General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on May 04, 2012, 01:40:17 PM
there has been some buzz on this. what do you guys think?
Santorum had to stop his campaign to help take care of his daughter. I think people will remember this and he might not be the best choice for VP because he may not be able to give 100% to the campaign or to his job as VP because his daughter might need a more significant portion of his time than a child without a trisomy condition. This was one of the criticisms that was brought against Sarah Palin too last time, that she should be focusing on caring for her son. Of course he wasn't nearly so sick and did not have as life threatening of a condition as Santorum's daughter does.
I think that Romney should however pick a conservative VP to balance his ticket. If he doesn't, a lot of evangelicals may stay home not seeing a significant difference between liberal Romney and liberal Obama (they'd be wrong about that, but I can see why it will be discouraging). Romney needs to energize this base if he's going to win, and picking a liberal like himself is not going to do that.
I would support Santorum over Rubio.
I saw Rubio in an interview where he said that we were looking at many people outside the United States as "statistics", and that there are many people who would like to come here to work. It's true that there are many people who'd like to come to America to work, but if they don't understand how our form of government allows for such a desirable working environment, then they'll vote it away when they get here.
I think Hispanics who complain about White Americans' concerns over changing demographics are dishonest, and I think they know full-well that as the Hispanic demographic in America increases, so does the set of Hispanic cultural values that have turned Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. into places where no one wants to live.
Maybe neither
Santorum had to stop his campaign to help take care of his daughter. I think people will remember this and he might not be the best choice for VP because he may not be able to give 100% to the campaign or to his job as VP because his daughter might need a more significant portion of his time than a child without a trisomy condition. This was one of the criticisms that was brought against Sarah Palin too last time, that she should be focusing on caring for her son. Of course he wasn't nearly so sick and did not have as life threatening of a condition as Santorum's daughter does.
I think that Romney should however pick a conservative VP to balance his ticket. If he doesn't, a lot of evangelicals may stay home not seeing a significant difference between liberal Romney and liberal Obama (they'd be wrong about that, but I can see why it will be discouraging). Romney needs to energize this base if he's going to win, and picking a liberal like himself is not going to do that.
If evangelicals sit it out, they will lose more than everyone else..since Obama will totally destroy their lives. It would be a bad move for a conservative to sit out this election.
You're right Dan but on the other hand they may see it as having little choice, a liberal or a liberal. Plus many of us including myself are not very comfortable voting for a Mormon. I'm not happy at all that such a cult will gain prestige and membership if Romney is elected. I find that to be extremely disturbing. Even with all this I know that I must support Romney now.
Mitt Romney has an uphill battle if he's going to gain people.
I think Rubio is better then other mentioned names like Mitch the 'rab Daniels and Christ the dhimi Christie.
You're right Dan but on the other hand they may see it as having little choice, a liberal or a liberal. Plus many of us including myself are not very comfortable voting for a Mormon. I'm not happy at all that such a cult will gain prestige and membership if Romney is elected. I find that to be extremely disturbing. Even with all this I know that I must support Romney now.
Mitt Romney has an uphill battle if he's going to gain people.
But Romney, if he wins, has four years to be held accountable for making stupid moves. Obama doesn't have to worry about reelection if he wins...so his true colors will become even more obvious to the dumbest of all Americans.
Notwithstanding few odds, Santorum can be expected to be better than all other candidates.
Santorum would be 1000x better, however, rubio might help with the hispanic vote.
Maybe neither
Good choice!!!
Are you kidding?
These two are horrific!!!
They both have this neocon type policy of wanting to have troops everywhere all the time and wanting to do nation building.
We saw a lot of this under Wahabi Bush and Slick Willy and we are even seeing far more of it now under Obutt cheese along with Libs now supporting it.
I say someone like Demint, Bachman or West would be good.
Are you kidding?
These two are horrific!!!
They both have this neocon type policy of wanting to have troops everywhere all the time and wanting to do nation building.
We saw a lot of this under Wahabi Bush and Slick Willy and we are even seeing far more of it now under Obutt cheese along with Libs now supporting it.
I say someone like Demint, Bachman or West would be good.
I don't think they should pick a female VP, that was a failed experiment last time as a transparent move meant to up the diversity quotient of the ticket. A lot of people would be uncomfortable with a female commanding the troops in the event that the president dies. I'm not completely opposed to female presidents or VPs but I don't think it's a good idea in this election when the stakes are so high and Romney needs every edge he can get.
Besides remember that Romney was probably going to be McCain's pick for VP last time but McCain decided to go with Sarah Palin instead for affirmative action reasons. I'm sure Romney remembers and resents that and will not do what McCain did.
There is no choice for neither. So pick one of the other two.
There is no choice for neither. So pick one of the other two.
How do you know if Romney will only pick either these two for VP.
I don't think they should pick a female VP, that was a failed experiment last time as a transparent move meant to up the diversity quotient of the ticket. A lot of people would be uncomfortable with a female commanding the troops in the event that the president dies. I'm not completely opposed to female presidents or VPs but I don't think it's a good idea in this election when the stakes are so high and Romney needs every edge he can get.
What would be wrong with having either Bachmann or Jan Brewer for VP?
Besides remember that Romney was probably going to be McCain's pick for VP last time but McCain decided to go with Sarah Palin instead for affirmative action reasons. I'm sure Romney remembers and resents that and will not do what McCain did.
Your right!!!
McPaine I think is a strong believer in Affirmative Action though at least he's not as bad as OButt Juice.
It is all about beating Obama. The only things I know about Rubio is that he is from Florida and Hispanic. Therefore he should selected. An alternative is condaleza rice; black and a woman....
What would be wrong with having either Bachmann or Jan Brewer for VP?
Picking a female VP which will alienate some voters (they may not admit it, but remember the ballot box is secret) is not a good idea when Obama already has so many other advantages.
Your right!!!
McPaine I think is a strong believer in Affirmative Action though at least he's not as bad as OButt Juice.
Since he's no longer important to defeating Obama I think I can go back to referring to him as Juan McAmnesty sometimes.
It is all about beating Obama. The only things I know about Rubio is that he is from Florida and Hispanic. Therefore he should selected. An alternative is condaleza rice; black and a woman....
NO! Condi is no friend of Israel...
NO! Condi is no friend of Israel...
I'm not even sure if Romney is, although you're right that "Congoleeza" as Chaim calls her is particularly bad.
Maybe neither
I could not agree more! REP. PAUL RYAN is a politician who I would like to see considered.
I'm not even sure if Romney is, although you're right that "Congoleeza" as Chaim calls her is particularly bad.
Agree. She is No friend of Israel but it is all about beating Obama
How do you know if Romney will only pick either these two for VP.
That's not the point of this post. Which will help Obama lose? Who do you like more?
Although I like santorum more, I think rubio would be a better strategic pick for romney to win.
Congoleeza would be disastrous.
Although I like santorum more, I think rubio would be a better strategic pick for romney to win.
Congoleeza would be disastrous.
Santorum should stay home and take care of his family... As far as Rubio goes I like him to a point... He talks up a good storm but at the end of the day hints to guest worker programs are always in the mix with him... As far as being an asset to the November ticket .... Maybe?.... But Maybe not... The Hispanics that will vote for Romney will vote for him Rubio or no Rubio... The ones that won't are not going to be lured in by the likes of Rubio.... People looking for relief from the shvartza Administration want Jobs and financial security for the wealth producing segment of the American population.... This is what will get the working people of America voting... For all his faults the shvartza President has been a blessing against illegal Immigration.... Lack of opportunity, deportation, this president has done more then any Republican president has ever done to reduce the number of illegal roaches creeping around sucking $$$ that should be going to American citizens... In November wealth producing people will want to vote for an administration that will give them a reasonable energy policy, a reasonable return on their investments, restoration of stability in the housing market and a tax policy that is not geared to stripping them of their hard earned dollars... Romney / Ryan ... Romney / Cantor.... Lastly lets not even mention a joke ticket such as Romney / Rice... Not that it's even in any remote consideration. A ticket such as that is a no starter.
It is all about beating Obama. The only things I know about Rubio is that he is from Florida and Hispanic. Therefore he should selected. An alternative is condaleza rice; black and a woman....
Absolutely correct. The VP pick should be based on who will best help Romney win. He is going to need to attract Hispanic and women voters. No need to go after black voters since they will all vote for Obama.
I don't think his Mormonism is going to help him attract women voters when they find out that women in mormonism must be married to a Mormon man and even if she's "saved" in that religion, she will be an eternal breeding cow. And in the past they were just one of many wives, and some break-off sects still do that today. He'd better have something good to offer women voters to offset that.
I don't think his Mormonism is going to help him attract women voters when they find out that women in mormonism must be married to a Mormon man and even if she's "saved" in that religion, she will be an eternal breeding cow. And in the past they were just one of many wives, and some break-off sects still do that today. He'd better have something good to offer women voters to offset that.
I am not sure that's a doctrine every mormon subscribe to. What you say isn't more problematic then for example a Catholic president because according to their doctrine he is supposedly under the guidance of a foreign sovereign, the Pope.
I am not sure that's a doctrine every mormon subscribe to. What you say isn't more problematic then for example a Catholic president because according to their doctrine he is supposedly under the guidance of a foreign sovereign, the Pope.
That's disturbing to a certain degree too although a president does take an oath to protect and defend the USA so I'm not sure if that would nullify that issue or not. I think it would have to go on a case by case basis.
However it's fundamental to the Mormon religion that their path to heaven inclues men (and only men) becoming gods of their own planets, equivalent in every way to the real God. Their wives become sort of like goddesses but not really. They end up producing lots and lots of "spirit children" through endless sex with their god husbands.
It's extremely demeaning to women and it's extremely arrogant of men or women to think they can be like God.
I also think it's still a legitimate question as to why would Romney wish to be president if his ultimate goal is to be a god of his own planet? Isn't he trading down?
These are all issues he's going to have to address in one way or another.
We may believe that Obama is a Muslim, but Romney is openly of a strange cultish religion and will have to, at some point, answer for that.
Although I like santorum more, I think rubio would be a better strategic pick for romney to win.
Congoleeza would be disastrous.
This is exactly the way I view the situation.
In addition to Marco Rubio realistically being the difference in the ultra important swing state of Florida, Rubio is an excellent speaker. Overall, I believe Rubio would bring much needed energy and enthusiasm to Mitt Romney's campaign. Because Romney doesn't inspire many people, he must choose someone as his V.P. who people want to rally around.
Absolutely correct. The VP pick should be based on who will best help Romney win. He is going to need to attract Hispanic and women voters. No need to go after black voters since they will all vote for Obama.
There's no question that the VAST majority of black voters will vote for Barack Hussein Obama regardless of who Mitt Romney or any Republican candidate chooses as running mate. I have serious doubts that Romney will receive even 10 % of the black vote. Right now, I would even settle for Romney to get 7 % of the black vote.
Santorum had to stop his campaign to help take care of his daughter. I think people will remember this and he might not be the best choice for VP because he may not be able to give 100% to the campaign or to his job as VP because his daughter might need a more significant portion of his time than a child without a trisomy condition. This was one of the criticisms that was brought against Sarah Palin too last time, that she should be focusing on caring for her son. Of course he wasn't nearly so sick and did not have as life threatening of a condition as Santorum's daughter does.
I think that Romney should however pick a conservative VP to balance his ticket. If he doesn't, a lot of evangelicals may stay home not seeing a significant difference between liberal Romney and liberal Obama (they'd be wrong about that, but I can see why it will be discouraging). Romney needs to energize this base if he's going to win, and picking a liberal like himself is not going to do that.
I'm in total agreement that Mitt Romney must choose a Conservative VP candidate that appeals to Evangelicals. For Romney to have any chance at winning the general election, he needs a large turnout from Evangelicals.
My concern is even a strong Conservative candidate might not be enough for a significant number of Evangelicals to come out to the polls. Especially when combining Romney being a Mormon AND being far from a Conservative. My hope is that enough Evangelicals realize that the dangers of Barack Hussein Obama remaining in the oval office exceed everything else.
Although I like santorum more, I think rubio would be a better strategic pick for romney to win.
Congoleeza would be disastrous.
Agreed. If Mitt Romney picks her as his running mate, Romney is toast and so is the United States.
Romney Sources: Condi for VP
Kate Hicks
Web Editor, Townhall.com
Jul 12, 2012 07:33 PM ESTSign-Up Drudge has an exclusive up right now, citing some Romney insiders with knowledge of his Veep search, and they claim that former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is the new frontrunner. The scoop:
Late Thursday evening, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign launched a new fundraising drive, 'Meet The VP' -- just as Romney himself has narrowed the field of candidates to a handful, sources reveal.
And a surprise name is now near the top of the list: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice!
The timing of the announcement is now set for 'coming weeks'.
It was Condi who received two standing ovations at Romney's Utah retreat a few weeks ago, and everyone left with her name on their lips.
Rice made an extended argument for American leadership in the world.
In recent days, she emailed supporters.
"2012 is perhaps a turning point for the United States," she warned.
"The upcoming elections loom as one of the most important in my lifetime. I'm very often asked to speak about our current foreign policy and the challenges that lie before us. However, we, as a country, are not going to be able to address any of those international challenges unless we first get our domestic house in order."
This jives with what Ann Romney said about Mitt considering a woman, and it would seriously bolster his ticket in terms of gender, race, and experience (Condi was also Bush's senior National Security Advisor for his first term, and if Iran becomes more of an issue, she'd be good to have on hand). Romney has also said that his top consideration is that his second in command must be prepared to be president right away, and there's no doubt of Condi's competence.
On the other hand, Romney was adamant about choosing a pro-life Veep, and Condi's creds on that issue don't fall in line, as she's known to support abortion rights. For her to be the pick, either she's had a fast change of heart, or Romney's commitment to the issue isn't as strong as he claimed. Given that he's already faced heavy criticism for his flip-flopping on the matter, it's unlikely he'd choose someone who would open him to more skepticism on the right.
We'll know for sure in a few weeks, but this little surprise annoucement succeeded in changing the conversation from the Bain non-troversey Guy wrote about earlier, so there's that. And hey, even if it's not true, let's all revel in the imagined debate between Condi and Sheriff Joe...
Congoleeza Rice?
Is he kidding?
Rubio is affirmative action schtick, like Republicans have to act like Democrats; forget him. Santorum is so far over to the right, he's like Mussolini; fuggedibaudit. We need an old fashioned WASP male. You political geniuses pick it.
Rubio is affirmative action schtick, like Republicans have to act like Democrats; forget him. Santorum is so far over to the right, he's like Mussolini; fuggedibaudit. We need an old fashioned WASP male. You political geniuses pick it.
Like other posters here, I don't get this enthusiasm for Condi Rice. For one thing, it looks like a game of trying to do one better: we must beat a mulatto marxist, so we'll run a black woman. There's no sense in trying to beat the Dems in a game of identity politics ...... for instance, Obama can just come out of the closet, and he's one-up again. (grin)
But even more than that, there's an expression among seasoned political operatives: "never run a guy for high office unless he's won at least one election before, even if that's for dog-catcher." To my knowledge, Condi Rice has never run for office in her life.
Pat Buchanan once tried to pick a black woman for his running mate and that didn't help him at all either, because he still stayed at the very bottom tier (which is a good thing, but still, having a black woman on his ticket didn't help him). Juan McAmnesty skipped over Romney last time to pick a woman for affirmative action purposes and that didn't help him either. When will republicans learn that they need to appeal to their base, not try to get diversity points? Picking Congoleeza will only hurt Romney because it's a very transparent "rack up diversity points" move, much like choosing Rubio would be, only worse.
Rubio is affirmative action schtick, like Republicans have to act like Democrats; forget him. Santorum is so far over to the right, he's like Mussolini; fuggedibaudit. We need an old fashioned WASP male. You political geniuses pick it.
I want a WASP male in the presidency again, preferably someone closer to Reagan's philosophy than Romney's, but right now I despair that we'll ever have a president like that again.