General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: The proud Jew on August 11, 2011, 07:57:51 PM

Title: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: The proud Jew on August 11, 2011, 07:57:51 PM
I honestly feel that he is a fraud. Michelle Bachman on the other hand is a rightous gentile who jtf as a movement should support.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: cjd on August 11, 2011, 08:22:06 PM
I honestly feel that he is a fraud. Michelle Bachman on the other hand is a rightous gentile who jtf as a movement should support.
I honestly feel a lot of things however that doesn't always make them so...What exactly has Perry done to make you feel this way? I like Bachman also but tend to feel she may be unelectable in a general election still I like her positions on most issues including Israel... I would like to see the next president be a strong supporter of Israel however they must first and foremost have the ability to deal with all the major problems facing the country here at home... As of now my mind is open to the full slate of candidates... In the next election almost anyone that has the potential to unseat the shvartza President will get my vote.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Maimonides on August 11, 2011, 08:47:09 PM
Of course Rick Perry is a fraud he is a former Democrat who was Al Gore's campaign Chairman! But he has the best chance of beating Obama.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry#Texas_Legislature (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry#Texas_Legislature)

In 1984, Perry was elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat from a district (64) that included his home county of Haskell. He served on the House Appropriations and Calendars committees during his three two-year terms in office. He befriended fellow freshman state representative Lena Guerrero of Austin, a staunch liberal Democrat who endorsed Perry's reelection bid in 2006 on personal, rather than philosophical, grounds. Perry was part of the "Pit Bulls", a group of Appropriations members who sat on the lower dais in the committee room (or "pit") who pushed for austere state budgets during the 1980s.

Perry supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries as chairman of the Gore campaign in Texas.[19][20]

Bachmann is another fraud, because she was an IRS tax collector and former JIMMY CARTER campaign worker!!!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_early_career (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_early_career)
From 1988 to 1993, she was an attorney working for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).[

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_political_activism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_political_activism)
Bachmann was a supporter of Jimmy Carter in 1976, and she and her husband worked on his campaign

Sad fact is 99.9% of all politicians are frauds so it is always a choice of the lesser of the evils when it comes to voting.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: BritishSword on August 11, 2011, 08:53:09 PM
I only know two things about him.
  One: he has said of shvartza that he is asking too much of Israel. That isn't really a solid commitment or he would say, you shouldn't be asking anything.
Two: Apparently he is very good at winning elections.

Now we have a saying back home, that those who are most capable of winning elections have absolutely no business winning them. :o
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Rubystars on August 11, 2011, 09:09:44 PM
What else is new?
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: TruthSpreader on August 11, 2011, 09:18:56 PM
Of course Rick Perry is a fraud he is a former Democrat who was Al Gore's campaign Chairman! But he has the best chance of beating Obama.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry#Texas_Legislature (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry#Texas_Legislature)

Bachmann is another fraud, because she was an IRS tax collector and former JIMMY CARTER campaign worker!!!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_early_career (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_early_career)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_political_activism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_political_activism)
Sad fact is 99.9% of all politicians are frauds so it is always a choice of the lesser of the evils when it comes to voting.

I had no idea she supported that peanut-brained peanut farmer.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 11, 2011, 10:47:58 PM
I honestly feel that he is a fraud. Michelle Bachman on the other hand is a rightous gentile who jtf as a movement should support.
Bachman is un-electable and a waste of time, if anyone supports Bachman they are going to be handing obama another 4 years.
Bachman is also a fraud, was against the stimulus but had her hand out for the money.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: eb22 on August 11, 2011, 10:50:31 PM
The following is the next sentence of the article.   Clearly,   Michele Bachmann realized that it was a mistake to support Jimmy Carter.   To her credit,   she supported Ronald Reagan in the 1980 Presidential Election:


During Carter's presidency, Bachmann became disappointed with his liberal approach to public policy, support for legalized abortion and economic decisions she held responsible for increased gas prices. In the 1980 presidential election, she voted for Ronald Reagan and worked for his campaign.[16][51]

Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: The proud Jew on August 11, 2011, 10:53:58 PM
I honestly feel a lot of things however that doesn't always make them so...What exactly has Perry done to make you feel this way? I like Bachman also but tend to feel she may be unelectable in a general election still I like her positions on most issues including Israel... I would like to see the next president be a strong supporter of Israel however they must first and foremost have the ability to deal with all the major problems facing the country here at home... As of now my mind is open to the full slate of candidates... In the next election almost anyone that has the potential to unseat the shvartza President will get my vote.

Mr. perry doesnt care about wealthy muslim nazis from saudi arabia buying up the oil intrests in texas. That indeed worries me.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 11, 2011, 11:13:29 PM
Mr. perry doesnt care about wealthy muslim nazis from saudi arabia buying up the oil intrests in texas. That indeed worries me.
Can you please tell us more about this because I really have never heard of this, can you give us where you got this information from.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 11, 2011, 11:21:03 PM
Bachmann has called for phasing out of Social Security and Medicare:
    ...what you have to do, is keep faith with the people that are already in the system, that don’t have any other options, we have to keep faith with them. But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off.
I want to see how she's going to WEAN me off from getting it after I paid in for 30 years now.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: The proud Jew on August 11, 2011, 11:46:21 PM
Can you please tell us more about this because I really have never heard of this, can you give us where you got this information from.
Thank you.

Business associates I have in texas are telling me saudi's are wanting to buy up the stocks in the texas and gulf oil fields. Lets face it there running out of oil in saudi arabia. this wikileaks document proves what i am saying.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: edu on August 12, 2011, 01:18:21 AM
Bachmann has called for phasing out of Social Security and Medicare:
    ...what you have to do, is keep faith with the people that are already in the system, that don’t have any other options, we have to keep faith with them. But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off.
I want to see how she's going to WEAN me off from getting it after I paid in for 30 years now.
One has to realize that Soc. Security is a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, where the people who are first in make big profits on the backs of the people coming in last at the bottom of the pyramid, who are cheated out of their money. The Program as it is, now, eats too much out of the government budget and the resources of the economy and is continually growing larger and larger.
Unfortunately people have made long term plans for the future, being fooled by the politicians that Soc. Security is sustainable for the long term.
Weaning off of the system probably means cutting benefits either across the board or to the wealthier recipients or raising the retirement age. If someone has a more doable solution, I'm open to suggestions.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: cjd on August 12, 2011, 04:20:23 AM
jbeige:One has to realize that Soc. Security is a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, where the people who are first in make big profits on the backs of the people coming in last at the bottom of the pyramid, who are cheated out of their money. The Program as it is, now, eats too much out of the government budget and the resources of the economy and is continually growing larger and larger.
Unfortunately people have made long term plans for the future, being fooled by the politicians that Soc. Security is sustainable for the long term.
Weaning off of the system probably means cutting benefits either across the board or to the wealthier recipients or raising the retirement age. If someone has a more doable solution, I'm open to suggestions.
The money should be taken from the  dead wood not people who worked their entire life only to be told we need the money for the millions of illegals and multi generational welfare recipients.  The government should start by cutting programs like welfare and the food stamps to the bone.... A thorough check of the people that collect disability would not be a bad idea either... Bring unemployment back down to 26 weeks not the 100 or so weeks it's at now... I have never seen so many young fit people collecting disability in my life as  do today... What's worse when they have families the payments are even higher...The food stamp program actually gave itself a new catchy name ( SNAP ) and advertises for people to call in for benefits... If the SSI tax money was not used for everything under the sun over the years and was left to grow the system would be in far better shape... Originally it was intended to keep people from starving in the streets not be a retirement system... Why was the program extended so much over the years if the projections showed it was in trouble... Be that as it may let the government take the money out of the general fund and this way all taxpayers foot the bill not only people who were forced into paying for a system that never intended to keep its part of the bargain... G.W Bush tried to get younger people to move away from the SSI system and was almost burned at the stake for doing so...
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 12, 2011, 07:42:39 AM
Business associates I have in texas are telling me saudi's are wanting to buy up the stocks in the texas and gulf oil fields. Lets face it there running out of oil in saudi arabia. this wikileaks document proves what i am saying.
The Saudis have enough oil for 1000 years, like with anything they want to create a shortage.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 12, 2011, 07:46:11 AM
The money should be taken from the  dead wood not people who worked their entire life only to be told we need the money for the millions of illegals and multi generational welfare recipients.  The government should start by cutting programs like welfare and the food stamps to the bone.... A thorough check of the people that collect disability would not be a bad idea either... Bring unemployment back down to 26 weeks not the 100 or so weeks it's at now... I have never seen so many young fit people collecting disability in my life as  do today... What's worse when they have families the payments are even higher...The food stamp program actually gave itself a new catchy name ( SNAP ) and advertises for people to call in for benefits... If the SSI tax money was not used for everything under the sun over the years and was left to grow the system would be in far better shape... Originally it was intended to keep people from starving in the streets not be a retirement system... Why was the program extended so much over the years if the projections showed it was in trouble... Be that as it may let the government take the money out of the general fund and this way all taxpayers foot the bill not only people who were forced into paying for a system that never intended to keep its part of the bargain... G.W Bush tried to get younger people to move away from the SSI system and was almost burned at the stake for doing so...
Maybe you should run for president, everything you said is true but lets get back to reality and under that nut Bachmann she would WEAN people off, I don't want to be WEANED off anything I paid in 30 years to.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 12, 2011, 07:53:20 AM
I want to thank everyone for all the information and debates but in reality we have to support the electable candidate and right now the only two electable candidates are Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.
We all would like a candidate that supports Israel 100% and can beat obama but that is not going to happen so we have to go with an electable candidate that will just but out of Israel's business.
Hold your noses and choose either Romney or Perry.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: ZionIDF on August 12, 2011, 08:21:58 AM
Ron Paul would be the most Dangerous President in the entire world, even more than Obama.
Worse than Neville Chamberlain, this man is clueless, thinks Iran with a Nuke is OK. What an idiot and his supporters think he is the Messiah.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: TheCoon on August 12, 2011, 09:31:49 AM
I don't think Ron Paul would be a problem by himself, but there are a lot of nazi scum who support him. That alone shows he shouldn't be president.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: The proud Jew on August 12, 2011, 12:17:24 PM
I don't think Ron Paul would be a problem by himself, but there are a lot of nazi scum who support him. That alone shows he shouldn't be president.

He does have a significant chance of winning the republican nomination chas vchallila
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: muman613 on August 12, 2011, 12:19:16 PM
Ron Paul sounded like an imbecile to me last night in the debates. He is so Anti-War that I think America would be attacked if he was president. All I saw him say was that America has to get out of the War on Terror... I think he must love Al Queda or something..
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: The proud Jew on August 12, 2011, 12:30:33 PM
The guy thinks that if the US didnt get involved in the world the mujahadeeen would not attack us. He is very wrong.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Maimonides on August 12, 2011, 02:42:06 PM
Ron Paul sounded like an imbecile to me last night in the debates. He is so Anti-War that I think America would be attacked if he was president. All I saw him say was that America has to get out of the War on Terror... I think he must love Al Queda or something..

The War on Terror is a misnomer, because you cannot fight terror. We need to get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, because we are TRAINING militant Muslims how to fight and guess who they are going to fight with all the weapons and training we are giving them!

The U.S. government loves Al-Qaeda which is why the U.S. government funded the forefathers of Al-Qaeda during the Afghan -Russian War, and now funds Al-Qaeda in Libya!
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 12, 2011, 02:48:06 PM
All politicians are phonies. Rick Perry has probably the best chance of beating Obama, but he really needs to work overtime to distance himself from Bush NOW if he is to have a prayer.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: muman613 on August 12, 2011, 04:49:28 PM
The War on Terror is a misnomer, because you cannot fight terror. We need to get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, because we are TRAINING militant Muslims how to fight and guess who they are going to fight with all the weapons and training we are giving them!

The U.S. government loves Al-Qaeda which is why the U.S. government funded the forefathers of Al-Qaeda during the Afghan -Russian War, and now funds Al-Qaeda in Libya!

The War on Islamic Terror has been fought and will continue to be fought or else the battle will be occurring here in America.

We must continue to confront the enemy on their own territory. I don't know about funding any militants, as that obviously would be a bad strategy, but to say that America must turn tails and retreat is utter insanity. The enemy will not take it as a sign of good-will, he will take it as a sign of weakness, and turn around and say that he defeated America and use this as further propaganda to recruit members for global jihad.

I cannot believe you buy this Ron Paul anti-American BS line... RP sounded like a blathering idiot when talking about pulling America out of the battles we are currently in.

Maybe if he suggested that we not fund enemy armies I would agree. But certainly we must continue the war against the evil which is breeding in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

PS: I think you are grossly wrong in saying that America loved Al-Queda... It was a strategic decision to support the enemies of USSR which at the time was the Taliban, and we did fund them... But that is one of the prices which are paid by fighting in this manner. The support for the Taliban was not due to loving their religion or motivation, but simply for Americas best interests at the time.

Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Rational Jew on August 12, 2011, 05:56:10 PM
I hate perry. He executed Mark Stroman :'(
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: cjd on August 12, 2011, 07:18:53 PM
I hate perry. He executed Mark Stroman :'(
You must be kidding the guy killed two people and blinded another... I see his motivation  for the shootings but he killed and wounded  innocent people... The law is the law this guy had to pay for his  crimes.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Rational Jew on August 12, 2011, 07:32:56 PM
You must be kidding the guy killed two people and blinded another... I see his motivation  for the shootings but he killed and wounded  innocent people... The law is the law this guy had to pay for his  crimes.

Budford Furrow killed a Phillipinean American postman and got away with life imprisonment. Why wouldn't he receive a death penalty? Is it only for muslim-killers?
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: cjd on August 12, 2011, 08:45:11 PM
Budford Furrow killed a Phillipinean American postman and got away with life imprisonment. Why wouldn't he receive a death penalty? Is it only for muslim-killers?
I guess it was the fact it was a multiple killing and wounding.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: jbeige on August 13, 2011, 12:38:27 AM
I hate perry. He executed Mark Stroman :'(
You must be joking?, this is so funny.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Maimonides on August 13, 2011, 08:28:13 PM
The War on Islamic Terror has been fought and will continue to be fought or else the battle will be occurring here in America.

We must continue to confront the enemy on their own territory. I don't know about funding any militants, as that obviously would be a bad strategy, but to say that America must turn tails and retreat is utter insanity. The enemy will not take it as a sign of good-will, he will take it as a sign of weakness, and turn around and say that he defeated America and use this as further propaganda to recruit members for global jihad.

I cannot believe you buy this Ron Paul anti-American BS line... RP sounded like a blathering idiot when talking about pulling America out of the battles we are currently in.

Maybe if he suggested that we not fund enemy armies I would agree. But certainly we must continue the war against the evil which is breeding in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

PS: I think you are grossly wrong in saying that America loved Al-Queda... It was a strategic decision to support the enemies of USSR which at the time was the Taliban, and we did fund them... But that is one of the prices which are paid by fighting in this manner. The support for the Taliban was not due to loving their religion or motivation, but simply for Americas best interests at the time.

We are not fighting Islamic Terror by setting up an Islamic government in Iraq that is a puppet of Iran, and setting an Islamic government in Afghanistan that is NEGOTIATING with the Taliban, and funding Al-Qaeda in Libya to overthrow Qaddafi!!!

I never said "America" loves Al-Qaeda, I said the "U.S. government" you need to separate the U.S. government from the American people, because the U.S. government does not represent the American people.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on August 13, 2011, 10:51:49 PM
Why do people say her husband is gay?
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 14, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
They're both morons. They're irrational, anti-science, fairy tale-believing morons. Bachmann is Sarah Palin #2 and Perry is Bush #2. Do we need another Palin or George Bush as our President? I don't agree with Ron Paul on many things, but I'm thinking of just protest voting for him, or at least voting for the moderate Romney.

Bachmann is not only unelectable, but she is a complete moron, who takes the Bible as literal word.

Why do people say her husband is gay?

I would not be surprised.
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: briann on August 14, 2011, 10:01:53 PM
They're both morons. They're irrational, anti-science, fairy tale-believing morons. Bachmann is Sarah Palin #2 and Perry is Bush #2. Do we need another Palin or George Bush as our President? I don't agree with Ron Paul on many things, but I'm thinking of just protest voting for him, or at least voting for the moderate Romney.

Bachmann is not only unelectable, but she is a complete moron, who takes the Bible as literal word.

I would not be surprised.

So anyone who has religious beliefs and who believes in the bible should not have any power?

I assume you must hate the JTF and our leader?
Title: Re: Im starting to despise rick perry
Post by: Debbie Shafer on August 15, 2011, 12:17:23 PM
I think Bachmann is one of the strongest- smartest women candidates to run for President...Watch how she stands up to Tim Pawlenty, and others who want to tar and feather her. Shes stands her ground!!!!