General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Spiraling Leopard on April 20, 2011, 08:35:32 AM

Title: Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Ba
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on April 20, 2011, 08:35:32 AM

A giant fact about the HAMAS Gaza Flotilla continues to be kept quiet by the mainstream media:

Terrorists Adam Shapiro & Huwaida Arraf Led, Organized Gaza Flotilla

Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf–the leaders of the “Free Gaza Movment” and the organizers of the HAMAS Gaza flotilla–and their organization harbored several Islamic terrorists and homicide bombers, including those who blew up a Tel Aviv Bar. They founded and head up the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

In April, 2003, Shapiro and Arraf’s group, ISM, brought two Pakistani British Muslim terrorists into Gaza from Jordan under the guise of a fake travel and tours company. The men, Asif Muhammad Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif, spent the night with ISM and the next day at ISM’s Gaza office. Then, they blew up Mike’s Bar in Tel Aviv. Three Israelis were murdered and fifty were wounded in the attack.  Although a few Islamic terrorist groups, including Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, claimed responsibility, the two terrorists were involved with Al-Qaeda. Some sources believe that their martyrdom videos may have been shot by ISM or at ISM’s offices.  Shapiro, Arraf, and their ISM should have been prosecuted and put in prison for life at the very least for harboring the men who perpetrated the attacks, but nothing happened to them.

Nothing also happened to them when a month earlier, in March 2003, they harbored Shadi Sukiya, in ISM’s Jenin office in the so-called West Bank, along with two Kalashnikov rifles.  Sukiya was involved in several thwarted suicide attacks, including a planned suicide bus bombing in northern Israel in September 2002, another suicide attack in October 2002, and a planned suicide attack with an explosive suitcase in February 2003. And he was involved in planting explosive devices and shooting attacks against IDF troops and Jewish communities in the Jenin area. Adam Shapiro and his organization helped hide this murderer and then defended those actions.

These are the people Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf helped in their efforts to murder as many innocent civilians as possible. It’s the same type of people they brought over on the “peace” flotilla from Turkey.

And, sadly, the U.S. refuses to put these two on the no-fly list or prosecute them for harboring, aiding, and abetting Islamic terrorists in mass murder.  In fact, on Tuesday, Arraf was the subject of a disgusting, gushing interview by Paul W. Smith, the pan-Islamist, half-Lebanese host of WJR, the Detroit Rush Limbaugh affiliate.  (Smith was previously a guest host for Limbaugh on several occasions.)

I’ve written about these two–Shapiro and Arraf–since 2002, when they were engaged to be married (they have since tied the knot), and all of the western media–including FOX News Channel–was describing them as peace activists. As I noted then, in my column, “Jewish by Birth, Terrorist by Choice,” they are anything but. Here are some excerpts:

On January 29th, Shapiro and his Palestinian American fiancee, Huwaida Arraf of Roseville, Michigan, praised suicide bombers’ missions and “martyrdom” in the Palestine Chronicle. “This is no less of a jihad. This is no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation. And we are certain that if these men were killed during such an action [DS: homicide bombings], they would be considered shaheed Allah [martyrdom].”

In the same article, Shapiro and Arraf wrote of their support for armed struggle. “The Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics, both nonviolent and violent. But most importantly it must develop a strategy involving both aspects . . . . Let us reiterate, we accept that Palestinians have a right to resist with arms.” . . .

Adam and fiancee Arraf urged an armed struggle, they also praised “India militants” who attacked “while Gandhi conducted his campaign” and the violent cop-killer “Black Panther Movement” that “existed side-by-side with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.”. . .

ISM’s views and activities, which can be seen at palsolidarity.org, are the epitome of violence, including, “We recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence and occupation via armed struggle.”

And that’s not to mention that Shapiro and Arraf hung out with Yasser Arafat and defended the Taliban. Sound like “peace activists” to you?

After writing the column, Adam’s crazy brother, New York lawyer Noah Shapiro, stalked me with harassing phone calls and threatened to sue me for daring to expose his brother’s predilection for violence.  There’s a reason Adam Shapiro was named the Guerrilla News Network’s “Guerrilla of the Week” in April 2002.

Arraf, a Christian Arab from the Detroit suburb of Roseville, majored in Hebrew at the University of Michigan. But she took Hebrew only to further her cause of helping Islamic terrorists against Israel. Shapiro was a counselor and top official for “Seeds of Peace,” the Islamic-Jewish moral equivalency summer camp in New England, the alumni of which include many Islamic terrorists.

As I frequently tell people, not all Christian Arabs are the good guys. In fact, many are not, as they have chosen–a la Huwaida Arraf–to be the water-carriers and warrior-dhimmis for Islam and its terrorists. But, if tomorrow, they took over, Arraf would be the first one they’d slaughter.

In 2002, a number of Islamic terrorists involved in homicide bombings and slaughter of American and Israeli civilians and soldiers hid in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Adam Shapiro’s and Huwaida Arraf’s group helped them. When the terrorists left and were, unfortunately, given safe passage to and freedom in Cyprus, they left behind a lot of garbage in the church, including used condoms.

I wondered if Ms. Arraf and her ISM followers gave the terrorists the opportunity to use the condoms.

Either way, this woman and her equally sleazy husband have figuratively “serviced” Islamic terrorists for almost a decade. And that includes the HAMAS Gaza flotilla.

If Gaza flotilla organizers Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf are so “peaceful,” why did they give shelter to Islamic terrorists who blew innocent people up?

And why on earth would Israel give them free and easy passage into Gaza? They may hold American passports, but they are terrorists plain and simple. Or, in Barack Obama lexicon, terrorist “community organizers.”
Title: Re: Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Ba
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on April 21, 2011, 06:55:13 PM
Go look these animals up on Masada2000; seriously this Huwaida beast is quite possibly one of the ugliest "humans" I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Ba
Post by: mord on April 22, 2011, 07:40:16 AM
I  bet in the near future they both will end up dead she looks like a shorter female version of Tiny Tim