General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 14, 2013, 08:38:11 PM
Doesn't even bear repeating what idiotic things these men say. It is my hope that this will turn away the support from the Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews who vote for them. When will these people get sick of the insane talk and evil actions out of their politicians? That's the only question. I hope the Shas party dies a very rapid death.
I liked when they called Yossi Sarid Haman. Do they really think religious Jews in Judea and Samaria are like the self-hating Yossi Sarid?
Shalom KWRBT,
I understand what you are saying. It sickens me to hear what the Rabbi of Shas said concerning the religious Zionists. His baseless hatred is the reason we do not have the Temple today. If not the sole reason, certainly part of the reason that the religious Jewish world still mourns the destruction of the Temple. Division of the people using such words, calling us 'Amalek' and besmirching all the 'knitted kippot' wearers (and I wear a knitted kippot myself).
I feel a lot of anger toward this Rabbi who has gone along with those who inspire Haredim to attack religious IDF officers. Especially during this time which the Rabbis of our fathers taught was a time when Jewish unity was of utmost importance. How can these Shas Rabbis inspire so much 'baseless hatred'?
But I will refrain from cursing them at this time. My hope is that they will make a speedy teshuvah and apologize for the division which they are causing. But if they persist in dividing the religious Jewish world, they are proving that they are not the sages they think they are.
I hope to write more about this later this evening.
Amalek? Rabbi 'Only Meant Bayit Yehudi Leaders'
Sources in Rabbi Shalom Cohen's household: he did not mean to disparage the entire National-Religious public
Gil Ronen
Sources close to Rabbi Shalom Cohen said on Sunday that when he spoke of knitted kippot wearers as “Amalek,” he did not mean to disparage all religious Zionists, but only the leadership of the Bayit Yehudi party.
"The words that were spoken last night in a lesson at the study hall of Maran [Rabbi Ovadia Yosef] were spoken in great pain and were only intended toward the leaders of the Bayit Yehudi and their supporters, who have declared war upon the world of Torah and yeshivot,” the sources said.
"G-d forbid that things like this should be directed against the general public of Israel, who can be weighed against gold,” they added.
Rabbi Cohen has refused to take back his cruel invective against the religious Zionists. When contacted by Arutz Sheva after the initial publication of the sermon, he simply said, “leave me alone and don't bother me.”
Analyst Shlomo Pyotrkovsky explained Sunday that the harsh attack by the rabbi reflects the deep concern in Shas, that the party is about to lose its 20-year-long hold on the position of Chief Sephardic Rabbi. Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who was mentioned by Rabbi Cohen, is a candidate for the position. Other candidates include three of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's sons, but their chances have been lessened by the competition between them. In addition, Shas may have shot itself in the foot by removing support for a bill that would have enabled the current Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, to run for another term.
Doesn't even bear repeating what idiotic things these men say. It is my hope that this will turn away the support from the Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews who vote for them. When will these people get sick of the insane talk and evil actions out of their politicians? That's the only question. I hope the Shas party dies a very rapid death.
It soon will. After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dies you will see them cannibalizing themselves.
Muman- that article was a cop out.
Sources in Rabbi Shalom Cohen's household: he did not mean to disparage the entire National-Religious public
Even if true still very very evil thing to say even against Bayit Yehudi leadership.
Shas is more dangerous to the survival of Israel than Hamas.
It soon will. After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dies you will see them cannibalizing themselves.
Muman- that article was a cop out.
Sources in Rabbi Shalom Cohen's household: he did not mean to disparage the entire National-Religious public
Even if true still very very evil thing to say even against Bayit Yehudi leadership.
I do not believe it. Of course. I am simply posting what the latest excuse for the incitement is.
But I will refrain from cursing them at this time. My hope is that they will make a speedy teshuvah and apologize for the division which they are causing. But if they persist in dividing the religious Jewish world, they are proving that they are not the sages they think they are.
If you are expecting an apology, don't hold your breath.
I did not actually curse them, I only expressed my desire for the rapid death of their party.
Original in Hebrew.