General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on December 31, 2013, 11:42:52 AM

Title: Fox News: BerGOGlio Is The Vatican Equivalent Of BHO
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on December 31, 2013, 11:42:52 AM
Pope Francis Is The Catholic Obama, God Help Us


Finally, someone in the mainstream media is pointing out what a dangerous demagogue this beast is. This modern-day Pied Piper, with the full assistance of the same NWO media that put Osama in power twice, has already managed to lead most of the brainwashed, moronic Catholics and other "religious" people of the West off the cliff. Adam Shaw's words are more commonsensical than groundbreaking, but they need to be said. But I fear it's too little, too late.

Quote from: Fox News
My fellow Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in the left-wing media are in love with him.

Gee, ya think?

Title: Re: Fox News: BerGOGlio Is The Vatican Equivalent Of BHO
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on December 31, 2013, 02:52:29 PM
I guess it's because of the New World Order and the Illumanti. Conspiracy theorists love to group the Vatican with the NWO.