General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Equalizer18 on October 24, 2012, 09:15:59 PM

Title: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: Equalizer18 on October 24, 2012, 09:15:59 PM
 ;D We are in the last 2 weeks of the most CRUTIAL Presidential Election in the United States History.  This Marxist, Usurper, Lier, anti-American, Islamic Terrorist, Barack Hussein Obama is the MOST DANGEROUS person in the USA.   I Sincerely PRAY that GOD will help "WE THE PEOPLE" to defeat him decisively in a Landslide.  Hussein is an ENEMY of the United States and Israel!!!!!!!

Need to hit the sack (go to bed), so Take Good Care Everyone!!!!!!   SHALOM!
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: Lisa on October 24, 2012, 09:56:27 PM
Welcome to our wonderful forum!
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: Aritb on October 24, 2012, 11:07:10 PM
Thank  you.
I am a member of JDL in Canada. I am a Zionist and an admirer of Meir Kahani. I believe Kahani was right.  I believe Obama is a disaster and if re-elected Israel will face even more rejection but even id this should occur Israel must stand alone and make it's own decisions. Only a three state solution is viable and this is Jordan, Egypt and Israel. Am Israel Chai!
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on October 25, 2012, 12:58:59 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Isn't Freehold NJ Bruce Springsteens hometown?
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: mord on October 25, 2012, 04:15:39 PM
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: Painter on October 29, 2012, 04:11:56 PM
Welcome to JTF
Title: Re: Shalom from Freehold, New Jersey, USA
Post by: TruthSpreader on October 29, 2012, 04:25:17 PM