General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: edu on July 09, 2013, 05:42:18 AM
In Israel's history, it has been unusual that our enemies have been fighting
to such as an extent (in different countries), one against another as we have seen this year.
Would any one like to suggest in merit of what thing or act are we seeing our Arab enemies fighting each other?
We have Zero merit.
But G-d has a Timetable which is not related to merit, and the Torah foretold about Ishmael:
"He will fall in the face of all his brothers" (Breishis 25) - "At the End of Days when the Ishmaelites will fall by their own hands, then will the Son of David sprout" (Ba'al HaTurim).
And that time may have come.
In Israel's history, it has been unusual that our enemies have been fighting
to such as an extent (in different countries), one against another as we have seen this year.
Would any one like to suggest in merit of what thing or act are we seeing our Arab enemies fighting each other?
A learned man such as yourself forgets this basic Torah admonition concerning the descendants of Ishmael:
"And he shall be a wild donkey of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren.'" (Bereshit 16:2)
In countries such as Syria and Egypt there is a power struggle between warring Islamic factions. Both sides are fundamentalist and therefore extremely wicked. I hope this infighting continues for years. When it is all over though our Arab savage "friends" will direct all of their energy, resources and time to slaughtering the Yahud. The war of Gog and Magog is upon us.
Better for them to be killing each other than to us.
It is all our fault, us Zionist Jews, everything that happens on G-ds green earth is because of us...
Great analysis Dan Ben Noah! I implied that it wasn't merit but merely Muslims being Muslims earlier.
I love the expression "sand chimpout."
We should hope, wish and pray that the muslamic infighting shall be prolonged, escalated and shall grow very very intensive. So that the resulting hollow muslamic empire shall remain too weak to pose any severe problems to the Israel and Jews and shall be eliminated completely by the force of G_d.
I would humbly suggest this is occurring in the merit of ...
Well, I couldn't think of a good joke, so I give up.
Israel should take advantage and liberate Sinai!
Hopefully in Gd's grace, it is an opportunity for Israelis to wake up and create a real right wing Torah abiding government.
I think this is a very interesting interpretation of Ishmael. I have never realized the Zohar had many predictions concerning Ishmael that are coming true in our days.
I think this is a very interesting interpretation of Ishmael. I have never realized the Zohar had many predictions concerning Ishmael that are coming true in our days.
This is true, I have heard some of them...