General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on May 23, 2011, 02:57:04 PM
What's with the politeness, to Obama...Like he'll be convinced to change...
I think Hashem might take Obama's free will away like He did to Pharoah...that is if He hasn't done so already.
What's with the politeness, to Obama...Like he'll be convinced to change...
I think Hashem might take Obama's free will away like He did to Pharoah...that is if He hasn't done so already.
I agree... It seems like it is too late... Obama is sitting in Pharoahs shoes and he likes it...
I agree... It seems like it is too late... Obama is sitting in Pharoahs shoes and he likes it...
I guess obama doesn't the rest of the story.BTW does anyone know what happened to paroh after the yam soof [red sea]
I guess obama doesn't the rest of the story.BTW does anyone know what happened to paroh after the yam soof [red sea]
I have heard a story about this...
This story says that Pharoah actually did repent and he was somehow the king of Ninevah during the time of Jonah.
Here are some links to this concept:
Did Pharaoh accompany his army when they went after the Israelites? If so, did he die with them?
We read in Exodus 14 that Pharaoh personally led his army against the Jews.
There are differing opinions in the Midrash1 concerning his fate. Some say that he drowned in the Red Sea together with his army, while others opine that he survived the miraculous event. He survived in order to retell a firsthand account of the miracles and wonders that G‑d performed.
According to one Midrash,2 he made his way to Nineveh, Assyria, where he became king—the same king who when hearing the prophet Jonah's message from G‑d foretelling Nineveh's destruction, encouraged all his subjects to repent in order to avert the divine decree. Apparently he had learned his lesson.
Wishing you a happy and kosher Passover!
Yours truly,
Rabbi Menachem Posner
1. Mechilta Beshalach 2:6.
2. Yalkut Shimoni Exodus 176.
Pharaoh in Ninveh
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Can you tell me the story of Pharaoh ruling over the city of Nineveh & its source?
A hint to the idea that Pharaoh did not die at the splitting of the Reed Sea can be found in Exodus 14:28. The verse states that the water covered over the Egyptians, “v’lo nish’ar bahem od echad.” The plain meaning of this verse is that not even one person remained. The Midrash, in Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer, says that the verse can be read to mean “up until, but not including one person (i.e. Pharoah), was left.” The Midrash continues to note that Pharoah became king of Nineveh.
Additionally, the commentary Ba’al Ha’turim points points out the following linguistic similarity: In Exodus 14:31 it says, “...And they [the Jewish people] believed in the Lord…”; and in Jonah 3:5 it says, “And the people of Nineveh believed in G-d….” Both verses use the word “Va’yaminu”—and they believed. This points us to the Midrash quoted above, and explains that the people of Nineveh were brought to belief in G-d by Pharaoh, when he told them of the wonders that occurred in Egypt and in the Red Sea.
The implications of this Midrash are truly astounding! The fact that someone like Pharoah, who time and again refused to recognize the power of G-d, could repent and teach a whole city about the truth of G-d, is a remarkable lesson in the strength of repentance.
One last concept from Aish.com... Here it offers the opinion that Pharoah did not repent and actually is a gate-keeper of Gehinnom:
Question: Didn't the Egyptians die in the sea? Why does the verse say "at the shore"?
Answer: God didn't want the Egyptians to think that the Jews were drowning, too, nor for the Jews to think that the Egyptians are coming out the other side. So the sea expelled the drowning Egyptians when they were 99 percent dead. Each Egyptian landed in front of the Jew who he'd beaten up the most. He looked up to see the Jew, and then died (Midrash).
(13) The only survivor, again, was Pharaoh. God raised him into the air to clearly see his soldiers drowning. According to one opinion, Pharaoh later became the king of Nineveh, who repented in the times of Jonah. According to a second opinion, Pharaoh became the doorman of Purgatory who asks all the wicked anti-Semites: "Why didn't you learn a lesson from me?" (Midrash)
I have heard a story about this...
This story says that Pharoah actually did repent and he was somehow the king of Ninevah during the time of Jonah.
Here are some links to this concept:
I guess he learned his lesson
I guess he learned his lesson
One of my Rabbis reminded me of this midrash when once I exclaimed that I still felt rage at Pharoah. The Rabbi told me that according to this midrash Pharoah had repented and there is no need to still feel anger at what he did to us...
One of my Rabbis reminded me of this midrash when once I exclaimed that I still felt rage at Pharoah. The Rabbi told me that according to this midrash Pharoah had repented and there is no need to still feel anger at what he did to us...
Yes i feel anger against the new pharoh
How do you repent and succeed if one had murdered?
Very well done; I would have loved to see Obama's face if Netanyahu had spoken like this.
I was particularly fascinated by his prediction that the Arab states would disintegrate into a bunch of warlord factions, and how that would play into the hands of Muslim fanatics.
How do you repent and succeed if one had murdered?
Remember, in the story of Exodus, the free-will of Pharaoh was removed when Hashem 'Hardened his heart'... Thus he should not be held liable to punishment if what he did was not according to his free-will... This is an interesting dichotomy in this story....
Nice to see Moshe is back to talking common sense again.
If only the prime minister would reject Oslo.