?? IF WE do not condemn these CREEPS, then we can expect to see more of this.
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
We already know Skkie and his buttboy Insane Atheist are WN trolls. I don't think you're gonna change his mind by pointing out the obvious.
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
Why do you say this, DR Brennan?
We have stupid "Frum Yid" here, a left wing Neutarei Karta that says that WE as JEWS should not say a WORD about fellow EVIL Rav Rav "Jews" B/c it is Lashon Hara.... Please..
And, since SO MANY Jewish people have held their peace, we are now in the hands of the gentiles. Which I TOLD "Frum yid" who is a naive moron.
So, what can we expect?? IF WE do not condemn these CREEPS, then we can expect to see more of this.
Are you sure that he is a Neutarei Karta? That is a very serious charge and I want to see something which supports such a charge...
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
We already know Skkie and his buttboy Insane Atheist are WN trolls. I don't think you're gonna change his mind by pointing out the obvious.
I am inclined to believe this Dr Brennen Fan... They both seem to be very eager to establish White Nationalism into JTFs agenda.
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
Why do you say this, DR Brennan?
We have stupid "Frum Yid" here, a left wing Neutarei Karta that says that WE as JEWS should not say a WORD about fellow EVIL Rav Rav "Jews" B/c it is Lashon Hara.... Please..
And, since SO MANY Jewish people have held their peace, we are now in the hands of the gentiles. Which I TOLD "Frum yid" who is a naive moron.
So, what can we expect?? IF WE do not condemn these CREEPS, then we can expect to see more of this.
Are you sure that he is a Neutarei Karta? That is a very serious charge and I want to see something which supports such a charge...
We'll see... I asked him, he declined to answer.
I agree with Pat, but for different reasons... there are too many Jews (and especially the self hating ones)..and the righteous ones shouldn't be serving in the US, but in Israel.
DR DAN, so where do you get this info that they should not be in office outside of Israel? And Dr Dan, dont you know, according to this new jerk 'frum yid' that this is LASHON HARA........
BTW dr Dan, I am being facetious.. ; )
If we do not say what must be said, (AGAINST Erav Rav) then turn yourselves over to the gentiles- who are none too nice to Jews when they go nuts.
Like I said, Pat is right but for the wrong reasons.. Jews should not be in politics outside of Israel...and certainly, Erev Rav Jews should not be in political office, PERIOD!
Is "Fat Boy" still using that "Greasy Kid Stuff" on his ridiculous haircut?
Seems like whenever ratings are down Pat reverts to his Nazi upbringing to draw attention to his op eds.
Wonder if he'd still think the same if his personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was seated at the Supreme Court bench?
Or...perhaps if Jesus' Mother Mary was a woman appointee to the Supreme Court?
Would he still be barking like a vomit eating dog?
I doubt it.
One thing's for certain -- Patrick "J." (the 'J' stands for Jew-hater) Buchanan is a butt fag who hates G-d and has a gift for writing.
I'm curious to know...exactly which field of enterprise Buchanan thinks has too few Jews? ... just the right amount of Jews?
Fatso's personal Lord and Saviour Jew, Jesus Christ, had a coterie of twelve Jews around him at all times -- too many Jews, Pat?
How about John the Baptist?...A JEW!
Hey Fatboy!...You been baptized?
It's a JEW ritual begun by Jews and taught to your syphilitic, unwashed pagan ancestors by Jesus' Apostles -- WHO WERE ALL JEWS!
You're a coward, Buchanan -- a closet Nazi who doesn't have enough balls to just come right out and say how much he hates Jews!
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
You seem intent on creating a dichotomy where one either has to fully support and advocate for Jews in all respects or one is a Nazi.
I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost, I don't expect you to but I would hope you would have enough intellectual honesty to not attempt fallacious attacks.
Wish Pat Buchanon would die already!
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
You seem intent on creating a dichotomy where one either has to fully support and advocate for Jews in all respects or one is a Nazi.
I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost, I don't expect you to but I would hope you would have enough intellectual honesty to not attempt fallacious attacks.
Good, the last thing we need is a person that has 'white guilt'.
The Supreme Court of the United States of America is not a representative body designed to "represent" the population according to a racial or religious quota.
It is a co-equal branch of the Federal Government with members supposed to be chosen and appointed based on their distinguished life-long careers in the Judiciary.
Unfortunately, it has degenerated into a politically corrupt sham, like the Courts found in banana republics and tin horn dictatorships.
It doesn't matter which races or religions are "overrepresented" or "underrepresented" on the bench, if the seats are occupied by incompetent and illiterate syncophants who are appointed merely to serve someone's political agenda.
You seem intent on creating a dichotomy where one either has to fully support and advocate for Jews in all respects or one is a Nazi.
I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost, I don't expect you to but I would hope you would have enough intellectual honesty to not attempt fallacious attacks.
Translation for those who do not know fujjpacking Pedofront codespeak:
"Man oh man is my rectum sore tonight. I can barely sit down and I certainly can't go to sleep. Damn you Jews."
I don't like anybody who hates righteous people and that's what the leftists (both Jews and Gentiles) do.
Skkie stop pretending to be a white nationalist. You refuse to stand up for the white people in the states like California and Texas that are being overrun by third world immigrants. You choose to give up on us and would rather advocate for the enemy of whites to win our land. The only type of "WN" you are, is the fake pedofront type.
The only type of "WN" you are, is the fake pedofront type.
He would have relations with a big black man in prison if that would kill Jews.
The only type of "WN" you are, is the fake pedofront type.
He would have relations with a big black man in prison if that would kill Jews.
I need to stop drinking soda when I read your posts, you make me spit the drink out on my screen :laugh: ;D
It is a bit close to the line, he seems to be attacking the Left's obsession with supposed 'diversity' that doesn't extend to WASPs, rather than complaining that there is some kind of Zionist cabal on the bench. However, given his prior comments, he really doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
The article wasn't on Jews specifically and I agree with what was written in the article.
The people who should be represented aren't.
Is your name Adolph or Joseph?
You seem intent on creating a dichotomy where one either has to fully support and advocate for Jews in all respects or one is a Nazi.
I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost, I don't expect you to but I would hope you would have enough intellectual honesty to not attempt fallacious attacks.
Good, the last thing we need is a person that has 'white guilt'.
He does have White Guilt if he agrees with Pat Fagcannon.
It is a bit close to the line, he seems to be attacking the Left's obsession with supposed 'diversity' that doesn't extend to WASPs, rather than complaining that there is some kind of Zionist cabal on the bench. However, given his prior comments, he really doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Any bit of breath coming out of Buchanus' diseased mouth is blaming the Jews for something. As another JTFer once put it, he'd blame the Jews if he got a hangnail.
There is no finding logic or rhyme or reason with pathological people.
Re: "I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost"
In my view, this is one of those mellifluous cliches which is meaningless.
I base my statement on the fact that the words "the interests of the White population" which are to be supported "first and foremost" by the poster are forever in a state of flux, and therefore undefined.
There are White populations spread over the globe in various nations and cultures, each with their own world views and values.
To attempt to portray the French, Germans, Spaniards, English, Czechs, Danes, Russians, Icelanders, etc., as possessing a common interest based solely on "Global White Race Consciousness" defies reason.
(For the sake of limiting my argument in the forum, I deliberately am passing over disagreements among Caucasian peoples themselves as to the definition of "White".)
Suppose, hypothetically, that "The White Population" gathers to meet and debate matters of importance, votes to disagree with the position(s) taken by the poster, and then adopts official policies, laws, and guidelines repugnant to the poster's personal values? ...
How then can the poster still claim to "always support the interests of the White population"?
He can't.
In such a scenario, the poster will then be forced to stop concealing his real intentions and actual motivations.
He fully intends to dictate to all others that which he alone defines as the interests of the White population, motivated by his personal doctrines of White Separatism and White Supremacy.
Of course, no other personal viewpoints or doctrinal variations could be allowed or tolerated from within the White population under such conditions.
The poster, in stating his support for both a population and a value system which are indefinable and neither united nor in accord with each other, seeks to conceal from himself, as well as all others, his own psychological makeup, which is that he, and he alone, intends to define the "interests of the White population" and he then fully intends to use whichever means he deems necessary to force his views on everyone else.
Which, is just fine by me -- but these "lofty" sounding statements about "loyalty and support to White interests" are less than credible and have got to go.
Sounds like propaganda drivel.
I don't get it. ...And jtf'ers please assist. Stephen Breyer married a non-Jew (in my book that makes you a non-Jew) Ruth Bader Ginburg is self-hating in and of herself. So, in essence she might as well not even be Jewish. Now this new lesbo that the house monkey just appointed violates a major Jewish law because she is a gay. So, she's not Jewish either. So, what is Patricia Buchanus crying about? I'm sure he'd get appointed, if only we knew what species this thing is!!!
I don't get it. ...And jtf'ers please assist. Stephen Breyer married a non-Jew (in my book that makes you a non-Jew) Ruth Bader Ginburg is self-hating in and of herself. So, in essence she might as well not even be Jewish. Now this new lesbo that the house monkey just appointed violated a major Jewish law because she is a gay. So, she's not Jewish either. So, what is Patricia Buchanus crying about? I'm sure he'd get appointed, if only we knew what species this thing is!!!
Ummm... I dont' agree with your logic here... Just because a Jew violates mitzvahs does not make them not a Jew. Technically one of the most important mitzvahs of Jewish life is violates by a majority of Jews. Do you realize that only a small fraction of the Jewish people actually observe Shabbat the way it is supposed to be observed. There is no comparing one negative mitzvah to another negative mitzvah... It is as wrong to violate Shabbat as it is to live a gay lifestyle... Both have the Torah proscribed penalty of DEATH...
I would not make proclamations as to who is a Jew and who is not a Jew based on a persons aveirahs... We all {especially those who are Baal Teshuvas} have done many transgressions and we are capable of being forgiven for those aveirahs {transgressions}...
We are here to Rebuke those who are willing to be rebuked for their transgressions. If they are patently wicked will must opposed them. But only the Beit Din can decide who is cherem and who is not..
I hereby Rebuke Rebuchanan...
It's such a double standard: The mainstream media says it's o.k to mention that Elana Kagan is Jewish, and that now there will be 3 Jews on the court. However, it is not allowed to mention that she is a Lesbian. This is considered "homophobic."
Shame on Joseph Farah for printing this dreck.
WND is usually a good website. I'm surprised they ran this article. When I saw the title of the thread and the link, I thought that the article would be about what Buchanan said rather than his actual article.
Dangit. Why doesnt Buchanan die already. I'd prefer to read his obituary to Ronny James Dio's.
How many times did Chaim state that Jews do not belong in office in the US or any place else outside of Israel. So, I agree with Pat Buchanan, but he means it for all the wrong reasons.
David Ben Moshe
How many times did Chaim state that Jews do not belong in office in the US or any place else outside of Israel. So, I agree with Pat Buchanan, but he means it for all the wrong reasons.
David Ben Moshe
I know this is what Chaim says... But there is precedent in Jewish history {i.e. the Torah} that Jews held office in foreign lands for the purpose of saving the jewish nation... Witness the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave into Egypt only to rise to the second in command to Pharoah during the famine... If not for Joseph being the Pharoahs officer the Jewish people would never have even existed.
How many times did Chaim state that Jews do not belong in office in the US or any place else outside of Israel. So, I agree with Pat Buchanan, but he means it for all the wrong reasons.
David Ben Moshe
I know this is what Chaim says... But there is precedent in Jewish history {i.e. the Torah} that Jews held office in foreign lands for the purpose of saving the jewish nation... Witness the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave into Egypt only to rise to the second in command to Pharoah during the famine... If not for Joseph being the Pharoahs officer the Jewish people would never have even existed.
I believe that now that Israel is sovereign, that it should be the way David says. With all of this severe Jew-hate attacking Zion, I dont think it is safe for ANY person to be in office that is Jewish- not here in Jew hating America, AND SELF Jew hating America.
How many times did Chaim state that Jews do not belong in office in the US or any place else outside of Israel. So, I agree with Pat Buchanan, but he means it for all the wrong reasons.
David Ben Moshe
I know this is what Chaim says... But there is precedent in Jewish history {i.e. the Torah} that Jews held office in foreign lands for the purpose of saving the jewish nation... Witness the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave into Egypt only to rise to the second in command to Pharoah during the famine... If not for Joseph being the Pharoahs officer the Jewish people would never have even existed.
I believe that now that Israel is sovereign, that it should be the way David says. With all of this severe Jew-hate attacking Zion, I dont think it is safe for ANY person to be in office that is Jewish- not here in Jew hating America, AND SELF Jew hating America.
I am not arguing against you... But I will again point out that in the story in the Torah of Joseph that the Egyptians were virulently anti-semitic... There were laws in effect at that time that a Jew could not legally serve in any official office of Egypt. Of course that law was changed by Pharoah himself once Joseph demonstrated his ability to interpret the Pharoahs dream...
But it is true that in todays world a Jew in office usually causes the antisemites to hate Jews even more..
It's time for Buchanus to kick off from AIDS and go to that great crematorium in Gehenom (which he denies exists).
I don't like anybody who hates righteous people and that's what the leftists (both Jews and Gentiles) do.
Skkie stop pretending to be a white nationalist. You refuse to stand up for the white people in the states like California and Texas that are being overrun by third world immigrants. You choose to give up on us and would rather advocate for the enemy of whites to win our land. The only type of "WN" you are, is the fake pedofront type.
If you want to waste your resources and time trying to accomplish something that will not happen then you're free to do so. If anything the entire United States is a lost cause, in all likelihood I will be moving to Europe in the future but if American White Nationalism were to ever succeed there would have to be considerable compromises. The whole US landmass won't be something we would ever be able to get back outside of War and I have no wish to get into any type of military conflict.
Re: "I will always support the interests of the White population first and foremost"
In my view, this is one of those mellifluous cliches which is meaningless.
I base my statement on the fact that the words "the interests of the White population" which are to be supported "first and foremost" by the poster are forever in a state of flux, and therefore undefined.
There are White populations spread over the globe in various nations and cultures, each with their own world views and values.
To attempt to portray the French, Germans, Spaniards, English, Czechs, Danes, Russians, Icelanders, etc., as possessing a common interest based solely on "Global White Race Consciousness" defies reason.
(For the sake of limiting my argument in the forum, I deliberately am passing over disagreements among Caucasian peoples themselves as to the definition of "White".)
Suppose, hypothetically, that "The White Population" gathers to meet and debate matters of importance, votes to disagree with the position(s) taken by the poster, and then adopts official policies, laws, and guidelines repugnant to the poster's personal values? ...
How then can the poster still claim to "always support the interests of the White population"?
He can't.
In such a scenario, the poster will then be forced to stop concealing his real intentions and actual motivations.
He fully intends to dictate to all others that which he alone defines as the interests of the White population, motivated by his personal doctrines of White Separatism and White Supremacy.
Of course, no other personal viewpoints or doctrinal variations could be allowed or tolerated from within the White population under such conditions.
The poster, in stating his support for both a population and a value system which are indefinable and neither united nor in accord with each other, seeks to conceal from himself, as well as all others, his own psychological makeup, which is that he, and he alone, intends to define the "interests of the White population" and he then fully intends to use whichever means he deems necessary to force his views on everyone else.
Which, is just fine by me -- but these "lofty" sounding statements about "loyalty and support to White interests" are less than credible and have got to go.
Sounds like propaganda drivel.
Interests are defined by future genetic survival and autonomy, the crafting of a nation(or union of nations) with that goal in mind.