General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on August 30, 2010, 03:17:48 PM
Do you think Israeli and Western men have become feminized women and that Israeli and Western women became militarized bulldogs?
I sadly think yes.
Read this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NvHkLm8dBc&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NvHkLm8dBc&feature=related)
When the Femib@tch says
She is a master race
Scream Fail fail
Right into uglyfemi face
Yes there is a big push by the bad side to try to make men and women the same, feminizing men and masculinizing women. It's very evil.
Yes. I agree wtih what was written in this article.
Totally disagree with the article. Feminism is not responsible for how men behave. Men are responsible for how men behave.
Totally disagree with the article. Feminism is not responsible for how men behave. Men are responsible for how men behave.
But a lot of evil men are a part of the feminist movement.
Totally disagree with the article. Feminism is not responsible for how men behave. Men are responsible for how men behave.
But a lot of evil men are a part of the feminist movement.
no male homo-sapien would affiliate himself with the feminist movement. when a man does join a feminist movement, his peers will start questioning his sexual preference so much that he will leave, the human Y chromosome does not permit the carrier to have his honor insulted like that.
There are even men in Code Pink. Of course they are probably homos, but left wingers don't see anything wrong with that anyway.
Men and women are created to fuffill their individual natural roles in society. When nature is ignored, monstrosities emerge. A picture is worth one thousand words:
She-beast Kagan
Jeremy Ben-Ima
Interesting article with lots of good points, thanks for sharing.
It is particularly disgusting to see how feminists, who claim to fight the oppression of women, keep silent about Muslims. These left-wing extremists are so hateful toward Western civilisation that they are ready to sleep with the devil rather than try to cure their confused minds.
Of the people I know closely- family and friends, for all their faults, militarized bulldogs or sissy men they are not.
America has given women a bunch of power, for this we have been WRONG. Women, by nature, except Ruby Stars are emotional creatures without a sense of responsiblity. Its just the FACTS.
Women, in power abuse power.
MEN are supposed to be the leaders.
Rarely women are leaders. They are a FORCE behind a great man, but thats about it.
Why is that not enough?
America has given women a bunch of power, for this we have been WRONG. Women, by nature, except Ruby Stars are emotional creatures without a sense of responsiblity. Its just the FACTS.
Women, in power abuse power.
MEN are supposed to be the leaders.
Rarely women are leaders. They are a FORCE behind a great man, but thats about it.
Why is that not enough?
There are other women on this forum who are very intelligent and for whom I have a lot of respect and who have a sense of responsibility. You certainly have a sense of responsibility as well for example.
I do think that women are often put into leadership positions they are not qualified for, much in the same way that blacks are promoted into such regardless of qualifications, just to meet a certain quota of women or minorities. This leads to there being many women placed in positions they shouldn't be in. However I have to disagree with you slightly. I don't think that someone's being male or female should automatically exclude them from being a leader.
Most of the corruption and evil througout history has been carried out by men. Obama is a man, Muslim leaders are almost all men, Hitler was a man. Stalin was a man.
Most of feminism has unfortunately done much more to harm women and their families, than to help them, but I do agree with some of its reforms.
Yes, but G. Washington was a man, Jefferson, Davis, Patton, MacArthur, Charles Martel, Winston Churchhill, Otto Von Bismarck, Sun Yat Sen, Tommy Franks, Montgomery, Geert Wilders, Rabbi Kahane, King David, Solomon, Marcus Aurelius, Wyatt Earp, William Wallace, Gen. B. J. Pershing, Grant, Lee, Andrew Jackson, Reagan, Sitting Bull- ETC.
How about Music composers? Mozart, Beethoven, Irving Berlin, Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Back, Brahms, etc..
What about painters?
Di Venchi, Michaelangelo, Renois, Van Gough, Picasso, Sir Edmund Blain Leighton, Gustav Klimt, Maxfield Parish, Vargas, Degas, Louis Icarte..etc.. the list goes on and on..
Women of influence, and leaders:
Queen Elizabeth
Margaret Thatcher
Jan Brewer.
Women great painters:
Georgia O'Keefe
Women composers:
Case closed.
The absence of women from these areas was largely due to the fact that women were not encouraged to be part of the public domain. Their domain was the home. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it explains a lot as to why their contributions were not as many and not as recognized for so long.
Women were often denied education because it was assumed they wouldn't need it. Given the same level of education, they probably would have contributed much more. In the modern age, women have contributed a lot to music, art, science, and literature.
Another thing you should take into account is that many women probably did have roles in creating things but the credit went only to the men who presented it publicly. Hence the saying "behind every good man is a good woman". This doesn't necessarily say anything about the nature of women, but about the culture which stifled them and relegated them to a status not completely unlike the status of women in Muslim countries today.
Men used to have the legal right to beat their wives and kids severely, and even her family members would ask her what she did to provoke him and recommend that she be more obedient. If she did leave, she would be in a very bad situation because she was completely financially dependent on the man. There were no battered women's shelters and charity was not guaranteed. Marital rape was not recognized (a woman had no right to say no). There were no protections from being coerced to do sexual favors to keep a job.
I'm completely against the bad things about feminism (like affirmative action for women, abortion, masculinization of women and feminizing men, etc.) but some of the milder things are ok.
Great post Rubystars.
Now that we're on the topic of women in power, have any of you noticed how much bitchiness exists in all female work places? I used to work for public relations firm. The employees were mostly catty women, two bitchy gay men, and one token straight man. To this day, I have no idea how I survived there for almost four years. It's as if the women were in a perpetual premenstrual state, five days a week, 365 days of the year.
The fact of the matter is that most women would even prefer not to work for another woman. Women in positions of authority tend to lord it over their underlings, and play head games. I remember two instances where I had to ask my female superiors a question. I went to their offices where they were yapping away on the phone. They knew I was waiting to ask or tell them something. But still, they chose to blabber away. I guess it made them feel important to ignore an underling.
On the other hand, most male bosses are much more straight forward. They'll say "I need such and such by this date, and if you have any questions, please ask."
I would have to say that men, in general are more straight forward than women. Women can be viciously cunning. You can see it in little girls, when they spread rumors about other girls and ostracize them.
Lisa that's also something I've noticed. I think the inattentive boss part of this goes back to, don't just give women these jobs because they're women. If a man is a better leader, then by all means choose a man for the job. As for the irritating co-workers, I've seen both men and women gossip before, but it's true that women tend to be a little more vicious about it.
I thnk it goes way past the feminist movement. Society has become greatly feminized. The things that men do better, involving physical strength, have largely been devalued and the ability to work within structures, patience, etc. that women are better at has become more valued. I see so many families where there is one son and one daughter report, "my daughter is doing okay but my son is not getting it together". The majority of college students, freshmen law and medical students are women now. Men are failing at an alarming rate. Men in general are facing the problem that the Black community is having of men falling into patterns of crime, incarceration, casual sex that produces children which they don't take care of. White men are not as bad off as Black men but are catching up slowly.
I heard on the radio one day someone commenting that there are plenty of good paying jobs to be had that involve hard work such as welding, etc. but a lot of men won't take those kinds of jobs anymore because they only want to work in an office.
Some women are very capable, sometimes more capable than men. I've seen this as a doctor more times than I care to count. It doesnt mean women are better, it just means they often have the same innate capacity for intellectual work, a capacity that some men definitely lack.
Lisa (and whomever wants to answer), would you use the same managerial tactics, or at least feel tempted to use them, had you been in their place ?
Lisa (and whomever wants to answer), would you use the same managerial tactics, or at least feel tempted to use them, had you been in their place ?
Every manager has their own style. They have to balance being nice with being respected, they have to balance micromanaging versus being too hands off. There are a lot of things like this they have to take into consideration and try to strike the right balance on, and nobody is going to get everything exactly right on all of these types of issues. Since I haven't actually had a management job it's hard for me to know what kind of balance I would find is right in any particular situation. I think that I would at least try to listen if someone came to me with something that they were concerned about.
Great post Rubystars.
Now that we're on the topic of women in power, have any of you noticed how much bitchiness exists in all female work places? I used to work for public relations firm. The employees were mostly catty women, two bitchy gay men, and one token straight man. To this day, I have no idea how I survived there for almost four years. It's as if the women were in a perpetual premenstrual state, five days a week, 365 days of the year.
The fact of the matter is that most women would even prefer not to work for another woman. Women in positions of authority tend to lord it over their underlings, and play head games. I remember two instances where I had to ask my female superiors a question. I went to their offices where they were yapping away on the phone. They knew I was waiting to ask or tell them something. But still, they chose to blabber away. I guess it made them feel important to ignore an underling.
On the other hand, most male bosses are much more straight forward. They'll say "I need such and such by this date, and if you have any questions, please ask."
I would have to say that men, in general are more straight forward than women. Women can be viciously cunning. You can see it in little girls, when they spread rumors about other girls and ostracize them.
I work in a predominately female profession, although that is slowly changing.
Women are more treacherous to each other. Men seem to be better 'comrades' when working as a group.
Emotionality, and bias, seems to play a huge part in the female decision making process.
I think women have lost their true power, and ability, to influence the world.
They should not want to be equal or better then men. For they were not created, by G-d, to be a man. They should make their best effort to be a good and decent woman.
I'm on the same page as AsheDina. Somethings should be left to men, doing so would not diminish the true value of being a woman.
Great post Rubystars.
Now that we're on the topic of women in power, have any of you noticed how much bitchiness exists in all female work places? I used to work for public relations firm. The employees were mostly catty women, two bitchy gay men, and one token straight man. To this day, I have no idea how I survived there for almost four years. It's as if the women were in a perpetual premenstrual state, five days a week, 365 days of the year.
The fact of the matter is that most women would even prefer not to work for another woman. Women in positions of authority tend to lord it over their underlings, and play head games. I remember two instances where I had to ask my female superiors a question. I went to their offices where they were yapping away on the phone. They knew I was waiting to ask or tell them something. But still, they chose to blabber away. I guess it made them feel important to ignore an underling.
On the other hand, most male bosses are much more straight forward. They'll say "I need such and such by this date, and if you have any questions, please ask."
I would have to say that men, in general are more straight forward than women. Women can be viciously cunning. You can see it in little girls, when they spread rumors about other girls and ostracize them.
I definitely think the behavioral traits you discuss are common in relationships. There is definitely a double standard. A manipulative, unreasonable kurva is hailed as a "strong woman" who "sticks up for herself", but a man who does the same is a "control freak" or worse. When it comes to romantic pursuit, a very aggressive woman is "modern" and "assertive", while a guy who is is a stalker.
Lisa (and whomever wants to answer), would you use the same managerial tactics, or at least feel tempted to use them, had you been in their place ?
I should hope not.
Lisa (and whomever wants to answer), would you use the same managerial tactics, or at least feel tempted to use them, had you been in their place ?
I should hope not.
That was kind of a crazy question to ask you, was it not?
If female bosses are nastier than male ones it's because of the sense of entitlement they have gotten from 40+ years of special treatment, much like doze people dat be sayin' "mmm hmm" and "fry me up some chitlins ho".
Lisa (and whomever wants to answer), would you use the same managerial tactics, or at least feel tempted to use them, had you been in their place ?
I should hope not.
That was kind of a crazy question to ask you, was it not?
Maybe not.
I think most people have to really work at being good managers.
It's easy to abuse power. Human nature kicks in.
Most of my bosses seem to forget, fast, being part of the rank and file.
Being a good manager takes skill and objectivity.
Great post Rubystars.
Now that we're on the topic of women in power, have any of you noticed how much bitchiness exists in all female work places? I used to work for public relations firm. The employees were mostly catty women, two bitchy gay men, and one token straight man. To this day, I have no idea how I survived there for almost four years. It's as if the women were in a perpetual premenstrual state, five days a week, 365 days of the year.
The fact of the matter is that most women would even prefer not to work for another woman. Women in positions of authority tend to lord it over their underlings, and play head games. I remember two instances where I had to ask my female superiors a question. I went to their offices where they were yapping away on the phone. They knew I was waiting to ask or tell them something. But still, they chose to blabber away. I guess it made them feel important to ignore an underling.
On the other hand, most male bosses are much more straight forward. They'll say "I need such and such by this date, and if you have any questions, please ask."
I would have to say that men, in general are more straight forward than women. Women can be viciously cunning. You can see it in little girls, when they spread rumors about other girls and ostracize them.
My post was better.
If female bosses are nastier than male ones it's because of the sense of entitlement they have gotten from 40+ years of special treatment, much like doze people dat be sayin' "mmm hmm" and "fry me up some chitlins ho".
I would rather work with 500 men than 5 women---ANY day of the week.
AsheDina, your post was great too.
The fact is, men and women are not the same. Their brains are wired differently in some respects. Here's one example.
Let's say I were to have a very bad day. And let's say after I got home, I was to call up a girl friend to tell her about, and to let off steam. The two of us would probably be on the phone for an hour. The girl friend might say stuff like "seriously?" Or "what a [censored]!" She would commiserate basically.
If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam.
If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam.
What if he's a fag?
If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam.
What if he's a fag?
Well then that would be different.
If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam.
What if he's a fag?
what if he changes his name a lot so you never knew whom you were talking to???
:laugh: :::D
Lisa: "If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam. "
I'd let you tell me about your day, Lisa...and if you still felt the need to let off steam I'd let you beat me up! ;D 8)
Lisa: "If I were to call up a male friend and tell him about my bad day, he would most likely say to me "Lisa, you need to do x, y and z, then you'll have no more problems." And that would be the end of the discussion. Never mind that I might want to continue letting off steam. "
I'd let you tell me about your day, Lisa...and if you still felt the need to let off steam I'd let you beat me up! ;D 8)
You be very kinky mmmhmmm
AsheDina I don't disagree with you very much. Just a little bit. I think you made some good points too.
We can agree that Thomas Jefferson was a far better leader than Jan "I don't know how to speak" Brewer.