General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Israel Chai on July 31, 2012, 05:28:47 AM

Title: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: Israel Chai on July 31, 2012, 05:28:47 AM
Ok I should probably be asleep and not so... tired... but here goes: I used to be into a lot of conspiracy stuff, and all their conclusions you can see right through, but some of these guys are good observers, though not much else. I don't like to, but can't stop seeing everything adding up with a sinster and eerie conclusion awaiting, though I won't pretend to know for sure what that is in regards to the world.

Seriously, look around. It's not like the liberals one day decided they hated themselves and wanted their society to be destroyed by Islam, everything they have been, and their parents and parents before through media and "education" is twisted and set up for them to fight for it, ignorant American 16 year olds will get angry and condemn you for attack that or abortion, and you can literally bring up things like sex slavery, and even the feminist crap perfectly folds over on itself, and they're like "cool I would like that" because this feminist domination is OK here, so why not the other way around?

The war on drugs and terror made more drugs and terror, and while America isn't the reason muslims kill people a lot, GWB certainly has provided one heck of a new rallying banner. Sure, attacking the butcher Saddam is good because he killed 3 million Kurds. But how can you trust a ravenous beast twice? If we look at the presidential past, sure we can say Regan wasn't that bad and was a bit good, but either way for longer than any of us have lived, president after president just furthers the leftist agenda, which just happens to fit like Cinderella's slipper on Islam's hairy foot. Do you really think GWB the prince of the fake right, stirred the hornet's nest for our security and to end terrorism of a particular type that he refuses to define at the behest of his best buddies the Saudis, which, thanks too perfectly ironic propaganda, now own Iraq's oil, and all anyone wants now is to get out of the region??

Romney would still be better to vote for because he would have less excuses to not obey the public. But do you think that there will ever be this four year period where its like yay we voted for the right guy the tyrade is halted? Somehow, anytime a new thing pops in where the president signs off on the newest phase in a conspiracy to do I-don't-know-what but our civilization seems to get destroyed in the process, we've all been soap operaed into saying "oh, what an idiot", a deep irony. I really think things are adding up to something here, but I'm not good at the math. I do know that votes won't change it, Obama is a great problem to occupy ourselves with, but before him there was another, and without him there will still be a problem. He needs to be stopped, but its not just him, and whatever the purpose is, I think its the sum of all this evil, or a lot of it.

Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: syyuge on July 31, 2012, 05:49:47 AM
Support for Romney is slowly but surely increasing.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: nessuno on July 31, 2012, 07:18:13 AM
I 'm so tired of this disclaimer.  It is all I hear.
In my mind the choice is clear. In other words... THERE IS NO CHOICE!
Do you support Obama's lies and the direction in which he is taking our country?
If not...get behind Romney.  Save your disclaimers for after the election!
Then you can say...Thank G_d we dodged that bullet but...
Try to give America and Israel a chance to right themselves...Vote Romney! PERIOD.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: HiWarp on July 31, 2012, 07:38:05 AM
It is not the presidents that are broken. It is the system of an overbearing federal government that actually functions through the bureaucracy and does what it does regardless of who the president is. And since we have allowed the federal government to become the monster that it currently is, there is probably no way to go back to the way this country was originally supposed to function.

You fret about the "presidential past" and mention Reagan. If you want to go back to the roots of the progressive movement, you need to go back way further than that; think about 120 years.

Yes, I will vote for Romney because Obama has been, is, and will be a disaster for this country. But a Romney presidency will not "fix" anything. It will only slow down the demise of this country.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: Rubystars on July 31, 2012, 07:43:13 AM
I 'm so tired of this disclaimer.  It is all I hear.
In my mind the choice is clear. In other words... THERE IS NO CHOICE!
Do you support Obama's lies and the direction in which he is taking our country?
If not...get behind Romney.  Save your disclaimers for after the election!
Then you can say...Thank G_d we dodged that bullet but...
Try to give America and Israel a chance to right themselves...Vote Romney! PERIOD.

Good post! Plus, yours is readable. I tried to get through LKZ's post and couldn't follow it somewhere halfway through his stream of random words and concepts.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: nessuno on July 31, 2012, 07:55:52 AM
Thanks, Rubystars.
I'm also annoyed by the people who seem to be 'apologizing' for wanting to end the Obama presidency.   
They are afraid to seem politically incorrect, or not 'cool',  in wanting him tossed out on his rear.  So they make excuses and point fingers at the right.
I'm tired of it.

I agree with HiWarp.  Voting Romney is like applying the breaks.  Voting Obama is like being on a runaway train.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 31, 2012, 10:19:11 AM
Its not a choice. Its Romney or America will end up like Rome - in ruins.
The Greek ruins. The Roman ruins.
......The American ruins.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: HiWarp on July 31, 2012, 11:18:39 AM
Its not a choice. Its Romney or America will end up like Rome - in ruins.
The Greek ruins. The Roman ruins.
......The American ruins.

Don't kid yourself. The way America is heading, it will end in ruins regardless. It's just a matter of how long it takes.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 31, 2012, 11:33:20 AM
Romney is a clear choice to benefit the United States (from going under as fast as it would if it were Obama)

As far as those middle eastern wars etc..I think it's all about oil.  But if it is really all about oil, why didn't the US accept pipelines from Canada?  And guess what? China took the offer.

So is there something up?  Probably there could be something else up...but that something else isn't just about oil. It's about empire building and by empire building in modern times I mean influence, money and investments.

Right now China is empire building...and it's crossing over into the US, Canada and perhaps South America.

Today's world is not really about borders as much.  That was way back when if we were talking about Rome and Greece and etc.  Today, borders don't mean didley squat as much.  It's all about influence..cultural and political.

And any nation which tries to be a one world kind of influence type..will fail miserably like Babel fell.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: nessuno on July 31, 2012, 12:39:08 PM
Don't kid yourself. The way America is heading, it will end in ruins regardless. It's just a matter of how long it takes.
No.  We have to save America.  Buy time.
A child growing up right now might be the one to save us.
There is a generation of people lost to political correctness and indoctrination.
If we get the younger generation and set them straight, there might be hope.
America is better than past empires and other countries.  We need to stop apologizing for that.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: muman613 on July 31, 2012, 03:46:49 PM
No.  We have to save America.  Buy time.
A child growing up right now might be the one to save us.
There is a generation of people lost to political correctness and indoctrination.
If we get the younger generation and set them straight, there might be hope.
America is better than past empires and other countries.  We need to stop apologizing for that.

I agree... We cannot 'give up'.... Our faith is what keeps us going, and despite the appearance of Americas impending destruction we must know in our hearts and minds that Hashem would never allow us to fail. Too much is at stake. While "Hope & Change" has become a lame campaign slogan we must retain hope that Hashem will allow us to make things right once again.

We must work to change the prevailing culture of despair, of hopelessness, of disposability, and of immorality... Indeed this is a difficult prospect but I believe we all possess the power to make changes around us. Because we have this vision of the future we are able to make small changes which have larger repercussions. Extract yourselves from the sewer of modern American culture, do not allow your children to watch the smut which is called entertainment today, throw away your television sets {as many here have already done}.

Most of all do not lose hope, do not give up faith...

Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: cjd on July 31, 2012, 06:25:24 PM
I will vote for Romney and support him during his presidency until he turns his back on productive Americans as our sitting president has done  from before day one... Is Romney going to come in and make everything great? Not likely... Will his policies be better than the road we are headed on now? More than likely... This is really all we can expect... If he gives the American people even a minimum feeling of stability the situation will change over night... The shvartza President has people locked down and not knowing what to expect next... No recovery is possible under conditions like that. 
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: USAReturn2GodNow1776 on July 31, 2012, 06:30:52 PM
I refuse to utter anything negative about Romney until Osama is safely defeated and tossed into the dustbin of history
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: Debbie Shafer on July 31, 2012, 07:56:31 PM
Good Summary here...I believe we will be in some kind of strife from now on until the Last Days, and I do believe Romney would try to stop Nuclear War.   We are definitely in the Judgement period...being Judged.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 31, 2012, 08:35:01 PM
I refuse to utter anything negative about Romney until Osama is safely defeated and tossed into the dustbin of history

I second that.
Title: Re: Why I would vote for, but do not support Romney.
Post by: Israel Chai on July 31, 2012, 11:46:25 PM
Yeah I was messed up when I wrote that, hardly remember doing it. Here's a good article to make up.