The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Dexter on May 29, 2007, 06:36:22 AM
Gay muslim
Have you ever noticed that whenever you see a bunch of muslims, they always are screaming and firing automatic weapons into the air?
Thats what the media shows. They don't show a bunch of muslim kids playing in playgrounds or anything. Just with guns and weapons.....
No wonder the kids have a natural influence to hold the damn things, its because it appears to be their duty....accounted by their sick parents and media. If the truth reached out to these kids i bet they'd think thhings through and change.
sarah, I agree it would be great if we could get the truth to these people, but how?
sarah, I agree it would be great if we could get the truth to these people, but how?
Probably a bomb from Israel or the US would get the truth to them pretty quickly.
I've been listening to Robert Spencer's "The Truth about Muhammad" and it is amazingly good.
Did you know that muslims actually think that Jesus was "the prophet to come before muhammad" and when Jesus said the Holy Spirit would come later that it meant stupid muhammad was the "Holy Spirit"!?? What a bunch of garbage.
What kind of truth do you think these egotistical morons are going to understand with the whole "honor/shame" mentality?
Yes, Jeffguy I do know all about that, they make up for the complete inconsistencies by saying that Jews modified and corrupted the bible. At the end of the new testament it is very clear, it states that this is the final revelation from God and anyone who attempts to add any further revelations will have no place in the kingdom of God. And yet Muslims still try to claim that Jesus pointed to the coming of Mohammed, the very idea is absurd.
Only con artists, criminals, and killers wear masks. Muslims wear them to hide their evil -- from others and themself. :o
sarah, I agree it would be great if we could get the truth to these people, but how?
Go in there ourselves and slowly change or moderate the system. Influence and promote the truth while they are young.
Its easy to say not do.
sarah, I agree it would be great if we could get the truth to these people, but how?
Go in there ourselves and slowly change or moderate the system. Influence and promote the truth while they are young.
Its easy to say not do.
I know for a fact that in Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Iran someone who leaves Islam will be arrested, and probably killed, as will anyone involved in pursuading them to leave Islam.
The religion of peace.
The religion of peace.
Or as Tovia Singer says... a "Religion of Piece".
They just want "Piece". Like the piece of a child's kidney being blown off. Or maybe it's wanting a piece of a Jewish brain.