She's got more rolls on her neck than a bakery. And more chins than China Town.
Better to say, Nazis and Communists are gay...and some gays happen to be nazis and communists.
Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
You're never short of stupid comments and formulae, are you ? Wasn't that enough that you claimed that all Germans must be exterminated and Germany must be destroyed ?
Do you ever think before you talk ? Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you might harm this movement by making this site look like trash ?
Grow up, get some education...
yaakov, you have every right to disagree with Ron and to criticize him if you wish. You can disagree with and criticize me as well. This forum is open to different opinions. But I think your criticism would be more effective if you did not make personal attacks.
I believe that comparing Communism and Nazism is a legitimate analogy. I also believe that the "gay rights" movement uses Nazi and Communist tactics to advance their agenda. If you disagree, fine. But others here also have a right to their opinions.
Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
You're never short of stupid comments and formulae, are you ? Wasn't that enough that you claimed that all Germans must be exterminated and Germany must be destroyed ?
Do you ever think before you talk ? Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you might harm this movement by making this site look like trash ?
Grow up, get some education...
yaakov, you have every right to disagree with Ron and to criticize him if you wish. You can disagree with and criticize me as well. This forum is open to different opinions. But I think your criticism would be more effective if you did not make personal attacks.
I believe that comparing Communism and Nazism is a legitimate analogy. I also believe that the "gay rights" movement uses Nazi and Communist tactics to advance their agenda. If you disagree, fine. But others here also have a right to their opinions.
Posted by: Bryan | Friday, July 02, 2010 at 01:08 AM
I Love that picture. "I KNOW NOTHING"- Shultze from Hogan's Heroes.
This is true in the comments except she's much uglierWho's quote was this?QuotePosted by: Bryan | Friday, July 02, 2010 at 01:08 AM
I Love that picture. "I KNOW NOTHING"- Shultze from Hogan's Heroes.
someone on that linkThis is true in the comments except she's much uglierWho's quote was this?QuotePosted by: Bryan | Friday, July 02, 2010 at 01:08 AM
I Love that picture. "I KNOW NOTHING"- Shultze from Hogan's Heroes.
Sergeant Schultz
Oberfeldwebel (Master Sergeant) Hans Georg Schultz, serial number 23781 (John Banner) is Klink's bumbling, highly unmilitary 325-pound Sergeant Of The Guard. Schultz is a basically good-hearted man who, when confronted by evidence of the prisoners' covert activities, will simply look the other way, repeating "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!" (or, more commonly as the series went on, simply "I know nothing–NOTHING!") to avoid being blamed for allowing things to have gotten as far as they already had-which might see him given a one-way trip to the Eastern Front. This eventually became a catch phrase of the series. Though generally shown as being borderline incompetent, he has (on occasion) proven his mettle, as can be seen in episodes such as "A Funny Thing Happened on the way to London", where he catches Hogan 'assisting' another man attempting to escape; he even goes so far as to stand up to Hogan, moving him along at gunpoint. Schultz, in the sixth season, receives a temporary promotion to Kommandant of Stalag 13. In the episode "Kommandant Schultz", Burkhalter brings an order from Berlin to all Luft Stalags to begin Officer training for their most senior non-commissioned officers. Schultz does so well in the job that Hogan and Klink have to join forces to discredit Schultz and get him reduced back to sergeant-of-the-guard. In another episode which was a satire on the movie/TV Industry an ego driven movie star with the US Armed Air Forces-his contact says that if captured he can be exchanged for 3 Generals-is sent to Stalag XIII and makes a propaganda movie-with Schultz as the Commandant and Klink as a Sergeant!
Like Klink, he is a veteran of World War I. His hometown is Heidelberg, and in civilian life he is the owner of Germany's biggest and most successful toy manufacturing company, The Schatzi Toy Company.[3] With the onset of war, Schultz was involuntarily recalled to military duty and lost control of his toy factory as it was converted to military use. He has a wife, Gretchen (played by Barbara Morrison in Season 2, Episode 24) and five children whom he sees only on infrequent leave. LeBeau once refers to Schultz as a Social Democrat, a party which the Nazis banned in 1933, and Schultz on several occasions is shown to be very disgusted by Hitler in particular and the Nazis in general. Schultz carries a Krag-Jørgensen rifle, which he never keeps loaded and tends to misplace or even hand to the POWs when he needs to use both hands ("Give me back my gun, or I'll SHOOT!"). He wears a fictitious version of the Iron Cross (4th Grade) awarded by General Kammler, a friend from World War I, who addresses Schultz by first name, and whom Schulz addresses as Lieutenant Kammler.[4] Schultz needs glasses to read[5] and is described by Klink as being "in his forties."[6] In reality, Banner was in his late fifties.
Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
You're never short of stupid comments and formulae, are you ? Wasn't that enough that you claimed that all Germans must be exterminated and Germany must be destroyed ?
Do you ever think before you talk ? Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you might harm this movement by making this site look like trash ?
Grow up, get some education...
You have to be kidding...... The bulk of this forums membership is in the galut isn't your statement painting with a broad brush? What makes a Galut Jew untypical in your eyes? Please explain.Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
You're never short of stupid comments and formulae, are you ? Wasn't that enough that you claimed that all Germans must be exterminated and Germany must be destroyed ?
Do you ever think before you talk ? Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you might harm this movement by making this site look like trash ?
Grow up, get some education...
Yes typical Galut Jew
You have to be kidding...... The bulk of this forums membership is in the galut isn't your statement painting with a broad brush? What makes a Galut Jew untypical in your eyes? Please explain.Communism = Faggotism = Nazism
You're never short of stupid comments and formulae, are you ? Wasn't that enough that you claimed that all Germans must be exterminated and Germany must be destroyed ?
Do you ever think before you talk ? Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you might harm this movement by making this site look like trash ?
Grow up, get some education...
Yes typical Galut Jew
:::D :::D :::D :::D
She looks like Doug Heffernan from King of Queens.
What's with the title of this thread?
Say what you want about communists. But gays are not the same as Nazis. Now granted quite a few Nazis were homosexuals. But that doesn't mean every single gay person worships Hitler, and wants to commit genocide against Jews, Slavs, and non-whites. I've known many gay men, and there was nothing Nazi about them.
What's with the title of this thread?
Say what you want about communists. But gays are not the same as Nazis. Now granted quite a few Nazis were homosexuals. But that doesn't mean every single gay person worships Hitler, and wants to commit genocide against Jews, Slavs, and non-whites. I've known many gay men, and there was nothing Nazi about them.
Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.
Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.
Sinas Chinam, Lashon Hora, and lack of bein adam l'chavero is the root of all the world's problems. Whether a Jew is gay or he insults people or doesn't daven 3 times a day - - - it's all detrimental to the world. Kedoshim Teehyu. A self hating Jew is worse than a Nazi.
WOW! That wasn't aimed AT you at all! I was supporting your point. Calm down.Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.
Sinas Chinam, Lashon Hora, and lack of bein adam l'chavero is the root of all the world's problems. Whether a Jew is gay or he insults people or doesn't daven 3 times a day - - - it's all detrimental to the world. Kedoshim Teehyu. A self hating Jew is worse than a Nazi.
Where did I commit any of these - be serious. I actually did the opposite than Sinat Chinam and Lashon Ha'Rah.
True, a self-hating Jew is worse than a Nazi and yet again u flame me with irrelavent names.
Well I'm not just talking about misguided Jews. I'm talking about your average young gay man, and I've met many of them. It's one thing to disagree with their lifestyle. But what I'm saying is that your average gay man, whether he's Christian or Jewish, for the most part, does not want to go around killing all "sub-humans" like the nazis did.
Now if you're calling all leftists "faggotists" that's a different story.
Your argument will be much stronger if you just stick to the facts, of which there are many.
Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.
(Joshua 7:23)
"And they retrieved the items from the tent and brought them to Yehoshua and the entire Jewish nation and spilled them before Hashem."
The messengers presented the stolen items to Yehoshua in the presence of the entire nation. This completed the nation's legal repentance process. They were collectively responsible for the theft and they now collectively returned the stolen items to their owner. They sincerely contemplated their association to this crime and resolved to heighten their sensitivity towards shameful acts such as this. They gazed at the stolen items with serious regret for their social climate which gave rise to Achan's atrocity.
Our Sages teach us that this was their first exposure to collective responsibility and its consequences. Hashem established this responsibility during Moshe's parting days subject to their entry to Eretz Yisroel. Now that they entered they were held severely at fault for Achan's act. Their first fateful experience sent them a clear message which they absorbed very quickly. They resolved from that point that no one would ever feel comfortable and secure to commit such crimes in the privacy of his home. The Jewish people's future environment would include a powerful surveillance system which would focus on this dimension. No crime would ever be buried so deeply amongst the people to require drawing of lots to expose it. The Jewish nation's ethical fiber would include tremendous sensitivity towards the possessions of others and certainly Hashem's treasury.
Rashi quotes our Sages who offer an intriguing interpretation to this passage. They explain that Yehoshua spilled the items before Hashem and exclaimed, "Should the majority of the Jewish supreme court perish because of these?!" These words are difficult to digest because they suggest that Yehoshua challenged Hashem's judgment. The issue at hand was obviously not the sacred treasury's loss of possessions. The Jewish people were faulted for a sinful act which showed tremendous disrespect for Hashem. What then was Yehoshua's objective when making this display?
We can offer the following interpretation to Yehoshua's plea. Hashem judged His entire nation by the highest standard of justice. He took away one of their greatest leaders because of one person's shameful actions. Yehoshua understood that this standard was necessary to establish the severity of collective responsibility. However, Yehoshua pleaded with Hashem to relax His extreme standard of judgment. Yehoshua presented that the Jewish people properly learned their lesson and that their first experience would suffice. After this catastrophe, there would be no tolerance for private crime and any sinner should be held mainly responsible for his own actions. The people were prepared to do their utmost to prevent all atrocious behavior and whatever slipped through their hands should not be judged so severely. In essence, Yehoshua's display was a plea for the future. Now that the people cleaned up their act please do not fault them so severely for any individual's actions. Hashem, please relax your standards and accept their serious attempt to perfect the system. Please do not bring the entire nation major calamity for the relatively small wrongs of an individual.
This week we read the double Parasha of Nitzavim/Vayelech. "A'tem nitzavim ha'yom kulchem lifnei Hashem - You are all standing today before Hashem... L'avr'cha bivris - For you to enter the covenant... Asher Hashem koreis imcha ha'yom - that Hashem is making with you today. (29:9-11)"
What was unique about this covenant? Why did the pasuk change from the plural ( a'tem -you are all) to the singular (l'avr'cha, imcha - you)? The Kli Yakar writes that the original covenant had been broken by the sin of the golden calf. We had not been bound to one another and therefore didn't feel the responsibility to stop others from erring. As long as I'm okay I needn't worry. In order to remedy that, a new covenant needed to be made. A covenant of 'arvus' - of collective responsibility - of being guarantors for one another. A covenant of the plural being transformed into the singular. "Kol Yisroel areivim zeh l'zeh" - the destiny of every member of Klal Yisroel is inextricably connected to the destiny of each and every one of us.
We are able to watch someone else make a poor investment. It's his money - it's his decision. When we know it is borrowed money, we might find it a little harder to watch, but we'd manage to stay silent. He's a big boy - it's not for me to interfere. If, however, we were the personal guarantors on the loan... FORGET IT!!! There's NO WAY I'm going to let you throw your money into that sinkhole! Once we stand to lose from the venture, we'll do everything in our power to stop him. "Kol Yisroel areivim zeh l'zeh!"
The Tanna Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai depicts it even more graphically. It can be compared to people travelling together on a boat. One passenger takes out a drill and begins to pierce the wood beneath his seat. "What do you care?", he asks his incredulous co-travelers, "I'm only drilling under my seat!".
Toward the middle of the Parasha, the Torah states:
The secret things belong to G-d, Our G-d, but the revealed things belong to us, and to our children forever, that we may do the words of this Torah. (Devarim 29:28)
Rashi explains the intent of the possuk:
... I will not punish you for that which is hidden from you, for that belongs to G-d, and for that He will exact punishment from the individual ... but for those things which are revealed and belong to us and to our children in order that we will do away with evil from our midst. If we do not execute judgment upon people who publicly transgress, then the whole community will be punished. There are dots above the letters (in the Sefer Torah) of the words "lunnu ulvaneinu" ("us, and to our children") to hint that even for revealed sins He did not punish the community until they had crossed the Jordan River (into Eretz Yisroel), from the moment they took upon themselves the oath on Har G'rizim and Har Eival and had become responsible for one another.
This possuk emphasizes the extent of Jewish social responsibility; there is no such thing as "looking the other direction" when it comes to a transgression by one's fellow Jew. And this is not necessarily because you want to save him from erring again (which is the ideal intention one should have when criticizing another), but because, in the end, his punishment is your punishment. The Talmud presents an awesomely frightening example of just how far this collective responsibility goes. After stating that we are held responsible for the mistakes of others that we do not correct, the Talmud gives over the following dialogue in reference to the destruction of the Temple and the exile of the Jewish nation into Babylonia:
The Holy One, Blessed is He, told Gavriel, "Go and make a mark of ink upon the foreheads of the righteous so that the Damaging Angel cannot have an effect on them, and a mark of blood on the foreheads of the evil so that the Damaging Angel can affect them."
The Trait of Judgment said before The Holy One, Blessed is He, "Master of the Universe, What difference is there between the two?"
He told her, "These were completely righteous, and these were completely evil." She said before Him, "Master of the Universe, They (the righteous) could have protested, and yet didn't?"
He answered her, "It is revealed and known before Me that had they protested, they would not have been listened to!"
So she answered Him, "To you it was revealed ... but who revealed it to them?!" (Shabbos 55a)
At which point, says the Talmud, G-d concurred with the Trait of Judgment and destroyed the righteous and non-righteous alike.
One might have thought that self-righteousness is enough of a merit to survive the sword of the Angel of Destruction. This week's Parasha and the Talmud say, "Wrong, tragically wrong." For, it seems, as much as the Torah wishes for us to take responsibility for ourselves, it also, if not more so, wishes that we take responsibility for others.
This helps to explain why a day that everyone associates with fighting for their own neck makes no reference to personal tshuva. We are told that on Rosh Hashanah we are begging for survival, to prove to G-d that He ought to give us a new lease on life, at least for the next year. Yet, all of the prayer service is devoted to acknowledging G-d's supremacy as King over everything, and all the prayers are worded in the plural!
Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.
You are 100% correct. In the Tanach we read incidents like this. One person's sin (which liberals call as a private thing) resulted in the deaths of other innocent Israelis. In the Book of Joshua we read about Israel getting defeated in Ai because one guy called Achan had stolen materials from Jericho. King David took census and thousand of Israelis perished. In the Torah a Simeonite prince committed fornication with a Midianite woman and the rest of the Israel was punished until Pinhas killed both of them.
Muman613, I am sure you can provide more materials from the Talmud and the Midrashes.
Regarding gays-communism-nazism ....
I would prefer to use the word similarities instead of telling that they are equal.
Because there are disturbing parallels between these 3 evil movements.
* All these 3 are mental disorders and make their followers reprobates
* All these 3 evils carry their followers to hell in the coming word
* All these 3 are abominations in the sight of G-d
* All these 3 are anti-G-d, anti-Torah and anti-Israel
* All these 3 destroy societies and civilizations
* All these 3 don't believe in free speech and they try to suppress free speech using hate crime/some totalitarian laws
* All these 3 have killed millions of lives in the human history
* All these 3 make masses to think collectively by suppressing individual liberty
* All these 3 started as fringe movement, gradually invade the society and later became militant and seek total control.
Btw, what homosexuals are doing, is NOT a private thing. In Judaism, every Jew's sins effects the rest of the nation. By commiting atrocious gay style, they're destroying not only Israel but the whole world. Those who have gay life-style and do not (the reason is irrelavent) fight Yetzer Ha'Rah, are doing Nazi things, whether like it or not.Because there are disturbing parallels between these 3 evil movements.
* All these 3 are mental disorders and make their followers reprobates
Wrong, wrong. Nazism is not a mental disease, it's a crime.
That's an uncalled insult to people who really suffer from mental diesases and were killed by nazis.
Hell in the World to Come? Not good to speak about Hell in a forum of plural religions, because many Christians also believe that non-baptized go to go Hell. If you are a Christian (it depends on your denomination) perhaps your church says the same about Jews and Noahides.
Have you ever heard of "liberalism is a mental disorder". It all start with the mind. The Nazi's became reprobates and committed heinous crimes. Even Rabbi Meir Kahane said Ignorance and arrogance are the poisons of the liberal mind." It first begins with the mind. Their beliefs pervert them to become criminals.
People who suffer from mental diseases are medically certified but Nazis were not. When I talked about mental disorder I was referring to ideologies that pervert the human mind and not about medically certified mental diseases.
I don't believe unbaptized people would go to hell. In this thread we are only talking about gays, nazis and communists. Other groups, faiths, denominations are beyond the scope of the subject of this thread.
QuoteHave you ever heard of "liberalism is a mental disorder". It all start with the mind. The Nazi's became reprobates and committed heinous crimes. Even Rabbi Meir Kahane said Ignorance and arrogance are the poisons of the liberal mind." It first begins with the mind. Their beliefs pervert them to become criminals.
People who suffer from mental diseases are medically certified but Nazis were not. When I talked about mental disorder I was referring to ideologies that pervert the human mind and not about medically certified mental diseases.
I don't believe unbaptized people would go to hell. In this thread we are only talking about gays, nazis and communists. Other groups, faiths, denominations are beyond the scope of the subject of this thread.
I find it strongly offensive to compare mental disorders (whether medically certified or not) with the heinous nazi criminals. It's an offense to those who suffer such disorders and also an insult to Jews and other victims of nazism. Saying that nazis were sick, instead of crimnals, is a way of exonerating them from some guilt.
And no matter if the topic of THIS thread. I had to ask about your opinion about people who are not-Christians because it would be a problem if you say that gays will go to Hell and think also Jews and Noahides will be condemned. I don't know the opinion of Christian Churches in your country. But there are several denominations who condemn all non-Christians.
Also I found it strange that you asked Muman to provide quotes of the Midrash and Talmud about Sdom. Do you believe in the Talmud or not? No offense, but if you want Talmudic support to rebbute liberal pro-sodomy laws in the gentile world and then reject it as a wholy book, I find it to be an opportunistic misuse of Jewish sources. Jews never use the NT to prove their views because it's not part of their canon. Why would you want to use the Talmud?
I have no problem with people who deny the Oral Law, whether they are Karaites, Samaritans or Gentiles. But I don't like it when people deny it and then want to quote it partially. If soemeone denies the Talmud, he must be honest and use his own sources only.
The "Apikorsim," "Kofrim" and "Minim" Who Have no Share in the Next World
In the third chapter of Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Maimonides, Spain-Egypt, 1135-1204) delineates the groups of sinners who forfeit their share in the World to Come. In Halacha 8 (listen to audio for precise citation), he defines the group known as "Apikorsim" ("heretics"), explaining that this category includes three types of people:
1) Those who deny the concept of prophecy, that G-d delivers instruction to human beings.
2) Those who deny the prophecy of Moshe Rabbenu. Even if one accepts the notion of prophecy generally, he has no share in the next world if he denies the prophetic stature of Moshe.
3) Those who deny G-d's knowledge of human events and experiences.
All these people fall under the category of "Apikorsim" and have no share in the World to Come.
The next category discussed by the Rambam is that of "Kofrim" ("rejecters"), and consists of people who maintain one of the following three beliefs:
1) That the Torah was not transmitted in its entirety from G-d. Even if one denies the divine origin of a single verse or a single word of the Torah, and claims that Moshe wrote it independently, without it being dictated by the Almighty, he loses his share in the World to Come.
2) That the Rabbinic tradition of Torah She'be'al Peh (oral tradition) does not originate from G-d. Even if a person accepts the divine origin of the written Law, he is deemed a "Kofer" if he rejects the traditions of the Sages in explaining and applying the written Torah.
3) That the Torah or any part thereof is no longer applicable, or has been supplanted by a different law or system of laws. Christians, for example, believe in the divine origin of the Torah but claim that it has since been replaced by a new law. Anybody who maintains such a belief, or says about even a single Misva that it has been repealed or substituted with another law, has no share in the next world.
In Halacha 9 (listen to audio for precise citation), the Rambam proceeds to define the next category of sinners, the "Meshumadim" ("defectors"). He writes that this term refers to one of the following types of sinners:
1) A person who intentionally, habitually and publicly rejects one of the 613 commandments. Even if a person faithfully observes the other 612 Misvot, if he makes a point of publicly transgressing one Misva on a regular basis, such as if he intentionally wears Shaatnez (a garment woven with wool and linen) or cuts his sideburns, he is deemed a "Meshumad."
2) A person who chooses to abandon Judaism and embrace the religion of an enemy people that enjoys the upper hand. If a person defects from Judaism in order to spare himself the humiliation and persecution traditionally suffered by Jews, and to enjoy the benefits of belonging to the ruling people, he is deemed a "Meshumad" and has no share in the World to Come.
I have no problem with people who deny the Oral Law, whether they are Karaites, Samaritans or Gentiles. But I don't like it when people deny it and then want to quote it partially. If soemeone denies the Talmud, he must be honest and use his own sources only.
Well I have heard that the NT contains much more anti-gay stuff... Personally I dont want to know about it...
I have no problem with people who deny the Oral Law, whether they are Karaites, Samaritans or Gentiles. But I don't like it when people deny it and then want to quote it partially. If soemeone denies the Talmud, he must be honest and use his own sources only.
Well I have heard that the NT contains much more anti-gay stuff... Personally I dont want to know about it...
Believe it or not, there are right-leaning gays. Now they're not nearly as right wing as we are. But there are a few of them who lean to the right. Tammy Bruce is one.
There's another blog called Gay Patriot --
Also, there used to be a great, funny blog called Beautiful Atrocities, which was run by gay man who actually served in the USAF. It's now defunct.
I have no problem with people who deny the Oral Law, whether they are Karaites, Samaritans or Gentiles. But I don't like it when people deny it and then want to quote it partially. If soemeone denies the Talmud, he must be honest and use his own sources only.
I don't agree with all the teachings of the Talmud but it is related to Tanach. I also use Talmud (even Zohar) for research purposes (eg. the topic of tithing). Christians don't agree with all writings of historians Flavius Josephus but we use the statements of Josephus extensively in our circles. Why do we need to use our own sources only? For research purposes we can use anything. Christians apologists use Talmud (even Koran) to justify that Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus were indeed historical figures. It depends on the context and the subject of the discussion. Even Tovia Singer in his lecture about the oral law tries to use the Christian New Testament to prove the existence of oral law (audio 11:40). Muslims, Christians and Jews when argue with each other quote "favorable" verses even from their opponents' scriptures. I have heard Chaim quoting the saying of Jesus in John 4:22 (Salvation comes from Jews). For research purposes we can use any material.
Yes, the NT forbids homosexual behaviour. Some pasages seem to say that also effeminate looking men, even if not gay, are accursed. However it might be a mistransaltion and no big Church now condemns people for their appearance, only for their acts. But my point is that it's incorect to use the Talmud as an argument in times of need when pro-gay activists are strong, and then reject the Talmud as words of men.
But using the religious parts of the Talmud about what is a sin without believing it is a Divine Law, is senseless. You cannot choose to agree with one part and reject the other. If you do so, it shows you don't recognise any spiritual authority in it, and there is no point in using its authority to back your own views.
Regarding your claim about my mental disorder quote, you are clearly taking me out of context. My original intention was to use the term "demon possession" instead of mental disorder. Since Judaism view demons differently I did not want to use the terms demons or devils. In our circles gays, nazis and communists are demon-possessed (in otherword evil from the same source)
QuoteRegarding your claim about my mental disorder quote, you are clearly taking me out of context. My original intention was to use the term "demon possession" instead of mental disorder. Since Judaism view demons differently I did not want to use the terms demons or devils. In our circles gays, nazis and communists are demon-possessed (in otherword evil from the same source)
No, I am not taking you out of context. You actually wrote "mental disorders". I read a text not your mind . I still haven't learned to read the mind. LOL
And I take medicines for OCD. That's why I got annoyed with that remark about mentally sick people and nazis being the same.