General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: wonga66 on December 20, 2010, 09:30:02 AM
After the disaster of the Battle of Wadi Saluki
where Merkavas were hit like nine-pins by Russian Kornet missiles on the last day of the Lebanon War, it'll be interesting to see if the new Israeli anti-missile system is any good
After the disaster of the Battle of Wadi Saluki
where Merkavas were hit like nine-pins by Russian Kornet missiles on the last day of the Lebanon War, it'll be interesting to see if the new Israeli anti-missile system is any good
THE AMERICANS HAD NO PROBLEMS DEALING WITH THE KORNET IN IRAQ.I think the U.S. military are better trained then the IDF
That's why the Germans developed a new type of soldier, the Panzer Grenadier, who's sole job was to defend the tank by taking out the anti-tank infantry that threaten it. The Israelis have no such concept, for the same reason that they don't equip soldiers with bayonets in the IDF: "Because it's not Jewish!" (to expect Yiddishe boys to run alongside tanks)!
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
That's why the Germans developed a new type of soldier, the Panzer Grenadier, who's sole job was to defend the tank by taking out the anti-tank infantry that threaten it. The Israelis have no such concept, for the same reason that they don't equip soldiers with bayonets in the IDF: "Because it's not Jewish!" (to expect Yiddishe boys to run alongside tanks)!
:::D :::D thats true
The israelis got their new Trophy(360 degree)
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
The Geman Nazis were Amolekites, the grandson of Esau, the great grandson of Yitzchok Avinu. Yitzchok "blessed" Esau "you will live by the sword" (Breishis 27) , and the Amolekite Germans and their "toys" exemplify the fulfilment of this brochoh.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
Unfortunately they became our sworn enemies.
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
The Geman Nazis were Amolekites, the grandson of Esau, the great grandson of Yitzchok Avinu. Yitzchok "blessed" Esau "you will live by the sword" (Breishis 27) , and the Amolekite Germans and their "toys" exemplify the fulfilment of this brochoh.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
Unfortunately they became our sworn enemies.
Correct Esau's head had the zachus to buried in the Maharas HaMachpala
Thats the promo vid on the system trophy which is installed on all merkava 4's
All the other armored veichles will be installed withthe iron fist system
All are very lovely! Thanks to jewish brainpower!
That's why the Germans developed a new type of soldier, the Panzer Grenadier, who's sole job was to defend the tank by taking out the anti-tank infantry that threaten it. The Israelis have no such concept, for the same reason that they don't equip soldiers with bayonets in the IDF: "Because it's not Jewish!" (to expect Yiddishe boys to run alongside tanks)!
When the trophy system destroys any incoming missiles you DON'T WANT troops to be around the tanks, because they will get hit with debris!!!
Earlier some armies were of the opinion that the active armor protection system were not much of use. But now the times have changed the modes of armored warfare. Trophy must be one among the best in world.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
So you're saying that Jews are commanded to conquer the world by the sword ?
Let's hope it works, as even the smallest of these Russian ATGM missiles
opened up even heavily armoured Israeli Merkavas like tin cans as here
One thing Israel is not prepared to tolerate is high casualties. Whenever casualties mount, Israel folds, not out of cowardice, but out of leftist & liberal Jewish subversion and "life at any cost" twisted Haredi "pikuach nefesh" anti-Tenach-warrior ideals.
If it doesn't work, I predict that recruits are going to start to stop volunteering for the Israeli Armoured Corps, as to go up against these missiles is tantamount to literally going in your own iron coffin.
David Hamelech and the Hasmoneans conquered the surrounding nations and forceably Judaized them.
If Esau, who according to the Kabbalists had the potential of being 1000 times greater than Yaakov, and his powerful descendants
had remained within the Camp of Israel, instead of becoming aYisroel mumar, great things could have been achieved.
Think of Esavian-Israelitish Roman Legions conquering the world for Torah! This almost happened when Roman Emperor Antoninus, the friend of Rebbe Yehudah, converted to Judaism.
So you're saying that Jews are commanded to conquer the world by the sword ?
But Gd hadn't made it meant to be that way otherwise even with our free will, it would have happened. Now Amalek is supposed to be blotted out.
That's why the Germans developed a new type of soldier, the Panzer Grenadier, who's sole job was to defend the tank by taking out the anti-tank infantry that threaten it. The Israelis have no such concept, for the same reason that they don't equip soldiers with bayonets in the IDF: "Because it's not Jewish!" (to expect Yiddishe boys to run alongside tanks)!
You continue to worship the german nazis, but I've read about battles in the Independence war, and there were described certain soldiers who were tasked with running out and hitting the antitank people, and there were also Jewish soldiers who ran at tanks with molotov cocktails and tried to take out tanks. So if it's "not Jewish" to run alongside a tank, how is it "Jewish" to used improvised hand-held explosives to take out the enemy's tanks? ::)
David Hamelech and the Hasmoneans conquered the surrounding nations and forceably Judaized them.
If Esau, who according to the Kabbalists had the potential of being 1000 times greater than Yaakov, and his powerful descendants
had remained within the Camp of Israel, instead of becoming aYisroel mumar, great things could have been achieved.
Think of Esavian-Israelitish Roman Legions conquering the world for Torah! This almost happened when Roman Emperor Antoninus, the friend of Rebbe Yehudah, converted to Judaism.
Where on earth does the Torah command us to engage in a military conquest of the entire world ?
We are supposed to gather in the Holy Land and form there a nation of priests that will be a light unto the nations, not to behave like Amalek !
"it is a people that shall dwell alone and shall not be reckoned among the nations" (Numbers 23)
The people of Israel is supposed to separate themselves from the nations of the world in order to create a Torah society. This is what the concepts of chosenness and holiness are about.
Actually, the Land of Israel itself does not even belong to the Jewish people. It belongs to G-d and He gave it to the Jewish people for a specific reason and under a specific condition. So we certainly have no entitlements to the rest of the world. We only have entitlements to the Land of Israel, moreover on condition that we behave righteously as true Torah Jews.
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
The Geman Nazis were Amolekites, the grandson of Esau, the great grandson of Yitzchok Avinu. Yitzchok "blessed" Esau "you will live by the sword" (Breishis 27) , and the Amolekite Germans and their "toys" exemplify the fulfilment of this brochoh.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
Unfortunately they became our sworn enemies.
There is no source that says we are to admire the Amalekites. Obviously, you didn't cite what doesn't exist.
Not all sons of Esau are Amalekites! There are many millions of Esau's descendants who are not Amaleki. But you are fascinated and gushing over the Amalekites for some strange reason. Could you tell us what that reason is?
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
The Geman Nazis were Amolekites, the grandson of Esau, the great grandson of Yitzchok Avinu. Yitzchok "blessed" Esau "you will live by the sword" (Breishis 27) , and the Amolekite Germans and their "toys" exemplify the fulfilment of this brochoh.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
Unfortunately they became our sworn enemies.
Correct Esau's head had the zachus to buried in the Maharas HaMachpala
LOL, his severed head. Importantly, HE, Esau, as a whole being, did NOT merit to be buried there. And that was precisely what the dispute was about! This deed/merit lay with Yaakov and only yaakov. It did not extend to Yitzhak's other son or to both sons. The sages are asserting that along with the birthright that Esau sold to Yaakov, the right to burial in the place of his fathers in Hevron came along with that. I think you miss the point and distort the whole meaning by portraying it as "his head meriting to be buried there." Btw, his head rolled into the grave, it wasn't placed there. Think that's important?
David Hamelech and the Hasmoneans conquered the surrounding nations and forceably Judaized them.
If Esau, ...and his powerful descendants
had remained within the Camp of Israel, instead of becoming aYisroel mumar,...
But Esau and they didn't. We don't invent a new Torah. We use the one we were given.
The Biblical "Land of Israel" includes all of Lebanon, Syria, a chunk of Egypt, Jordan, parts of Iraq and Kuwait etc up to the Euphrates + the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus, Crete and others i.e. a good part of the then known world.
Yaakov's descendants were never strong enough to conquer all that.
With Esau's on their side, they could have.
Not forgetting that Yitzhok blessed Esau that he himself would inherit all of Italy.
The Biblical "Land of Israel" includes all of Lebanon, Syria, a chunk of Egypt, Jordan, parts of Iraq and Kuwait etc up to the Euphrates + the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus, Crete and others i.e. a good part of the then known world.
Yaakov's descendants were never strong enough to conquer all that.
With Esau's on their side, they could have.
Not forgetting that Yitzhok blessed Esau himself with inheriting all of Italy.
But what didn't happen, didn't happen. And what happened, happened. We use the Torah we were given, not a hypothetical one that we make up on "what if's"
There is no source that says we are to admire the Amalekites. Obviously, you didn't cite what doesn't exist.
Not all sons of Esau are Amalekites! There are many millions of Esau's descendants who are not Amaleki. But you are fascinated and gushing over the Amalekites for some strange reason. Could you tell us what that reason is?
Good question. And by the way, why won't you answer my question about your username ? Maybe I'm completely delusional and paranoid, but here is how I interpret your name.
1) "Wonga" is an old-fashioned word in British slang that means "money" and it is used by Nazis to refer to the money that Jews are supposed to have made out of what Nazis call "the Holohoax".
2) "66" refers to the 66 pseudo-objections raised by the IHR (Institute for Historical Review), a Nazi negationnist organization, against the reality of the Shoah.
Why do you pick a name that can be associated with a Nazi background ? Is it just a coincidence ? Were you not aware of it ? Did you mean something completely different ?
Yes: you are delusional. 'Wonga' was my nickname at school, and the '66' was an option given to me by Hotmail 10 years ago!
Do you get off on posting pics of Nazi soldiers and their toys?
The Geman Nazis were Amolekites, the grandson of Esau, the great grandson of Yitzchok Avinu. Yitzchok "blessed" Esau "you will live by the sword" (Breishis 27) , and the Amolekite Germans and their "toys" exemplify the fulfilment of this brochoh.
Esau and his warlike descendants (eg Sparta, Rome, Thrace, Carthage, Mocha, Botzra, Anatolia, Germania etc) in Hashem's original Plan were meant to have been the fighting arm of the Am Yisrael, whereby we could have conquered & Judaized the entire world.
Unfortunately they became our sworn enemies.
Correct Esau's head had the zachus to buried in the Maharas HaMachpala
LOL, his severed head. Importantly, HE, Esau, as a whole being, did NOT merit to be buried there. And that was precisely what the dispute was about! This deed/merit lay with Yaakov and only yaakov. It did not extend to Yitzhak's other son or to both sons. The sages are asserting that along with the birthright that Esau sold to Yaakov, the right to burial in the place of his fathers in Hevron came along with that. I think you miss the point and distort the whole meaning by portraying it as "his head meriting to be buried there." Btw, his head rolled into the grave, it wasn't placed there. Think that's important?
This may not be completely on topic, but Chabad does have a very interesting article about Essau's head:
Showdown at Hebron
Jacob and Esau not only shared a set of parents and a birthday; they were also buried on the same day.
The Midrash relates that when Jacob's funeral procession reached the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron, the burial place of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, they found Esau and his henchmen barring their path. Esau claimed that the sole remaining plot was his by inheritance, after Jacob had already taken his share when he buried his wife Leah in the cave. When Jacob's children maintained that their father had bought out his brother's share, Esau denied this. The transaction had been put in writing, but the deed was back in Egypt, and fleet-footed Naftali was dispatched to retrieve it. Chushim, the deaf son of Dan, asked what the commotion was all about and was incensed to learn that Esau had halted the funeral of his revered grandfather. With a mighty blow of his sword, Chushim severed Esau's head, which rolled into the Cave of Machpelah and came to rest in Isaac's lap, where it remains to this day. Thus it came to pass that "Esau's head lies in the bosom of Isaac."
Esau has a body and a head. Esau's "body" is the bulk and mass of his material life. But a material life is not necessarily a profane life. In essence, the physical reality is no less a creation of G‑d's, and no less holy and divine, than the loftiest spiritual existence; when properly harnessed and directed, the physical can be the greatest expression of the divine truth. Esau's "head" is the consciousness that imparts awareness, purpose and direction to brute matter.
Thus was set the stage for the lifelong contest between the brothers "over the two worlds" of matter and spirit. Wrathfully, Esau watched Jacob's encroachment on "his" realm, as the latter obtained the blessings by connivance and stealth; he watched the guileless scholar turn wily entrepreneur, matching the conniving Laban trick for trick and amassing great material wealth.
Esau still had his "head," only now his spiritual motor made his corporeality all the more virulent. A "headless" body -- a physical life devoid of all ideal and direction -- is a negative thing; but when a head is subverted by its body, when a person's spiritual sensitivity and vitality have been commandeered to serve his material drives, this is a materialism that is far more lethal, infiltrating the soul's innermost chambers and poisoning what is finest in man and his world.
On the day that Jacob was laid to rest, Esau's head was severed from his body. The body, divorced from its spiritual vitality, went on to spawn the soulless materialism that is the commonplace challenge to the voice of Jacob. The head, freed from its corporeal subversion, was reunited with its source and kindred spirit in the bosom of Isaac.
Yes: you are delusional. 'Wonga' was my nickname at school, and the '66' was an option given to me by Hotmail 10 years ago!
All right, fair enough, but you will admit that given the admiration you have expressed for Nazis several times, it was not absurd to make such an assumption.
It's strange, I would never recall an option given to me by Hotmail 10 years ago, though...
But what didn't happen, didn't happen. And what happened, happened. We use the Torah we were given, not a hypothetical one that we make up on "what if's"
"What Ifs" are a far from vapid part of history study, and from them we can reverie about the pending Messianic Future, which is essential for the wellbeing of the true Jewish psyche.
The way the 2 Moshiachs handle their future conquests is far from set in stone, and Hashem has innumerable "WI" scenarios, as R.Kahane would empasize, ranging from glorious miraculous Jewish victories, to miserable equally unnatural defeats, depending on our merits or demerits, right now.
All right, fair enough, but you will admit that given the admiration you have expressed for Nazis several times
I revile the Nazis.
But some of their tactics have to be emulated if you want to get a job efficiently done eg beating the Ishmaelites. One of them was: Totaler Krieg, Kurzester Krieg -"The more total a war, the shorter will be that war"!
Don't forget that in the pre-war years before the Italians showed their Amolekite yichus, Jabotinsky & the Revisionist Zionists admired and modeled themselves in their uniforms, speeches and parades, on Mussolini and the Fascists.
I revile the Nazis.
But some of their tactics have to be emulated if you want to get a job efficiently done eg beating the Ishmaelites.
Still, let's not forget that, Baruch HaShem, they lost ! Should we emulate the tactics of losers ?
But what didn't happen, didn't happen. And what happened, happened. We use the Torah we were given, not a hypothetical one that we make up on "what if's"
"What Ifs" are a far from vapid part of history study, and from them we can reverie about the pending Messianic Future, which is essential for the wellbeing of the true Jewish psyche.
The way the 2 Moshiachs handle their future conquests is far from set in stone, and Hashem has innumerable "WI" scenarios, as R.Kahane would empasize, ranging from glorious miraculous Jewish victories, to miserable equally unnatural defeats, depending on our merits or demerits,
??? ??? ???
What you have described in this post are types of "What if" scenarios for FUTURE EVENTS. Of course we have to consider the alternatives facing us and choose the right path and prepare for the future.
You cannot say "but what if Yaakov didn't buy the birthright from Esau" and then concoct some new scenario or new halacha based on that. Yaakov did buy the birthright. That happened. And the other events in the Torah already happened. We cannot change them or play "what if" about the past and then derive alternative worldviews such as "because if things were different Esau would have been more heroic, therefore lets praise the amaleki!" That is insane!
All right, fair enough, but you will admit that given the admiration you have expressed for Nazis several times
I revile the Nazis.
But some of their tactics have to be emulated if you want to get a job efficiently done eg beating the Ishmaelites. One of them was: Totaler Krieg, Kurzester Krieg -"The more total a war, the shorter will be that war"!
Oh and the nazi geniuses invented that idea? LOL Give me a freakin break.
Don't forget that in the pre-war years before the Italians showed their Amolekite yichus, Jabotinsky & the Revisionist Zionists admired and modeled themselves in their uniforms, speeches and parades, on Mussolini and the Fascists.
The Revisionists were Fascists = more historical inaccuracy.
No doubt, this is how the labor zionist leaders used to slander them.
Just about any tank can be taken out with an accurate shot to the turret/hull junction. That is a weak spot, the "neck" of the vehicle. An especially advanced weapon is not needed.
Good question. And by the way, why won't you answer my question about your username ? Maybe I'm completely delusional and paranoid, but here is how I interpret your name.
1) "Wonga" is an old-fashioned word in British slang that means "money" and it is used by Nazis to refer to the money that Jews are supposed to have made out of what Nazis call "the Holohoax".
2) "66" refers to the 66 pseudo-objections raised by the IHR (Institute for Historical Review), a Nazi negationnist organization, against the reality of the Shoah.
Why do you pick a name that can be associated with a Nazi background ? Is it just a coincidence ? Were you not aware of it ? Did you mean something completely different ?
Haha looks like you've been pwned Mifletzet, beotch. :laugh:
The Revisionists were Fascists = more historical inaccuracy.
"Up to 1933, a number of members from the national-messianist wing of Revisionism were inspired by the fascist movement of Benito Mussolini. Abba Ahimeir was attracted to fascism for its staunch anti-communism and its focus on rebuilding the glory of the past, which national-messianists such as Uri Zvi Greenberg felt had much connection to their view of what the Revisionist movement should be."
The Revisionists were Fascists = more historical inaccuracy.
"Up to 1933, a number of members from the national-messianist wing of Revisionism were inspired by the fascist movement of Benito Mussolini. Abba Ahimeir was attracted to fascism for its staunch anti-communism and its focus on rebuilding the glory of the past, which national-messianists such as Uri Zvi Greenberg felt had much connection to their view of what the Revisionist movement should be."
And the quote doesn't support you. It supports me. People distort that to say they were fascists.
It makes the Revisionists even more heroic that some of them were staunchly opposed to communism, unlike the commies of the labor movement. That doesn't make them fascists. A focus on rebuilding the past also does not make them fascists. It makes them people who strived to rebuild past glory of the Jewish people.
However, I think Jabotinsky might have mistakenly looked at certain communist concepts optimistically (I know at least Begin did because he expressed it in The Revolt).
This new tank is really something. I hope that Israel takes every opportunity to modernize and create new weapon systems, I think it is vital for security in this modern age of new kinds of weapons that are much more effective!
This Israeli site describes Israel's weapon systems
A typical Israeli nymphette with Israel's own superior ATGM, the "Spike" missile
Hmmm... something serious.
It has been deployed and it works like a magnificiant charm, trophy active protection system is so high advanced that they have gone through 600 tests and only recieved only 2 errors. Imagine hizbullah firing the missles there either destroyed in flight or diverted to hit something else and the animals will be obliterated by our laser guided machine guns and the 120 mm cannon on the mkv 4, and the system coordinates the rate of fire. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
A typical Israeli nymphette with Israel's own superior ATGM, the "Spike" missile
You have serious issues with women.
A typical Israeli nymphette
Why don't you just admit that you are attracted to men already, you worthless rectal ranger.