General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on July 01, 2011, 08:16:54 PM

Title: The Ravings of a peace-loving Muslim
Post by: muman613 on July 01, 2011, 08:16:54 PM
I posted a comment on FrontPage magazines site and got the following 'lovely' reply from a quranimal.


If anyone would like to support my comments please do so...

Christians are Devil-Worshipping, Cannibalized Vampires

I advise Christians to read the Qur’an and discover what your evil jinn aka Jew masters have kept concealed from you. Do not read the Koran, as it is a satanic version of the Qur’an, authored by evil Jew’s to hide their satanic origins; the Children of Satan aka the Children of Israel. Christian’s arrogance is only exceeded by their brutal stupidity, as Muslims and Jews both know the following Commandments invalidate Christianity; yet Christians continue to disobey Allah and perform vile, uncivilized, inhumane and depraved acts of cannibalism and vampirism on a dead Jews corpse and call it “Holy” Communion. Christians are being willfully ignorant, as they all know it was Allah and NOT Jesus who parted the Red Sea to allow the Jews to escape the pursuing Egyptians and the vampires also know that it was Allah and NOT Jesus who spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai; yet the delusional ghouls continue to worship a murdered, Jew as their god.

1.You shall have no other gods before Me.
2.You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.

Christians worship their murdered Jew god by eating his tortured and battered corpse like cannibals; they exceed all religious bounds by drinking his blood like vampires. Christianity was founded on violence, as Christians have taken the murder weapon (cross) as their symbol of faith; as the cross is nothing more than an object from the crime scene and Christian’s penchant for violence is never-ending as they regularly use violence against their own defenseless children; as violence against their own children is called for in their forged “Holy” Bible .You spare the rod, you spoil the child). However, the most vile and evil act the depraved Christians perform in their pagan rituals is the invocation of Satan in his original form; “a smokeless flame of fire” when they light candles on the altar. Christianity is permeated with sects of violent terrorist cells; the Aryan Brotherhood, a violent and racist sect and the KKK, whose sole purpose for existence is to inflict Christian terror into African-Americans and the hooded cowards use their symbol of faith; the cross, which they set ablaze and leave behind as their ‘terrorist’ calling card; yet they are not the most evil sect of Christians. Evangelicals are the most evil of sects within the cult of Christianity; Evangelicals are the evilest of “all” mankind. Evangelicals are not satisfied with merely eating the corpse and drinking the blood of their dead Jew god and invoking Satan in his original form. Evangelicals invite demons to possess their bodies so they can communicate (Speaking in Tongues) with Satan and they actually believe demonic possession is acceptable because the demons (ghosts and spirits) are “Holy” Spirits and “Holy” Ghosts.

The Jew’s forgery of the Holy Bible has reduced it to an instruction manual (How to Worship and Serve Your Hostile Jew Masters for Dummies) for those stupid enough to be a Christian. Christianity only benefits the Jews in the life of this world and it will be of no benefit to anyone in the Hereafter; but will be the justification for an eternity of torment and humiliation in the Hell-fire for those who call themselves Christians. You Christian ghouls have two options; you can continue to follow your greedy and hostile Jew masters to the Hell-fire from which their father Israel aka Satan was created and will return; or you can follow Allah, the God of your father, Adam, to Paradise, from which he was created. Additionally, you Christians can improve your mental health by getting off your mind-debilitating, Christian Cannibal Cuisine of cursed Jew (pork), Jew-god corpse and Jew-god blood. Why in the hell do you cannibalized ghouls eat the corpse of your DEAD, Jew man-god?

Messenger of Allah
& Defender of Islam

The Lost Tribes of Satan aka Israel

The mystery of two of the ten Lost Tribes of Satan aka Israel has been solved. Allah reveals in the following Verse of the Qur’an that one tribe He Transformed into monkeys and they exist in the animal kingdom and zoos and the other tribe, Allah Transformed into swine; a major food source for the jew’s christian slaves.

(Say [O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): “Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah? Those [Jews] who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom [some] He transformed into monkeys and swines, and those who worshipped Taghut [false deities]; such are worse in rank [on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell-fire], and far more astray from the Right Path [in the life of this world]”.)

Muslims obey Allah and will not eat a “cursed” jew {swine}, as we know the flesh of the swine is permeated with parasitic jew worms that control the minds of the jew’s christian slaves. Also, the pig has human qualities, as pig skin is used in pig-to-human skin graft transplants for burn victims. Allah identifies the jew’s to be the JINN in the following Verses of the Qur’an and He identifies the christian’s partially-eaten, jew corpse god to be a JINN slave Messenger, sent to the Children of Israel and NOT the Children of Adam {non-jews}.

(And they have invented a kinship between Him and the jinn, but the jinn know well that they have indeed to appear [before Him] [i.e. they will be called to account].)

(He [Isa-Jesus] was not more than a slave. We granted Our Favour to him, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel [i.e. his creation without a father].)

(Verily, those whom you call upon besides Allah are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful.)

The jew’s forged the Torah and the New Testament to hide their Satanic origins and to identify Satan as a serpent, however, Allah reveals Satan aka Israel to be a JINN in the following Verses of the Quran:

(“And [remember] when We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves unto Adam.” So they prostrated themselves except Satan. He was one of the jinn; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord. Will you then take him [Iblees] and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zaalimoon [polytheists, and wrongdoers, etc.].)

(And the jinn: He created from a smokeless flame of fire.)

The Torah and New Testament are forgeries, as they make gods of the jew’s, while making virtual slaves of the Children of Adam {non-jews}. It is time christian’s recognize the New Testament for what it is: an instruction manual; “How to Serve and Worship Your Hostile Jinn aka Jew Masters for Dummies”. Yes, Allah “Chose” the jew’s, He “Chose” the species consisting of monkeys, swine, devils and jinn; to return back to the Hell-fire from which they were created. The christian’s diabolical worship of a partially-eaten, jew corpse and their worshipping and serving clinically-insane, barn and zoo animals in the life of this world; mandates they receive the harshest punishment in the Hell-fire.

ALLAH is the greatest, ALLAH is ALIVE, but the christian’s god is only a partially eaten, rotting jew corpse. ALLAHU AKBAR you rabid, jew-eating, racist, christian, cannibals of extremely low intelligence. I will be sure to tell your hostile jinn aka jew masters what loyal and obedient slaves you christians are. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil jew masters have created for you, because the Hell-fire is your final destination. Only Allah’s Warriors can put-down the rabid, corpse-eating, blood-drinking, christian ghouls and send them to their partially-eaten, bled-out, rotting jew corpse they call god.

We are ALL Arabs, Except the Jews

(“I convey to you the Messages of my Lord and give sincere advice to you. And I know from Allah what you know not.”)

Allah reveals in the following Verse of the Qur’an the entire earth’s population are descendants of Adam, with the exception of the Jews, as they are the Children of Iblis aka Israel.

(O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa] (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women; and fear Allah through Whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.)

It is revealed in the following Hadith, that Adam spoke Arabic, which means Adam was an Arab, and ALL the Children of Adam are of Arab descent. And this is the reason Allah sent the Children of Adam an Arab Prophet aka Prophet Muhammad [phuh].

Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said, “Allah created Adam in His Image, sixty cubits (about 30 metres) in height. When He created him, He said (to him), “Go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring.” Adam (went and) said, “As-Salamu Alaikum [peace be upon you].” They replied, “As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah {Peace and Allah’s mercy be on you).” So they increased Wa Rahmatullah.” The Prophet added, “So, whoever will enter Paradise, will be of the shape and picture of Adam. Since then the creation of Adam’s {offspring} {i.e. stature of human beings} is being diminished up to the present time.

The dirty-white race is the race furthest removed from the racial purity of our Arab father Adam, and by default, this makes the dirty-white race the morally and melanin depleted garbage race and not the master race, only master fools. Allah will dispose of the dirty-white garbage race in the manner in which Allah Disposes of the garbage that He has created. Allah Will burn the dirty-white garbage race in the bowels of the Hell-fire for worshipping a murdered Jew as god, along with their evil Jew masters. Allah reveals the Jew’s father in the following Verse of the Qur’an:

(I (Allah) made them (Iblis and his offspring) not to witness (nor took their help in) the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I (Allah) to take the misleaders as helpers.)

([This is the] Revelation sent down from the Lord of the Alamin [mankind, jinn and all that exists].)

([He is Allah] Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the revelation by His Command to any of His slaves He wills, that he (the person who receives revelation) may warn (men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting [i.e. the Day of Resurrection].

(And to warn those [Jews, Christians, and pagans] who say, “Allah has begotten a son [or offspring or children].”)

(No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. Mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths [i.e. He begot sons and daughters]. They utter nothing but a lie.)

(Your Ilah [God] is One Ilah [God-Allah, none has the right to be worshipped but He])

(“And indeed, We created man from dried [sounding] clay of altered mud. And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.”).

(And I have created the jinn and men only to worship Me).

(And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”)

Messenger of Allah
& Defender of Islam

One thing is clear... Muslims are whacked in the head... This guy is a real nutcase and dangerously so. I cannot believe that a human being believes that tripe...

Title: Re: The Ravings of a peace-loving Muslim
Post by: muman613 on July 01, 2011, 08:19:35 PM
One of my responses was:

Arabs must be removed from the land of Israel. When the Kahanists are in control all the arabs will be relocated to another land {either peacefully or not}. These invaders are not native to the land, they came to Israel in order to fight the Jews who have been there for 3000 years. Remember these facts... 1) Jerusalem is not mentioned once in their bloody koran 2) The Jews pray towards Jerusalem 3) The Torah commands three pilgrimage festivals to Jerualem. The bloody dome of the rock {it will be destroyed soon} was built on the site of the Holy Temple as a way for the muslims to assert their 'domination' over the Jews. G-d will remove these parasites in a very open way so that we may know that Hashem is the master of all. I suggest all arabs get the hell out of the Holy Land if they know what is best for them.
Title: Re: The Ravings of a peace-loving Muslim
Post by: muman613 on July 01, 2011, 08:31:43 PM
As the troll thatguy11 would say "Im scared"...