General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: angryChineseKahanist on September 26, 2011, 10:25:30 AM
This new hire at work looks arab. He looks like he shaved for the job. But I was relieved he's not. Instead he's one of those dark desert type Jews. He introduced himself as a "berg". I'm not revealing his name for obvious reasons.
I hope he's a good coworker for you. I know having bad ones can make life hell. At least he's not an Arab.
This new hire at work looks arab. He looks like he shaved for the job. But I was relieved he's not. Instead he's one of those dark desert type Jews. He introduced himself as a "berg". I'm not revealing his name for obvious reasons.
What do you mean 'introduced himself as a berg'? I have never heard such an expression...
What do you mean 'introduced himself as a berg'? I have never heard such an expression...
You need to come and spend some time with us here in New York muman :::D... A lot of Jewish names end in berg... Katzenberg, Rosenberg ect...
You need to come and spend some time with us here in New York muman :::D... A lot of Jewish names end in berg... Katzenberg, Rosenberg ect...
My Star Trek instincts thought it was a reference to the Borg...
My Star Trek instincts thought it was a reference to the Borg...
Resistance is futile :::D
Mr ".....berg" is an intelligent juden.
I feel better now. No jihadist.
Resistance is futile :::D
Check out the 'Trek Jews'
Speaking of Star Trek, for those of you who are fans, who was your favorite captain? Which was your favorite series. What about your favorite Star Trek movie?
Speaking of Star Trek, for those of you who are fans, who was your favorite captain? Which was your favorite series. What about your favorite Star Trek movie?
No doubt about who the best captain was...
Captain Kirk --- Hands down!
Cpt. Kirk was a hands-on captain who did not think twice about tangling with the most wily alien...
Also Kirk was quite the 'ladies man'...
Thus my favorite ST series is ST-TOS... {The Original Series}...
Best movie... Star Trek II - Wrath of Khan!
Me too, Muman!
Kirk was my favorite! And I loved Star Trek II the most out of all those movies. I've seen it so many times I practically know the dialogue by heart.
I will say though that I liked the character Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation, even though I didn't care much for that series. She was funny.
I will say though that I liked the character Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation, even though I didn't care much for that series. She was funny.
I was just thinking about what you said about Lt. Troi.... I think she was good looking (brunette and witty) but in a way she made every episode she was on a 'Soap Opera' delving into psycho-analysis issues... She was an empath {meaning she had the mind power to feel and know what others were thinking}...
PS: OUCH... I just realized you were talking about Deannas mother, not Deanna...
I like the original trek series. "TOS" => the original series.
I used to like star trek but now, not so much, except a couple of the movies. You do realize the Star Federation is a communist utopia right ?
I used to like star trek but now, not so much, except a couple of the movies. You do realize the Star Federation is a communist utopia right ?
You mean the Federation of Planets? I don't think it was communist... It was a loose confederacy of several different alien and human societies. Certainly in the Original series it was never portrayed as communist. But the federation did attempt to allow all species to have equality in the universe.
The United Federation of Planets, also known as "The Federation" is a fictional interplanetary federal republic depicted in the Star Trek television series and motion pictures. In those episodes and films, the Federation is described as an interstellar federal polity with, as of the year 2373, more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies spread across 8,000 light years of the Milky Way Galaxy, and taking the form of a post-capitalist liberal democracy and constitutional republic.[1] It has also been described as a utopian socialist society. The Federation is described as stressing, at least nominally, the values of universal liberty, equality, justice, peace, and cooperation.[2] The Federation also maintains its own military and exploratory agency, known as Starfleet (also written as "Star Fleet" in some texts).
Muman, I always found the character of Deanna Troi to be annoying. The problem with Star Trek TNG was that it was basically just about yuppies who happen to be in a spaceship. The episodes were mostly about who was getting promoted, who wanted to get promoted, who was dating who, who had a crush on who, etc...
I did like the character of Dr. Pulaski who was the doctor for the 2nd season. I like how she spoke up to Picard.
And the one eipisode of TNG that I liked was called "Ethics" where, where Worf was crippled from the waist down in an accident, and because of it wanted to kill himself. This other dr. came on board to examine him, but this woman had no ethics whatsoever. She just wanted to use Worf as a guinea pig. Of course he was saved by Dr. Crusher (who was also usually kind of annoying).
Mr ".....berg" is an intelligent juden.
I feel better now. No jihadist.
I know you didn't mean it that way but juden (the German plural of "Jew") is generally used by Nazis and Pedofronters.
This new hire at work looks arab. He looks like he shaved for the job. But I was relieved he's not. Instead he's one of those dark desert type Jews. He introduced himself as a "berg". I'm not revealing his name for obvious reasons.
Dark desert type jews ??? WTF??? What the heck does that mean?
Speaking of Star Trek, for those of you who are fans, who was your favorite captain? Which was your favorite series. What about your favorite Star Trek movie?
I loved all of them
You mean the Federation of Planets? I don't think it was communist... It was a loose confederacy of several different alien and human societies. Certainly in the Original series it was never portrayed as communist. But the federation did attempt to allow all species to have equality in the universe.
They eliminated the use of currency. They seem to have no private property. I think I recall it is specifically mention on some of the episodes of TNG. The only capitalists in the Star Trek world seem to be the Ferengi (which are Chinese obviously). They also have a giant bureaucracy in the form of the star fleet which is not only an armed force but also an executive branch of government. Supposedly despite that communist structure everything is working properly in the Federation, everyone has his civil rights respected etc. Which is why I said they are an utopia.
More on the subject:
Dark desert type jews ??? WTF??? What the heck does that mean?
OK He looks Arab.
How's that?
I know you didn't mean it that way but juden (the German plural of "Jew") is generally used by Nazis and Pedofronters.
There's a closet neo-nazi that I hate at work here. So I got a little obsessed with WWII Germany.
The word itself isn't bad. It just means Jews. Or yahud in arabic. Or yu tai in Chinese.