General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: jbeige on May 21, 2011, 03:57:27 PM

Title: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 21, 2011, 03:57:27 PM
I guess the only two people to support for 2012 are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
The others are just a waste of time and unelectable.
I wish Chris Christie would change his mind, but I don't see that happening.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 26, 2011, 07:23:35 PM
I have a question and I don't mean to insult anyone and I'm very sorry if I do and I apologize.
How come no one on this forum will say who they will support in the 2012 presidential election?
I seems like people are afraid to say who they will support or they have to wait for someone to make the decision for them.
Once again I do apologize if I insulted anyone.
By the way I will hold my nose support Mitt Romney.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: nopeaceforland on May 26, 2011, 08:00:58 PM
Chris Christie is not just a moron, but he looks like he swallowed an extra moron! As for why people on the forum haven't said who they support: Maybe it's because Huckabee dropped out and we're now waiting to see who is best?
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 26, 2011, 10:46:08 PM
Chris Christie is not just a moron, but he looks like he swallowed an extra moron! As for why people on the forum haven't said who they support: Maybe it's because Huckabee dropped out and we're now waiting to see who is best?
The only people that don't like Chris Christie are ultra liberals and I don't care if he eats a whole cow, he's stopping the obama liberal unions from bleeding his state dry.
Waiting to see who is best, the people on the forum should be seeing who is electable.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 28, 2011, 05:58:23 PM
Great news Texas Governor Rick Perry is thinking about running in 2012, he is very conservative and will be great for America.
Unless Perry runs I will fully support Mitt Romney.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 29, 2011, 11:19:23 AM
I don't seem to understand something.
It seems to me if this forum is a Jewish forum and pro Israel how come the people on here don't seem to realize how important it is to beat Obama in 2012 and you don't need a pro Israel republican, you need any republican because the republicans are either for Israel or they just leave them alone.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on May 29, 2011, 08:44:43 PM
I don't seem to understand something.
It seems to me if this forum is a Jewish forum and pro Israel how come the people on here don't seem to realize how important it is to beat Obama in 2012 and you don't need a pro Israel republican, you need any republican because the republicans are either for Israel or they just leave them alone.

Thank you.
What's to understand? It's still very early in the game and candidates are still tossing their hats into the ring... I think most people here on the forum have an idea who they would clearly not support however lets see who will actually be running...Once all the players are in there will be plenty of time to make an endorsement.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 29, 2011, 10:38:55 PM
What's to understand? It's still very early in the game and candidates are still tossing their hats into the ring... I think most people here on the forum have an idea who they would clearly not support however lets see who will actually be running...Once all the players are in there will be plenty of time to make an endorsement.
So what you are saying is everyone should wait until after the republican gets the nomination before anyone supports that candidate?  People like you are the reason we have obama as president.
There is no reason to wait, people have eyes they can see the republicans that are running, it's like they are waiting for someone to tell them who to support.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on May 30, 2011, 12:04:11 AM
So what you are saying is everyone should wait until after the republican gets the nomination before anyone supports that candidate?  People like you are the reason we have obama as president.
There is no reason to wait, people have eyes they can see the republicans that are running, it's like they are waiting for someone to tell them who to support.

Romney and Gingrich are both very awful candidates who will not reverse course.  Even though their no Obongo though they will still drive us off the cliff.  Who knows?  Demint may run who of course is a lot better than they are!
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2011, 12:40:28 AM
So what you are saying is everyone should wait until after the republican gets the nomination before anyone supports that candidate?  People like you are the reason we have obama as president.
There is no reason to wait, people have eyes they can see the republicans that are running, it's like they are waiting for someone to tell them who to support.
People like me are the reason we have "obama" as president.   :::D Your quite funny  :laugh: You don't know the first thing about me.  :P Rest assured the last thing I need is you or anyone else telling me how to vote.  ;D The offerings the Republicans had last time around were from hunger and whats shaping up this time around is not much better.  :'( There are some names such as Rick Perry and a few others still in question that might make the race interesting... Have fun blindly supporting whoever you please... I think however in order to make an informed choice you should wait and see just what the choices are... You make it sound like your the only Republican here on the forum... Chances are my original RNC card was issued long before you were even a thought in your parents mind...  How's that for presumption  :::D
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 30, 2011, 06:44:11 AM
Romney and Gingrich are both very awful candidates who will not reverse course.  Even though their no Obongo though they will still drive us off the cliff.  Who knows?  Demint may run who of course is a lot better than they are!
Thanks for your input.
That's true Demint might be good.
All I want is for people to start talking about it.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 30, 2011, 06:54:16 AM
People like me are the reason we have "obama" as president.   :::D Your quite funny  :laugh: You don't know the first thing about me.  :P Rest assured the last thing I need is you or anyone else telling me how to vote.  ;D The offerings the Republicans had last time around were from hunger and whats shaping up this time around is not much better.  :'( There are some names such as Rick Perry and a few others still in question that might make the race interesting... Have fun blindly supporting whoever you please... I think however in order to make an informed choice you should wait and see just what the choices are... You make it sound like your the only Republican here on the forum... Chances are my original RNC card was issued long before you were even a thought in your parents mind...  How's that for presumption  :::D
I have a question for you, isn't it better for people to start sharing their views on which candidate supports things that others don't?  As far as you being older, if you're that old you might be senile and not able to make a clear choice. ;D
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2011, 08:04:30 AM
I have a question for you, isn't it better for people to start sharing their views on which candidate supports things that others don't?  As far as you being older, if you're that old you might be senile and not able to make a clear choice. ;D
Yes, it would be a good thing if people talked about the different candidates and what their platforms would be... The thing is many of the new faces have little or no chance getting much past the Iowa caucuses... The old faces generate little or no major interest because they are old party hacks RINO's for the most part... Would any of them be better then the shvartza President? Yes, but one of them will be running anyway and the only way they will win against this incumbent president is if the dissatisfaction level between now and election day becomes very high... Here is a very good list of the known contenders so far and some facts about them from ABC News...
There are some good names on it, people that would make a good president such as John Bolton... Do you think he has a chance? Sad to say if the RNC is going to go with an anyone but our sitting president mentality the sitting president is going to be sitting until 2016...Well, I tossed a name out that works for me the problem is getting him nominated... Let me hear what you have to say about some of the people in the link and I will give you my opinion... Just remember your dealing with someone who might be on the brink of senility or I may have even fallen over the edge  :::D Who knows  ;D
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 30, 2011, 03:46:34 PM
Yes, it would be a good thing if people talked about the different candidates and what their platforms would be... The thing is many of the new faces have little or no chance getting much past the Iowa caucuses... The old faces generate little or no major interest because they are old party hacks RINO's for the most part... Would any of them be better then the shvartza President? Yes, but one of them will be running anyway and the only way they will win against this incumbent president is if the dissatisfaction level between now and election day becomes very high... Here is a very good list of the known contenders so far and some facts about them from ABC News...
There are some good names on it, people that would make a good president such as John Bolton... Do you think he has a chance? Sad to say if the RNC is going to go with an anyone but our sitting president mentality the sitting president is going to be sitting until 2016...Well, I tossed a name out that works for me the problem is getting him nominated... Let me hear what you have to say about some of the people in the link and I will give you my opinion... Just remember your dealing with someone who might be on the brink of senility or I may have even fallen over the edge  :::D Who knows  ;D
I think you would really like Rick Perry, he's very conservative and supports Israel.
I hear what you're saying but my question is are you sure he's a shvartza, maybe he's another kind, can you please verify this some how.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2011, 09:25:03 PM
I think you would really like Rick Perry, he's very conservative and supports Israel.
I hear what you're saying but my question is are you sure he's a shvartza, maybe he's another kind, can you please verify this some how.  Thank you.

Yes, Rick Perry might be a good candidate if he decides to toss his hat into the ring... Some years back here at JTF Chaim did a show on QPTV titled Dangerous Questions... Your question sort of reminds me of that old show  :laugh: When our so called president gained office the thought of having to call the president of the United States by a muslim name made me sort of sick... I gave him the name "shvartza President" back then and have been calling him that ever since... His presidency actually reminds me of a Planet Of The Apes Presidency but I am trying to show some restraint and am sticking with the nickname I started out with.  :laugh: ;D
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: KansasJew on May 30, 2011, 09:35:11 PM
I would say look at Mike Pence from Indiana. He has a record of 100% conserative on votes and pro israel.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 31, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Yes, Rick Perry might be a good candidate if he decides to toss his hat into the ring... Some years back here at JTF Chaim did a show on QPTV titled Dangerous Questions... Your question sort of reminds me of that old show  :laugh: When our so called president gained office the thought of having to call the president of the United States by a muslim name made me sort of sick... I gave him the name "shvartza President" back then and have been calling him that ever since... His presidency actually reminds me of a Planet Of The Apes Presidency but I am trying to show some restraint and am sticking with the nickname I started out with.  :laugh: ;D
I guess you can call him that because there are No blacks on here, a black wouldn't be caught dead on a forum like this because most are liberals.  I don't think this forum is what I like to call a "George Bush Sr." you can't please everyone and if you try you won't get good results.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on May 31, 2011, 04:13:58 PM
I would say look at Mike Pence from Indiana. He has a record of 100% conserative on votes and pro israel.

I looked up Pence and you are right he seems like he would make a candidate.
I think the big problem now is the republicans are going to kill themselves with the changing medicare thing.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: KansasJew on May 31, 2011, 04:25:25 PM
I just found out Pence is running for Indiana Governor where he is projected to win the republican nomination.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: KansasJew on May 31, 2011, 04:40:23 PM
We need a strong southern republican and either a northeastern or west coast republican ticket to stop Obama in his tracks. Huckabee for the bible belt and souhern vote.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on June 01, 2011, 01:18:22 AM
Huckabee for the bible belt and souhern vote.

Unfortunately Huckabee isn't running.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 06, 2011, 06:25:30 PM
I'm just glad Huckabee isn't running because he seemed like a fake conservative and a yolkel
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 06, 2011, 06:34:00 PM
I am really starting to think that the republicans don't want to win the presidency because they had the election almost locked up and they start with the changing medicare thing which is a sure killer for them.
Unless some republican candidate comes out saying they are against changing medicare it looks like we have obama for another 4 years.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on June 07, 2011, 01:46:15 AM
I'm just glad Huckabee isn't running because he seemed like a fake conservative and a yolkel

I think he's hellofalotbetter than Romney or Gingrich.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: HiWarp on June 07, 2011, 06:53:56 AM
I am really starting to think that the republicans don't want to win the presidency because they had the election almost locked up and they start with the changing medicare thing which is a sure killer for them.
Unless some republican candidate comes out saying they are against changing medicare it looks like we have obama for another 4 years.

Why? Should Medicare not be touched? What about Social Security? Is that hands off also? What do you propose, that we just go on as if everything is fine until both go bankrupt, then fix them?
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: KansasJew on June 07, 2011, 11:18:31 AM
Honestly social security and medicare were socialist based programs implemented by FDR in 1935. The american people have become dependent on it for over 70 years.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on June 07, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
Honestly social security and medicare were socialist based programs implemented by FDR in 1935. The american people have become dependent on it for over 70 years.
Social Security was implemented back in 1935 to keep people from starving in the streets in their old age... It was only intended to be a small supplementary income not the retirement plan its become today... My thinking is it should have remained just that a small safety net just to keep people from starving... The fund has clearly been misused...  Politicians have handed out Social Security disability income to young slackers and their families that should be on the job working instead they are sucking the system dry...  After paying into it for more years then I care to say I personally want what I have coming to me be it socialist based or anything else... Had it been optional back when I started working I may have chosen to opt out and invest my money in private investments... This option was taken from me and now like most other American workers I am expecting a return in my old age... Personally I don't care where the government has to get the money from... As far as medicare this system came years later and by the time it was implemented politicians already knew plans like this were unsustainable... Still what does Washington do year after year expand both sagging programs hastening the demise of the resources even quicker then need be...
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 08, 2011, 10:46:55 PM
I think he's hellofalotbetter than Romney or Gingrich.
It's too bad he's un-electable.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 08, 2011, 10:49:48 PM
Why? Should Medicare not be touched? What about Social Security? Is that hands off also? What do you propose, that we just go on as if everything is fine until both go bankrupt, then fix them?
All I know is I have been paying through my butt and I expect to get what I paid in back, you can't change the rules in the middle of the game.
Medicare and Social Security funds have been getting used for other things for years that's how Bill Clinton balanced the budget.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 08, 2011, 10:51:29 PM
Honestly social security and medicare were socialist based programs implemented by FDR in 1935. The american people have become dependent on it for over 70 years.
Socialist or not people have been paying in all their lives now you tell them it's too bad the rules have changed.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 08, 2011, 10:53:38 PM
At least the good news is Romney is in the lead and can beat obama, the latest polls shows Romney with 49% and obama 46%
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: KansasJew on June 09, 2011, 12:16:41 AM
You can not cut the american people off cold turkey. Its be around 70+ yrs it will take that long to wean us off.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on June 09, 2011, 03:51:41 AM
All I know is I have been paying through my butt and I expect to get what I paid in back, you can't change the rules in the middle of the game.
Medicare and Social Security funds have been getting used for other things for years that's how Bill Clinton balanced the budget.
There use to be an old expression here in New York one that I have not heard for years  "You can't fight city hall and expect to win" ... People need to understand when dealing with the government  less is more... The less government involvement in day to day issues the better... Once government has their hand in the pot as with SSI and now health care the tax paying public will always be losers in the end...While programs like this have very high overhead the funds have clearly been misused over the years.... If the money taken in was managed correctly the funds would not be in the poor shape they are in now.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: HiWarp on June 09, 2011, 06:53:25 AM
All I know is I have been paying through my butt and I expect to get what I paid in back, you can't change the rules in the middle of the game.
Medicare and Social Security funds have been getting used for other things for years that's how Bill Clinton balanced the budget.

Hey, I'm in the same boat. There was a time in my late 20s that I would have gladly chosen to forgo any future social security benefits as long as I could opt out of future payments, even though I had already been paying into it for nearly 10 years. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I looked at it as a small price to pay for being able to keep and manage my money for the rest of my working life. Now that I've been paying into it for 30 years, I'd like to get my money back too. But, if people entering the workforce today continue to be forced to fund this nightmare so you and I can receive future payments, you are just repeating the shell game for future generations.

I don't advocate cutting off all social security and medicare for all people immediately, but I certainly do advocate finding another way to fund them for people currently on the programs and people near retirement. Only then can you make them voluntary for younger workers.

Of course this is all a pipe dream that will never come to be as long as we have Democrats and RINOs in office.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 09, 2011, 05:53:09 PM
Hey, I'm in the same boat. There was a time in my late 20s that I would have gladly chosen to forgo any future social security benefits as long as I could opt out of future payments, even though I had already been paying into it for nearly 10 years. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I looked at it as a small price to pay for being able to keep and manage my money for the rest of my working life. Now that I've been paying into it for 30 years, I'd like to get my money back too. But, if people entering the workforce today continue to be forced to fund this nightmare so you and I can receive future payments, you are just repeating the shell game for future generations.

I don't advocate cutting off all social security and medicare for all people immediately, but I certainly do advocate finding another way to fund them for people currently on the programs and people near retirement. Only then can you make them voluntary for younger workers.

Of course this is all a pipe dream that will never come to be as long as we have Democrats and RINOs in office.
They need to start it at a certain age where maybe workers have only been paying in for 10 years, but to tell someone that has been paying in 30 years that they are going to get a voucher is crazy, trust me this it going to be the killer for the republican party in 2012.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Debbie Shafer on June 09, 2011, 08:06:31 PM
People like me are the reason we have "obama" as president.   :::D Your quite funny  :laugh: You don't know the first thing about me.  :P Rest assured the last thing I need is you or anyone else telling me how to vote.  ;D The offerings the Republicans had last time around were from hunger and whats shaping up this time around is not much better.  :'( There are some names such as Rick Perry and a few others still in question that might make the race interesting... Have fun blindly supporting whoever you please... I think however in order to make an informed choice you should wait and see just what the choices are... You make it sound like your the only Republican here on the forum... Chances are my original RNC card was issued long before you were even a thought in your parents mind...  How's that for presumption  :::D

Looks like the GOP's boy is Romney.   He would definitely be better than Obummer...I heard Rick Perry might run too, or Guiliani!
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 23, 2011, 11:08:02 AM
Looks like the GOP's boy is Romney.   He would definitely be better than Obummer...I heard Rick Perry might run too, or Guiliani!
Looks like the GOP's boy is Romney.   He would definitely be better than Obummer...I heard Rick Perry might run too, or Guiliani!
Can we get serious of who is electable not who is the best person for the job because we all know that just doesn't happen.
Bachmann is good and is very intelligent but face it she's unelectable because the liberal media and liberal tv shows will do a smear campaign on her and make her look like an idiot like they did with Palin.
Gingrich has just too much baggage and seems to be stuck in the 1980's.
Ron Paul seems like he's a wacko and seems half dead.
Giuliani has to face it he's not the peoples mayor any more, the 9/11 coat tails are over.
Palin is just damaged goods.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 28, 2011, 07:31:45 PM
Bachmann is starting to stick her foot in her mouth, lets hope she doesn't get the republican nomination or we have obama again.
Lets just go with the Romney/Bachmann or Perry/Bachmann ticket and be happy.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on June 29, 2011, 05:35:31 PM
Obama beats Palin in Alaska poll, Why don't Palin just face the facts that politically she is finished, the best thing for her to do is to keep making speeches and keep people thinking about problems and the government.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on July 01, 2011, 07:32:25 PM
This is how stupid obama is, he said that we need another stimulus plan so it would help cut spending.
He thinks spending means cutting. :o
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2011, 08:32:24 PM
Obama beats Palin in Alaska poll, Why don't Palin just face the facts that politically she is finished, the best thing for her to do is to keep making speeches and keep people thinking about problems and the government.
I think Palin has come to the conclusion that she really is not going to make the cut come primary time... I think she is positioning herself for a possible cabinet position or a spot on one of the news channels talking insider politics... I personally like her but she is not what we need in Washington at this point in time.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on July 01, 2011, 08:55:52 PM
This is how stupid obama is, he said that we need another stimulus plan so it would help cut spending.
He thinks spending means cutting. :o
I know it might not be nice to say however the filthy animal in the Oval Office has a shvartza's mentality when it comes to running the country... Only a mud duck ( even if it's only half a mud duck) would think by draining the countries emergency fuel reserve he would have the ability to lower oil prices... Did he ever stop to think that the country needs that oil for emergency situations... That after he drains the reserve dry the replacement oil the country will need to buy to replaced the oil taken will be at much higher prices then what was taken out... Did the filthy ape ever consider just allowing more production? I guess because the oil is stored in the ground he thinks it's works the same as an oil well  :::D He has the same mentality with money issues...  He believes the money supply works the same way as the oil reserve does and in a way it actually does because when he gets done with them they both will be very empty.  :'(
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on July 01, 2011, 10:47:45 PM
I know it might not be nice to say however the filthy animal in the Oval Office has a shvartza's mentality when it comes to running the country... Only a mud duck ( even if it's only half a mud duck) would think by draining the countries emergency fuel reserve he would have the ability to lower oil prices... Did he ever stop to think that the country needs that oil for emergency situations... That after he drains the reserve dry the replacement oil the country will need to buy to replaced the oil taken will be at much higher prices then what was taken out... Did the filthy ape ever consider just allowing more production? I guess because the oil is stored in the ground he thinks it's works the same as an oil well  :::D He has the same mentality with money issues...  He believes the money supply works the same way as the oil reserve does and in a way it actually does because when he gets done with them they both will be very empty.  :'(
Thanks for your response.
What you are saying very true that's why I am trying to get people on here to support a Republican candidate early, even if they change later but it's good to start supporting someone now.
Also I have a question, if he's a shvartza are there other kinds?
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on July 01, 2011, 10:50:14 PM
I think Palin has come to the conclusion that she really is not going to make the cut come primary time... I think she is positioning herself for a possible cabinet position or a spot on one of the news channels talking insider politics... I personally like her but she is not what we need in Washington at this point in time.
Yes, Palin would be a fool to try to run again, she should not say too much against the Republican candidates because she might be picked for a cabinet position, I just hope Bachmann does the same thing and doesn't burn her bridges and say too much.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: remove name on July 02, 2011, 10:22:03 PM
Medicare was reduced with Obama care by $140 a month so if an elderly women who was getting Medicare last month at $995.00 a month she was reduced to 854.00 a month Now he wants everyone on Medicare to apply for food stamps The food stamps only allow you to buy certian foods and you are given $195 a month. On this $854 a month you have to pay for Medications electric, gas, transportation, clothes and food not to mention rent ! can any of you live off of this?
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on July 02, 2011, 11:29:17 PM
Yes, Palin would be a fool to try to run again, she should not say too much against the Republican candidates because she might be picked for a cabinet position, I just hope Bachmann does the same thing and doesn't burn her bridges and say too much.

I thought it was stupid that Bachman used Tom Petty's American Girl song which is about some drugged out girl.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: remove name on July 03, 2011, 01:08:09 AM
The elderly paid through their noses too and they are entitled to get social security . However your1Senators and your Congressman dont pay social security and they get a pension for the rest of their lives after 4 yrs unless they are told to step down. Nice to get 100,000 a year for not working....  some after a certain age are collecting the pension and a salary, Plus they get the finest medical care your money could buy and what do you get Obama care where you will have to wait 6 months to see a primary doctor and 1-2 yrs to see a specialist who cant speak English but Arabic,  Obama just brought in to the USA 80,000 Muslims doctors to begin this Obamacare and they alll got green cards as soon as they entered  Those are the jobs he created,,
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on July 03, 2011, 05:20:27 AM
Medicare was reduced with Obama care by $140 a month so if an elderly women who was getting Medicare last month at $995.00 a month she was reduced to 854.00 a month Now he wants everyone on Medicare to apply for food stamps The food stamps only allow you to buy certian foods and you are given $195 a month. On this $854 a month you have to pay for Medications electric, gas, transportation, clothes and food not to mention rent ! can any of you live off of this?
Well the animal told the America people just where he was going to get the money to fund his health plan and the elderly voted for him in great numbers anyway... Was it because it seemed he was offering something that was going to cost them less? Old folks who have worked all their lives deserve what was originally promised them when they payed into the system... My problem is with people who spend their lives on welfare and now expect to get the exact same treatment as people who paid into the system... This is the group that the shvartza President hinted at making whole but at the end of the day will be no better off then they were in the first place... The only winner here is the government which will have complete control over the medical care most Americans receive or fail to receive.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on July 03, 2011, 09:14:46 AM
Medicare was reduced with Obama care by $140 a month so if an elderly women who was getting Medicare last month at $995.00 a month she was reduced to 854.00 a month Now he wants everyone on Medicare to apply for food stamps The food stamps only allow you to buy certian foods and you are given $195 a month. On this $854 a month you have to pay for Medications electric, gas, transportation, clothes and food not to mention rent ! can any of you live off of this?
So really that's not a bad deal, he took away $140 but is giving you $195 a month back in food stamps, sign me up.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on July 21, 2011, 04:47:26 PM
The Republicans are really screwing up any chance of beating obama, it looks like we are going to have obama for another 4 years.
Once obama gets in again and the democrats take control of the house again we are going to be living in a third world country, welcome to the planet of the apes.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 02, 2011, 06:17:00 PM
Obama down again in the polls, he's down to a 40% approval rating. 8)
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 11, 2011, 06:20:41 PM
We have some good news Rick Perry is going to run for President.
I think it's time for everyone to come out and support an electable candidate and Bachmann is never going to be an electable candidate.  If everyone is waiting for a candidate go come out and support Israel fully we will wait and wait and wait and while we are waiting obama will be re-elected.  We are going to have to just hold our noses and vote a republican in no matter what.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 13, 2011, 07:50:09 PM
I was listening to Perry announcing that he's running for president and he seems so at easy talking to people, very relaxed.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 14, 2011, 10:49:47 AM
I just love all the naive people on here that are saying "I thought Bachmann was unelectable", she won the idiot Iowa straw poll, she is still unelectable so she is a waste of time.   Any time Ron Paul comes in second you know that the people of Iowa are smoking more than just corn husks.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on August 14, 2011, 10:58:02 AM
I just love all the naive people on here that are saying "I thought Bachmann was unelectable", she won the idiot Iowa straw poll, she is still unelectable so she is a waste of time.   Any time Ron Paul comes in second you know that the people of Iowa are smoking more than just corn husks.
I was told by an old Iowa sharecropper that they used the corn husks for something else or was it the cob .... Anyway they could use that straw poll paperwork because thats about all its good for.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 14, 2011, 11:00:16 AM
I was told by an old Iowa sharecropper that they used the corn husks for something else or was it the cob .... Anyway they could use that straw poll paperwork because thats about all its good for.
Do they eat the corn off the cob before they use it for something else?
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: cjd on August 14, 2011, 11:05:07 AM
Do they eat the corn off the cob before they use it for something else?
I said they were sharecroppers not the Rockefeller's  of course they ate the corn off the cob first...  :laugh:
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 14, 2011, 11:06:44 AM
I said they were sharecroppers not the Rockefeller's  of course they ate the corn off the cob first...  :laugh:
So what you are saying is they get it COMING and GOING.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 15, 2011, 08:03:46 AM
More good news Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race, I guess he seen the light, now if Bachmann would only see the light that she will never get elected and drop out we would be in better shape to beat obama.
Bachmann can be a good vice president, she shut her mouth and drop out of the race.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 16, 2011, 10:58:53 AM
I'm glad the field of republican candidates has narrowed down to Romney or Perry so now I can do more research on the both of them and see which one will get all my support.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: Hank64 on August 18, 2011, 10:14:21 PM
I hate democrats, so I will vote for a GOP candidate
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 24, 2011, 03:33:57 PM
Rick Perry: the Right Leader for Tough Times

America is at a crossroads. One in six work-eligible Americans cannot find a full-time job. The nation's credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in history. Millions of Americans are struggling to avoid foreclosure or to just make ends meet. As national leaders spend more time assigning blame than laying out a clear vision, the prospects for recovery seem dim.

Rick Perry will get America working again.

As Governor of Texas, Rick Perry has helped build the nation's strongest economy. Since June 2009, more than 40 percent of all net new jobs in America have been created in Texas. Thanks to his fiscally conservative leadership, Texans enjoy one of the lowest tax burdens in the country and one of the lowest government debt burdens per capita.

The principles that have guided Rick Perry's leadership in Texas are the same principles that will guide him as President: Don't spend all the money. Keep taxes low and regulations fair. And invest aggressively in job creation, because good jobs make the American Dream possible.

It's time for a leader who will allow us to believe again – to believe that America's best days are ahead, that we are not consigned to a fate of high unemployment and economic despair, and that our place in the world can once again be secure with a policy of peace through strength.

That leader is Rick Perry. And the restoration of the American Dream begins today.
Title: Re: Support them or we have obama for another 4 years
Post by: jbeige on August 30, 2011, 06:09:15 PM
I can't believe most of the people on here, do you realize how important it is for America and Israel to get obama out of office?
I think for the next year we should stop the arguing about things and start supporting either Romney or Perry because one of them are going to get the nomination.
The Bachmann thing is stupid she will never in a million years get elected, we have more of a chance of the mussies being our friends than Bachmann being elected.