General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on January 19, 2011, 05:38:00 AM
:laugh: :laugh: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4015645,00.html
(Photo: Ido Erez)
Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar (archives) (Photo: Ido Erez)
Student's answer on civics test: Death to Arabs
Teachers tell Ynet of hatred and racism spreading among students, which has turned classrooms into battlefields. 'Teachers skip controversial chapters to avoid disruption,' says Myriam Darmoni, head of civics faculty at CET
Tomer Velmer
Published: 01.19.11, 10:52 / Israel News
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Three weeks after the publication of a petition calling on Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar to take action against racism spreading within schools and the general public, teachers told Ynet about the harsh reality they are forced to face daily.
State of Education
In one case, a 12th grade student of a northern Israeli school wrote "Death to the Arabs" on a test in civics class. In another case, a high school student from Tel Aviv stood up during class, and to the horror of his teacher declared that his dream is to volunteer for the Border Guard, "so that I can spray Arabs to death." His friends welcomed the announcement with applause.
Moreover, civics teachers around the country have been finding graffiti on the walls of their classrooms, bearing slogans ranging from "Kahane was right" to "A good Arab is a dead Arab[/u]." Other statements incite against the ultra-Orthodox sector and against refugees.
'Political discourse to blame for incitement'
According to an Education Ministry source, the recent incidents reflect an escalation in racism among Israeli students. He primarily blamed politicians for encouraging hatred.
"We're not talking about a minority, or children from families that have extreme political views, but about normal children who are afflicted with ignorance," he said. "The political discourse in recent years has given them the legitimacy to be prejudiced."
The source also noted that the student who wrote "Death to Arabs" on his test is an honors student who is proficient in the material – a fact that raises a red flag.
He said the school in question dealt with the student in an uncompromising manner and the student did express deep regret for his actions. Regardless, the source asserted that it was not just an isolated practical joke but a trend widespread among Israel's youth.
A civics teacher from central Israel said she is constantly faced with racism emanating from the behavior of her pupils.
"When we have a discussion in class about equal rights, the class immediately gets out of control," she said. "The students attack us, the teachers, for being leftist and anti-Semitic, and say that all the Arab citizens who want to destroy Israel should be transferred."
She noted that expressions of hatred increase especially when she discusses the Kfar Kassem massacre, namely the significance of the "Clearly Illegal Order," a military command that is expressly against the law and should not be obeyed.
"It's very sad, but the students justify the massacre and say, 'A good Arab is a dead Arab,'" she said. "Often students who want to speak on behalf of human rights are either scared to do it because of the reactions of their friends, or apologetically clarify they don't like Arabs."
'We must raise generation free of hatred'
Myriam Darmoni-Sharvit, who heads the civics faculty at the Center for Educational Technology, often hears her colleagues complaining that the situation in the classrooms has become unbearable.
"The teachers are truly despaired, they are exhausted, and some of them feel that mentally, dealing with the students is difficult," she said. "When they are in the classroom, they feel like they are in a battlefield, which is why they often act to 'survive' and choose to skip chapters or teach the material through dry dictation in order to keep the calm."
The Education Ministry said in response that teachers should convey to the students the difference between a disagreement or a dispute and between hatred, stereotyping and the deligitimization of humanity.
The ministry also stressed that the education system's goal is "to raise a generation free of racist attitudes, which is able to manage social tension and disagreement in a manner that respects the values of Judaism and democracy, on which our State is founded."
Of course these same individuals who are disturbed by Kahanism look the other way when the vast majority of Muslims living in Israel preach for the destruction of the Jewish State!
mord, congrats on going over 20,000 posts. Thanks for your efforts!
It is the students who should teach the teachers !
Well we see what their education from Ben Gurion University or Tel Aviv University got them.
looks like we have a good generation of voters! Israel actually has a future.
This is really encouraging news. The religious and secular jews need to increase harmony between each other though. But that they call these teachers 'leftisit and antisemitic' is a great sign and I have to believe that spreading the message and rhetoric of hayamin haamiti has something to do with this development!
This is really encouraging news. The religious and secular jews need to increase harmony between each other though. But that they call these teachers 'leftisit and antisemitic' is a great sign and I have to believe that spreading the message and rhetoric of hayamin haamiti has something to do with this development!
It would be great for hyamin haamiti to go viral. The more Israeli youths see Chaim's youtube/flix videos, the many more that will get encouraged and tell their friends about it.
So goes with Ron's facebook page..
I hope they are alarmed by the hatred of settlers that the left has propogated.
Why is the word rampant used?
It's not a bad thing
I think all sane individuals on this earth feel about the quranimals the same. There is no propaganda necessary to hate them. The daily reality speaks clear.
He said the school in question dealt with the student in an uncompromising manner and the student did express deep regret for his actions.
What did they do to him?? :o :o :o
What did they do to him?? :o :o :o
Since he was an outstanding student probably threaten his marks
A true jewish revolution is upon us. The youth know kahane was right the establishment is worried. Next step is to massively get the word out about jtf, hayamin yamiti to rally up the massive dissobediance to stop the progrom on the settlements. It is a beautifull thing that the future of israel knows the truth. And we shall lead that revolution. The same fear that the boulshavic establishment has is the same as what batista was thinking when fidels forces drove through havanna.
The ministry also stressed that the education system's goal is "to raise a generation free of racist attitudes, which is able to manage social tension and disagreement in a manner that respects the values of Judaism and democracy, on which our State is founded."
So more Kahanism? ;D
It is the students who should teach the teachers !
Nachon! :dance:
Careful. Saying "Death to *insert race/ethnicity here*" has some complications. I think the students need to understand the difference between Arabs who are a threat and Arabs who couldn't care less.
I know an Atheist Arab from another political forum who has a cousin in the IDF who reached the rank of Srgt. Just an example. Of course, the majority are a threat, but when somebody says something racist, usually the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously, or just has more firepower to use against them in debate.
Careful. Saying "Death to *insert race/ethnicity here*" has some complications. I think the students need to understand the difference between Arabs who are a threat and Arabs who couldn't care less.
I know an Atheist Arab from another political forum who has a cousin in the IDF who reached the rank of Srgt. Just an example. Of course, the majority are a threat, but when somebody says something racist, usually the rest of the world doesn't take them seriously, or just has more firepower to use against them in debate.
Lol give it a rest with this.
Next you'll tell us we should tolerate "moderate islam" (that's an oxymoron)
K you're right. Go take a gun and kill every Arab you see.
Oh wait you won't do that will you? You're just a cheerleader on the sideline for the murderers.
I'll tell you again, if you want people to take you seriously, don't act racist in public.
And yes Moderate Islam is an oxymoron. But if you want to embarrass your own people by acting like an idiot and chanting death for a WHOLE PEOPLE instead of picking on individuals then you will not be taken seriously.
Oh by the way "death to Arabs" (an ethnic group) is different than "death to Muslims" (a religious group). Saying any of these or both is completely retarded either way. That's like somebody saying Death to Jews just because many Jews are liberal.
all we kahanists want is the muslims out of our land that god gave to us. Do you think we like war? no but we have to defend ourselfs at all times since our muslim neighbors want to annihalate us.You will only get true peace through strength and deterrance
all we kahanists want is the muslims out of our land that G-d gave to us. Do you think we like war? no but we have to defend ourselfs at all times since our muslim neighbors want to annihalate us.You will only get true peace through strength and deterrance
Very well said.
That should be true of any group when faced with an enemy.
K you're right. Go take a gun and kill every Arab you see.
Oh wait you won't do that will you? You're just a cheerleader on the sideline for the murderers.
I'll tell you again, if you want people to take you seriously, don't act racist in public.
And yes Moderate Islam is an oxymoron. But if you want to embarrass your own people by acting like an idiot and chanting death for a WHOLE PEOPLE instead of picking on individuals then you will not be taken seriously.
Oh by the way "death to Arabs" (an ethnic group) is different than "death to Muslims" (a religious group). Saying any of these or both is completely retarded either way. That's like somebody saying Death to Jews just because many Jews are liberal.
Don't you need to post about "hot lesbians" again?
^ I've found that real life contains very little of these.
Damn Hollywood.
That's not the point.
all we kahanists want is the muslims out of our land that G-d gave to us. Do you think we like war? no but we have to defend ourselfs at all times since our muslim neighbors want to annihalate us.You will only get true peace through strength and deterrance
And the way you appeal to others in Israel is by moderating language and appearing as a high class person. You have to remember that the majority of the population are middle of the road Moderates. That's the reason why parties with moderate candidates get more votes. The voters feel that they are safe with these guys.
That's why saying "Death to Arabs" is dangerous. Like I said, what if a white American said "Death to Jews", would you care if he only meant Liberal or Left-Winged Jews? No, because even if you agree with that guy on his opinion of Left-Winged Jews, the bottom line is he still offended your whole people. :o
Now "Death to Hamas" or "Death to Jihad" would be a great statement. Death to Hamas! 8)
^ I've found that real life contains very little of these.
Damn Hollywood.
That's not the point.
And the way you appeal to others in Israel is by moderating language and appearing as a high class person. You have to remember that the majority of the population are middle of the road Moderates. That's the reason why parties with moderate candidates get more votes. The voters feel that they are safe with these guys.
That's why saying "Death to Arabs" is dangerous. Like I said, what if a white American said "Death to Jews", would you care if he only meant Liberal or Left-Winged Jews? No, because even if you agree with that guy on his opinion of Left-Winged Jews, the bottom line is he still offended your whole people. :o
Now "Death to Hamas" or "Death to Jihad" would be a great statement. Death to Hamas! 8)
But what you fail to realize the majority of voters in israel voted for likud and ysrael beitanu because of there hardliner message during the campaign, Then if kach in 1988 was supposed to get 12 votes in the knesset before they banned us shows that your assesment is cleary misguided. The majority of jewish voters are tired of the lies that all the partys shows them through this establishment. death to hamas,, jihad is a great statement i agree with you there, but look what 95% of the arab muslim nazi population inside israels borders say about us. We have an evil enemy living inside us and surrounds us. I dont blame kids who say death to arabs because they want the death of the jewish pople. What you see here is a new generation of jewish warriors that are willing to take out an evvil ruling establisment.
^ I've found that real life contains very little of these.
Damn Hollywood.
That's not the point.
And the way you appeal to others in Israel is by moderating language and appearing as a high class person. You have to remember that the majority of the population are middle of the road Moderates. That's the reason why parties with moderate candidates get more votes. The voters feel that they are safe with these guys.
That's why saying "Death to Arabs" is dangerous. Like I said, what if a white American said "Death to Jews", would you care if he only meant Liberal or Left-Winged Jews? No, because even if you agree with that guy on his opinion of Left-Winged Jews, the bottom line is he still offended your whole people. :o
Now "Death to Hamas" or "Death to Jihad" would be a great statement. Death to Hamas! 8)
Death to Muslims; Death to Islam.
[And death to the Arab Christians of Israel as well, they have been just as murderous and antisemitic as any Israeli Muslim]
K you're right. Go take a gun and kill every Arab you see.
Did I say that?
... Nope.
You have problems.
Let's get something straight. "Death to Arabs" does not mean anyone is killing anyone. It means hoping and wishing for their deaths. Big difference. You are pretending that it's advocating violence, when it isn't.
The Arabs are the national enemy of the Jewish people today. "Death to the Arabs" means a call for the death of the Arab Nation(s), the ones who every day try to destroy the Jewish people, and when they die, we live. Quite a simple formula.
Oh wait you won't do that will you? You're just a cheerleader on the sideline for the murderers.
What murderers would those be? People who chant are murderers?
I'll tell you again, if you want people to take you seriously, don't act racist in public.
I don't recall you telling me that before. And wanting my enemies to die is NOT racist. To want them to live and prosper is suicidal.
And yes Moderate Islam is an oxymoron. But if you want to embarrass your own people by acting like an idiot and chanting death for a WHOLE PEOPLE instead of picking on individuals then you will not be taken seriously.
Do you realize what a hypocrite you are? You're so offended that the arab nation is chanted against because you are afraid that not every individual member of the nation should be included, but yet if you don't like an action of mine, that's "embarrassing" my whole people. So it seems you do your own chanting afterall. Only, your chanting is very quick to condemn Jews.
^ I've found that real life contains very little of these.
Damn Hollywood.
That's not the point.
And the way you appeal to others in Israel is by moderating language and appearing as a high class person.
LOL, you've never been to Israel, have you?
Do you realize that Rabbi Kahane drummed up his party's popularity by going around the country from town to town setting up microphones and standing in the town square and shouting Arabs out! Arabs out! His rallies were fiery and provocative, not "civilized and high class." Here in this movement, we try to utilize the great methods of our greatest teacher rabbi Meir Kahane, Zecher Tzadik Levracha. Charisma and popularity does not come from sipping tea in bibi's guestroom.
Do you realize that Rabbi Kahane drummed up his party's popularity by going around the country from town to town setting up microphones and standing in the town square and shouting Arabs out! Arabs out! His rallies were fiery and provocative, not "civilized and high class." Here in this movement, we try to utilize the great methods of our greatest teacher rabbi Meir Kahane, Zecher Tzadik Levracha.
As can be seen in this video, "Kahane vs. the Kibbutzim".
The clip is less than 9 minutes long, yet out of the hours and hours of Rabbi Kahane videos I have downloaded from the net it is my very most favorite [I wish I had more of when he spoke so passionately as this]. In addition to the material, I also like the way it is edited together lo-fi style. It is incredibly sad how it opens up, but it is also very emotionally touching to see what a gigantic funeral turnout Rabbi Kahane had, and it does not focus on his death for long [HY"D ZT"L].
"Death to the Arabs" can be heard.
"Death to the Kibbutzim" can be heard.
Charisma and popularity does not come from sipping tea in bibi's guestroom.
Nothing classy happens in Bibi's guestroom! Doctor Brennan Fan has the expose!
The video clip is very good... I find it sad however that like many of the videos where the Rav is speaking the picture and sound quality is always so poor... Even in staged settings and debates I find this to be a problem... The video equipment back then was a wonder of it's day but looking back at it now it was actually no better then plain old film... I know that some of the old video can be cleaned up to some extent I just wonder how well and if the time it took would justify the level of improvement.