General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: RationalThought110 on June 12, 2007, 07:11:10 PM

Title: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 12, 2007, 07:11:10 PM
This wasn't answered when I asked this in the "Presidential Elections" section of the forum so I'll ask it again here (maybe not enough of you saw the post):

      How was Giuliani able to figure out the intentions of Arafat?  I don't think any of the other politicians did so I wonder how he was able to do so.  If you don't want to post it here, then send me a message. 
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 17, 2007, 03:24:44 AM
Anyone know?
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 17, 2007, 03:28:49 AM
Everyone knew what kind of man Arafat was, either they approved of him, like the Clintons, or they needed the money they would alienate by treating Arafat like a terrorist.

Guiliani seems not to have cared either way.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 17, 2007, 03:35:40 AM
Everyone knew what kind of man Arafat was, either they approved of him, like the Clintons, or they needed the money they would alienate by treating Arafat like a terrorist.

Guiliani seems not to have cared either way.

Could you be a little clearer:  What does money have to do with it? 

Didn't Giuliani force Arafat to leave when he visited the US?
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on July 29, 2007, 02:47:56 AM
Giuliani was educated on this issue even in 1994 he forced him out of the concert in 1994 when over 50 world leaders were there his had good reason to believe that their would be a terrorist attack and there was a terrorist in the room
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: DownwithIslam on July 29, 2007, 03:48:30 AM
Well Rudy Giulianni is deff better than any democrat. I would consider voting for him simply because he threw that terrorist out of the concert.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 29, 2007, 08:56:43 AM
There are two possible reasons:

1. He knew that Arafat was scum.
2. He didn't care that Arafat were scum, but knew the Jews didn't like him and wanted their vote.

I think he most likely felt choice #1.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: fjack on July 29, 2007, 09:07:14 AM
Arafart was a known murderer, terrorist and all around bad guy. Rudy knew this. He was the only person that had the onions to request that arafart should be kicked out of the concert. Arafart was already tied to murder of American civilians, unlike self haters that love any one that destroys our country or kills Americans, Rudy didn't cotton to the likes of this muzzire rump wrangler. The only thing that I can fault Rudy for, is that he lowered the black on black murder rate, this to me is unacceptable. Blacks should be allowed to kill,rape, rob their own kind without any interference from the police. It is only when the darkies cause mayhem in the white parts of town that they should be dealt with.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on July 29, 2007, 10:59:58 AM
Re:  Rudy

During 9.11, Rudy was great.  No doubt about it.

However, things appear quite differently today.

Rudy's law partners represented Dubai in their quest to purchase the rights to monitor America's port security.

Rudy lobbied for this move; putting the Nazi UAE Arab Emirates (sanctuary for Michael Jackson) in charge of inspecting cargo entering the U.S.; totally responsible for preventing nuclear bombs, other WMD, and even Muslim terrorists from being smuggled into our country.

Giuliani, over the last several years, has been a very highly paid guest speaker in Dubai.

Dubai recently hosted Iran's "Death to America, Death to Israel" convention.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now that he's been knighted by "Her Majesty, The Queen" as "Sir Rudy", can American Jews trust Giuliani to protect and preserve America?
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 29, 2007, 11:06:54 AM
Re:  Rudy

During 9.11, Rudy was great.  No doubt about it.

However, things appear quite differently today.

Rudy's law partners represented Dubai in their quest to purchase the rights to monitor America's port security.

Rudy lobbied for this move; putting the Nazi UAE Arab Emirates (sanctuary for Michael Jackson) in charge of inspecting cargo entering the U.S.; totally responsible for preventing nuclear bombs, other WMD, and even Muslim terrorists from being smuggled into our country.

Giuliani, over the last several years, has been a very highly paid guest speaker in Dubai.

Dubai recently hosted Iran's "Death to America, Death to Israel" convention.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now that he's been knighted by "Her Majesty, The Queen" as "Sir Rudy", can American Jews trust Giuliani to protect and preserve America?

Massuah, if there is a youtube debate where you can ask questions to the candidate, ask this one.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 29, 2007, 05:34:45 PM
Well, I started a post that I think that Rudy should be the next president.  He will be a great one. 
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 29, 2007, 05:55:22 PM
Well, I started a post that I think that Rudy should be the next president.  He will be a great one. 

Just don't be surprised if on his second term you comes off to be George W Bushish... Guiliani is the best option with the best chance to win...
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: cjd on July 29, 2007, 06:09:01 PM
Well, I started a post that I think that Rudy should be the next president.  He will be a great one. 

Just don't be surprised if on his second term you comes off to be George W Bushish... Guiliani is the best option with the best chance to win...
Guiliani is a selection of last resort. He will be nothing more than a continuation of Bush's policies. His last term as Mayor was a disaster the people here in NYC were tired of him. Its only 911 that saved the day for him and to be honest he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He is a least of the evils candidate nothing more or less.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: jdl4ever on July 29, 2007, 10:32:44 PM
I agree with cjd. 
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Lisa on July 29, 2007, 10:52:08 PM
CJD why was Giuliani disastrous in his last terms as Mayor?  It seemed to me that he took no nonsense from the race pimps, and was very tough on crime. 
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on July 30, 2007, 12:09:11 AM
Well, I started a post that I think that Rudy should be the next president.  He will be a great one. 

Just don't be surprised if on his second term you comes off to be George W Bushish... Guiliani is the best option with the best chance to win...
Guiliani is a selection of last resort. He will be nothing more than a continuation of Bush's policies. His last term as Mayor was a disaster the people here in NYC were tired of him. Its only 911 that saved the day for him and to be honest he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He is a least of the evils candidate nothing more or less.

Was his last term as mayor worse than Bloomberg?
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 30, 2007, 11:12:41 AM
Rudy had 2 great terms as mayor.  Bloomberg wishes he had a great 2 terms as he had.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: cjd on July 30, 2007, 09:30:08 PM
CJD why was Giuliani disastrous in his last terms as Mayor?  It seemed to me that he took no nonsense from the race pimps, and was very tough on crime. 
In all fairness Giuliani did quite a bit of good in respect to the level of crime and cleaning up the city in his first term and also in the start of the second. As his second term wore on his  popularity sort of took a nosedive and his personal issues were interfering with his job performance. His administration was facing gridlock and he was not getting much done. He also started to allow his Liberal social tendencies to show through. He made it known that he was in favor of making N.Y.C a sanctuary city for illegals and he was also in favor of a few other liberal issues that escape me at this moment but caused quite a problem for him at the time. All I remember is just before 911 his poll numbers were very low. The Conservatives were tired of him because he was to liberal on social issues and the Liberals felt that he was to Conservative on crime and law enforcement. In  actuality Giuliani is a right leaning Democrat his run for the White House should be on a Democrat platform. While better than Hitlery or Osama he's is still way to liberal for my tastes.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 30, 2007, 10:57:24 PM
I wish he conceded himself as a Demoncrat and run against the socialists...it woudl make things a lot easier and at least if it were Guliani vs a real true republican, I know i wouldn't whine as hard if Guliani won...

On the other hand if Hitlery won..i woudl whine like there were no tomorrow.
Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on July 31, 2007, 01:14:32 AM
What should be made of all these quotes about Giuliani? 

Title: Re: Giuliani
Post by: RationalThought110 on July 31, 2007, 01:17:26 AM
I wish he conceded himself as a Demoncrat and run against the socialists...it woudl make things a lot easier and at least if it were Guliani vs a real true republican, I know i wouldn't whine as hard if Guliani won...

On the other hand if Hitlery won..i woudl whine like there were no tomorrow.

Your idea would be good.