General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TheCoon on October 04, 2010, 08:32:36 AM
The good news for President Obama is his popular support among blacks is holding steady at 91%.
The bad news is no other group of potential voters likes him that much. ... Democrats (79%) and liberals (75%) still like Obama a lot.
But after that, his approval percentage goes to the deep south. Support among even young people is down: 57%. Hispanics: 55%. Moderates: 54%. Unmarrieds: 53%. Easterners: 52%. Women: 47%. Midwesterners and Westerners: 45%.
Men: 43%. Southerners: 41%. Independents: 40%. Marrieds: 39%. Seniors: 38%. Whites: 36%. Conservatives: 23%.
Amazingly, among Republicans Obama still manages to hold the support of 12%.
They'll never be conservative, that's for sure.
I'm wondering how the 23 % of Conservatives define Conservatism???
The effect the blacks have on the polling is quite large when they overwhelmingly support Obama. You have to figure blacks are very much trending up Obama's support among democrats, unmarrieds, men, women and the regions where they are found in most abundance. Obama's support amongst whites is quite low, indicating even a lot of white democrats aren't happy with him.
What is interesting is that despite Obama being viciously pro-amnesty, almost 50% of hispanics don't favor him. At the least this indicates a sizeable amount don't mindlessly support democrats. One has to wonder why blacks overwhemingly support democrats. Has he done anything of real note to support the black community? One could make a case that Bill Clinton reached out to blacks a fair bit in his tenure as president, as they called him the first black president. What has Obama done, other than being a black man himself? Are the blacks in America following their brothers and sisters in places like South Africa and simply supporting a black leader because they are black? Inquiring minds want to know.
As you pointed out, how is it possible that 23% of conservatives support him? Who are these people who call themselves conservatives and support his policies? I suppose they could be the anti-war, anti-semite, paleo-con types like Pat Buchanan? I can assume the 12% of republicans who support him are probably the liberal republicans like Mike the Kike Bloomberg.
"What is interesting is that despite Obama being viciously pro-amnesty, almost 50% of hispanics don't favor him. "
First, it would be too simplistic to think that all Hispanics favor amnesty. Second, even among those who do favor amnesty, there will be those who note (correctly) that Obummer has frankly not put much effort into amnesty, in contrast to the health care travesty and handouts to labor unions.
Remember (and this is just one example), that this is a guy who once claimed, reading from his ever-present teleprompter, that 'the sea levels would stop rising' after his election. There's something amusing about a guy screwing himself by raising expectations too high.
Black conservatives are about as common as moderate Muslims. Well, there are NO moderate Muslims, there are a few black conservatives.
Black conservatives are about as common as moderate Muslims. Well, there are NO moderate Muslims, there are a few black conservatives.
I really pity black conservatives. Figure they have family dinners and all their family members think they are uncle toms. They have little chance of ever persuading their fellow blacks that socialism is not the answer.
I wonder where Jews fit into this. I would think at least Jews would show much less support for Osama Bin Bama by now.
According to The Coon, Obama would not be where he is without Jews. Jews made Obama in his eyes.
"What is interesting is that despite Obama being viciously pro-amnesty, almost 50% of hispanics don't favor him. "
First, it would be too simplistic to think that all Hispanics favor amnesty.
Amen. This Hispanics I am friends with do not favor amnesty.
Amen. This Hispanics I am friends with do not favor amnesty.
There are a lot of scumbag Hispanics but they are not nearly as homogenous as blacks/Arabs. Hispanic culture is more variable and flexible than theirs is.
I'm just speculating, but I would imagine that Mexican Hispanics would favor amnesty, but Hispanics from other parts of the world would not.
I wonder if Cubans would favor amnesty due to the fact that many of them came in illegally themselves?
I took a wrong turn and ended up in "Little Havana" one time. I thought I WAS in Cuba.
I'm just speculating, but I would imagine that Mexican Hispanics would favor amnesty, but Hispanics from other parts of the world would not.
I wonder if Cubans would favor amnesty due to the fact that many of them came in illegally themselves?
I took a wrong turn and ended up in "Little Havana" one time. I thought I WAS in Cuba.
Well Cubans voted overwhelmingly for McCain in the GOP primary. But yes, Mexicans tend to be the most liberal of Hispanics.
I'm wondering how the 23 % of Conservatives define Conservatism???
They must have been polling Joe Pags
Well Cubans voted overwhelmingly for McCain in the GOP primary. But yes, Mexicans tend to be the most liberal of Hispanics.
Of course this doesn't apply to loyal and good Americans such as yourself, but I think that many Mexicans see voting Democrat as being in their racial/national interest, because it will help the country of Mexico expand its territory and reclaim AZTLAN more quickly, while providing more welfare/food stamps/WIC in the mean time. If the republicans are trying to win them over without selling out to the illegals, they will have a very, very uphill battle.
Black conservatives are about as common as moderate Muslims. Well, there are NO moderate Muslims, there are a few black conservatives.
I really pity black conservatives. Figure they have family dinners and all their family members think they are uncle toms. They have little chance of ever persuading their fellow blacks that socialism is not the answer.
It's not in their racial interest. As it is, they have whites providing most of their basic needs, they get jobs handed to them, they get promotions handed to them, education handed to them, etc. all they have to do is put forth a token effort. If real conservatives were in power, all those freebies would be gone.
I wonder where Jews fit into this. I would think at least Jews would show much less support for Osama Bin Bama by now.
According to The Coon, Obama would not be where he is without Jews. Jews made Obama in his eyes.
Stick to posting on Eminem, seeing as you have a homosexual fixation with him.
Of course this doesn't apply to loyal and good Americans such as yourself, but I think that many Mexicans see voting Democrat as being in their racial/national interest, because it will help the country of Mexico expand its territory and reclaim AZTLAN more quickly, while providing more welfare/food stamps/WIC in the mean time. If the republicans are trying to win them over without selling out to the illegals, they will have a very, very uphill battle.
Sad but true.