I think Sandy changed the minds of many undecided or unlikely voters in Obama's favor. All of that photo op and praise he got from Fat Fattie (Chris Christie).
Americans have short term memory...so anything from before that gave Romney momentum or anything that had to do with Benghazi left the minds of those voters.
And certainly all of the favorable coverage during Sandy on Obama helped him tremendously to get that edge.
G-D was testing America...
Here we had two outcomes, Romney or Obama... G-D was willing to give America reprieve for murdering babies and damaging the patriarchy. If they were deserving, they would overlook the showering praise the MSM gave Obama for 'handling' the hurricane, if not they would see the wicked Obama as a sort of savior. They made their choice.
It had a significance effect in the north-east.
I lost power for a week.
During that cold week, when I turned on the radio, the most mentioned names were:
1: chris christi
2: mike bloomburg
3: King Obama
As it alone changed the results, Sandy cyclone was released to change the minds of the voters at the last moment and to bring about the victory of 'O'. As such the Sandy has to be a divine phenomenon brought about by the almighty for the change of minds of voters and consequentially avenging them in advance for their deeds.
As an outcome, the Almighty had the will for the victory of 'O' for another term, which some may like to interpret as the second half comprising of the three and half years. Theologically such matters may have to be taken seriously, which we may see when the things unfold themselves.
I think people know there are nefarious back room deals going on that affect things like elections and they don't know who to blame for it, so by default they blame the Jews. It's really evil. I think there are both evil Jews and evil Gentiles that are contributing to making the world evil. There are also righteous Jews and Gentiles who are doing their best to oppose the evil people.
Just before the election I saw some crazy moonbat claiming that the Jews and the Republicans were responsible for Hurricane Sandy... They constantly claim that Jews and Republicans control the weather with the HAARP project. I think it is a crazy conspiracy theory..