General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on October 28, 2012, 01:11:32 PM
Stay safe from the approaching hurricane sandy. Just got off the phone with my mother making sure she has stocked up on food and water and other critical provisions (including pharmaceuticals)...
May his storm blow over all the righteous without any damage to life...
Stay safe from the approaching hurricane sandy. Just got off the phone with my mother making sure she has stocked up on food and water and other critical provisions (including pharmaceuticals)...
May his storm blow over all the righteous without any damage to life...
May it blow into the wicked with damage to life...
May Hashem send angels to protect the righteous from the storm. It is no coincidence that the story of Sodom & Gommorah is read in the Torah portion this coming Shabbat... We learn from this that we should pray that the damage be spared from the righteous who live in the land. It is also learned, from other sources, that when Hashem decrees destruction to a city or country, that the righteous and the wicked are killed together. This is why, in the merit of my mother and step-father, I pray that the storm not be as destructive as some think it may become...
Not to make light of this storm, especially since I live on Long Island, but wouldn't it be funny if power outages in the NYC area lasted until next Wednesday and very few people were able to cast their vote on election day. You all do know that without NYC votes, New York state would probably go to Romney.
Not to make light of this storm, especially since I live on Long Island, but wouldn't it be funny if power outages in the NYC area lasted until next Wednesday and very few people were able to cast their vote on election day. You all do know that without NYC votes, New York state would probably go to Romney.
Wow!!! Wouldn't that be amazing! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Sure hope it doesn't affect voting for the most important election in history...They are calling it a noreaster because of the cold coming with it!
I think your mom will be safe. But glad she is prepared.
the eye will hit south to central nj.
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/10/28/No-Tasteless-Jokes-as-Hurricane-Approaches-Blue-States (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/10/28/No-Tasteless-Jokes-as-Hurricane-Approaches-Blue-States)
I hope everyone will be safe. I prayed for everyone's safety.
I hope everyone will be safe. I prayed for everyone's safety.
Yes I did also... Storms like this are not selective... Wind and water are not a good combination... It's very sad when people lose everything they own.
Yes I did also... Storms like this are not selective... Wind and water are not a good combination... It's very sad when people lose everything they own.
I don't wish anything bad on anyone. Even an evil person can change and decide to be good. I hope the storm doesn't kill anyone.
My close relatives are in NJ and PA. I hope they and all others are safe.
Yes I did also... Storms like this are not selective... Wind and water are not a good combination... It's very sad when people lose everything they own.
Here in the North Shore I lost an oak tree and the power went out quite a few times, but other than that everything is fine. How are you holding up?
Oh it will. I'm dancing in the wind.
Just don't be dancin' in the street. It's an invitation across the nation, but with the hurricane you can't compete.
My close relatives are in NJ and PA. I hope they and all others are safe.
southern 1/3 of nj is under water.
I hope everyone on the East Coast is doing okay and is safe! My prayers are with you, may Hashem protect you!
im without power. So annoying. Im so bored. HUrricanes are a royal pain.
im without power. So annoying. Im so bored. HUrricanes are a royal pain.
Lisa, Where I'm at they made it sound like 100 year mega storm! We do not have to deal with that, all we have is tornadoes. In my mind hurricanes sound very threatening! I do believe that what is going on, is affecting our technology here!
im without power. So annoying. Im so bored. HUrricanes are a royal pain.
I'm glad you're safe Lisa!
At least you can read stuff online!
Maybe one of these days I'll get a device that I can get on the internet with when the main power goes offline. All I had last time during Hurricane Ike were some books and I would've liked to go online some of the time too.
I hope everyone is safe and sound. I also hope this doesn't effect the Ask JTF program.
I just stopped by to show my support and here is a peaceful picture to share with you all.
Sending Prayers and good thoughts.