General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Secularbeliever on September 12, 2012, 08:56:04 PM

Title: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Secularbeliever on September 12, 2012, 08:56:04 PM
Was he a typical State Department Arabist or is his death a real loss.
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on September 12, 2012, 08:57:58 PM
I don't know, but he was an American!
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: AsheDina on September 13, 2012, 11:10:45 AM
The SLIME helped the Muslim bro'hood get in power.
He was one of Hitlery's stooges:

Isn’t this ironic? This ambassador is being acclaimed as a hero because he slipped into Libya on a cargo ship to help the ‘rebels’ against Gaddafi. Now, apparently, the ‘rebels’ he helped are the same ones that released the terrorists from prison who were ordered by an Al-Qaeda leader to kill him, according to DEBKA.


COMMUNIST died the same fate as Gaddafi, good riddance.

COMMUNISTS are NOT "Americans"...EVER.

Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Zelhar on September 13, 2012, 01:05:45 PM
Was he a typical State Department Arabist or is his death a real loss.
He was almost certainly a dhimi and Islamophile. He volunteered in Morocco with the peace corps when he was young, and it seems he made his career mostly in the Arab affairs and loved Arabs and Islam.

However as a representative of America his death and the humiliation suffered by this aggression is an affront for America that must be avenged unless you want to be known as the wimpy sugar daddy of the middle east.
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: syyuge on September 13, 2012, 01:58:25 PM
Apart from everything else, it is also the question of the insult to the national prestige.
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: muman613 on September 13, 2012, 04:20:23 PM
He was almost certainly a dhimi and Islamophile. He volunteered in Morocco with the peace corps when he was young, and it seems he made his career mostly in the Arab affairs and loved Arabs and Islam.

However as a representative of America his death and the humiliation suffered by this aggression is an affront for America that must be avenged unless you want to be known as the wimpy sugar daddy of the middle east.

I agree. No matter what this guys politics were it is an attack on America. An attack on an embassy is considered as if it was an attack on American soil. No response is just giving the enemies a victory... They are emboldened to perpetrate further attacks on American interests.
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Zelhar on September 13, 2012, 05:19:07 PM
I agree. No matter what this guys politics were it is an attack on America. An attack on an embassy is considered as if it was an attack on American soil. No response is just giving the enemies a victory... They are emboldened to perpetrate further attacks on American interests.
And also lets not forget they killed three other Americans.
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: AsheDina on September 13, 2012, 08:44:31 PM
Yep, I know I am hard.

Well, here are the FACTS:

Obama and Hitlery are the ones that went into Libya and toppled their government-demanded that Gaddafi leave. When Gadaffi didnt leave, they helped the Muslim-Jihadists hunt him down.  When they killed Gadaffi, they sodomized him, first.

Now, the Muslim bro'hood is in charge of Egypt.  Chris Stevens was a radical Commie that was helping Jihadists. This puts Israel in a terrible position.  With Egypt as well.  Obama and Hitlery are doing the SAME thing in Syria.

He is more important just because he is "American?"

NOT in my book is he American. I grew up to be PATRIOTIC, not help Americas enemies.

Helping aid and abet terrorists is TREASON.

Stevens suffered the laws of cause and effect.
And that is how I feel.

There were 2 former seals that were murdered because of Hillary and Obama, yet we only hear about this Commie-Chris Stevens.
HE is more important because the MUSLIM Obama and hitlery lost a Commie-Komrade??
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on September 13, 2012, 09:00:10 PM
I agree AshDina! It is all the Obama Administrations fault, and the guy had what was coming to him! But they attacked America, and every one of those muzzy little pigs need to be slaughtered! But that will not happen under the current administration, because they are on their side!
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: drlmg on September 13, 2012, 11:44:42 PM
Am I correct in saying (as some here have vaguely implied) that if the US had a president with a spine, as many leaders have in years past, the murder of US citizens and especially a US Ambassador would be viewed as a direct attack on this country. I think the result would have been severe retribution for those involved. Anyone else agree?
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: Israel Chai on September 14, 2012, 12:05:21 AM
If there was real American leadership, there wouldn't be diplomacy at all with terrorism supporting barbarians. What can we hope to gain from them?
Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: mord on September 14, 2012, 07:12:57 AM
He was raped before he was killed                            http://www.examiner.com/article/lebanese-report-us-ambassador-raped-before-murdered 

The Lebanese news organization Tayyar.org is reporting that the murdered American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was raped prior to his killing September 11, 2012.

The Lebanese news report cited the Agence France-Presse (AFP) broke the story when given the information by an unnamed senior member of the Libyan Interior Ministry.

Tayyar.com also reported via Google translation from the original Arabic, Ambassador Stevens:

    "...was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder."

According to the BBC, when the former Libyan strongman Colonel Moammar Gaddafi was initially captured:
US Ambassador Raped Prior To Murder.
Video: US Ambassador Raped Prior To Murder.

    "Still images from an analysis of amateur video footage taken in the moments after Col Gaddafi's capture appear to show him being sodomised with a pole or knife."

The Washington Times has posted a video clip (left) reportedly originating from the Libyan Free Press confirming the sodomization of Ambassador Stevens prior to his murder.

As translated by The Washington Times, the Libyan reporter stated:

    "Libya - USA Ambassador in Bengazi sodomized and killed by his own al-Qaeda puppets."

The Times also has posted an update stating that as of 3:35 AM EST today:

    "The Lebanon report on the murdered U.S. ambassador in Libya, Christopher Stevens, remains unconfirmed by the AFP."

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Title: Re: The murdered Ambassador to Libya
Post by: AsheDina on September 14, 2012, 09:59:32 AM
I agree AshDina! It is all the Obama Administrations fault, and the guy had what was coming to him! But they attacked America, and every one of those muzzy little pigs need to be slaughtered! But that will not happen under the current administration, because they are on their side!

If people didnt watch Obama 2016, you NEED TO.

America always wants to get back at the bad guy, but NEVER reflects that it IS the bad guy, now.
NO repentance is in America--AND if there is, it is very little and a remnant.

We have infiltrated their lands, & installed the Muslim bro'hood.
Add the 2 together and you have chaos.  Muslims will NEVER stop. 
If we didnt totally blow them away in 2002, we never will.  Leaving this evil alive.

America is the one that is NO friend to ANYONE anymore.  Think this makes me happy?? NO WAY.

I have shed more than enough tears over my country.  But, we have turned terrorist. We are. We destroyed Libya, we destroyed Egypt, now we are working to destroy Syria. 
(WE as a whole. I dont mean you, or me)

Do you REALIZE what this does to Israel?  It has left them WIDE OPEN to evil.  Terrible evil. 

Look what we did to Israel in 2005.  We forced over 8K Israelis out of their homes and they became refugees.

We are the enemy, now.

I cant stand it, but we are.

America is in need of massive rebuke by HaShem.  I dont want to die and realize that it rains justice on the good and the bad.  But, we are deserving (as a whole) to be punished--severely.

Look at who is in the White house--only 7 years after 9/11, we have a MUSLIM FROM KENYA in our White house.

I am so ashamed.  I cannot tell you how ashamed I am.

Look at all of the militant homos all over this country.  Look at the aborted babies; over 40 million.  Look how women treat men b/c of feminism.  Look at how the ALIEN rules over the land owner.  Look how black murder, rape, rob whites.  Look at this government.

Then read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 דְּבָרִים


 The LORD will cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies; thou shalt go out one way against them, and shalt flee seven ways before them; and thou shalt be a horror unto all the kingdoms of the earth.

All of this is happening.  I know it pertains to the Jewish people.  But tell me this is not happening, IT IS.