General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Manch on February 18, 2014, 06:42:17 PM
Courtesy of America's "favorite" rabbi, Shmuly Boteach!
Sean Penn is the only American who traveled to Bolivia and was instrumental in the release (escape) of Jacob Ostreicher.
What a putz boteach is... I am embarassed, as a Jew, that this guy is called 'Americas Favorite Rabbi'... He is NOT my favorite rabbi and I am suspect of anyone who considers him a real rabbi. I spoke with my rabbi about him and this guy is a sham... He was kicked out of Chabad for his pro-sex, pro-j-man, and his celebrity arse kissing...
Sean Penn is the only American who traveled to Bolivia and was instrumental in the release (escape) of Jacob Ostreicher.
Schmuck? You must have a penis fixation.
No one could play a shyster Jewish lawyer better than the yok Penn!
Schmuck? You must have a penis fixation.
No, I think you are a shmuck for thinking Sean Penn is a Jewish hero... This guy is a well known socialist commie who supported Jew haters such as Chavez.
Also what is up with the NK looking fool in your avatar. You realize those people are enemies of the Jewish people?
Sean Penn is a terrorist himself.
Let's say that someone supported Hamas but also got a Jew out of one of their prisoners. Would you say that that person was a champion of the Jewish values? And Boteach appoints himself as spokesmen for Jews? This whole thing is a joke. While I'm very happy about the release of Jacob Ostreicher, it still doesn't change the fact the Sean Penn is an enemy of Israel. He can rot, as far as I'm concerned. We need REAL FRIENDS!
Schmuck? You must have a penis fixation.
At least he has something you don't have
No one could play a shyster Jewish lawyer better than the yok Penn!
great movie btw.
First Michael Jackson now Sean Penn when will Little Boteach get a clue?