General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: bentzy on November 17, 2011, 06:00:50 AM
Nigerian Jews and Gers are one of the very small minorities in Nigeria,black most populous nation with Christians and Muslims sharing greater population proportion.The Jewish and Gers minorities are making plan to embark on a strong and first jewish project of its kind to create a Jewish community in Nigeria,the geographical location has not yet been decided on,but we are looking forward to resolve on locations like Lagos State,Cross-River or Ondo State all in Southern part of Nigeria.The grand ceremony to kick off this project will take place next year...date and venue yet to be decided but will be communicated to the whole world later.
Instead of this, make aliya to Israel. .. That is if according to the rabbis you ate really Jews.
Many are new converts who have not yet been confirmed by the Beth Din
Making Aliyah is very important,but not a decision that can be made just suddenly,Jews in diaspora still need to stay in those countries of their residence and citizenship to fight a diplomatic war and influence the government of their these countries to pursue a foreign policy good for Israel
Make sure your place is as far as possible from the islamic north of Nigeria
yeah make sure if u cant move to israel that ur community is as far away from muslims as possible.
Not that we are afraid of them (rabid Islamists),but we just need to stay in the Southern part of the country,because all converts are from the South.And I don't like the North,because of the bad weather.
Make sure your place is as far as possible from the islamic north of Nigeria
Yes, this is right. I have heard of a gang of very dangerous quranimals from there. The name is boko haram.
i dont know how easy it is to get weapons in nigeria but u should all be armed and know how to use them. :)
I still think Aliyah is far more important than convincing the government to be pro Israel. It still can be done from Israel. But in reality, all that can be done is warn the government that it is a blessing to bless Israel, but a curse will curse them
I still think Aliyah is far more important than convincing the government to be pro Israel. It still can be done from Israel. But in reality, all that can be done is warn the government that it is a blessing to bless Israel, but a curse will curse them
They are, for the most part, not real Jews. The right thing for them is to set up a noachide community in Nigeria.
It appears to be real
Good luck, hope you succeed.
And about the conversion- if they make sincere conversion and take the Belief/Knowledge of G-D and the Yoke of the Mitzwoth upon themselves and go through with the conversion process (Mikwah and Brit Milah for men) they are fully Jews.
What's a Gers?
I don't understand the purpose of your poll.
What's a Gers?
Converts to Judaism.
Yes, Make Aliya to Israel.
Or Gerz:
NO, a ger is a stranger or in case of a 'ger tzedek' a righteous convert...
Similarly, if you choose Judaism, you also need Judaism to choose you. Like we said, a covenant is a two-way deal.
So you need to become a ger (pronounced “gehr”). A ger is more than a convert. A ger literally means someone who has come to live among a people to which he or she was not born. A naturalized alien. That’s how the ger is described in Torah, and how the process of becoming a ger is described in the Talmud: “A ger who comes to sojourn among us.”
By joining this people, the ger instantly becomes part of the same covenant to which the people are part. And although the most essential part of joining this people is to accept the same obligations of the covenant in which they are obligated, it is not by force of his or her acceptance that the ger is obligated. Proof is, if the ger later has a change of mind, it helps zilch. The ger is obligated no matter what, because he or she has now also become “a child of the covenant.”
That’s one difference between this citizenship and citizenship of a modern country: You could always renounce your citizenship of a country. A Jew, however, is a member of an eternal covenant. Once in, there’s no way out.
The details of joining
In short, a ger is an adopted member of the Jewish family. In the words of the paradigm of all gerim, Ruth the Moabite, “Your people are my people; your G‑d is my G‑d.”
The rituals of that adoption are the same as what the Jewish people went through at Sinai: circumcision for males, immersion in a mikvah (ritual bath), and acceptance of all Torah obligations. The crucial element, however, is that all of these are to be supervised by a tribunal of learned, observant Jews—representing none other than G‑d Himself. Their job is not only to witness that the ger was properly circumcised and fully immersed in the mikvah, but also to ensure that the ger is duly cognizant of the obligations of the covenant into which he or she is entering.
That’s another distinction between obtaining citizenship of a modern nation and joining the Jewish People: citizenship is mostly associated with the attainment of rights and privileges, while Jewish citizenship (gerut) is principally concerned with the responsibilities that come along with those privileges.
An interesting note is that in todays Torah Parasha Abraham describes himself as a ger.... When attempting to get a burial site for his recently deceased wife Sarah he says the following:
ד. גֵּר וְתוֹשָׁב אָנֹכִי עִמָּכֶם תְּנוּ לִי אֲחֻזַּת קֶבֶר עִמָּכֶם וְאֶקְבְּרָה מֵתִי מִלְּפָנָי
4. "I am a stranger and an inhabitant with you. Give me burial property with you, so that I may bury my dead from before me."
so wiki is wrong?
so wiki is wrong?
Did you check he.wikipedia.org ? Ger is a transliteration from Hebrew script. In other languages it might have other meanings.
Thanks all for the brilliant and encouraging contribution.Making Aliyah is important,nobody could undermine its importance,for me I have made up my mind to make aliyah,when I reach the age of 55.The choice of arming ourselves against those Islamists,Boko Haram or any other Islamists gang is important,but not even the first priority,spiritual growth and proper knowledge of the Torah is the foremost priority,establishing ourselves and becoming powerfully influential is also among our priorities which I am enjoining other brothers (Nigerian Jews or Ger) both within Nigeria and outside.This point is very important...possession of weapon(s) is illegal in Nigeria except if it is licensed.However,one cannot overrule this point out,because in Nigeria,to be sincere,there's no security,anybody can just kill anybody,anyhow and the legal institutions are for the rich,so one needs to be mindful of security,self-provision of security is important.
One of the greatest problem that would face this emerging population is a problem common to a baby at a milking point of its life...what I mean is this,there are some group of Gers who are being made to strayed,convincing them that Zionism is not related to Judaism,this has been casting a spell of worries on my mind,Rabbi Capers Funnye is doing this terrible job among these innocent babies.I once had the opportunity to chat with him on facebook,his view were so heretic that I had to stop talking to him,he told me he would like to meet me when he visit Nigeria again in 2012,but I have declined to meet him.I once wrote to Chabad in Congo DR,to open a Center in Nigeria to forestall the dangerous attempts of these reconstructionist Rabbis.
this one?
this one?
Thanks all for the brilliant and encouraging contribution.Making Aliyah is important,nobody could undermine its importance,for me I have made up my mind to make aliyah,when I reach the age of 55.The choice of arming ourselves against those Islamists,Boko Haram or any other Islamists gang is important,but not even the first priority,spiritual growth and proper knowledge of the Torah is the foremost priority,establishing ourselves and becoming powerfully influential is also among our priorities which I am enjoining other brothers (Nigerian Jews or Ger) both within Nigeria and outside.This point is very important...possession of weapon(s) is illegal in Nigeria except if it is licensed.However,one cannot overrule this point out,because in Nigeria,to be sincere,there's no security,anybody can just kill anybody,anyhow and the legal institutions are for the rich,so one needs to be mindful of security,self-provision of security is important.
One of the greatest problem that would face this emerging population is a problem common to a baby at a milking point of its life...what I mean is this,there are some group of Gers who are being made to strayed,convincing them that Zionism is not related to Judaism,this has been casting a spell of worries on my mind,Rabbi Capers Funnye is doing this terrible job among these innocent babies.I once had the opportunity to chat with him on facebook,his view were so heretic that I had to stop talking to him,he told me he would like to meet me when he visit Nigeria again in 2012,but I have declined to meet him.I once wrote to Chabad in Congo DR,to open a Center in Nigeria to forestall the dangerous attempts of these reconstructionist Rabbis.
You are correct this Rabbi is Obama's rabbi a relative he only cares about being a leftist
I read the entire hebrew article.