General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: christians4jews on August 06, 2013, 08:03:21 PM

Title: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: christians4jews on August 06, 2013, 08:03:21 PM
Shame hes an Atheist, but at least he speaks the truth about Islam.

Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Israel Chai on August 06, 2013, 08:09:19 PM
He says sensible things about islam. It is right to learn, even from the enemy. He thinks atheism is the more moral option, which is right, but it's a reason why pisslam flourishes there, so don't look to Pat as a savior.
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: White Israelite on August 07, 2013, 01:23:16 AM
I think I've heard this guy before, he's pretty intelligent and has good ratings,
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Zelhar on August 07, 2013, 04:38:12 AM
I appreciate the fact he has the guts to speak against Islam. And also he changed for the better regarding Israel. He said one time Jerusalem is an Arab city we should just give it away and later on he admitted his mistake.
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: christians4jews on August 07, 2013, 07:48:57 AM
I appreciate the fact he has the guts to speak against Islam. And also he changed for the better regarding Israel. He said one time Jerusalem is an Arab city we should just give it away and later on he admitted his mistake.

im not a big fan of Atheists, mainly due to the fact that they pick on the bible rather than the real modern day threat of Islam. Tahts why he gets my respect.

However he use to be, not Anti Israel, but not pro either. but its rare that you find a Brit in the public eye so pro Israel. I think hes so fed up with Islam that he will root for the only true Democratic area of the Middle east.

Its funny as I find the Amazing Atheist to be pretty wouful, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and he destroys Feminism.

Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Debbie Shafer on August 07, 2013, 03:58:27 PM
Wow, Didn't know Pat Condell was an athiest, but he is surely right on about Islam!
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Zelhar on August 07, 2013, 04:10:42 PM
I think Pat Condell's main goal is to defend the UK from turning into a shariah state. He is an atheist but he doesn't try to impose anything on other people, he wants muslims to stop imposing and bullying anyone else to comply with their sick religion.
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: muman613 on August 07, 2013, 04:15:21 PM
I don't approve of Atheists either... They go according to how they 'feel' at the time, and their 'feeling' can change with the winds.. I have not watched Pat and cannot comment other that to say that I have seen others post his videos here at JTF.. I assume he has a good message.
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Rubystars on August 07, 2013, 10:01:19 PM
I don't approve of Atheists either... They go according to how they 'feel' at the time, and their 'feeling' can change with the winds.. I have not watched Pat and cannot comment other that to say that I have seen others post his videos here at JTF.. I assume he has a good message.

They base their whole "moral" system around reciprocity. That sounds ok on the surface until you realize where that leads to.

Under this "moral" system, atheists make no moral distinction between humans and animals. There's been a push to recognize dolphins and great apes as legal "persons" on the argument that there's nothing special or inherently more worthy about human beings and that these creatures have a similar level of sentience. These animals are relatively intelligent and emotional but they are not and never will be the moral equivalent of human beings. Atheists of course do not recognize that humans are created in the image of God. Some of the animal rights activists wouldn't balk at killing medical researchers because in doing so they feel that they are saving many more lives (of lab mice) which are just as valuable to them as the researcher's life they took (actually more valuable, as they bear no ill will toward the mice).

In the future the same argument will be made for the legal recognition of literal robots. Imagine a group of robots created programmed to vote a certain way and yet having the level of sentience necessary to qualify for "personhood". The crooked politicians wouldn't even have to import third worlders anymore, they could just manufacture willing voters. Now imagine if you hit one of these androids with your car or destroy one in a fit of rage. You could be facing the death penalty or a lengthy prison sentence for killing a "person".

At the same time, some atheists want to take away the personhood of young babies and children up to three years old because the argument is that killing these children doesn't deprive them of anything and that the benefit of destroying a deformed or otherwise unwanted child to the parents and society outweighs the right to live the child has and that the child has no inherent right to live (it's crazy but that's the argument).

Oh and once the child reaches that completely arbitrary 3 year old status and becomes "human", they're still not safe because atheists often would see nothing wrong with a homosexual boy scout leader taking a group of young boys out into the woods. There's also a push now on the left fringe to recognize pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation and advocating "responsible pedophilia".

They see nothing wrong with homosexual activity because according to atheists nobody is being harmed by it and it's by reciprocal consent.

They see nothing wrong with allowing small children to identify as transgender and encouraging that sick path.

Basically atheism can't be moral in its own right (although there are good people who are atheists and follow a more Biblical moral pattern), because there is no standard that they go by and they do not inherently value human life when following the reciprocity system.
Title: Re: whats JTF'S Opinion on this guy
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on August 07, 2013, 10:08:59 PM
They base their whole "moral" system around reciprocity. That sounds ok on the surface until you realize where that leads to.

That's what Netanyahu wanted in Oslo talk in the late 1990's. But he didn't realize that the Arabs never reciprocated. After Wye, he stopped the process after they made clear that they weren't doing so. However, maybe it was because of the elections coming up when his government fell after Wye. Now when his government is secure, he doesn't bother insisting on reciprocity, like we saw with the one sided prisoner release.