General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lisa on June 07, 2010, 07:32:50 AM
I typed into the Google search box "Who is Helen Thomas's boss at Hearst?"
According to the Jewish Current Issues blog, her boss's contact information is as follows:
Steven R. Swartz
President, Hearst Newspapers
[email protected]
Let's all flood his inbox with emails and see what happens.
Also, I notice that Swartz sounds like a Jewish name. Perhaps it's a variation of Schwartz. Let's hope her boss is not a self-hating Jew.
Anyway, here's the email I'm thinking of sending to Mr. Swartz:
Dear Mr. Swartz:
My name is Lisa -------. I'm writing to you because I am shocked, appalled and dismayed that Helen Thomas, can get away with saying that Jews need to get the hell out of "Palestine," which is in reality Israel, and go back to Germany and Poland. Now Ms. Thomas is free to think and say whatever she likes. We have the First Amendment in America that is luckily backed up by our Second Amendment. However, words have consequences. That has nothing to do with censorship.
Honestly, would you continue to employ any other public figure who openly says that African Americans should all go back to Africa? Or how about someone who says that Hispanic Americans should leave this country and go back to Mexico? I doubt it. Then why make an exception for Jews?
Once again, this has nothing to do with free speech. Ms. Thomas is free to think and say whatever she likes. But that doesn't mean that large media organizations like Hearst should be obligated to provide for her a platform and a salary to spew her hatred and venom.
So in closing, I kindly ask that you let this woman go. Hearst's good name should not be dirtied by any association with this woman.
Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Lisa ---------
Can you give us some sentences to say.
Can you give us some sentences to say.
Dear Mr. Swartz, I was very disturbed at hearing about Helen Thomas' statement saying that she wanted the Jews to leave what she referred to as "Palestine", which is in reality Israel. Even more disturbing was her comment that they should go back to Germany, Poland, and the USA. This implies that she wishes another Holocaust on them. This is obviously very offensive and an anti-Semitic outburst. Ms. Thomas made a public apology, but it rang very hollow in comparison to her impassioned, anti-Semitic rant. If you care about the reputation of your company, you should not continue to employ such a hateful woman.
Can you give us some sentences to say.
Dear Mr. Swartz, I was very disturbed at hearing about Helen Thomas' statement saying that she wanted the Jews to leave what she referred to as "Palestine", which is in reality Israel. Even more disturbing was her comment that they should go back to Germany, Poland, and the USA. This implies that she wishes another Holocaust on them. This is obviously very offensive and an anti-Semitic outburst. Ms. Thomas made a public apology, but it rang very hollow in comparison to her impassioned, anti-Semitic rant. If you care about the reputation of your company, you should not continue to employ such a hateful woman.
Excellent letter, Rubystars. Post here again to let us know what kind of response you get from him.
Thanks Lisa I'll let you know although I don't expect a response. Your letter was even better :)
Can you give us some sentences to say.
Ditch the witch / [censored] oldtimer,
or suffer the consequences.
"Hello Mr. Swartz,
It disturbs me that your major media organization continues to employ a bigoted, racist hatemongerer in the person of Ms. Helen Thomas. Thomas' entire career of highly offensive comments against Jews is bad enough, but her recent comments urging the entire population of the nation of Israel to "go back to Germany and Poland" are beyond the pale.
Does Hearst truly want to be a party to this kind of intolerance? This is the kind of rhetoric that I would expect from a Klansman, not a reporter working for a legitimate entity of press coverage. Does she really represent Hearst's views before the general public?
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Dr. Brennan Fan"
Yes, Jews aren't a race, but nothing sends PC whites running like the cry of "racism", and the anti-Semites certainly do consider Jews a "race", so it's somewhat correct in this context.
Great letter DBF! I like the part about comparing her to Klansmen.
Great letter DBF! I like the part about comparing her to Klansmen.
Thank you :)
Great letter, Dr. Brennan Fan.
Everybody, also remember to contact the White House Correspondents Association with the same message. Let's keep the pressure up!