General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan Ben Noah on August 31, 2012, 09:30:28 AM
I'm sorry, but, don't these poor people who, according to what we are told by the federal government, can't get by without federal assistance programs, need to show ID to qualify for and receive this federal assistance? Are we to believe that they walk into a federal office that dispenses welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers, etc. and, without presenting any form of ID, are given all these benefits?
Oh crap. Now every single DeVon'travious and Mol'andreisha (both real names of people I met when I first came to America in NYC) in Texas can vote!
Oh crap. Now every single DeVon'travious and Mol'andreisha (both real names of people I met when I first came to America in NYC) in Texas can vote!
There's a casino in Louisiana called Grand Casino Coushatta. I saw a black girl named Coushatta just recently. I'm assuming she probably came over during the Katrina thing and never left. If she's a native Texan, then it's probably because her mom heard the frequent radio commercials for it. If I'm not mistaken it's named after an Indian tribe.
So some black woman saw the name of the casino or heard a commercial for it and probably thought "oooh, Coushatta! Dat be a pretty name! I gon' name my baby afta a Casino! MMMHMMM dat's right" So now there's some young black woman stuck with the name Coushatta.
I can't imagine not requiring a photo ID for voting. If you are too stupid, not poor- it has nothing to do with poverty, of you are too stupid to not be able to get a photo ID you shouldn't even be allowed to cast a vote.
And people say the left is anti-religious. On the contrary, they're extremely religious. They have just created their own.
There's a casino in Louisiana called Grand Casino Coushatta. I saw a black girl named Coushatta just recently. I'm assuming she probably came over during the Katrina thing and never left. If she's a native Texan, then it's probably because her mom heard the frequent radio commercials for it. If I'm not mistaken it's named after an Indian tribe.
So some black woman saw the name of the casino or heard a commercial for it and probably thought "oooh, Coushatta! Dat be a pretty name! I gon' name my baby afta a Casino! MMMHMMM dat's right" So now there's some young black woman stuck with the name Coushatta.
I'm sure we all remember "LaTrina"- take the "Trina", add a definitive article "La", and there we are. LOL
At a previous job a coworker's name was Latrina but she spelled it differently than that. It was pronounced the same way though.
At a previous job a coworker's name was Latrina but she spelled it differently than that. It was pronounced the same way though.
Then how was it pronounced?
Then how was it pronounced?
It was pronounced the same way Latrine-ah, it was just spelled differently.
It was pronounced the same way Latrine-ah, it was just spelled differently.
it's becoming very common, so it is no longer a surprise to anyone.
it's becoming very common, so it is no longer a surprise to anyone.
At the time I was surprised that someone would ACTUALLY name their child after a toilet. I was still naive enough at the time to think that just about everyone had standards. Coushatta is worse in my opinion though unless someone is actually from that tribe because naming your kid after a casino is just completely lacking in all class. I've also heard the name "Aquanetta" is fairly frequent among blacks, and yes, that's naming their babies after hair spray.
Well "Cush" and "Cushite" refers to a Hamitic tribe of Africa which in modern usage has come to mean the N word in Hebrew. So they might turn it around and say the Indians are the ones who stole it and made "Coushatta" out of it.
Good points! I forgot about the Cushites before you mentioned them.
I heard that cushites were the origin of the n-word in Hebrew.
Well "Cush" and "Cushite" refers to a Hamitic tribe of Africa which in modern usage has come to mean the N word in Hebrew. So they might turn it around and say the Indians are the ones who stole it and made "Coushatta" out of it.
Cush means black. It has no negative connotation as the n word.
You realize the Torah says Moshes wife was Cush....
And I honestly doubt that an Indian tribes name has any relation to hebrew.
Moses’ Cushite Wife
Does it say somewhere in the Torah that Moses’ wife was black?
The answer to your question is found in Bamidbar (Numbers) 12:1, which tells us of the “Cushite” woman that Moses married. Cush is the area we call Ethiopia today, so someone from Cush would be black. Despite the fact that the Torah speaks of this Cushite wife, the fact that this wife is mentioned nowhere else in the Bible led many commentators, with Rashi at their head, to conclude that this “Cushite” wife is none other than Moses’ wife Tzippora, who is called a Cushite euphemistically for different reasons. Rashi’s take on it is that she was called a Cushite to make the point that the contrast of her incredible beauty to others was as obvious as the darkness of a Cushite. Other commentators, however, basing themselves on a work called “Moses’ chronicles” cited by a Midrash, explain that the Torah is referring to a woman Moses married (presumably after converting her to Monotheism) when he spent forty years in Cush after escaping Egypt the first time, before he ended up in Median with Tzipporah.