General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 09:22:27 AM

Title: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 09:22:27 AM
Before the Sandy, 'R' was leading by just 1%. After the Sandy 'O' won by less than 2%. It is very difficult to say whether the Sandy changed the minds of the voters or it was a retrospective revenge on the voters or it was none of the above or Both.

(A) Whether the Sandy changed the minds of the voters?

(B) Sandy was a retrospective revenge on the voters?

(C) Both 'A' and 'B'.

(D) None of the above.

Please give your opinion.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: Dr. Dan on November 08, 2012, 03:37:00 PM
I think Sandy changed the minds of many undecided or unlikely voters in Obama's favor.  All of that photo op and praise he got from Fat Fattie (Chris Christie).

Americans have short term memory...so anything from before that gave Romney momentum or anything that had to do with Benghazi left the minds of those voters.

And certainly all of the favorable coverage during Sandy on Obama helped him tremendously to get that edge.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: בַּחַמַל on November 08, 2012, 03:47:54 PM
G-D was testing America...

Here we had two outcomes, Romney or Obama...  G-D was willing to give America reprieve for murdering babies and damaging the patriarchy.  If they were deserving, they would overlook the showering praise the MSM gave Obama for 'handling' the hurricane, if not they would see the wicked Obama as a sort of savior.  They made their choice.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 03:58:42 PM
I think Sandy changed the minds of many undecided or unlikely voters in Obama's favor.  All of that photo op and praise he got from Fat Fattie (Chris Christie).

Americans have short term memory...so anything from before that gave Romney momentum or anything that had to do with Benghazi left the minds of those voters.

And certainly all of the favorable coverage during Sandy on Obama helped him tremendously to get that edge.

I agree. I think it is the most logical scenario.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 04:06:36 PM
G-D was testing America...

Here we had two outcomes, Romney or Obama...  G-D was willing to give America reprieve for murdering babies and damaging the patriarchy.  If they were deserving, they would overlook the showering praise the MSM gave Obama for 'handling' the hurricane, if not they would see the wicked Obama as a sort of savior.  They made their choice.

After this choice, what can be the choice of the Almighty.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: בַּחַמַל on November 08, 2012, 04:31:05 PM
ועלו מושיעים בהר ציון לשפוט את הר עשיו

To judge them accordingly on the day of Redemption.

Also, the birthday of the Rebbe Rashab זצוקלל"ה נ"ע was a day before the election, Chaf Cheshvan.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on November 08, 2012, 04:35:45 PM
It had a significance effect in the north-east.
I lost power for a week.
During that cold week, when I turned on the radio, the most mentioned names were:
1: chris christi
2: mike bloomburg
3: King Obama
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 04:52:48 PM
It had a significance effect in the north-east.
I lost power for a week.
During that cold week, when I turned on the radio, the most mentioned names were:
1: chris christi
2: mike bloomburg
3: King Obama

That explains it.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 08, 2012, 05:14:17 PM
As it alone changed the results, Sandy cyclone was released to change the minds of the voters at the last moment and to bring about the victory of 'O'. As such the Sandy has to be a divine phenomenon brought about by the almighty for the change of minds of voters and consequentially avenging them in advance for their deeds.

As an outcome, the Almighty had the will for the victory of 'O' for another term, which some may like to interpret as the second half comprising of the three and half years. Theologically such matters may have to be taken seriously, which we may see when the things unfold themselves.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: muman613 on November 08, 2012, 05:34:23 PM
As it alone changed the results, Sandy cyclone was released to change the minds of the voters at the last moment and to bring about the victory of 'O'. As such the Sandy has to be a divine phenomenon brought about by the almighty for the change of minds of voters and consequentially avenging them in advance for their deeds.

As an outcome, the Almighty had the will for the victory of 'O' for another term, which some may like to interpret as the second half comprising of the three and half years. Theologically such matters may have to be taken seriously, which we may see when the things unfold themselves.

Just before the election I saw some crazy moonbat claiming that the Jews and the Republicans were responsible for Hurricane Sandy... They constantly claim that Jews and Republicans control the weather with the HAARP project. I think it is a crazy conspiracy theory..
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: Rubystars on November 08, 2012, 05:57:18 PM
I think people know there are nefarious back room deals going on that affect things like elections and they don't know who to blame for it, so by default they blame the Jews. It's really evil. I think there are both evil Jews and evil Gentiles that are contributing to making the world evil. There are also righteous Jews and Gentiles who are doing their best to oppose the evil people.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on November 08, 2012, 06:36:19 PM
Exactly folks. I was very frustrated during the hurricane caused power outage. I was very worried about the tied election.
Everyday I heard how obongo toured this part of the damaged NJ or that he met with some poor family who lost their home. And what a nice guy he is for giving up his scheduled campaign to tour NJ. When the fact is that he never stopped campaigning. This storm was his biggest last minute opportunity to grab votes.
Those of you who had power or was not effected in some way simply did not see this vote grab; those of you who were not effected by the hurricane simply don't understand.

Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: בַּחַמַל on November 08, 2012, 07:12:03 PM
I think people know there are nefarious back room deals going on that affect things like elections and they don't know who to blame for it, so by default they blame the Jews. It's really evil. I think there are both evil Jews and evil Gentiles that are contributing to making the world evil. There are also righteous Jews and Gentiles who are doing their best to oppose the evil people.

This was the last election in America where people had a genuine choice...  Every future election will either be for a Republican candidate who will rightfully demand immensely sacrificial compromise from genuine conservatives in matters relating to social policies in order to win (Rightfully in the sense that he will genuinely need to make these compromises to attract large enough demographics, not that I justify these compromises), or an extreme leftist or Libertarian lunatic.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: JTFenthusiast on November 08, 2012, 08:01:37 PM
If I were Romney, I would be ENRAGED at that fat Bastard
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on November 09, 2012, 12:51:22 AM
I'm going to take a philosophical view here.   I would speculate that Hashem brought hurricane sandy upon the east coast to give decent, intelligent Americans a chance.   How so?    Well, for all those in NY and NJ affected by the power outages, the gas lines, the flooding etc, what SHOULD they have learned from that experience:  The ineffectiveness of Big Government in times of crisis.   It flies in the face of the entire Democratic point of view, but it is the reality.   Big Government programs are wasteful, inefficient, bleeding out the sustenance of the american workers, and in times of true crisis are very limited in what they can ACTUALLY do to help. 

So a smart person should have seen through all the photo ops and radio talk about obama shaking this baby's hand and cradling this elderly victim in his arms.   And getting sumo wrestled by this NJ governor.    A smart person should have seen that was all facade and meaningless and taken the true lesson here:   We pay out our rear ends in taxes and there isn't much point to most of the wasteful and excessive govt programs (excessive is the key word here) which Obama and company only want to expand.

So what was the noreaster that came a week later?  Perhaps a punishment for overwhelmingly supporting the evil muslim once again in the election!   Unfortunately, these things happen collectively, so even good people suffer along with the evil imbeciles.   That's my take on it.
Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: Sveta on November 09, 2012, 02:06:03 AM
Just before the election I saw some crazy moonbat claiming that the Jews and the Republicans were responsible for Hurricane Sandy... They constantly claim that Jews and Republicans control the weather with the HAARP project. I think it is a crazy conspiracy theory..

They're right. G-d is a Jewish scientist as Chaim once said.

Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: muman613 on November 09, 2012, 03:21:06 AM



Title: Re: Free Poll for the Impact and effects of Sandy on the elections.
Post by: syyuge on November 09, 2012, 05:29:42 AM
Sandy can be anything but a Jewish conspiracy and HAARP and obviously the free polls were the free poles.