General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 24, 2007, 11:57:57 AM

Title: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 24, 2007, 11:57:57 AM
OK guys,

who is demoting me by about 6-8 points per day? Let's come clean. I'm not even posting a whole lot right now and I can't say that I believe in the least that many members are disagreeing with me. If you don't like what I post, man up and respond so in the threads. This business of demoting me and leaving no comments is a rather French tactic.

Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Shlomo on June 24, 2007, 12:23:23 PM
OK guys,

who is demoting me by about 6-8 points per day? Let's come clean. I'm not even posting a whole lot right now and I can't say that I believe in the least that many members are disagreeing with me. If you don't like what I post, man up and respond so in the threads. This business of demoting me and leaving no comments is a rather French tactic.


I always promote you, CF. In fact... I promote most of the members whenever I see their posts.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 02:46:12 PM
It's not me, but look on the bright side, Imerica gets people to argue with her all day long and she is currently minus 50!!!
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: jsullivan on June 24, 2007, 02:54:16 PM
I just promoted you, CF. You're a great member as far as I'm concerned.

If this rating system is going to cause conflict, we will eliminate it.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Shlomo on June 24, 2007, 02:56:46 PM
I just promoted you, CF. You're a great member as far as I'm concerned.

If this rating system is going to cause conflict, we will eliminate it.

Yes, I agree. I have already thought about this.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Lisa on June 24, 2007, 03:07:07 PM
I also promoted you Chaimfan.  I think you're one of the best posters here.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 24, 2007, 03:14:13 PM
the promoting system is a joke..it means nothing whether we have it or not...
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 24, 2007, 03:53:11 PM
OK guys,

who is demoting me by about 6-8 points per day? Let's come clean. I'm not even posting a whole lot right now and I can't say that I believe in the least that many members are disagreeing with me. If you don't like what I post, man up and respond so in the threads. This business of demoting me and leaving no comments is a rather French tactic.


this will only make the people who dislike you demote you more..
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: cosmokramer on June 24, 2007, 04:08:31 PM
Why the hell do we have this promotion system anyway? We have many great posters like Chaimfan and he's being demoted? You know wouldnt demote you chaimfan.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 04:24:36 PM
I like seeing how many promotes for each user i can click in a minute....about 29 ;D

C.F your avatar of Kurt Cobain mesmorises me into promoting you :)

Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 24, 2007, 04:28:17 PM
Yeah, someone is demoting me too.

Boo hoo.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Ehud on June 24, 2007, 04:30:03 PM
I like seeing how many promotes for each user i can click in a minute....about 29 ;D

C.F your avatar of Kurt Cobain mesmorises me into promoting you :)

I always thought it was an avatar of Chad Kroeger, the singer and guitarist from the awful band Nickelback.  If seeing that avatar didn't even make me demote you, don't worry Chaim Fan, nothing will.  ;D
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 24, 2007, 04:31:10 PM
I think everyone should promote me. Only 18!! :O :P
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 04:34:10 PM
I like seeing how many promotes for each user i can click in a minute....about 29 ;D

C.F your avatar of Kurt Cobain mesmorises me into promoting you :)

One of Kurt Kobains pastimes was spraying graffiti that said "God is gay" ???
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 24, 2007, 04:34:52 PM
I like seeing how many promotes for each user i can click in a minute....about 29 ;D

C.F your avatar of Kurt Cobain mesmorises me into promoting you :)

One of Kurt Kobains pastimes was spraying graffiti that said "G-d is gay" ???

Further proof.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 04:35:29 PM
Chaimfan said he likes that genre of music not the lifestyle that he lead, it is harmless.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 04:40:31 PM
Chaimfan said he likes that genre of music not the lifestyle that he lead, it is harmless.

Nirvana wasn't bad musically, although there are dozens of 60's garage bands, like the Sonics, that had a "grungy" sound long before Nirvana got there. They are hardly the innovators that they get credit for. But Kurt's lyrics are just pure evil.   
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 04:46:41 PM
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying.
Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.
The duty of youth is to challenge corruption

These are some of his most famous quotes, he still made sense. What lyrics were evil?
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 24, 2007, 04:50:30 PM
Like this:

Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me again

I'm not the only one, Ah [4x]

Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend

I'm not the only one, Ah [4x]

My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
I appreciate your concern
You're gonna stink and burn

Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me, again

I'm not the only one, Ah [4x]

you are a weiro
Rape me! [9x]

Song called "Rape Me"
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 04:51:40 PM
Talk about self hating! I had no clue...... ???
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 24, 2007, 05:01:02 PM
Interesting, someone as 'righteous' as Chimfan idolizing a misanthropic suicide committer.

 :D :D :D
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 05:03:00 PM
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying.
Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.
The duty of youth is to challenge corruption

These are some of his most famous quotes, he still made sense. What lyrics were evil?


I'll start this off without any words
I got so high that I scratched 'til I bled
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

The finest day that I ever had
Was when I learned to cry on command
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

I'm on a plain
I can't complain

My mother died every night
It's safe to say don't quote me on that
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

The black sheep got blackmailed again
Forgot to put on the zip code
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

I'm on a plain
I can't complain

Somewhere I have heard this before
In a dream my memory has stored
As a defense I'm neutered and spayed
What the hell am I trying to say

It is now time to make it unclear
To write off lines that don't make sense
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

One more special message to go
And then I'm done then I can go home
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?

I'm on a plain
I can't complain

Here I am
Here I am

Bright and clear
It's what I am
I have

uhhhh (or mother? x4)

With violence
Right here

Go to hell
Here I am
Right here


No mas
No mas
No mas
No mas

Is what I am
Go to hell
Go to jail

In back of that
Here I am
Take a chance


I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphns

Doll steak, test meat

I won my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my [censored]
My [censored] is her milk

Doll steak, test meat

Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery

What else should I be
All apologies
What else should I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies

Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 05:05:30 PM
Interesting, someone as 'righteous' as Chimfan idolizing a misanthropic suicide committer.

 :D :D :D

He isn't idolizing him, he merely likes heavy metal music. I wish i hadn't said anything now, this shouldn't turn into something against chaimfan.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 05:14:25 PM
Interesting, someone as 'righteous' as Chimfan idolizing a misanthropic suicide committer.

 :D :D :D

He isn't idolizing him, he merely likes heavy metal music. I wish i hadn't said anything now, this shouldn't turn into something against chaimfan.

I don't intend it against CF, and there is nothing wrong with listening to heavy music. Or rather, there isn't anything wrong with listening to good music. Nirvana, on the positive side, or I should say Kurt, had a real knack for blending punk and pop sensabilities in a way that I like. And actually, Why I have a negative attitude about Kobain has less to do with his lyrics than it does with what I read about him in this book I read, that was written with his cooperation. He was pro-everything evil. I listen to some music with what I would say have evil lyrics, but I like the music alot so I just tune that out. I like punk rock, especially some female Japanese punk bands. 
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 05:22:43 PM
Japanese punk bands!! :laugh: Interesting taste, i love the japanese punk look, they have suddenly started to adopt such a style.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 05:25:50 PM
Japanese punk bands!! :laugh: Interesting taste, i love the japanese punk look, they have suddenly started to adopt such a style.

I love Supersnazz,Shonen Knife,Gito Gito Hustler, 5,6,7,8's and the Queens of Jap/Chick/Punk ANADOREI a group that in terms of heavy makes Nirvana sound like Dolly Parton!! Of course most punk bands sing about wickedness, but if you can enjoy the music and tune that out, why not?
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Sarah on June 24, 2007, 05:40:45 PM
Hmm listening to wickedness in music i believe isn't a good thing.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: judeanoncapta on June 24, 2007, 08:45:17 PM
The only person I have ever demoted is that annoying little fake tonycali99.

I can't stand that guy.

Sometimes Chaim's answers have been funny to his questions but on the whole I think that tonycali99 is detrimental to human society.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Shlomo on June 24, 2007, 09:02:21 PM
I second that, Yacov.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 24, 2007, 09:38:43 PM
There was once this fag on Yahoo Chat that called himself "G-d_is_'gay'_il". He always said "Look on the bright side, suicide.". Il is for Israel. He was some stupid Israeli kid.

I think we should get rid of the stupid avatar choices that come with the forum and upload the ones that OZ77 put on the Hebrew forum like mine and Sarah's (Which is where they come from.).
I agree.  Although on Kahane.org it is kind of funny how Rak Kach has that Mr. T guy.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: nessuno on June 24, 2007, 10:15:09 PM
Your at 50 now - I just promoted you!  :)
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 24, 2007, 10:27:12 PM
Your at 50 now - I just promoted you!  :)
Who is?
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: nessuno on June 24, 2007, 10:34:53 PM
Your at 50 now - I just promoted you!  :)
Who is?
Oh...I'm sorry...it was a long day at work.
C.F. - I promoted him and his rating was 50 when I did.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 24, 2007, 11:15:34 PM
Thanks everybody and sorry that this caused controversy.

I don't think Kurt was a good man or anything, just that his music rocked. BTW he also said that "everyone is gay". I don't think he was evil so much as just truly lost.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Allen-T on June 24, 2007, 11:17:11 PM
Hmm listening to wickedness in music i believe isn't a good thing.

Only a small percentage of what I listen to is like that, and if listening to such music makes you feel uncomfortable, don't listen to it, I wouldn't want to encourage you. I am just obsessed with music in general.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Zionist Revolutionary on June 24, 2007, 11:25:40 PM
I bet it's Adam613.
Title: Re: OK guys, cut the crap.
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 24, 2007, 11:56:26 PM
What's the deal with this ranking stuff.

Chaim'fan' complains and his rating increases 30-40% in a few hours.

What a crock.