General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 03:32:16 PM

Title: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 03:32:16 PM
Just take a look of these disgusting filthy animals.  They love Jew destroying so much but they do it with a smile.  They are the experts at the Islamic art of takiyya and they're so good at it they would make any muzzie jealous.  Their entire campaign is based on deception.  They are Jewish soul-destroying haters if I was there I would pester them until they begged me for mercy.

Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 03:46:11 PM
Are they even Jews?

Sounds like a scam to me.

It doesn't sound like a scam, it IS a COMPLETE scam.  The "Jew for Jesus" in the video is a gentile, he even says so....but he's wearing a "Jews for Jesus" t-shirt.  Makes sense right?  These people claim to be Jews but they are Evangelical Christians.  Everything they believe in is Christian but they claim to be Jewish.  Then they try to trick Jews into believing that they only want them to be "completed Jews", it's complete rubbish.  Many of the so called "Jews" are just gentiles who pretend to be Jews, they even learn yiddish and learn about Judaism in order to trick and exploit people. 

You can find out more about them here:


Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 03:47:14 PM
Are they even Jews?

Sounds like a scam to me.

It's a cult set up by the Baptist chuch I believe. Some of them are secular jews gone mad and others are gentiles who managed to shake a jew out of their family tree somewhere.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 03:49:36 PM
I have a feeling Allen-T's going to join them soon.  He's already starting to proselytize with SamanthatheCat by posting the Reveling in Revelation videos.  I sent him a youtube message to cease and desist.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 03:50:00 PM
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: TheCoon on July 02, 2007, 03:53:49 PM
You know, a little tact would go so much farther in dealing with "Jews for Jesus" than calling them all types of awful names.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
I have a feeling Allen-T's going to join them soon.  He's already starting to proselytize with SamanthatheCat by posting the Reveling in Revelation videos.  I sent him a youtube message to cease and desist.

That will just egg him on. We should post refutations from the counter- missionary groups on the youtube comments section.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 03:59:48 PM
He just responded:  "Excuse me? Oh, I should just let Chaim run his mouth and say nothing? Change the channel."

He's definitely on a mission now. 

I told him that it's fine he's posting the videos but that he shouldn't direct them to JTF members because it's obvious he's trying to convert the Jewish members. 

Apparently that's unacceptable to him. 
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: TheCoon on July 02, 2007, 04:01:54 PM
He just responded:  "Excuse me? Oh, I should just let Chaim run his mouth and say nothing? Change the channel."

He's definitely on a mission now. 

I'd recommend doing it in a tactful way. Calling him a nazi or homosexual is just useless. Refute him with your religion.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 04:02:36 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 04:03:00 PM
I don't plan on wasting my time with that.  I'm just making people aware of what he's doing.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Yisrael on July 02, 2007, 04:03:42 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the [censored] beat out of them.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 04:04:12 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

How about this ftf.  Their name is Jews for Jesus.  If that's not nefarious or deceitful I don't know what is.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 04:05:23 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

Did you even listen to Chaim on the latest Ask JTF?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 04:06:44 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

They go through pain trials to toughen themselves up to prepare for physical assaults.  This group is insane.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 04:07:42 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

Too right! Was that Yad Lachim?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 04:09:52 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

They go through pain trials to toughen themselves up to prepare for physical assaults.  This group is insane.

Do they whip themselves like opus de?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 04:13:04 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: Nic Brookes on July 02, 2007, 04:14:42 PM
*watches ftf be banned*
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 04:15:29 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

They go through pain trials to toughen themselves up to prepare for physical assaults.  This group is insane.

Do they whip themselves like opus de?
I know a guy in opes dei  they really don'nt try to hurt themselfs
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 04:19:59 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

They go through pain trials to toughen themselves up to prepare for physical assaults.  This group is insane.

Do they whip themselves like opus de?
I know a guy in opes dei  they really don'nt try to hurt themselfs

I pride myself on helping others. Do you think they'd let me help whip them?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 04:20:25 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

Wait, hold on a second.  Are you actually saying that Christianity knows what being a Jew is and Judaism doesn't?  How is that a difference of opinion?  What Christianity thinks Judaism is is irrelevant.

You want to see deceptive tactics being used?  Look at this video:

Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 04:22:27 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

They go through pain trials to toughen themselves up to prepare for physical assaults.  This group is insane.

Do they whip themselves like opus de?
I know a guy in opes dei  they really don'nt try to hurt themselfs

I pride myself on helping others. Do you think they'd let me help whip them?
LOL idon'nt know but he's a nice guy never tries to convert people
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: TheCoon on July 02, 2007, 04:26:36 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

Wait, hold on a second.  Are you actually saying that Christianity knows what being a Jew is and Judaism doesn't?  How is that a difference of opinion?  What Christianity thinks Judaism is is irrelevant.

You want to see deceptive tactics being used?  Look at this video:


ftf, in other words you're a second-class citizen and your opinion means nothing.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 04:32:03 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

Wait, hold on a second.  Are you actually saying that Christianity knows what being a Jew is and Judaism doesn't?  How is that a difference of opinion?  What Christianity thinks Judaism is is irrelevant.

You want to see deceptive tactics being used?  Look at this video:

I'm saying that we have a difference of opinion, I'll be blunt here, if the Christianity that I follow is the truth then the Judaism that you follow is incorrect in certain areas, if the Judaism that you follow is the truth then the Christianity that I follow is incorrect in a great many areas.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Yisrael on July 02, 2007, 04:41:16 PM
When J4J were in Boro Park, they got the excrement beat out of them.

Too right! Was that Yad Lachim?

No, I only see Yad Le'achim giving out counter-fliers.

The "attackers" were Jewish people. Most were Hassidic, I noticed two Kahanist, and there were even 2 "secular" Jews.

When a Neturai Karta member came into Boro Park he got beat too. I then began a demo (which I led for most of it, until Mordechai Levy of JDO showed up...and yea, I know, he isn't a saint ;)) at his hotel and the feds came to escort him out to the airport.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 04:57:24 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 05:00:49 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.
Not in any of the Christian neighbourhoods I've been in, the Jews would be invited inside for a cup of tea, and would be asked to back up their statements, there would probably be a debate lasting about an hour before they'd head on their way having enjoyed an itellectual debate and some nice tea and biscuits.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: TheCoon on July 02, 2007, 05:01:42 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.

judea, you literally are 100% ignorant about Christians and Christianity.

Careful ftf, next time you're in a "Christian neighborhood"(by the way, wtf is a Christian neighborhood?) watch out. Those Bible-believing Christians are like ravenous dogs killing any non-believers who cross their path. It's like 28 Weeks Later all over again.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: Nic Brookes on July 02, 2007, 05:02:46 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.
Not in any of the Christian neighbourhoods I've been in, the Jews would be invited inside for a cup of tea, and would be asked to back up their statements, there would probably be a debate lasting about an hour before they'd head on their way having enjoyed an itellectual debate and some nice tea and biscuits.

Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 05:10:57 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.
Not in any of the Christian neighbourhoods I've been in, the Jews would be invited inside for a cup of tea, and would be asked to back up their statements, there would probably be a debate lasting about an hour before they'd head on their way having enjoyed an itellectual debate and some nice tea and biscuits.


Thet'd get called anti-chr_sts and a lot of other things and the church would cry foul. 'Giving out pamphlets' is proselytising and therefor wrong. Did anyone listen to Chaim on Ask JTF?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:11:49 PM
Well, where I live Christians throw rocks at me from their cars and from the subway platform. And this is when I haven't said a word to them. Can you imagine what they would do if I told them their religion was a lie?

In every single city in America where I have lived, Christians and yelled anti-semitic insults and thrown rocks at me. And I've lived all over the country. And this is with me just minding my own business.

You really must be living in a dream world, if you think that the reaction to a Jew attempting to steer Christians away from their faith would be met with anything other than violence.

Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 05:12:49 PM
Well, where I live Christians throw rocks at me from their cars and from the subway platform. And this is when I haven't said a word to them. Can you imagine what they would do if I told them their religion was a lie?

In every single city in America where I have lived, Christians and yelled anti-semitic insults and thrown rocks at me. And I've lived all over the country. And this is with me just minding my own business.

You really must be living in a dream world, if you think that the reaction to a Jew attempting to steer Christians away from their faith would be met with anything other than violence.

I'm sorry that you haven't met better christians.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: Ehud on July 02, 2007, 05:14:56 PM
Well, where I live Christians throw rocks at me from their cars and from the subway platform. And this is when I haven't said a word to them. Can you imagine what they would do if I told them their religion was a lie?

In every single city in America where I have lived, Christians and yelled anti-semitic insults and thrown rocks at me. And I've lived all over the country. And this is with me just minding my own business.

You really must be living in a dream world, if you think that the reaction to a Jew attempting to steer Christians away from their faith would be met with anything other than violence.

I'm sorry to hear about this.  You're right, if we went around doing this we would literally be called agents of Satan.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: TheCoon on July 02, 2007, 05:17:26 PM
Well, where I live Christians throw rocks at me from their cars and from the subway platform. And this is when I haven't said a word to them. Can you imagine what they would do if I told them their religion was a lie?

In every single city in America where I have lived, Christians and yelled anti-semitic insults and thrown rocks at me. And I've lived all over the country. And this is with me just minding my own business.

You really must be living in a dream world, if you think that the reaction to a Jew attempting to steer Christians away from their faith would be met with anything other than violence.

I think you're a liar, but I'm sorry if these things actually did happen to you.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:19:01 PM
What is wrong with someone handing out leaflets about what they believe, they aren't threatening anyone or coercing anyone, I really don't see anything bad being done in that video. If you can show me some nefarious practice that they have engaged in, some definite lie that they have told or some physical threat that they ahve produced, I'll be happy to oppose them, but from that video, I see no reson to do so.

What is wrong with it? Ftf , what do you think would happen to Jews if they walked around Christian neighborhood distributing flyers, pamphlets and telling Christians that their religion is false and that they and their families and all of their ancestors will burn in hell forever unless they convert to Judaism? You would have to scrape those Jews off the floor. and send them to the morgue.

judea, you literally are 100% ignorant about Christians and Christianity.

Careful ftf, next time you're in a "Christian neighborhood"(by the way, wtf is a Christian neighborhood?) watch out. Those Bible-believing Christians are like ravenous dogs killing any non-believers who cross their path. It's like 28 Weeks Later all over again.

I'm not ignorant about Christians. I just wrote all about my experiences with Christians in every city in the US where I have lived.

The problem is that you just say, "They're not real Christians". That's a cop-out and being ignorant of the facts. Please, don't tell me what would or would not happen if I stood in an all-Christian neighborhood proselytizing Christians. You know what would happen. Because a lower level of violence happens just because I exist. So you can just imagine if I walked around blaspheming Christianity. As these guys blaspheme Judaism.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:23:31 PM
Well, where I live Christians throw rocks at me from their cars and from the subway platform. And this is when I haven't said a word to them. Can you imagine what they would do if I told them their religion was a lie?

In every single city in America where I have lived, Christians and yelled anti-semitic insults and thrown rocks at me. And I've lived all over the country. And this is with me just minding my own business.

You really must be living in a dream world, if you think that the reaction to a Jew attempting to steer Christians away from their faith would be met with anything other than violence.

I think you're a liar, but I'm sorry if these things actually did happen to you.

You SOB, you have no idea what it's like to be me.

You have a hell of alot of gall to call me a liar. What I said was the absolute 100% truth. The fact that you don't beleive it is your own refusal to accept the facts. It's not my problem that you're in denial.

You mock my pain. I only wish that one day, people do to you what they do to me.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 05:32:30 PM
I beleive you heard about these occurances but iv been in alot of fights but never because of being Jewish and i think i won all of them
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 05:32:39 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 05:34:45 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:36:47 PM
I beleive you heard about these occurances but iv been in alot of fights but never because of being Jewish and i think i won all of them

Hear about these occurances?!?!?!?!

They friggin' happened to me.

Mord, correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't walk around with a yarmulke on all the time.

Well, I do.

And since I'm obviously Jewish-looking. I get what I get from passing cars.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 05:40:59 PM
Note down the number plates and report them for religous prejudice, well that would work in the UK anyway.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:41:32 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

Really, ftf, I'm not asking for you physical protection, just your understand of the way things actually are. You don't have to beat up your fellow Christians for me. Just don't call me a liar like thunderbolt and don't lie to yourself about what Christians would do to me. I know what they would do to me because I know what they do to me for no reason. Imagine if I gave them a reason, like say, openly blaspheming Christianity, as J4Jesus blaspheme Judaism.

Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: judeanoncapta on July 02, 2007, 05:43:03 PM
Note down the number plates and report them for religous prejudice, well that would work in the UK anyway.

It doesn't work in the US.

British people are a hell of alot more polite.

Gotta go bye.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 05:43:10 PM
I wear one on shabbos,how old are you workout learn to fight maybe because i'm big and been a trouble maker my most of my life so i have alot of fighting exprience
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 05:46:33 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

Really, ftf, I'm not asking for you physical protection, just your understand of the way things actually are. You don't have to beat up your fellow Christians for me. Just don't call me a liar like thunderbolt and don't lie to yourself about what Christians would do to me. I know what they would do to me because I know what they do to me for no reason. Imagine if I gave them a reason, like say, openly blaspheming Christianity, as J4Jesus blaspheme Judaism.

A jew in oregon had his business burned down by a christian group because they wanted to prove to him that G_d didn't protect jews......
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 05:48:23 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

Really, ftf, I'm not asking for you physical protection, just your understand of the way things actually are. You don't have to beat up your fellow Christians for me. Just don't call me a liar like thunderbolt and don't lie to yourself about what Christians would do to me. I know what they would do to me because I know what they do to me for no reason. Imagine if I gave them a reason, like say, openly blaspheming Christianity, as J4Jesus blaspheme Judaism.

A jew in oregon had his business burned down by a christian group because they wanted to prove to him that G_d didn't protect jews......
People who do things like that do not deserve the title Christian.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 05:54:04 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

Really, ftf, I'm not asking for you physical protection, just your understand of the way things actually are. You don't have to beat up your fellow Christians for me. Just don't call me a liar like thunderbolt and don't lie to yourself about what Christians would do to me. I know what they would do to me because I know what they do to me for no reason. Imagine if I gave them a reason, like say, openly blaspheming Christianity, as J4Jesus blaspheme Judaism.

A jew in oregon had his business burned down by a christian group because they wanted to prove to him that G_d didn't protect jews......
People who do things like that do not deserve the title Christian.

ftf, I don't think you have the type of Christian zeolots in Europe that exist in the USA and certainly nowhere near as many.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 06:00:05 PM
I have never seen Christians in this day behaving in the way that you describe, believe me if I was there and saw them do so they would have a lot of bruises by the time I was finished with them.

Really, ftf, I'm not asking for you physical protection, just your understand of the way things actually are. You don't have to beat up your fellow Christians for me. Just don't call me a liar like thunderbolt and don't lie to yourself about what Christians would do to me. I know what they would do to me because I know what they do to me for no reason. Imagine if I gave them a reason, like say, openly blaspheming Christianity, as J4Jesus blaspheme Judaism.

A jew in oregon had his business burned down by a christian group because they wanted to prove to him that G_d didn't protect jews......
People who do things like that do not deserve the title Christian.

ftf, I don't think you have the type of Christian zeolots in Europe that exist in the USA and certainly nowhere near as many.
Someone who behaves in the way here described is not a christian zealot, they may be a zealot, but they aren't christian, they may think they are, but they are deluding themselves.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 06:01:00 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

You are truly a "Jew For Jesus". You are an apostate Jew. You are breaking forum rules while being a moderator.

Which forum rule am I breaking?
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: mord on July 02, 2007, 06:10:57 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

You are truly a "Jew For Jesus". You are an apostate Jew. You are breaking forum rules while being a moderator.

Which forum rule am I breaking?

You write stuff here as a moderator that will make people think you speak for JTF. What you say in effect condones missionizing.

How can he be a Jew for Jesus for Jesus if he's not Jewish
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: newman on July 02, 2007, 06:14:27 PM
According to Christianity the idea of a Jew being for Jesus makes sense, according to Judaism it doesn't this is something called a difference of opinion.

You are truly a "Jew For Jesus". You are an apostate Jew. You are breaking forum rules while being a moderator.

Which forum rule am I breaking?

You write stuff here as a moderator that will make people think you speak for JTF. What you say in effect condones missionizing.

How can he be a Jew for Jesus for Jesus if he's not Jewish

He's an apostate jew
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 06:15:32 PM
I have no conections with any such groups, I may be able to find Jews in my family tree if I step back three generations, but that's over half a centurary, there is nothing Jewish (by the traditional definition of the word) about me.

From the forum rules I see at the moment regarding preaching, the only rule I see that is that it must not be practised on the forum, I have followed that rule to the letter at all times.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D
Post by: ftf on July 02, 2007, 06:19:15 PM
His grandmother was a Jew who escaped The Holocaust. We've seen lots of people who have gone down her way who later hid their Jewishness like former Secretary of Hate Madeline Albright.

She was not a practising Jew when she got to the UK, I don't know if she ever was, she died a few years ago now so I can never ask her, she lived the majority of her life and died as an agnostic.
Title: Re: Video of Jews for Jesus Animals in their stepped up campaign in Washington D.C.
Post by: jsullivan on July 02, 2007, 09:54:22 PM
Chaim appealed to all of us in the last broadcast NOT to engage in this type of arguing. JTF is NOT the place for this.

JTF has a very specific agenda: uniting all decent people to defeat our common enemies, who are the Muslims and their New World Order traitor allies.

I am locking this thread and I am urging people not to open threads that will cause unnecessary conflict between JTF members.

"Jews" for Jesus is a sick cult that has engaged in deceptive practices. But continuing to harp on this subject is not good for our cause.

Does anyone here still care about America, Israel and Western civilization? Or are we so determined to fight each other that we have lost sight of the Islamic threat?