General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dexter on July 19, 2007, 06:24:09 PM
What country is the most dangerous to Israel, USA and Europe ?
Saudi Arabia by far......they supply the terrorist $$
I don't think there is only one. A lot of countries pose as a threat at different levels and in different ways. Ironically, i also believe that those countries pose as dangers to themselves as well e.g. Europe to Israel.
Well in addition to all 3 self hating and cutting their own throats....I would say Saudi (supplying money) and Iran (doing the deeds)
I also think Syria and China, who would do anything to get their back on the US.
Russia hates the US as well, though they never seem to have struck, even throughout the cold war.
What about North Korea ?
There are many. The biggest I would say is the " Palistinians", Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Well in addition to all 3 self hating and cutting their own throats....I would say Saudi (supplying money) and Iran (doing the deeds)
Exactly - they are their own worst enemy!
Well in addition to all 3 self hating and cutting their own throats....I would say Saudi (supplying money) and Iran (doing the deeds)
Exactly - they are their own worst enemy!
US policy should be to encourage war between the all the arabs and persians and then make a killing selling weapons to all sides.
If America would only fight her wars unrestricted by public and world opinion there is not a country on earth that would pose a serious threat. The sad fact is we here in America tie our countries hands when it comes to defence. If the world saw America fight a few unrestricted wars things would quiet down considerably.
If America would only fight her wars unrestricted by public and world opinion there is not a country on earth that would pose a serious threat. The sad fact is we here in America tie our countries hands when it comes to defence. If the world saw America fight a few unrestricted wars things would quiet down considerably.
Exactly. If they set off one fire cracker on a downtown bus, we should flatten the country who sponsored it and just like Chaim said...." they wouldn't be laughing at us ANYMORE".
I agree CJD - world opinion be damned - being PC will kill us in the end.
The both of you are right - level one offending country - we would be able to rest alot easier.
What country is the most dangerous to Israel, USA and Europe ?
President George Bush, Prime Minister Olmert and Ted Kennedy.
If America would only fight her wars unrestricted by public and world opinion there is not a country on earth that would pose a serious threat. The sad fact is we here in America tie our countries hands when it comes to defence. If the world saw America fight a few unrestricted wars things would quiet down considerably.
Exactly. If they set off one fire cracker on a downtown bus, we should flatten the country who sponsored it and just like Chaim said...." they wouldn't be laughing at us ANYMORE".
Exactly newman. If all this terrorism was crimped off in the first stages we would not have to deal with it the way it is now. I agree with Chaim when he says that Muslims look on compassion with contempt. They only understand one language and that is the one of death and destruction. By being reasonable with them we are fanning the fires of our own destruction. Each time that they have a bombing the USA should send in a drone and take out one of them filthy Mosque's. If the population was then dumb enough to rear up against the USA then it would be the time to send in the B52s and really clean house once and for all.
True - mosquewatch.
Where did you find that nice picture of Teddy? Usually he looks like a bloated drunken beached whale. ;)
If America would only fight her wars unrestricted by public and world opinion there is not a country on earth that would pose a serious threat. The sad fact is we here in America tie our countries hands when it comes to defence. If the world saw America fight a few unrestricted wars things would quiet down considerably.
Exactly. If they set off one fire cracker on a downtown bus, we should flatten the country who sponsored it and just like Chaim said...." they wouldn't be laughing at us ANYMORE".
Exactly newman. If all this terrorism was crimped off in the first stages we would not have to deal with it the way it is now. I agree with Chaim when he says that Muslims look on compassion with contempt. They only understand one language and that is the one of death and destruction. By being reasonable with them we are fanning the fires of our own destruction. Each time that they have a bombing the USA should send in a drone and take out one of them filthy Mosque's. If the population was then dumb enough to rear up against the USA then it would be the time to send in the B52s and really clean house once and for all.
I wonder if anyone's familiar with where the word 'decimate' comes from.
It comes from the Roman practice of killing one in every ten people living in a city where an enemy of Rome came from. I think the USA should reintroduce the practice.
Bullcat LOL !! He a fine speciman of humanity ( Sarcasm off)
For those that have recently eaten dinner I apologize.... HELEN THOMAS!!!
No wonder the stinking arabs commit suicide...UUUUHHHH :o
Bullcat LOL !! He a fine speciman of humanity ( Sarcasm off)
For those that have recently eaten dinner I apologize.... HELEN THOMAS!!!
Is that a picture of Teddy putting out traffic cones on the Chappaquiddick Bridge?
Bullcat LOL !! He a fine speciman of humanity ( Sarcasm off)
For those that have recently eaten dinner I apologize.... HELEN THOMAS!!!
Perfect! I'm LOL.
A little disgusted but LOL - Thanks ;D
CJD, No, SeaWorld put that cone there. And then some jihadist planted a flag in his arse and claimed it for mooslim land. :o ( OK ok ok, I know kids read this stuff I'll behave !! )
Just for fun text the word , text correctly, pal uh stine. I LOVE THIS FORUM !!
The United States of America is the country most dangerous to Israel, USA, and Europe.
Because she is in what appears to be unstoppable decline, all the result of her thoroughly corrupt and compromised leadership; who in turn are all the result of an ignorant, uneducated, drug and sex addicted, and violent civilian population, who vote for and believe in the leaders who best represent them at the polls.
The Great Titanic is taking water...beginning to visibly list...as she goes under, all of the smaller ships and boats will be taken down with her; sucked down by the whirlpool created as she sinks.
Summary: No country or group of countries have ever been able to defeat the United States. Only the U.S. can do that to herself. Rabbi Meir Kahane said that eventually the U.S. would become Israel's mortal enemy. He was correct once again.
What country is the most dangerous to Israel, USA and Europe ?
My answer is Israel and the USA is the most dangerous to the USA and Israel. We are our own enemy.
What country is the most dangerous to Israel, USA and Europe ?
My answer is Israel and the USA is the most dangerous to the USA and Israel. We are our own enemy.
I Agree .
What country is the most dangerous to Israel, USA and Europe ?
My answer is Israel and the USA is the most dangerous to the USA and Israel. We are our own enemy.
I Agree .
you're so smart, dexter...and only 13..wow!