General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: bentzy on September 19, 2011, 01:30:37 PM

Title: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 19, 2011, 01:30:37 PM
I think it would be better if Israel increases relations with black African countries where it will be welcome and treated well rather than continuing turning to Arab countries.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: TheCoon on September 19, 2011, 01:47:31 PM
Nigeria is almost half muslim so good luck with that.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: White Israelite on September 19, 2011, 02:12:09 PM
Because African countries have no reason to support Israel, look at what Uganda did when they supported the Palestinians, the only country that had any ties to Israel was South Africa back in the 70's and 80's
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 19, 2011, 10:32:45 PM
Lol you're about 45 or 50 years too late but thanks for trying to resurrect a failed policy of golda meir from her days in the foreign ministry.     Maybe you're rip van winkle or arrived here in a time machine, but I am sorry to inform you this policy did not work it was a collosal failure.

Similarly to how golda and her international socialist brotherhood concepts can be described:  epic fail.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: maelgwyn on September 19, 2011, 11:48:54 PM
Yes iam afraid that it was a foreign policy failure!  Israel dosent have many countries that support it! :'( :'(
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Rubystars on September 20, 2011, 07:55:26 AM
Yes iam afraid that it was a foreign policy failure!  Israel dosent have many countries that support it! :'( :'(

There are countries that say they are pro-Israel but in the end all Israel really has is God and that's enough.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: White Israelite on September 20, 2011, 09:19:10 AM
Yes iam afraid that it was a foreign policy failure!  Israel dosent have many countries that support it! :'( :'(

They have some economic relationships with other countries but in the end, Israel can only rely on God
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Zelhar on September 20, 2011, 09:34:18 AM
Nigeria is half muslim and Ghana also has a sizeable muslim infestation like that whole continent.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2011, 10:37:18 AM
Why is this post a poll?
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: White Israelite on September 20, 2011, 10:39:27 AM
The only support we'd get from Nigeria is 419 scams!
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Zelhar on September 20, 2011, 12:02:39 PM
Now having said that, I do think Israel should aggressively pursue commercial interest in Africa. We should never seek support and approval even from more proper countries.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 20, 2011, 02:27:25 PM
I am Jewish from the Nigeria,a staunch advocate of Israel,though grew up in a Roman Catholic home.I know much about the country.Though the country has sizable number of Muslims,yet the Christians have higher proportions and many of them are pro-Israel except the Jehovah Witness group.Also the Islamist seems to be a security threat,but in the Southern part they are not,because of the instinct here,here especially the instinct of the state where I come from,nobody can kill my loving ones and remain a living being even any man on earth...knowing this,nobody will ever dare to try anything stupid with anybody...and the muslims are very very few here,in my hometown I can even count them.The northern part has a great numbers of Islamist due to the high proportional share the muslims have in the population.
    Nigeria is a nation blessed with so many things and a very powerful and influential country in Africa,the country has much control over many countries in the sub-sahara :Liberia,Benin,Cote d'voire,Sao Tome and Principe,Sierra Leone a country rich in Diamond and recently oil e.t.c.And there is rising number of Jewish population in Nigeria currently.The Islamists in Nigeria are not informed or well-informed about Middle east crisis,even muslims and christians in the corridor of power,they don't see either the Palestianian or Israeli cause as a cause having anything to do with Nigeria.I can assure you,Nigeria will vote No or not vote at all in the UN.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Yaakov Mendel on September 20, 2011, 02:33:48 PM
I am Jewish from the Nigeria,a staunch advocate of Israel,though grew up in a Roman Catholic home.I know much about the country.Though the country has sizable number of Muslims,yet the Christians have higher proportions and many of them are pro-Israel except the Hashem Witness group.Also the Islamist seems to be a security threat,but in the Southern part they are not,because of the instinct here,here especially the instinct of the state where I come from,nobody can kill my loving ones and remain a living being even any man on earth...knowing this,nobody will ever dare to try anything stupid with anybody...and the muslims are very very few here,in my hometown I can even count them.The northern part has a great numbers of Islamist due to the high proportional share the muslims have in the population.
    Nigeria is a nation blessed with so many things and a very powerful and influential country in Africa,the country has much control over many countries in the sub-sahara :Liberia,Benin,Cote d'voire,Sao Tome and Principe,Sierra Leone a country rich in Diamond and recently oil e.t.c.And there is rising number of Jewish population in Nigeria currently.The Islamists in Nigeria are not informed or well-informed about Middle east crisis,even muslims and christians in the corridor of power,they don't see either the Palestianian or Israeli cause as a cause having anything to do with Nigeria.I can assure you,Nigeria will vote No or not vote at all in the UN.

Hi Bentzy,

You say there is a growing Jewish population in Nigeria. I didn't know that. I'm curious to know, who are these Jews ? How many are they ?
Also, how did you get to know JTF ?
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Zelhar on September 20, 2011, 02:34:17 PM
I believe Nigeria belongs to the block of third world countries in the UN which automatically vote against Israel on everything.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 21, 2011, 04:04:05 AM
I told my jewish brothers that Nigeria will vote against the bid or not vote at all,but they find it hard to believe.Ehud Barak and Nigerian President Jonathan had a meeting yesterday and my President assured Israel of my country's vote against the PA bid.So if the very  small rising Jewish population and the Christians friend of Israel can influence our government,I wonder why jews of South America cant influence their government.There is a rising number of jewish population in Nigeria,I even learnt there are synagogues but I havnt visit any.In my State,I think I am the only jewish person. t I havnt visit any.In my State,I think I am the only jewish person.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2011, 07:09:14 AM
Might I make a suggestion for you and everyone in nigeria who is truly jewish? Get out of nigeria and move to israel before there is a civil war like there was in sudan. if you aren't really jews, then stay where you are because the land belongs to the non muslim nigerians. Try to throw or all the muslims there before they try to throw you out.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 21, 2011, 09:10:28 AM
I can't leave Nigeria,I still many dreams to pursue here,I want contest the National Assembly seat for my constituency by 2015,I hope to become the country's President and have my name written in gold on the history of the country...to change things,to usher in a new era of positive thinking,positive role for the citizenry and making the country the mother of Africa,and above all make the atmosphere in Africa favorable to Israel and weaken the league of the neo-nazis and other anti-Israeli element.And at the age of 56,make aliyah to Israel.May HaShem help me.AMEIN
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2011, 10:23:05 AM
I can't leave Nigeria,I still many dreams to pursue here,I want contest the National Assembly seat for my constituency by 2015,I hope to become the country's President and have my name written in gold on the history of the country...to change things,to usher in a new era of positive thinking,positive role for the citizenry and making the country the mother of Africa,and above all make the atmosphere in Africa favorable to Israel and weaken the league of the neo-nazis and other anti-Israeli element.And at the age of 56,make aliyah to Israel.May HaShem help me.AMEIN

Then let me make a suggestion.  Learn Hebrew fluently.  Teach the righteous gentiles of your nation that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed as Gd, Himself, proclaimed and has proven in doing every time.

But learn Hebrew.  Encourage other Jews in your country to learn Hebrew.  Try and become more and more religious according to the Torah and Talmud.

If you can pave the way for a righteous gentile Nigerian to rule your country that would be a much much better blessing than a Jew running Nigeria.  Jews should not be  in a political office in a gentile nation because almost all of them will go against Israel in order to prove something to their own people.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 21, 2011, 11:39:32 AM
You are right Dr. Dan.I am striving to learn Hebrew,I ought to be in Israel this month but I put the plan on hold to be able to gather finances  for my trip.Thanks to several Jewish brothers for their spiritual support.They are really helping me spiritually.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2011, 12:06:11 PM
You are right Dr. Dan.I am striving to learn Hebrew,I ought to be in Israel this month but I put the plan on hold to be able to gather finances  for my trip.Thanks to several Jewish brothers for their spiritual support.They are really helping me spiritually.

:)...I hope to have as much courage as you.
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Zelhar on September 21, 2011, 01:41:33 PM
‎To be honest Bentzy (ben tzion ?), I am not at all sure that the people in Nigeria whom you say belong to a rising Jewish population are Jews at all. How did they become Jews ?
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 22, 2011, 05:56:29 AM
@Zelhar,their conversion is questionable because many of them never appear before the Beth Din but were converted and supported by some Rabbis from US,Rabbi Gorin and Rabbi Capers C Funnye,the Rabbi whom I have a different view and position with about Zionism,he told me he will visit Nigeria again next year but I won't like to meet him because of his views which I consider to be heresies and pernicious   because of his views which I consider to be heresies and pernicious 
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: Zelhar on September 22, 2011, 12:49:15 PM
Well Bentzy, why won't the converts or convert wannabes start as Bnei Noach, Have you heard of that option ?
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 22, 2011, 02:30:16 PM
I think they derive solace and joy in becoming co-possessors to the birthright of bnei Yisrael rather than being Noahides.The Ibo tribe of Eastern part of Nigeria lays claim to hebraic root,and the American Rabbis are helping them to retrace back their root
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: muman613 on September 22, 2011, 06:57:58 PM
I think they derive solace and joy in becoming co-possessors to the birthright of bnei Yisrael rather than being Noahides.The Ibo tribe of Eastern part of Nigeria lays claim to hebraic root,and the American Rabbis are helping them to retrace back their root

Are they really Jewish? Many of them are not...
Title: Re: Why can't Israel turn to West African countries for good relations
Post by: bentzy on September 22, 2011, 10:16:04 PM
So many of the Ibo people of Eastern Nigeria are Christians while very few are jewish and the number is rising.I have a jewish brother from the tribe,he lives in London