General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on September 30, 2010, 04:17:26 PM
After he finds out his roomate put a live webcam of him having gay sex...This happened in Rutgers..Did anyone hear about this?
Yeah, it's a really sad story. The kid who committed suicide was gay and I guess was having a relationship with another male student. The kid's roommate and another girl taped them having gay sex on his webcam and broadcast it without them knowing. Pretty evil and depraved thing to do.
The words 'GAY' were never mentioned.
Thanks Dr.Dan for that enlightening info
Poor kid and his family. I wonder why some people seem to just be invested in doing acts of pure evil and malice. I feel like I see more and more of this all the time lately. I'm sorry the gay kid couldn't have held out long enough to sue the bastard and his gf
What an evil thing to do to someone.
What a sad story ... He actually jumped off the George Washington Bridge from what I read in the Daily News article... The roommate should do time for what he did...
I hope this kid's family sues, then give this kid jail time! Let the kid who taped this kid who committed suicide experience a little "male intimacy" of his own. Let's see how funny that is!
What a sick, vicious thing to do to someone.
geez... some people are just evil. :o
Why did he jump? I thought beeing openly gay is something to be proud of. :-X
Why did he jump? I thought beeing openly gay is something to be proud of. :-X
It was the gw bridge and not a building. He probably jumped because he was exposed in a sexual act and not necessarily because he was embarrassed to be guy. Then again I don't know. I hope that pro pro homosexual activists do not capitalize on this obvious tragedy.
Why did he jump? I thought beeing openly gay is something to be proud of. :-X
Well, I'm proud to be openly heterosexual but I wouldn't want someone secretly recording me having sex with my wife and posting it on the internet.
Why did he jump? I thought beeing openly gay is something to be proud of. :-X
Well, I'm proud to be openly heterosexual but I wouldn't want someone secretly recording me having sex with my wife and posting it on the internet.
Because you don't want people to see your wife naked?
Nor should it be you or the man in the relationship.
I think that's just incredibly cruel to tape someone like that just out of hatred.
Why did he jump? I thought beeing openly gay is something to be proud of. :-X
Well, I'm proud to be openly heterosexual but I wouldn't want someone secretly recording me having sex with my wife and posting it on the internet.
Because you don't want people to see your wife naked?
Because someone is violating my and my wife's right to privacy. Regardless of whether it's because they think it's fun, or because they want to extort money, or because they hate my guts, or whatever else it is, it's a cruel thing to do to someone, especially if you don't know what their emotional state is. Some people may have laughed it off and thought it was cool, others may have kicked the [censored] out of the guy that posted it. This kid decided to commit suicide.
Because you don't want people to see your wife naked?
Because that is a sociopathic thing to do, Ron.
Re: "I think that's just incredibly cruel to tape someone like that just out of hatred. "
Probably done more as a cruel unthinking adolescent prank than out of hatred, without their ever having considered the possible consequences of their actions.
No doubt they never expected anything other than to be able to "high-five" it with each other and snicker as the unwilling video star raced around the dorm demanding to know who had scammed him.
No one in this story comes out "unscathed" - even the University is exposed as a sordid and disgusting "playground" where "anything goes" - unquestioned acceptance of every variety of sex act and sexual perversion with no 'limits' or restrictions placed on age, privacy, marital status, privacy, or consent.
It should surprise no one that today's American college students are confused, poorly educated, drug addicted, and incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.
The University President should be charged and prosecuted right along with the students alleged to have made the video.
A nation which believes any and all behavior is fine as long as it provides good ratings for the "evening news", is bound to wake up one morning under the control of a foreign invasion force.
Adults are responsible for setting an example for youth to follow, so why should anyone be surprised at the occurrence of such a shameful scandal?
True, these kids grew up under a president who swears he did not have sex with that woman and BJs are not sex.
It should surprise no one that today's American college students are confused, poorly educated, drug addicted, and incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.
If only it were just today's American college students. Unfortunately what you describe are attributes of many American adults as well.
It should surprise no one that today's American college students are confused, poorly educated, drug addicted, and incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.
If only it were just today's American college students. Unfortunately what you describe are attributes of many American adults as well.
Most people I know grew up and out of their silly childish behaviors. If they did not, they ended up dead or in prison... That is what happens when you do not take responsibility for your actions, dead or in prison..
sad story, the kid who video taped him should be thrown in jail. But it also saddens me that kids think its alright to participate in such immoral and disgusting acts as homosexual sex. like someone else said, it will be very sick if the pro homosexual organizations decide to capitalize with this kids tragedy like they did with that one guy who got tied to a fence and left to die in wisconsin.
He absolutely should be sued! Nasty piece of [censored] for taping him and brodcasting it. He should be thrown out of the university.
sad story, the kid who video taped him should be thrown in jail. But it also saddens me that kids think its alright to participate in such immoral and disgusting acts as homosexual sex. like someone else said, it will be very sick if the pro homosexual organizations decide to capitalize with this kids tragedy like they did with that one guy who got tied to a fence and left to die in wisconsin.
I agree.
I hope that no organization decides to capitalize on this young man's death.
He did not deserve what was done to him. People using the internet to terrorize and bully other people should be dealt with harshly. It doesn't matter what the victim's issues are.
It's sad that this kid killed himself for a variety of reasons. :'(
If he had chosen not to do this, he could have sued those "friends" that did this and never had to work a day in his life.
I'm a Rutgers alumni. It doesn't surprise me. I went there during the 1980s, and was there during several alcohol-related tragedies. The kid was probably still in the closet, and/or maybe just experimenting with his sexuality. However, to respond to this, by jumping off the GW bridge, shows that he had some psychological problems also. Most likely, Rutgers will expel the Indian roommate and his Chinese girlfriend for putting the hidden cameras in the room, and broadcasting it live over the internet. The taping also is a violation of N.J law. They'll be charged with that as well. The maximum sentence for that is a year in jail. The Feds are also looking into whether any hate crimes occurred. This might be stretching things a bit, but expect some type of hate crime charges to be brought against the two students in order to placate the Gay community.
sad story, the kid who video taped him should be thrown in jail. But it also saddens me that kids think its alright to participate in such immoral and disgusting acts as homosexual sex. like someone else said, it will be very sick if the pro homosexual organizations decide to capitalize with this kids tragedy like they did with that one guy who got tied to a fence and left to die in wisconsin.
It would appear to me that he did NOT think it was alright and was ashamed of doing it or it being known about!
He was apparently so ashamed to be associated with an act like that that he killed himself. I'm not sure I see any indication that he "thinks its alright" to participate. Maybe he simply succumbed to a temptation. I wouldn't judge a person like this. If I had to guess, the culprits who taped it likely did it maliciously because they thought their friend was gay and in denial and they wanted proof. So they figured, we'll ruin his life, no big deal, at least he'll "come out" like gays are "supposed to" in their warped minds that have been fed the propaganda. They are probably the ones who thought homosexual sex is alright!