General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on December 09, 2013, 02:51:54 PM
SouthAfricanNews: Jews Behind Race-Mixing Around The World (I'm not going to give the link here as I see no reason to give these sodomites any more web traffic)
As usual, the pedophile Nazis of the world have demonstrated that there is no variation or progress whatsoever within their shtick. The claims they make are so laughably inaccurate that I think even the average negro can see that they're wrong. For instance:
It is, of course, true that this nonsensical charge of Racism has been preached ceaselessly by a tribe whose Talmudic scriptures teach that non-jews are animals in human form, fit only to be enslaved or exterminated by 'God's Chosen People'. It would be equally idle to point out that in Israel Jews do not miscegenate with Arabs and that rabbis preach constantly against endangering the genetic purity of the jew people. As the Protocols emphasize, "hypocrisy shall be our motto". The penalty for pointing out jew hypocrisy is, of course, career destruction and instant unemployability.
If only that were true, if only it were true...
What BS is quoted in that quote. I have listened to 100s and 100s of Rabbis and never have I head a single one discuss 'racial purity'. That is singularly a Nazi thing to do. Judaism, as evidenced in the Torah, does not concern with 'race' but with 'Jewishness'. Judaism, ever since the Torah was given, does permit converts to join the Jewish people. Many of the greatest greats of the Torah are descendants of converts (including Rabbi Akiva, and even Moshiach Ben David)... Judaism is not racism, it is a ethno-religion...
Let me guess: David Douсhebag wrote that, didn't he?
Let me guess: David Douсhebag wrote that, didn't he?
I have no clue who wrote this. I think that this was like a Eugene Terreblanche fansite in South Africa.
Race changes based on climate according to Rambam.
Race changes based on climate according to Rambam.
Really? I used to use that theory. I still believe it to a certain extent, but I think a genetic change took place in the middle east around the time of the giving of the Torah at Mt Sinai...
Really? I used to use that theory. I still believe it to a certain extent, but I think a genetic change took place in the middle east around the time of the giving of the Torah at Mt Sinai...
There is nothing that I have ever heard to support that. He says that if you stay in a country for a while, your offspring will have a change in their genome that will accustom them to the environment.
There is nothing that I have ever heard to support that. He says that if you stay in a country for a while, your offspring will have a change in their genome that will accustom them to the environment.
It's my theory, I'm going with it. Why does everyone, but African Africans have DNA from Neanderthals? Because Israel was the hub of light to the world, Africans met in the mid east with Neanderthals. Hashem gave the Torah to Gentiles and Jews, and they spread through out the world...
It's my theory, I'm going with it. Why does everyone, but African Africans have DNA from Neanderthals? Because Israel was the hub of light to the world, Africans met in the mid east with Neanderthals. Hashem gave the Torah to Gentiles and Jews, and they spread through out the world...
Really, where in the Torah does it mention this? Torah was given to the Jewish nation at the foot of mount Sinai, it is a special covenant between those who descended from the Patriarchs. It IS NOT the property of the gentile nations, quite the opposite, Hashem offered the Torah to all the nations and they refused to accept it. Only the Jewish nation said 'Naase Ve Nishma' or 'We will do, and we will hear'. It is because of this that the Jewish people are called Hashems chosen nation...
But you can believe what you want...
Another way of viewing the connection between these events is by categorizing the giving of the Torah as the primary turning point in our nation's history.
Hashem wanted to single out the nation of Israel and give them a special gift - the Torah. With this gift, there would be created an everlasting bond between G-d and the nation of Israel. However, it would be impossible to create this bond while the nation of Israel was still subjugated to a human master. The Jewish people therefore had to be freed from the slavery in Egypt. In order to receive the Torah and keep its commandments, the nation of Israel had to be liberated so that they would be free to serve G-d by adhering to His Torah.
While the Torah is a special gift just for the Jewish people, anyone can join us and become a part of the Jewish people.
Thirst for Torah
Ideally, Torah is available to anyone, Jew or non-Jew, who desires it. The prophet Isaiah compares the Torah to water and says, “Ho, everyone who is thirsty, go to the water, even one with no money, go, buy and eat” (Isaiah 55:1). The Torah is a gift from G’d to the Jewish people, but anyone, like Yisro, who so desires may acquire it. All that is necessary is to have the thirst for Torah. G’d will provide the Torah to quench the thirst.
How are we considered "chosen" if G‑d first offered the Torah to other nations?
The Midrashic account1 that G‑d first offered the Torah to all the other nations, who rejected it, before offering it to the Children of Israel, who promptly and unequivocally accepted it, must really be understood on a deeper level. From the very beginning, G‑d chose Abraham's descendants to be the Light unto the Nations. Indeed, from the very beginning of time, the Jewish people were chosen to receive the Torah.
Nevertheless, G‑d offered the Torah to the nations, so that they too would have the opportunity to accept the Torah if they so wished. At the same time, G‑d knew that the nations would refuse the gift. Thus, it was clear that G‑d was being "fair," and the nations no longer can protest that they would have liked to receive the Torah.2
see also : http://www.aish.com/h/sh/se/48967001.html
This explanation from Ohr.edu discusses the holiday of Shavuot (the day we received the Torah at Mount Sinai)...
"Na'aseh V'Nishma!"
"We will do and we will hear!"
This was the response of our ancestors to the offer made by G-d of His Torah. Our celebration of the Festival of Shavuot focuses on the precious gift we received at Sinai as a result of that response.
The simple meaning of this response was that we were different from the other nations who first asked to hear what the Torah demanded of them and turned down the offer as a result. The Jewish People, however, declared that they had such faith that G-d would only require of them what was for their ultimate benefit that they were prepared to accept the Torah before even hearing what those requirements were.
There is, however, another perspective to the commitment made at Sinai, which is based on a Midrash that presents the following parable:
A king gave a servant two precious goblets to bring to his palace ahead of him and urged him to be very careful with them. As the servant was about to enter the palace he tripped over a calf lying in the way and one of the goblets fell and broke. Struck with fear as to what the king would say the servant stood in his place trembling in anticipation. When the king approached him and asked why he was trembling the servant explained what had happened. To the servant's surprise the king merely said: "If you have only one goblet left make sure to guard it even more carefully lest it too break."
When Jews said, "We will do and we will hear", they received two precious goblets – one of hearing the Divine wisdom of the Torah and another of doing what its mitzvot dictated. The collision with the golden calf weakened their ability to perform in accordance with the King's commands. It then became imperative for them to carefully guard the surviving goblet representing their ability to connect with the King through hearing Him speak to them through the words of the Torah.
Those who have the good fortune to be involved in the teshuva revolution of our generation have learned that the road to return begins with the study of Torah, which eventually leads to fulfillment of mitzvot. The wisdom and sanctity of Torah study strike a responsive chord in the soul of an alienated Jew. It may indeed be said that the formula for outreach today is based on the reverse of that original commitment and takes the form of "we will hear and we will do."
Wow, I didn't think me making fun of a Nazi retard would result in more fighting... :o
It's my theory, I'm going with it. Why does everyone, but African Africans have DNA from Neanderthals? Because Israel was the hub of light to the world, Africans met in the mid east with Neanderthals. Hashem gave the Torah to Gentiles and Jews, and they spread through out the world...
There are no Neanderthals, and never were. At one point, some humans devolved into monkeys after the tower of babel, and we've been becoming weaker and shorter and dumber than our ancestors every generation. There is no evolution. It takes a complete raving retard not to see otherwise.
There are no Neanderthals, and never were. At one point, some humans devolved into monkeys after the tower of babel, and we've been becoming weaker and shorter and dumber than our ancestors every generation. There is no evolution. It takes a complete raving retard not to see otherwise.
You a fan of 'devo'?
You a fan of 'devo'?
First time I ever watched them, and you owe me five wasted seconds.
Well considering it's you, you don't actually owe me anything, but you lost five seconds of reward.
Im sorry LKZ... Sometimes I post things I think are funny... When I was in High School I had a friend who was a 'Devo' fan and I remember him talking about De-evolution which you touched upon in a post above. If you wasted 5 seconds on this I will make it up with 5 seconds of Torah teaching soon...
Im sorry LKZ... Sometimes I post things I think are funny... When I was in High School I had a friend who was a 'Devo' fan and I remember him talking about De-evolution which you touched upon in a post above. If you wasted 5 seconds on this I will make it up with 5 seconds of Torah teaching soon...
I'm joking. I should have instead used the man with a red plastic container (?) on his head as an example of devolution.
I'm joking. I should have instead used the man with a red plastic container (?) on his head as an example of devolution.
Devo's signature act was performing wearing those 'plant potters' on their heads...
Devo's signature act was performing wearing those 'plant potters' on their heads...
Is there significance to that, or are they saying that they evolved into plant life?
Is there significance to that, or are they saying that they evolved into plant life?
You had to ask? Now I was never a big devo fan myself, but looking into this question I uncovered the following:
It appears the proper name for those hates are 'energy domes'
Energy dome refers to the red terraced headgear first worn by Devo during their Freedom of Choice years. Other incorrect names include "power dome" and "flowerpot" (often used in a derogatory sense). Energy Domes have been a regular part of Devo's stage costumes since 1980, worn in their 1982, 1988, and 1990 tours, as well as most performances since 1997. They are made of vacuum formed plastic, in a distinct round, ziggurat shape. When asked about the story behind the hats, Mark Mothersbaugh recounted:
"Thus the Bauhaus style, also known as the International Style, was marked by the absence of ornamentation and by harmony between the function of an object or a building and its design."
So they're ugly vegetable-people.
"Thus the Bauhaus style, also known as the International Style, was marked by the absence of ornamentation and by harmony between the function of an object or a building and its design."
So they're ugly vegetable-people.
I never really got into Devo because it is a mixture of Punk and New wave and Rock... Some songs made the radio and were popular, but most of their stuff I still don't particularly like...
The de-evolution thing I don't quite understand either. But it is a part of their act...
Really, where in the Torah does it mention this? Torah was given to the Jewish nation at the foot of mount Sinai, it is a special covenant between those who descended from the Patriarchs. It IS NOT the property of the gentile nations, quite the opposite, Hashem offered the Torah to all the nations and they refused to accept it. Only the Jewish nation said 'Naase Ve Nishma' or 'We will do, and we will hear'. It is because of this that the Jewish people are called Hashems chosen nation...
But you can believe what you want...
While the Torah is a special gift just for the Jewish people, anyone can join us and become a part of the Jewish people.
see also : http://www.aish.com/h/sh/se/48967001.html
When I say "Gentiles and Torah" I'm talking about the Noachide laws. Wasn't the 7 laws also given at Sinai, and didn't the whole world witness the presence of HaShem that day? And for the rest of my statement, I was mostly screwing around... The Neanderthals were long gone before the giving of the Torah.
I am not arguing with you about this. But our belief is that only the Jewish people received the Torah at Mount Sinai. The seven Noachide laws were given to Noach, and all his descendants were taught them. Of course Noachides are righteous and certainly have a place in Olam Haba (the world to come), but they don't have the close connection created by the Covenant of Abraham and are not obligated in the 613 commandments (although the seven do overlap the 613).
Indeed the Torah teaches that all the nations around the Sinai revelation heard what happened. Only Yitro, Moses father-in-law was inspired to convert to Judaism (and give up his pagan idolatry) and join Am Yisrael.
I don't know about the neanderthal stuff... When it comes to the archeology sciences I think a lot of it is made up as they go along. In the past I know they threw bones together and invented new species (which later they discovered were hoaxes). So I don't spend time learning that stuff...
I apologize for continuing this off-topic discussion...
“And Yitro heard and came”. Shall we say that only Yitro heard, when we know that the whole world heard? Yet only he heard something different than the rest of the world and therefore only he came. For Rabbi Yehoshua, what he heard was the war with Amalek, for Rabbi Eliezer HaModai it was Matan Torah and for Rabbi Elazar it was the crossing of the Red Sea”.
This divergence of opinions among the Tanaim in the Mechilta as to what Yitro heard, relates to the reason why he had not come earlier. After all Moshe had told him while still in Midian, that they would leave Egypt and then receive the Torah. Furthermore, the text tells us that Yitro heard all the great things that Hashem had done to Israel. These should have been sufficient for Yitro to come. However, they are all specific and individual particulars and Yitro was ‘clalli’, a consensus. In this respect he was like Moshe who was the embodiment of all Israel and not just an individual or a specific part of the nation. This is why only Yitro could be suitable as a father in law for Moshe, who also was clali. There were none in Israel who were as clali as was Moshe, so it was not possible for him to join them in marriage as he did with Yitro. Yitro could not be moved by particulars; it required something that embodied a complete unity, that which is clali, all embracing and fundamental, to bring him.
There are seven midot of goodness in Israel, Chassidim, Giborim, Meirei HaTorah, Chozim, Neviim, Tzaddikim, and Bnei Melakhim. It is possible for a person to corrupt these same midot and thereby create the seven midot of evil, yet the converse is also true. [Generally speaking, Chassidut sees midot as being a neutral potential, always depending on human agency to determine whether they are used for holy or unholy purposes]. This is the way the Zohar explains the ken hatzipor, that can be holy or not. Cain was ken tzipor of the klipah, that is the perversion of the midot of the righteous and therefore he embodied all these seven evil midot. The Ari taught that Yitro was from the root of Cain and we see this in the Tanakhic texts; “ Nevertheless, Cain shall be wasted” (Bamidbar, 24:22) and in Shoftim (4:11) “ Chever Hacaini, who was of the children of Chovav, father in law of Moshe, had removed himself from Cain”.