General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 21, 2013, 12:10:28 PM
Atlanta Teen Arrested For Sex With Pit Bulls
“Dispatch advised [that] home owners … witnessed a young black male having sexual intercourse with two dogs,” the report states.
No words needed. Just another normal day in negro America. Poor dogs. Too bad they didn't bite his junk off. YS to Bernard Archer.
Atlanta Teen Arrested For Sex With Pit Bulls
No words needed. Just another normal day in negro America.
Sick negro pervert.
But are they female dogs? :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
blech :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
But are they female dogs? :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
blech :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
Yes he raped two [censored].
I feel really sad when I hear about animals being abused like that.
Do we need to know this? I am, and I hope everyone here is, aware that there is a lot of perversion in the world? Why give them attention?
And bestiality is not a problem only in the negro community. I am sure if one googles it they will find that many races have engaged in this perversion.
I wonder if they're close enough that they'll produce a half-breed?
Here is one example:
A senior government scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) faces charges of bestiality and child molestation. Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey and her boyfriend, Thomas Westerman, were arrested in October following accusations that Lindsey molested a 6-year-old boy. Lindsey and Westerman, a night watchman at the CDC, were both charged with two counts of child molestation. In a search of Lindsey's Decatur, GA., home, investigators allegedly discovered photographs of Lindsey engaging in sex acts with two pets. DeKalb County police Lt. Pamela Kunz told The Huffington Post, "The bestiality charge is a result of evidence recovered during the investigation." Westerman is not charged with bestiality.
After being released on bail, Lindsey returned to her job as deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office at the CDC, where she has worked for 12 years. The CDC told reporters they were aware of the case, but could issue no comment on the matter.
An Ohio man was charged in June with two counts of animal cruelty for allegedly having sex with dogs, including his 3-year-old Shepherd mix named Terra. Authorities received an email tip that alleged Bower was involved in "bestiality, sexual conduct with an animal," said Richland County Dog Warden Dave Jordan. According to Jordan, the email included links to bestiality websites, as well as photographs of Bower engaged in sexual contact with three dogs and possibly a horse. A search of Bower's apartment allegedly revealed a bestiality book called Dearest Pet as well as a sign reading "Pets Welcome" and a large inflatable sheep. Neighbors told police that Bower had advertised dog walking and pet-sitting services around his apartment complex. Bower was also apparently involved in the "Furry fandom" community, where he was known as Krypto1701. His user profile on a "Furry" social networking website has been suspended since the arrest. Because Ohio has no bestiality law, Bower had to be charged with animal cruelty.
The son of a former small-town mayor was arrested in June after police responded to a report of a man "acting in a suspicious manner." Inside the Doraville, GA., home of John David Norman, police allegedly found video footage of Norman, 56, having sex with two dogs, as well as a disks containing images of naked children. Norman was charged with sexual exploitation of children, bestiality and aggravated cruelty to animals. Norman's father, Jesse Norman, served a long term as mayor of Doraville.
I wonder if they're close enough that they'll produce a half-breed?
Best post of the day! :laugh: :::D
Raping dogs, Pitbull's for f*ck sake! Men whe have some sick people walking around on this planet.....
Maybe we're rushing to judgment. The dogs could have come on to him, right? :laugh:
Maybe we're rushing to judgment. The dogs could have come on to him, right? :laugh:
You've heard about dogs and legs? Bump Bump..
This is explains Jesse Jackson's kid!
This is explains Jesse Jackson's kid!
Haha classic!
Well there are dogs and then there are human dogs!
Even if the animal appears to initiate it, it's still animal abuse because an animal can not consent to sex with a human. Like children, they are not cognitively capable of consent. Also like children they can be damaged very badly physically from such contact. Another factor to consider is that an animal that has been trained in such a way is not safe around children and it would be practically unadoptable.
This is what I tell moral relativists who actually try to make an argument in favor of such perversions. I know people in this thread were joking but there are actually people who make a serious distinction between beastiality and zoophilia. Obviously according to the Bible and common sense, there is no real distinction. It's all pure evil and perversion.
Even if the animal appears to initiate it, it's still animal abuse because an animal can not consent to sex with a human. Like children, they are not cognitively capable of consent. Also like children they can be damaged very badly physically from such contact. Another factor to consider is that an animal that has been trained in such a way is not safe around children and it would be practically unadoptable.
This is what I tell moral relativists who actually try to make an argument in favor of such perversions. I know people in this thread were joking but there are actually people who make a serious distinction between beastiality and zoophilia. Obviously according to the Bible and common sense, there is no real distinction. It's all pure evil and perversion.
I think having sex with a animal is the same as rape. We have to punish this people much harder.
But are they female dogs? :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
blech :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
Were the dogs Black or White? Too sick to fathom.
The Jewish view of bestiality is that a man/woman who engages in such an act must be put to death... Of course we don't have the Sanhedrin who can impose such a sentence today, but it is something to consider..
Sanhedrin 54a-b
April 07, 2010
According to the Mishnah on today's daf (=page), one of the biblical prohibitions that would lead to the punishment of sekilah – death by stoning – is bestiality. Thus, sexual relations by a man or a woman with an animal is forbidden by the Torah, and such an act is punishable by death – for both the person and the animal that was involved (see Vayikra 20:15-16 "And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death; and ye shall slay the beast. And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.").
The Mishnah raises an obvious question: Since it is clear that in such a case the instigator of this sexual interaction is the man or the woman we can certainly understand why the Torah requires them to be punished – but why should the animal be punished, as well? Two answers are offered in the Mishnah. One possibility raised is that this animal served as a "stumbling block" before the person, which is reason enough to kill it. Another suggestion is that we do not want the animal to be a center of interest, whereby people would see it in the marketplace and comment "that is the animal that led to so-and-so's being stoned."
The Tiferet Yisrael explains these two suggestions as follows. According to the first reason, given that the animal has already served as a "stumbling block" to one person, we are concerned lest another person may choose to sin with it, as well. According to the second reason, even though the person has committed an act that is punishable by death, nevertheless the Torah concerns itself with the person's honor.
Actually, it is not only for taking a human life that an animal is killed. The Torah also rules that if a man or woman engage in bestial relations with an animal, they are both stoned to death. The Mishnah (Sanhedrin 54a) raises our question: "If the person has sinned, how has the animal sinned?" It is interesting to note that the Jews explicitly rejected the idea that an animal can be morally accountable for its actions, including sexual sins, over two thousand years ago, while centuries later, the non-Jewish world was still confused over the issue. From the fourteenth through to the eighteenth centuries, both people and animals involved in bestiality were not merely executed; they were tortured and burned alive. In France, a person who had relations with a Jew suffered the same fate, as a Jew was considered to be no superior to an animal.
Going back many centuries to the Mishnah, the "inferior" Jews were explaining why an animal used for bestiality, although not morally accountable, is nevertheless executed: "Since the person came to harm due to it, the Torah said that it should be stoned. Another explanation: So that the animal should not pass through the streets and people say, 'This is the animal on account of which so-and-so was stoned.' "
The latter explanation accounts for why the animal is removed from the picture; after all, unlike a goring ox, this animal poses no threat to society. But the first explanation seeks to account for the whole business of the stoning. Yet it is somewhat cryptic: "Since the person came to harm due to it, the Torah said that it should be stoned." What does this mean?
If we return to the lethal animals, and to the words of the Ramban, we seem to find the key to the whole topic. Ramban's explanation occurs in the context of God's decrees to Noach regarding the new order in the post-Flood era: "I shall demand your blood, your lives; I shall demand it from all the animals" (Bereishis 9:5). On this verse, Ramban raises our question: "I wonder: If this 'seeking' is in the simple sense of the term, that He shall punish animals for this in the same way as humans — surely an animal does not possess an intellect, that it should be punished or receive reward!" Ramban proceeds to give an explanation that is very similar to the Mishnah's explanation for the stoning of the animal used for bestiality: "But perhaps such is the case only for the blood of man, that any animal which kills him should itself be killed, as a decree of the King. This is the reason behind, 'The ox shall be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten' (Shemos 21:28)."
Ramban is noting that there is no general concept of reward and punishment for animals, for there is no moral accountability on their part. Rather, their trial and execution is demanded "only for the blood of man," and for bestiality. The point in these cases is not that the animal is being held accountable for its actions. The trial and execution is not based on the animal at all. Rather, it is based on the human participant. The procedure is designed, as a decree of the King, to uphold the dignity of His servant, man.
Upholding the dignity of man – something that had been lost in the pre-Flood morass of immorality. Upholding the dignity of man – something that necessitated the post-Flood generation being permitted to eat meat, in order to establish their position in the world, higher than that of animals. Upholding the dignity of man – something that requires animals who have negated this to be tried and executed in the same manner as human offenders.
What if you're a dog breeder and you jack off a dog to get a sperm sample for tests of some sort? Is that bestiality?
What if you're a dog breeder and you jack off a dog to get a sperm sample for tests of some sort? Is that bestiality?
No, bestiality is having intercourse with an animal..
Atheists will try to say that as long as the b*tch is enjoying it, it's ok. They'll say that giving birth to a litter of puppies is painful, and the b*itch did not consent to it. "So is all animal mating rape?" they will ask. Atheists are very weird.
Atheists will try to say that as long as the b*tch is enjoying it, it's ok. They'll say that giving birth to a litter of puppies is painful, and the b*itch did not consent to it. "So is all animal mating rape?" they will ask. Atheists are very weird.
Yeah I used to hang out in a chat room with a bunch of atheists and I heard many of these convoluted nonsensical arguments about every moral topic imaginable.