General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: דוד בן זאב אריה on June 30, 2012, 02:35:41 PM

Title: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on June 30, 2012, 02:35:41 PM
Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96

Israel's seventh prime minister, former Knesset speaker and FM passes away in Tel Aviv. PM Netanyahu: He was a giant, a paragon of loyalty to the Land of Israel

Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir died Saturday in Tel Aviv. He was 96 years old.


Shamir was Israel's seventh prime minister and served two terms, 1983–1984 and 1986–1992.


"Yitzhak Shamir was a brave warrior for Israel, before and after its inception. He was a great patriot and his enormous contribution will be forever etched in our chronicles,"

President Shimon Peres said in a statement.


"He was loyal to his beliefs and he served his country with the upmost dedication for decades. May he rest in peace."



A giant. Shamir (Arcvhies: David Rubinger)   


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lauded the former leader, saying that "He was a paragon of loyalty to the Land of Israel and the eternal values of the Jewish people."


"Yitzhak Shamir belongs to the generation of giants who founded the State of Israel and fought for the freedom of the Jewish people on its land," Netanyahu said. "He led the State of Israel with deep loyalty to the people and the land."


Opposition Leader Shelly Yachimovich offered her condolences over Shamir's death: "He was a determined prime minister who dedicated his life to the state. He followed his ideological path honestly and humbly, as a leader should," she said.


"The citizens of Israel will always remember the wisdom he demonstrated during the First Gulf War. He showed restraint and saved Israel from undue entanglement in the Iraq War. This decision proved to be a brave and wise act of leadership."


A great patriot (Archives: GPO)


Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Shamir "Contributed greatly to the foundation of the state, which he served his entire life with loyalty and unwavering dedication. 


"He stuck to his beliefs and set an example in each position that he held," the foreign minister added. "I had the privilege to be personally acquainted with Shamir, and I will always remember him and his great contribution to the state."   


Gilada Diamant, Yitzhak Shamir's daughter, said that her father "belonged to a different generation of leaders, people with values and beliefs. I hope that we have more people like him in the future. His political doing has undoubtedly left its mark on the State of Israel.


"Dad was an amazing man, a family man in the fullest sense of the word, a man who dedicated himself to the State of Israel but never forgot his family, not even for a moment. He was a special man," she added.


Shamir's will receive a State funeral, which has been set for Monday. He will be buried on Mount Herzl.


Life and political legacy
Born Icchak Jeziernickyin in Ruzhany, Russia, Shamir joined the Revisionist Zionist youth movement Beitar as a teenager.


When he turned 20, he left his law studies in Warsaw to move to then-British Mandate Palestine, and enrolled in Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1944 he met and married his wife, Shulamit.


He became involved with such Jewish paramilitary groups as the Irgun ("Etzel") and "Lehi," and was subsequently imprisoned by British authorities for his activities. In 1943, he escaped from the detention camp where he was being held and became a leading figure in Lehi.


Inking unity gov't deal in with Peres in 1988 (Archives: GPO)


In 1946, Shamir was again detained by the British and sent to a prison camp in Eritrea. In 1947, he escaped and later found political asylum in France. He returned to Israel and resumed his leadership position with Lehi, until it disbanded in 1949.


In 1955 Shamir joined Israel’s Mossad, where he served until 1965. In the mid-1960s he joined Menachem Begin’s Herut movement, which later would become the modern-day Likud.


In 1973, Shamir was elected to the Knesset for the first time, as a member of Likud, and served on the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. In 1977, after being reelected, he served as Knesset Speaker. In 1980, Shamir became foreign minister in the Begin government following the resignation of Moshe Dayan.


Addressing the Knessetin 1986 (Archives: GPO)


In October 1983, Shamir succeeded Begin as prime minister, and following the 1984 elections, he became vice premier in a national unity government formed with the Labor Party. In the arrangement that lasted until the 1988 elections, Labor and Likud figures rotated as prime minister.


Following the 1988 elections, Shamir again created a national unity government with Labor, but this government fell in 1990 due to a nonconfidence vote in the Knesset. Shamir, however, managed to create a narrow coalition government.


Shamir was the driving force behind 1991's Operation Solomon, which saw Israel mount an air corridor meant to rescue 15,000 of Ethiopian Jews from the political turmoil brewing after the government of Mengistu Haile Mariam collapsed.


In September 1991, Shamir attended the Madrid Peace Conference, much due to pressure exercised by the United States. His right-wing government, however, did not survive the participation of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza in the government was dissolved.


Following the 1992 victory of the Labor Party, led by Yitzhak Rabin, Shamir resigned as Likud chairman, and in 1996 he retired from the Knesset.


In 2004, Shamir's health began to declined and he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. He was eventually moved to a nursing home, where he would spend the rest of his days.


Yitzhak Shamir was awarded the Lifetime Achievements Israel Prize in 2001. In 2005, he was voted the 29th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by Ynet.

Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: realist26 on June 30, 2012, 05:25:22 PM
A true hero.  His only Mistake was minor and that was not attacking Iraq in the first gulf war
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Meerkat on June 30, 2012, 06:36:15 PM
didnt Shamir contribiute to  the banning of Kach?
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 30, 2012, 07:57:33 PM
didnt Shamir contribiute to  the banning of Kach?

Yup.  For that very reason that he was almost as bad as begin.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Right-Nationalist on June 30, 2012, 10:40:51 PM
The Kurds need liberation, as far as Iraq goes. They need a new country. If the Islamic 3rd world sh!thole nonsense starts again, I think many Kurds will leave Islam. Many of them have converted to Judaism (same story for Berbers).
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 30, 2012, 10:51:45 PM
The Kurds need liberation, as far as Iraq goes. They need a new country. If the Islamic 3rd world sh!thole nonsense starts again, I think many Kurds will leave Islam. Many of them have converted to Judaism (same story for Berbers).

What does this have to do with shamir's death?
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Rubystars on June 30, 2012, 11:35:04 PM
Whoever wrote that article is an idiot because "upmost" is wrong, they should have typed "utmost".

Also "began to declined" is wrong. They should have written "began to decline".
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 01, 2012, 12:04:35 AM
He WAS a hwero.  Then he chose to be a likudnik (/herutnik).  I need not elaborate.  I do like his daughter's comments for the article and have to respect that.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 01, 2012, 04:09:42 AM

This swine banned Rabbi Meir Kahane from running for the Knesset and is therefore responsible for the rabbi's murder. The Jewish people and the whole world could have been saved if Rabbi Kahane had been allowed to run fairly and be elected Prime Minister. I could also detail his many other crimes (he started the Oslo suicide process by agreeing to the Madrid talks with the PLO Nazi terrorists). But it should be enough to state the fact that he was Prime Minister when Rabbi Kahane was banned which means Yitzchak Shamir stopped redemption for the Jewish people and the world. This is a crime which can NEVER be forgiven.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 01, 2012, 05:30:12 AM
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 01, 2012, 09:56:04 AM

This swine banned Rabbi Meir Kahane from running for the Knesset and is therefore responsible for the rabbi's murder. The Jewish people and the whole world could have been saved if Rabbi Kahane had been allowed to run fairly and be elected Prime Minister. I could also detail his many other crimes (he started the Oslo suicide process by agreeing to the Madrid talks with the PLO Nazi terrorists). But it should be enough to state the fact that he was Prime Minister when Rabbi Kahane was banned which means Yitzchak Shamir stopped redemption for the Jewish people and the world. This is a crime which can NEVER be forgiven.

Good for a Hebrew video
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Debbie Shafer on July 01, 2012, 02:29:00 PM
Very Sorry to hear this, he surely had a long lifespan with many positive accomplishments.  What Israel and America needs now is more leaders like Shamir who will stand up against tyranny.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: AsheDina on July 01, 2012, 03:01:40 PM

This swine banned Rabbi Meir Kahane from running for the Knesset and is therefore responsible for the rabbi's murder. The Jewish people and the whole world could have been saved if Rabbi Kahane had been allowed to run fairly and be elected Prime Minister. I could also detail his many other crimes (he started the Oslo suicide process by agreeing to the Madrid talks with the PLO Nazi terrorists). But it should be enough to state the fact that he was Prime Minister when Rabbi Kahane was banned which means Yitzchak Shamir stopped redemption for the Jewish people and the world. This is a crime which can NEVER be forgiven.

Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Yerusha on July 02, 2012, 01:17:58 PM
Yitzhak Shamir's major plus point:

It took an "Edomite Jew" like Shamir to take on the Edomite British in Eretz Yisrael. No one else was up to the job, least of all the Leftists like Ben Gurion, who were always ready to compromise with the British. With Shamir there was no compromise. In addition to killing plenty of Brits, his boys were responsible for the King David Hotel bombing, assassinating Lord Moyne & Count Folke Bernadotte, which really rocked Churchill & the UN at the time.

Shamir actually was responsible for the break up of the British Empire after WW2. When India, Pakistan,Malaya,Uganda, Kenya etc saw how the puny little Jewish terrorists in Palestine successfully threw out the mighty British,they were encouraged to do likewise, and within 10 years of 1948 the pink on the globe of the British Empire had disappeared.

Yitzhak Shamir's major negative point:

In 1992 1 million Jews arrived in Israel from the former USSR.

Shamir was going to send them all to Judea & Samaria.

George Bush Sr declared to the world that if Shamir did so, he would cancel the USA's $10 billion loan guarantees to Israel, even though this represented only 4% of Israel's GDP.

Shamir buckled, & the Russian Jews were settled everywhere EXCEPT the true Biblical Heartland of the West Bank!

This was a CLASS A Chillul Hashem! If Shamir had retorted to Bush that all of Israel is G-d Given and quoted to the UN the Torah's verses on this, he could have brought Moshiach.

At the very least, the city of Ariel in Shomron would today have a population of 500,000 instead of 50,000, & with 2 million Jews today living in the West Bank (instead of the current 300,000), any question of a Palestine State would be out of the question! Instead a Palestinian state is still a distinct possibility.

For this, Shamir, like Sharon, Rabin and Begin, may actually have lost their Olam Habas!

Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 02, 2012, 02:39:46 PM
Yitzhak Shamir's major plus point:

It took an "Edomite Jew" like Shamir to take on the Edomite British in Eretz Yisrael. No one else was up to the job, least of all the Leftists like Ben Gurion, who were always ready to compromise with the British. With Shamir there was no compromise. In addition to killing plenty of Brits, his boys were responsible for the King David Hotel bombing, assassinating Lord Moyne & Count Folke Bernadotte, which really rocked Churchill & the UN at the time.

Shamir actually was responsible for the break up of the British Empire after WW2. When India, Pakistan,Malaya,Uganda, Kenya etc saw how the puny little Jewish terrorists in Palestine successfully threw out the mighty British,they were encouraged to do likewise, and within 10 years of 1948 the pink on the globe of the British Empire had disappeared.

Yitzhak Shamir's major negative point:

In 1992 1 million Jews arrived in Israel from the former USSR.

Shamir was going to send them all to Judea & Samaria.

George Bush Sr declared to the world that if Shamir did so, he would cancel the USA's $10 billion loan guarantees to Israel, even though this represented only 4% of Israel's GDP.

Shamir buckled, & the Russian Jews were settled everywhere EXCEPT the true Biblical Heartland of the West Bank!

This was a CLASS A Chillul Hashem! If Shamir had retorted to Bush that all of Israel is G-d Given and quoted to the UN the Torah's verses on this, he could have brought Moshiach.

At the very least, the city of Ariel in Shomron would today have a population of 500,000 instead of 50,000, & with 2 million Jews today living in the West Bank (instead of the current 300,000), any question of a Palestine State would be out of the question! Instead a Palestinian state is still a distinct possibility.

For this, Shamir, like Sharon, Rabin and Begin, may actually have lost their Olam Habas!

Nice points.

Don't forget to include the fact that he outlawed Rabbi Kahane.  That was a huge chillul hashem and lead to Rabbi Kahane's assassination.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 03, 2012, 02:06:42 AM
Yitzhak Shamir's major plus point:

It took an "Edomite Jew" like Shamir to take on the Edomite British in Eretz Yisrael. No one else was up to the job, least of all the Leftists like Ben Gurion, who were always ready to compromise with the British. With Shamir there was no compromise. In addition to killing plenty of Brits, his boys were responsible for the King David Hotel bombing, assassinating Lord Moyne & Count Folke Bernadotte, which really rocked Churchill & the UN at the time.

Shamir actually was responsible for the break up of the British Empire after WW2. When India, Pakistan,Malaya,Uganda, Kenya etc saw how the puny little Jewish terrorists in Palestine successfully threw out the mighty British,they were encouraged to do likewise, and within 10 years of 1948 the pink on the globe of the British Empire had disappeared.

Yitzhak Shamir's major negative point:

In 1992 1 million Jews arrived in Israel from the former USSR.

Shamir was going to send them all to Judea & Samaria.

George Bush Sr declared to the world that if Shamir did so, he would cancel the USA's $10 billion loan guarantees to Israel, even though this represented only 4% of Israel's GDP.

Shamir buckled, & the Russian Jews were settled everywhere EXCEPT the true Biblical Heartland of the West Bank!

This was a CLASS A Chillul Hashem! If Shamir had retorted to Bush that all of Israel is G-d Given and quoted to the UN the Torah's verses on this, he could have brought Moshiach.

At the very least, the city of Ariel in Shomron would today have a population of 500,000 instead of 50,000, & with 2 million Jews today living in the West Bank (instead of the current 300,000), any question of a Palestine State would be out of the question! Instead a Palestinian state is still a distinct possibility.

For this, Shamir, like Sharon, Rabin and Begin, may actually have lost their Olam Habas!

Hello, wonga.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Rubystars on July 03, 2012, 05:27:37 AM
Wonga how was your visit with Chris Hansen?
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Dan193 on July 03, 2012, 09:03:19 AM
He was the best PM Israel had.  Yes the barring of the Kach party was his biggest mistake.
But remember, he never gave an inch to the Arabs.
He settled Jews like crazy in Judea and Samaria when he was PM.
He called the Syrians for the terrorists they were in 91 at Madrid.
Shamir talked how the Golan would remain Israeli forever.
He fired Peres and his radical Labor party people in 1990 after Peres tried to form a new goverment and become PM which failed.
Shamir constantly called Peres foolish for trying to appease Arafat and the PLO.
Shamir told a Likud rally, the PLO were nothing but "foreigners, terrorists, brutal, savage, alien invaders."
Everything Shamir predicted about the PLO was true.
If Shamir was leader, Jews would be settling all the time in the Golan and Judea and Samaria.
Title: Re: Former PM Yitzhak Shamir dies at 96
Post by: Sveta on July 03, 2012, 09:15:07 PM
He did give an inch to Arabs. In fact, he gave a few hundred meters. He gave Taba to Muslim Nazi Egypt.