The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Yaakov Mendel on June 19, 2011, 09:39:00 AM

Title: How Muslims greet a peaceful TV crew in France
Post by: Yaakov Mendel on June 19, 2011, 09:39:00 AM
The TV crew is on the road (public domain !) outside the gate of a castle (French historical monument) home to a lavish Muslim center. All the TV crew did was to ring at the door and politely ask whether it would be possible to visit the place later on. Look at the Muslims' reaction.

Title: Re: How Muslims greet a peaceful TV crew in France
Post by: cyphrinfinity on June 19, 2011, 05:32:27 PM
So deplorable! I'm not surprised at all. They act like they have something to hide! I am glad that France is cracking down on them! Too bad Britain's too politically correct to do anything about their muslim infestation. And we're no better off over here in Canada either with our "multiculturalism" disease *rolls eyes at situation*.

Thanks for posting this:)!

Take care!

Title: Re: How Muslims greet a peaceful TV crew in France
Post by: Yaakov Mendel on June 20, 2011, 08:20:54 AM
So deplorable! I'm not surprised at all. They act like they have something to hide! I am glad that France is cracking down on them! Too bad Britain's too politically correct to do anything about their muslim infestation. And we're no better off over here in Canada either with our "multiculturalism" disease *rolls eyes at situation*.

Thanks for posting this:)!

Take care!


You're welcome.
Unfortunately, France is not doing enough against Islamization either. True, France has controlled Muslims better than the UK or Holland or Scandinavia because of its "integration" model that does not recognize specific rights, or, rather, privileges I should say, to one religious community over the others. Because it was more compelled to assimilate, the Muslim community in France is probably the least radical in Europe. But there are more and more flaws in the system. And France has committed the major mistake of allowing massive immigration of Arabs on its territory. Most young Arabs living in France do not feel French and many even hate France, but they do not identify with the culture of the countries their parents come from. They feel confused and lost and, as a result, more and more turn to Islam to fill the vacuum.