General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: White Israelite on June 16, 2010, 05:03:45 PM
I've noticed an increasing amount of indigenous people that are becoming more and more angry with the Arabs. Coptics in Egypt come to mind, the Assyrian Chaldeans, Phoenician Christians, North African Berbers/Amazigh, the Kurdish, Druze and others. Should we consider these people allies or can we not trust them?
I've met a few that seem to be overwhelmingly pro Israel and are fighting off Islam and Arabs as much as we are, I think I'd rather see these flags than a crescent moon one, what are your thoughts?
Coptic Egyptians
We have no allies but Hashem.
But let's get it into deeper discussion. Most of the Christians in the Middle East are the same as Muslims. They hate us with deep passion and support the Arab enemy.
We should have nothing to do with the Assyrian Nazis whom we dealt with already and had many troubles with them.
The Druze are loyal only to themeselves and most Druze in Israel just like their twins in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, despise us.
Copts in Egypt are just like their ancestors from Ancient Egypt and their fellow Egyptian Muslims when it comes to Hatred of Israel.
The Kurds are an enemy (Communist Muslims, I know it's a paradox, but that's what they are, like Qaddafi, Nasser and Assad, no wonder they're friends of the Syrians) who had serious friendship with the Soviet Nazi Union and are still friends of Nazi Syria.
In any situation we should have no Gentiles except for Bnai Noach who are Gerei Toshav in the Land of Israel - from the River to the River.
I see, I guess the reason I brought it up is because there's been a lot who leave comments on my youtube and leave comments that support our cause, so I thought maybe these would be people that could help us in the war against Islam since muslims are conquering pretty much anything they can.
I don't know enough about these empires or countries to speak of them, I am just now reading about Assyrian history and I can see that they are mainly responsible for the exile of the northern tribes of Israel.
They're the ancient Britain, they exiled many nations from Israel (such as the 10 Tribes and many of our others brothers, while conquering Judea) and to Israel (like the Samaritans), because of them many of our brothers and sisters are still in the Exile. They've murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews while stealing our land.
Are the Kurd are Allies?
Are the Kurd are Allies?
The Kurds are an enemy (Communist Muslims, I know it's a paradox, but that's what they are, like Qaddafi, Nasser and Assad, no wonder they're friends of the Syrians) who had serious friendship with the Soviet Nazi Union and are still friends of Nazi Syria.
Are the Kurd are Allies?
The Kurds are an enemy (Communist Muslims, I know it's a paradox, but that's what they are, like Qaddafi, Nasser and Assad, no wonder they're friends of the Syrians) who had serious friendship with the Soviet Nazi Union and are still friends of Nazi Syria.
No, its not really a paradox, a lot of Muslims admire communism and communist regimes.
Are the Kurd are Allies?
The Kurds are an enemy (Communist Muslims, I know it's a paradox, but that's what they are, like Qaddafi, Nasser and Assad, no wonder they're friends of the Syrians) who had serious friendship with the Soviet Nazi Union and are still friends of Nazi Syria.
No, its not really a paradox, a lot of Muslims admire communism and communist regimes.
Theist theocidal Islam is really an antithesis to Atheist ideocidal Communism ideologically, but you're correct that Muslims and Communists are partners in crime.
The Kurds are muslim?
The Kurds are muslim?
Also, Google the Coptic Christian Pope Shenouda III and the Jews. It's not pretty.
Also, Google the Coptic Christian Pope Shenouda III and the Jews. It's not pretty.
Yes he is a real medieval hater of Jews
THE LEADER of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria told Egyptian television last month the Western Churches were wrong to exonerate Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and criticised recent statements apologising for Christian anti-Semitism.
In an interview with Dream 2 TV broadcast on April 8, Shenouda was asked if the Coptic Church would follow the lead of the Western Christian churches. Shenouda responded that the Christian Churches had “done nothing that warrants an apology,” adding he believed the apologies were being “done for appearance’s sake.”
Asked whether Jews were “Christ-killers”, responsible for the crucifixion, Shenouda stated, “The New Testament says that they are,” and asked rhetorically whether the Vatican was “against the teachings of the New Testament?”
Shenouda stated he had banned Copts from visiting Israel for fear they will “be influenced by the Israeli media, and we will not be able to prevent this. Who knows what ideas they will return with?”
The Kurds are muslim?
Yes. But not all are Muslim.
Read the hateful copt responses to this article http://bikyamasr.com/wordpress/?p=10245
There are no allies in the middle east for Israel. All middle eastern countries hate Israel even more than they hate each other.
Gd is our only ally...We might have a common enemy, but we shouldn't have any desire asking them to help us. Certainly there can be cooperation towards a common goal.
There are no allies in the middle east for Israel. All middle eastern countries hate Israel even more than they hate each other.
Including Armenia?