General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: The One and Only Mo on October 31, 2012, 12:00:20 PM
I'm just curious if the problems with Obama stem from him being anti-Israel or bad for the U.S.
Obama is also bad for the us even if he wasn't anti Israel. His views divide people and he creates jealousy and class warfare.
Obama is also bad for the us even if he wasn't anti Israel. His views divide people and he creates jealousy and class warfare.
What if he were to demand that Israel strike Iran, keep building, and stick it to the Arabs every which way? I'd take that in a heartbeat, even if he destroys the U.S.
What if he were to demand that Israel strike Iran, keep building, and stick it to the Arabs every which way? I'd take that in a heartbeat, even if he destroys the U.S.
Yes, but a lot of us currently live in the USA. and I really don't want my family to live in a 4rth world hell hole.
But anyway... this kind of scenario is so silly... its like saying.....
Would you vote for David Duke if he would demand Israel strike Iran.
What if he were to demand that Israel strike Iran, keep building, and stick it to the Arabs every which way? I'd take that in a heartbeat, even if he destroys the U.S.
If Obama were like a righteous Jewish kahanist type, he wouldn't gain my displeasure. In fact a gentile with such a righteous heart would help me believe that the policies to distribute wealth were a righteous cause as long as it wasn't on a way to cause divide and jealousy, but to encourage more fortunate people to be more charitable. But Obama intentions is to help lazy criminals.
Yes, but a lot of us currently live in the USA. and I really don't want my family to live in a 4rth world hell hole.
But anyway... this kind of scenario is so silly... its like saying.....
Would you vote for David Duke if he would demand Israel strike Iran.
Yes, I just wanted to get to the root.
1) He supports free at-will abortions, I stand against this.
2) He supports free and easy birth control, paid for by taxpayers. I stand against this.
3) He supports income redistribution, taxing the working class and giving to the lazy. I stand against this.
4) He supports a weak American military, lowering the status of this country. I stand against this.
5) He supports socialized medicine, where the state determines health priorities and not the medical community. I stand against this.
6) He supports diplomacy with dictators who are fooling the world, such as Venezuela & Syria. I stand against this.
7) He destroys vital American allies around the world, such as the America-Israel alliance. I stand against this.
There is not a single thing which Obama stands for which I share with him. This is why I cannot vote for him even if he claimed to support Israel {as he is currently asserting}.
He openly said on TV that he is lazy. How can you support someone like that?
The first thing I look at before I vote is Israel. If it ends up costing me a few extra grand to secure safety for Israel, I would pay that money in a second. I hope Romney doesn't end up screwing over Israel while Obama plays golf.
MUSLIM/MARXIST and has NO proof of who the hell he is.
Thats why I hate his guts.
Hell no. Even if he isn't anti-Israel, I wouldn't support him.
The most important issue to me is the pro-life issue. So if someone's pro-abortion/pro-infanticide/pro-euthanasia, it's going to be extremely difficult for me to bring myself to vote for them. I would only do so if their opponent were also pro-abortion/infanticde/euthanasia and there were no pro-life alternatives.
The second most important issue to me is immigration. I live in Texas and I can see how my society is changing and not for the better because of uncontrolled massive third world immigration. Sometimes I can't even go to the local Wal-mart without getting dirty looks from these people depending on what the mix is in the store at the time.
I also care about the sanctity of traditional marriage and Israel's right to exist.
A candidate has to be on the right side of all four of these issues before I will feel right about supporting them.