General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rubystars on March 30, 2013, 08:00:03 AM

Title: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Rubystars on March 30, 2013, 08:00:03 AM
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on March 30, 2013, 08:09:56 AM
In a just world it would be performed on every obama voter and obama himself. Unfortunately this is not a just world, but you cant stop a man from dreaming.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Zelhar on March 30, 2013, 04:34:33 PM
They should have the guts to say they propose euthanasia.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: briann on March 30, 2013, 04:42:42 PM
Someone was asking about PP... and if they were evil.  This is just one of many examples of their nature.

By the way... if its pre-birth or post-birth... does that really make a difference to the baby?
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Zelhar on March 30, 2013, 05:05:11 PM
Someone was asking about PP... and if they were evil.  This is just one of many examples of their nature.

By the way... if its pre-birth or post-birth... does that really make a difference to the baby?
It seems they absolutely don't care. To them a baby is the same thing as a tumor.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Dr. Dan on March 30, 2013, 05:40:05 PM
I support post birth abortions to Muslim terrorists, anti-semites/anti-zionists, and Nazi Jew haters of all types.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Rubystars on March 31, 2013, 06:17:16 PM
Someone was asking about PP... and if they were evil.  This is just one of many examples of their nature.

By the way... if its pre-birth or post-birth... does that really make a difference to the baby?

No but this puts the lie to the pro-abortion/pro-death's claim that it's about a woman's right on what to do to "her own body". When the baby is outside of the womb then it's most certainly not her body anymore (not that it is while the baby is still insider her either, but I think you know what I mean).
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on March 31, 2013, 11:12:53 PM
she doesn't know, but she wants it anyway?
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Lisa on April 01, 2013, 04:49:42 PM
I don't understand that woman not wanting to answer the question.  What's the big deal if the doctor were to save the baby once it was born, and then let someone else adopt it? 
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on April 01, 2013, 04:52:19 PM
I don't understand that woman not wanting to answer the question.  What's the big deal if the doctor were to save the baby once it was born, and then let someone else adopt it?

That's right. AFTER its born, why not give it away? No crime committed. Why is that even a question?
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on April 01, 2013, 08:30:08 PM
The thing is, and I didn't watch the whole thing, but Gd only knows what the shape of that baby  is, s/p abortion.  I mean how could that baby even live after having been extracted out.  The purpose of abortion is to terminate that life in progress so if the baby comes out its going to be completely....  Well, I think I've said enough.  What kind of life would this child have after it's been extracted and physically harmed.

I just listened to the whole thing.  That woman is an idiot who didn't bother to come prepared to the hearing which was in effect attempting to ask the government to say, "yes, it's ok to kill living babies."  Sick.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Rubystars on April 01, 2013, 09:40:51 PM
The thing is, and I didn't watch the whole thing, but Gd only knows what the shape of that baby  is, s/p abortion.  I mean how could that baby even live after having been extracted out.  The purpose of abortion is to terminate that life in progress so if the baby comes out its going to be completely....  Well, I think I've said enough.  What kind of life would this child have after it's been extracted and physically harmed.

I just listened to the whole thing.  That woman is an idiot who didn't bother to come prepared to the hearing which was in effect attempting to ask the government to say, "yes, it's ok to kill living babies."  Sick.

JTFE, there have been a lot of people who were born during abortions and survived because someone called the ambulance. What you are basically saying is that if the person is disabled enough that it's ok to kill them, which doesn't really make sense. You may not mean it that way but that's the end result. It would have been much better if their mothers had not gone to the abortion clinic in the first place but if a baby is born alive then they need to be saved if possible.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: drlmg on April 01, 2013, 10:29:35 PM
It seems they absolutely don't care. To them a baby is the same thing as a tumor.

Absolutely.... and they see pregnancy as a disease...... and deplorable antisocial behavior displayed by their children as them being autistic or having some form of ADD instead of a result of poor parenting.

I selfishly turn a "blind eye" to the whole abortion issue.... if only you could see the trashy imbeciles I see that are perpetually pregnant......

Did you hear about the _____ woman that got an abortion?

Crime stoppers sent her a check for $500.00!!
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on April 01, 2013, 10:31:27 PM
JTFE, there have been a lot of people who were born during abortions and survived because someone called the ambulance. What you are basically saying is that if the person is disabled enough that it's ok to kill them, which doesn't really make sense. You may not mean it that way but that's the end result. It would have been much better if their mothers had not gone to the abortion clinic in the first place but if a baby is born alive then they need to be saved if possible.

I guess my point is/was, that if a parent bothered to destroy their child at that point, it shouldn't be on the child to live a horrible deformed life. Who makes that decision?  I suppose it's Gd, and I realize that contradicts my earlier point.  Let's just consider for a brief moment: what kind of life this child is going to have anyway after it was attacked in utero?  The whole thing is sickening.  Who would want to be born like that?  What kind of life will it have after it's parents gave it the royal "f u" before it's life was even started?  I don't think the right answer is necessarily sending it to the hospital BUT I admit that I have NO idea, no idea at all, what the right answer is and I would add that I wouldn't necessarily trust the doctor administering the abortion to make that decision either.
If there are foster parents out there that can handle caring for this kind of a child, then maybe it should be the law that everything be done to resuscitate them.  I wouldn't want them returned to their parents and I wouldn't want the child to suffer in a state home, not getting any attention.  It's enough to make a grown person cry and throw up.  In school, there was an option to see an abortion. I would say the vast vast majority of us elected not to see one (perhaps 5-10 out of 150 chose to see one)
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Rubystars on April 02, 2013, 10:48:22 AM
I guess my point is/was, that if a parent bothered to destroy their child at that point, it shouldn't be on the child to live a horrible deformed life. Who makes that decision?  I suppose it's Gd, and I realize that contradicts my earlier point.  Let's just consider for a brief moment: what kind of life this child is going to have anyway after it was attacked in utero?  The whole thing is sickening.  Who would want to be born like that?  What kind of life will it have after it's parents gave it the royal "f u" before it's life was even started?  I don't think the right answer is necessarily sending it to the hospital BUT I admit that I have NO idea, no idea at all, what the right answer is and I would add that I wouldn't necessarily trust the doctor administering the abortion to make that decision either.

Two wrongs don't make a right. If the baby is alive then it must be saved if at all possible. That's the only moral choice. To do anything less is to say that a disabled person's life is worth less than someone who has full abilities. That child is at the mercy of adults. If someone attacked you with a machete and chopped your arms off and blinded you in one eye, and you were lying there bleeding to death, would you want someone to call 9/11, or to shake their head and say "he wouldn't want to live that way".

If there are foster parents out there that can handle caring for this kind of a child, then maybe it should be the law that everything be done to resuscitate them.  I wouldn't want them returned to their parents and I wouldn't want the child to suffer in a state home, not getting any attention.  It's enough to make a grown person cry and throw up.  In school, there was an option to see an abortion. I would say the vast vast majority of us elected not to see one (perhaps 5-10 out of 150 chose to see one)

There are a lot of foster parents who specialize in taking care of special needs and disabled children. Life is important, life is worth a chance, even if it didn't get the best start.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 02, 2013, 02:08:46 PM
I think the whole situation is sad. And it's even sadder if you have kids already and much you love that cute little baby.  I cannot understand anyone in their right mind treating a defenseless baby like a commodity or disturbance.  It just blows me away!
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on April 03, 2013, 09:19:49 AM
I've been tempted to say something about this procedure and obongo. but that would be very bad and I would never think of such things.

Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on April 03, 2013, 03:09:24 PM
It's like  "animal rights" morons kill stray animals because they can't find them a home. Such animals have a right to live in the wild.

Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 03, 2013, 03:22:50 PM
It's like  "animal rights" morons kill stray animal because they can't find them a home. Such animals have a right to live in the wild.

Or be food for another starving animal...just sayin...
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: ChabadKahanist on April 03, 2013, 03:33:46 PM
I think we should set up planned parenthood in arab areas here in Israel.
Title: Re: Planned Parenthood in favor of post-birth abortion
Post by: Debbie Shafer on April 03, 2013, 05:06:48 PM
These PP people are on websites claiming its just tissue, not a baby...Watch a sonogram or ultrasound, there is a heartbeat, lungs, brain, and tiny little life...Any excuse for the Left to serve Self!