General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Shlomo on August 14, 2012, 10:20:26 PM
Just unbelievable...
Vice President Biden drew a tough retort from Mitt Romney's campaign Tuesday after telling a Virginia audience that the Republican presidential candidate's plan to lift financial regulation would "put y'all back in chains."
Romney's campaign responded by claiming the rhetoric marked a "new low" in the 2012 race.
These liars will all pay for going against Hashem!
what a duck.
why is he not accused of racism?
what a duck.
why is he not accused of racism?
Because Biden is just plain dumb
It gets worse...
Obama Campaign Goes Racist, Anti-Semitic
Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate has utterly unhinged the Obama campaign. Last week they were happily jabbering about Romney's record at Bain Capital, implying that he had killed a man's wife, stating that he was a tax cheat and blaming him for outsourcing jobs. This week they're stuck defending Barack Obama's $700 billion cuts to Medicare and spending addiction.
That leaves the Democrats with one solution: get ugly.
Joe Biden led off the festivities in Virginia this week, where he informed the population of 49-percent-black Danville that "he said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules -- unchain Wall Street. They gonna put y'all back in chains." That last line is a direct transcription -- Biden lapsed into a heavy southern accent, clearly making a slavery reference. According to the Obama campaign, then, Romney's Wall Street plans are the same as placing Americans in chains. If that isn't insulting to black Americans, nothing will be.
But the Obama campaign wasn't done. The same day Biden unleashed his inner race-baiter, the Obama campaign's Julianna Smoot send out a mass email accusing Ryan of "making a pilgrimage" to Las Vegas to "kiss the ring" of Jewish mega donor Sheldon Adelson. This was an obvious attempt to drive a wedge between Ryan and blue-collar Catholics by invoking anti-Semitic imagery; the implication is that Ryan, instead of making a pilgrimage to Rome to kiss the ring of the Pope, was heading to Vegas to kiss the ring of a wealthy Jew. Ryan, the email implied, was a Judas willing to sacrifice religion for money in the Sodom and Gomorrah of Vegas.
This isn't just nasty campaigning. It's vile campaigning.
It wasn't surprising, of course -- not after the Obama campaign seemingly worked hand-in-glove with a super PAC to release an ad accusing Romney of murdering Joe Soptic's wife of cancer after Bain Capital fired Soptic and Soptic lost his health insurance. It wasn't surprising after the vulgarities that seem to spout daily from the Obama headquarters; their emails suggest that they must win the "damn" election and their staffers call Obamacare opponents "mother---ers." No hope and change to be found here -- just vulgarity and racism.
We'd be better off as a country (for black people too) if more violent blacks were in prison.
Amazing... when Quayle misspelled potatoes, the whole world knew about it.... but when Biden says this.... its completely covered up.
You guys are all missing the point. This isn't Joe Biden being an idiot by making a racist statement that is being ignored by the media.
It's the same old tired nonsense.
Whites who criticize Obama are racists.
Conservative blacks are not really black.
If Republicans win blacks will be hanging from trees and Hispanics will all be rounded up and deported.
I so sick and tired of this crap but, mostly, I'm sick and tired of seeing people still buying into it.
We'd be better off as a country (for black people too) if more violent blacks were in prison.
:clap: :clap:
Agreed. Keep the apes in their cages.
lol comment on the first link: False again... it was government regulations that kept this country growing steadily for more than 60 years after the first major financial collapse. It did not collapse again until after those regulations were worked around and repealed.
Corporate greed has brought us to the brink of collapse a second time.
It was Americans who made this country great and corporations who are continually turning the screws on the very people who make it all happen to funnel a bigger piece of the pie into their own pockets.
The worst of it all is Wall Street, who takes the biggest piece of pie without making the pie any larger. If not for the massive abundance of workers, the pie would shrink into oblivion.
Logic: Government regulation on the people making money makes money for America, not people making money. [censored] retards.
Well Rudy Guiliani said, "Biden is not very bright." Joe Bite Me is using racial slurs about Chains and Bondage to create racial violence and division to get things steamed up for the conventions. I don't believe that Obama-Biden are really getting through to alot of blacks who are educated and do not want to live with this kind of a government, or create violence or anarchy either. Mia Love who is running for Mayor said that Biden's remarks were totally inappropriate and divisionary and he needs to apologize.