General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 02:14:37 PM

Title: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 02:14:37 PM
In the Think Tank section someone mentioned that we should approach Gene Simmons of KISS for dough. I commented that he would want to market Chaim Ben Pesach dolls & lunchboxes. Then I thought if the doll talked, how cool would that be, giv'm to the kiddies get'm radicalised young!! Cool accessories like the hat, microphone, sunglasses and a playset of the studio. Then a David doll could follow, I'd buy'm!!   
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: ftf on June 01, 2007, 02:15:34 PM
Funny though they may be, I think they would trivialise our cause.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 02:16:36 PM
Funny though they may be, I think they would trivialise our cause.

Ann Coulter has one. I don't know?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 01, 2007, 02:16:49 PM
Funny though they may be, I think they would trivialise our cause.

I think that Allen is having some fun, FTF.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 01, 2007, 02:17:33 PM
Will he Chaim Talking Dolls be saying "ummm hmm"?  :o
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 02:19:54 PM
Will he Chaim Talking Dolls be saying "ummm hmm"?  :o

Masterwolf, I got shows from David yesterday that are incredible, as far as the ummm-hmmmm stuff. I will try to get them up asap. There's a customer service story where Cleopatra calls Chaim the "N' word!!
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 01, 2007, 02:38:56 PM
Gene Simmons lives with a Goya and is famous for his immorality,he is not someone we want associated with the Rav or his talmidim
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Lisa on June 01, 2007, 02:45:51 PM
The same company that makes the Ann Coulter doll (which I want!!!) also made a President Bush doll.  So I don't see why there couldn't be a talking Chaim Ben Pesach doll.  It could say things like "Barak Hussein Obama will turn the White House into a housing project!" 
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 01, 2007, 02:49:21 PM
Now that would be funny ;D Why doesnt someone ask Chaim what he thinks of the idea
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 01, 2007, 02:55:06 PM
Gene Simmons lives with a Goya and is famous for his immorality,he is not someone we want associated with the Rav or his talmidim


Still, we're narrowing down the field of wealthy people significantly if we're unwilling to accept help from 'sinful' people.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 02:59:26 PM
Gene Simmons lives with a Goya and is famous for his immorality,he is not someone we want associated with the Rav or his talmidim

And he's an obnoxious jerk, I met him once in the 80's at Electric Ladyland.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 01, 2007, 03:00:44 PM
Gene Simmons lives with a Goya and is famous for his immorality,he is not someone we want associated with the Rav or his talmidim

And he's an obnoxious jerk, I met him once in the 80's at Electric Ladyland.

And his music is mediocre at best.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 01, 2007, 03:03:50 PM
There is a difference between sinful people and Gene Simmons who has dedicated his life to immorality.

And glad to see you back Scriabin :)
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on June 01, 2007, 03:41:23 PM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 01, 2007, 03:53:36 PM
There is a difference between sinful people and Gene Simmons who has dedicated his life to immorality.

And glad to see you back Scriabin :)

Thank you Kahaneloyalist.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 01, 2007, 03:56:06 PM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 04:12:09 PM
Maybe Ace would give us some loot. He was the best KISS guy anyway :-*

Allen-T's Ace Frehley Home Movie 1986;

Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 01, 2007, 04:35:07 PM
I would get a Chaim action figure saying, "In your heart you know we are right and in your guts you know they are nuts."  I'd give one to my niece and nephew
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on June 01, 2007, 05:19:49 PM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
you can also wright it like this :
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 01, 2007, 05:51:57 PM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
you can also wright it like this :

Oh, ok.  Yeah, now I see that I put a kamatz under the second bet which was not intended.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 06:00:30 PM
In the Think Tank section someone mentioned that we should approach Gene Simmons of KISS for dough. I commented that he would want to market Chaim Ben Pesach dolls & lunchboxes. Then I thought if the doll talked, how cool would that be, giv'm to the kiddies get'm radicalised young!! Cool accessories like the hat, microphone, sunglasses and a playset of the studio. Then a David doll could follow, I'd buy'm!!   

We are not Sean Hannity and we are not Hannitized. And we are not Bill O'Reilly and we are not in The No Spin Zone.

Can we Rock n Roll all Night and Party Everyday?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h8B286xDsU
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Shlomo on June 01, 2007, 07:35:41 PM
And glad to see you back Scriabin :)

I second that. Welcome back Scriabin!

Gene Simmons is not a good person.

And as per Ann Coulter, she's said some really terrible things recently about the Jews and is a serious Bush supporter. Shouldn't we remove here picture from our main web page?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dissenter on June 01, 2007, 07:49:12 PM
And as per Ann Coulter, she's said some really terrible things recently about the Jews and is a serious Bush supporter.

Her wholehearted support for the war in Iraq, and her support for Bush - which is showing some cracks lately - are old news.

But what has she said about the Jews?

Do tell, instead of making us go to Google.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on June 02, 2007, 09:56:59 AM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
you can also wright it like this :

Oh, ok.  Yeah, now I see that I put a kamatz under the second bet which was not intended.
Well, yes, the sound of what you wrote is :
and the right thing to say is
Bubot .
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Daniel on June 02, 2007, 12:17:54 PM
All of the things a Chaim ben Pesach doll would say when we pull the string:

"Yamach shmo v'zichro!"

"In your hearts you know we're right, and in your guts you know they're nuts!"

"Give us the millions of dollars we need to save Israel and America!"

"We have the greatest web site bar none anywhere on the internet thanks to our brilliant, ingenious, and creative webmaster!"

"Grab a pencil and paper because we bring you life and death information!"

"Mmmm hmmm"

"Hamas-Fatah PLO Nazi terrorist state in the heartland of biblical Israel"

"Ha Rav Gadol Meir Kahane, Zecher tzadik libracha, hashem yikol damod!"

"Islam, the religion of peace"

"What disgusting, evil, vile slime!"

"Third world banana republic"

"Religious Jews and righteous Gentiles"

oh, and last but not least:

Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 02, 2007, 10:47:42 PM
Umm...im not so good in english..so...what is dolls ?
you can also wright it like this :

Oh, ok.  Yeah, now I see that I put a kamatz under the second bet which was not intended.
Well, yes, the sound of what you wrote is :
and the right thing to say is
Bubot .

Yeah, that was a mistake.  Because I do not have a hebrew keyboard, I'll go to a site with hebrew letters and copy and paste them.  I just didn't see the kamatz under the second bet.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: genteelgentile on June 02, 2007, 10:57:16 PM
"I'm a civil rights leader"
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 03:11:47 AM
"I'm a civil rights leader"

"No, I wouldn't put glue in her mayonaise"
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 03, 2007, 12:47:29 PM
"I'm a civil rights leader"

"No, I wouldn't put glue in her mayonaise"

Maybe one of the sayings can be an Al Sharpton immitation saying "BUB BUB BUB BUB MCDONALDS, BUB BUB BUB BURGER KING"
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Lubab on June 05, 2007, 11:11:09 PM
All of the things a Chaim ben Pesach doll would say when we pull the string:

"Yamach shmo v'zichro!"

"In your hearts you know we're right, and in your guts you know they're nuts!"

"Give us the millions of dollars we need to save Israel and America!"

"We have the greatest web site bar none anywhere on the internet thanks to our brilliant, ingenious, and creative webmaster!"

"Grab a pencil and paper because we bring you life and death information!"

"Mmmm hmmm"

"Hamas-Fatah PLO Nazi terrorist state in the heartland of biblical Israel"

"Ha Rav Gadol Meir Kahane, Zecher tzadik libracha, hashem yikol damod!"

"Islam, the religion of peace"

"What disgusting, evil, vile slime!"

"Third world banana republic"

"Religious Jews and righteous Gentiles"

oh, and last but not least:


Or my personal favorite: "Even Abba Eben...".  ;D It's a tounge twister.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 06, 2007, 12:03:27 AM
All of the things a Chaim ben Pesach doll would say when we pull the string:

"Yamach shmo v'zichro!"

"In your hearts you know we're right, and in your guts you know they're nuts!"

"Give us the millions of dollars we need to save Israel and America!"

"We have the greatest web site bar none anywhere on the internet thanks to our brilliant, ingenious, and creative webmaster!"

"Grab a pencil and paper because we bring you life and death information!"

"Mmmm hmmm"

"Hamas-Fatah PLO Nazi terrorist state in the heartland of biblical Israel"

"Ha Rav Gadol Meir Kahane, Zecher tzadik libracha, hashem yikol damod!"

"Islam, the religion of peace"

"What disgusting, evil, vile slime!"

"Third world banana republic"

"Religious Jews and righteous Gentiles"

oh, and last but not least:


Or my personal favorite: "Even Abba Eben...".  ;D It's a tounge twister.
Darnit!  I got it once and now I can't do it again. Even Abba Eban, Even Abba Eban...
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: judeanoncapta on June 26, 2007, 09:54:42 PM
What would happen if you went to a fancy neighborhood, as we've done many times, and let all the apes out of the cage.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: genteelgentile on June 27, 2007, 10:23:28 PM
It's funny you mention "even Aba Eben", because for some reason, that was going through my head today!
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 27, 2007, 11:45:01 PM
All of the things a Chaim ben Pesach doll would say when we pull the string:

"Yamach shmo v'zichro!"

"In your hearts you know we're right, and in your guts you know they're nuts!"

"Give us the millions of dollars we need to save Israel and America!"

"We have the greatest web site bar none anywhere on the internet thanks to our brilliant, ingenious, and creative webmaster!"

"Grab a pencil and paper because we bring you life and death information!"

"Mmmm hmmm"

"Hamas-Fatah PLO Nazi terrorist state in the heartland of biblical Israel"

"Ha Rav Gadol Meir Kahane, Zecher tzadik libracha, hashem yikol damod!"

"Islam, the religion of peace"

"What disgusting, evil, vile slime!"

"Third world banana republic"

"Religious Jews and righteous Gentiles"

oh, and last but not least:


He would also say................

"don't fight, don't curse,buy a VW,buy a mercedes, be a good kike!"

"those disgusting nazi-arab women....blblblblblblblblblblblbl"

"farshtunken moslem-nazi arabs!"

"steven Spielberg deserves to die of cancer!"

"kofee anan will choke on his banana when he hears this"

I'd buy ten dolls like this! :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 28, 2007, 12:39:38 AM
Just imagine the accessories as well. Instead of the barbi sports car or big jim's camper van, we could have Chaim's NYC subway car complete with passed out schwartzas and puddles of schwartza piddle. Along the lines of maternity dolls we could have a big fat brazillia doll that drops a dozen bastard baby chimps at the push of a button and also says "mmmm hmmm". We could have a buck shwartza doll that you fill with lemonade and chocolate peanuts to pee and poop in the subway car. It could also say "muh dick", "yo" and let out derranged ape screaches. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 28, 2007, 04:49:51 PM
Just imagine the accessories as well. Instead of the barbi sports car or big jim's camper van, we could have Chaim's NYC subway car complete with passed out schwartzas and puddles of schwartza piddle. Along the lines of maternity dolls we could have a big fat brazillia doll that drops a dozen bastard baby chimps at the push of a button and also says "mmmm hmmm". We could have a buck shwartza doll that you fill with lemonade and chocolate peanuts to pee and poop in the subway car. It could also say "muh dick", "yo" and let out derranged ape screaches. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 29, 2007, 01:07:32 PM
How much would it cost to make these things? They'd have to sell. Just imagine when the liberal media are doing a shock-horror story about these 'terrible' dolls.....the publicity!
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Yisrael on June 29, 2007, 02:13:25 PM
I think that the real issue is where to sell them?

I doubt that any top store will sell them. I guess the only place to sell them would be E-Bay and the like, and JTF.ORG.

Maybe wait a bit until JTF will have tens of thousands of members, I'm sure then you would be able to sell a few.

Maybe if you will make it bi-lingual you will be able to sell it in Israel too.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 29, 2007, 02:25:18 PM
I think that the real issue is where to sell them?

I doubt that any top store will sell them. I guess the only place to sell them would be E-Bay and the like, and JTF.ORG.

Maybe wait a bit until JTF will have tens of thousands of members, I'm sure then you would be able to sell a few.

Maybe if you will make it bi-lingual you will be able to sell it in Israel too.

It would be the niche novelty of the century. A doll of an ascerbic NY jew that abuses liberals, schwartzas , self-hating jews and moslems. People would have them at cocktail parties. What a hoot! :laugh:
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on June 30, 2007, 12:49:37 PM
It isnt good idea, it will make chaim to a joke.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 12:53:51 PM
It isnt good idea, it will make chaim to a joke.

You could be right, little buddy. No good if he is going to run for the knesset.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 30, 2007, 04:21:00 PM
I think this was a joke anyway...
More to the point, I hope it was a joke
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on June 30, 2007, 04:27:09 PM
It would be hysterically funny though. My schwartza dolls and subway car could still work.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Shlomo on July 09, 2007, 06:59:21 AM
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Hail Columbia on July 09, 2007, 07:27:37 AM
Does a JTF coffee mug sound like a great idea?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on July 09, 2007, 04:57:16 PM
How about a T-shirt with a black & white minstrel type schvartza charicature saying "Ah jus luvs JTF mmmm hmmmm"
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Nic Brookes on July 13, 2007, 12:38:24 PM
I must say about Allen T, when you say may his name and memory be obliterated, I feel this is wrong. He did many good things for JTF like effectively starting the YouTube movement. Without him there would be a lesser YouTube movement. However, he should not have behaved as he did.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: cosmokramer on July 13, 2007, 02:47:04 PM
How about a T-shirt with a black & white minstrel type schvartza charicature saying "Ah jus luvs JTF mmmm hmmmm"
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on July 13, 2007, 02:49:45 PM
How about a T-shirt with a black & white minstrel type schvartza charicature saying "Ah jus luvs JTF mmmm hmmmm"

Don't laugh.....I bet Dexter could do the design in five minutes flat :laugh:
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on July 14, 2007, 02:47:16 PM
How about a T-shirt with a black & white minstrel type schvartza charicature saying "Ah jus luvs JTF mmmm hmmmm"

Don't laugh.....I bet Dexter could do the design in five minutes flat :laugh:
I'll make it as soon as I can .
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on August 13, 2007, 09:10:25 AM
What about a Chaim digital alarm clock that instead of beaping goes....


Or a Chaim car alarm that goes....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM  ?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: Dexter on August 13, 2007, 10:36:08 PM
What about a Chaim digital alarm clock that instead of beaping goes....


Or a Chaim car alarm that goes....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM  ?
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: aC23 on August 14, 2007, 12:45:08 AM
What about a Chaim digital alarm clock that instead of beaping goes....


Or a Chaim car alarm that goes....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM  ?

LOL I would definitely buy that.
By the way, what's this about "BRAAAZZILLIAA"?? I feel like I missed something here.
Title: Re: Chaim Ben Pesach Talking Dolls
Post by: newman on August 14, 2007, 12:49:08 AM
What about a Chaim digital alarm clock that instead of beaping goes....


Or a Chaim car alarm that goes....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM....MMMM HMMM  ?

LOL I would definitely buy that.
By the way, what's this about "BRAAAZZILLIAA"?? I feel like I missed something here.

One of Chaim's hillarious affirmative action stories...." Mah name be Brazillia mmmm hmmm"