General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Shlomo on June 12, 2007, 11:48:10 AM
If you look next to each user's name, you will now see "Promote" and "Demote". This is a new popularity rating feature that we have enabled on the forum (special thanks to TorahZionist for his efforts).
Just to head off any questions, this is only an extra component for fun and has nothing to do with a person's position or banning. Also, it is anonymous.
It looks like the same person can rate it more than once, which is not a good thing.
Now people can only rate once an hour.
mord, look to the left side of all posts.
A-ha, that's good, brother.
Now people can only rate once an hour.
mord, look to the left side of all posts.
This is a pretty cool feature. It will give a little more of an explicit indication of when we don't like someone and don't want them to be around, which is a good thing. Promotions all around fellows!
If you look next to each user's name, you will now see "Promote" and "Demote". This is a new popularity rating feature that we have enabled on the forum (special thanks to TorahZionist for his efforts).
Just to head off any questions, this is only an extra component for fun and has nothing to do with a person's position or banning. Also, it is anonymous.
It's also a good learning aid. You'd know If you're annoy someone.
It looks like one person can bring another down to quite a
nasty negative number.
Alright, everybody gets a free beer on this thread.
Wow i like this....pity you can't promote yourself ;D
Does anyone have the privilege of knowing who is promoting and who is demoting?
I like it, it's cool but I still think that you should only be allowed to vote only once per poster-
Does anyone have the privilege of knowing who is promoting and who is demoting?
I like it, it's cool but I still think that you should only be allowed to vote only once per poster-
None of what you requested can be done unfortunately.
Does anyone have the privilege of knowing who is promoting and who is demoting?
I like it, it's cool but I still think that you should only be allowed to vote only once per poster-
None of what you requested can be done unfortunately.
You mean there's no way of telling who clicks on promote/demote?
TZ, are you a programmer?
Hey, it's been another hour, free bagels for everyone!
Oh, wait, it's only been 40 mins.
I don't like this. It's a distraction.
You're only saying that because you have a zero rating. ;) j.k. I can see your point though. Also it could act as a disincentive for some to say what they truly feel because they would fear getting demoted. It could lead to more of a group-think mentality. I think diversity of opinion is the best thing for JTF, but I don't think people will pay attention to the ratings so hopefully it won't be a problem.
Hello all, and good day.
I truly hope this new feature won't be abused, and manipulated. The JTF forum has good folks so I trust this won't be the case.
Good job! I like it :D
I see that people are already using the ratings. Very good. :)
I don't like this. It's a distraction.
i agree, but it's kind of funny at the same time. A little while ago I had a 1 and now someone demoted me and at a nice fat 0...i wonder who did it (Chaimfan or Imerica)
What does Chaim feel about it? I remember there was some sort of religious issue about the ratings but don't remember what.
I think it's cool but I do hope it doesn't cause jealousy or strife. You know what I'm saying? If it does, we may need to reconsider. Let's see how it goes.
What do all of you think about this thing? Like it? Hate it? Wish it worked different?
I'm not sure. :)
I feel the pressure from posting with such smart people as it is.
I do like clicking promote for all the great posts I read!
I think this will bring a serious division among people here. I am against it.
I am having my second thoughts... this could be a distraction. Then again, it could help if someone needed to be removed from the forum. Then again, it feels too much like a popularity contest. We'll see.
I really appreciate everyone's participation. If we don't try new things, how can we know?
I think it is a good check and balance against bad posters, but the rating system on the old forum was subject to all sorts of abuse. I'm concerned that someone can come on here with a bot and mess everything up.
Maybe this gets too complicated, but I also feel that ratings should not be anonymous. In my opinion everyone should know who gives them what ratings and why. I feel there should be some check and balance against one individual rating someone 50 times. Perhaps if members had do things(number of posts, posting on ask JTF, youtube help, admin help, receiving good ratings) to earn credits to rate others they would use them carefully.
I also feel that politics on this forum should be geared towards saving Israel and the US and about individual member ratings.
These are just my thoughts.
Maybe just allow a poster to promote or demote only one person an hour, like on the old forum, that way your vote will need a little more thought.
How about a feature in the Members section in which we get to organize members according to rating?
I love it! It adds sophistication:)
.......i reckon because its a new feature it will be noticed and people may have minor issues with it but once its noticable faze has passed, it will settle as normal.
Not a bad idea, but now I'm going to get a complex if my rating is too low, LOL.