General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: artgijo on August 03, 2007, 03:46:25 AM
Iam Gijo from Bngalore, India. A Hindu By religion, but a humanist first. I have deep despect for Israel and jews, for their brains and free thinking. We have lots of backpackers coming from Israel to Kerala every year.
Muslims have created unlimited trouble in India and we have a very good weapon, you can take a thorn with another thorn, that is fundamentalism with fundamentalism. Our RSS, BJP, VHP brothers slaughtered the terrorist muslims in large numbers in Gujarat , about 2000, we have killed more than 100000 terror loving muslims in KASHMIR and this war will continue. We give a damn to bloody world comunity when it comes to those muslims who promote terrorism.
I wish we could kill more of such terrorists. India is the only country with a Terror for terror mechanism so that we are relatively peaceful.
This can't happen in Israel or USA, west etc, because you are decent people. From our experience, slaughtering Musilm terrorist is the only solution to counter terror.
Quote:"This can't happen in Israel or USA, west etc, because you are decent people"
Gijo, you should not assume it is decent not to respond to terror with terror or that India is indecent because it does.
India is not indecent but SENSIBLE in it's approach to islamic terror. The west is STUPID, not decent.
Hello Giji, you're absolutely right. Muslim terrorists only understand one language and that's violence. It's the only way to respond to them.
and u have 100% proof that all those muslims where terrorists? wow.... I'm stunned indians got to be psychic or something.
and u have 100% proof that all those muslims where terrorists? wow.... I'm stunned indians got to be psychic or something.
But 99% of muslims are either terrorists, terrorist supporters or terrorists in waiting.
and u have 100% proof that all those muslims where terrorists? wow.... I'm stunned indians got to be psychic or something.
Acorrding to near east consulting's poll in saudi arabia, 97% of the arabs support osama .
and u have 100% proof that all those muslims where terrorists? wow.... I'm stunned indians got to be psychic or something.
Question, peabrain; if there were no Muslims in the world, what percentage of the world's population would not live under the constant threat of violence and terror for the simple reason that they are not Muslim?
Long Live to you, artgijo.
I am Serbian,
and a great admirer of Indian Culture.
Serbia, Israel, Russia and India
have the same "problems" with NAZISLAMISTS.
We all know what it is...
Do never feel sorry for killing them, if you ever do,
since they'd be more than happy to slaughter you.
I've seen the Indian movie "GADAR".
I recommend this movie to all JTFers.
(About India/pakistan conflict.)
Indian Kashmire.
Indian "pakistan".
Indian india.
It must be something radical to fight the war on terrorism with, all right. The terrorists should be shot by hard live rounds. But to crush terrorism with counterterrorism, sounds too much of a brown bataillon nazis. Racism, terrorism, nazis >:( The heck yeah we should be something better than them :) Nonetherless the anti terror military should shoot them with a full metal jacket or hollow point even better... Bomb perhaps the PLO-Hamas strip into oblivion unless they don't stop bitching about the land that never was and never will be under their control.
Yeah, maybe the terror can be beaten only by counterterror... It would be all right if there were gangs who would talk the nazi-bullahs the only language that they do understand. It's just hard to get by a man of the democratic and humane west. The western countries are of course not perfect. There's poverty, violence, corruption and some criminal stupidity and treachery among leaders..
Sorry reword please! :)
Me? But you've got the point, don't say you didn't 8)
BOMB MECCA!!! Flatten Mecca and Islam is FINNISHED!! If Allah is so powerful and Islam is the greatest there is than if the Kabbah Stone, and "Holy Mecca" were blown off the planet 1.5 billion people would wonder what the Hell happen and be confronted with a major decision?
Hi and welcome!Giji!I hope you enjoy this forum as I do!
Kinder gentler
wayne jude! :)
MarZutra is right !
And vaticca !!!
MarZutra is right !
And vaticca !!!
Yes! O0 O0
I am Jealous of you guys. Thank god you guys do this because if muslims took your country over,
they would use your nukes on us.
I wish India got back pakistan. Muslims seized enough global land. It time someone took it back from them for a change
I am Jealous of you guys. Thank G-d you guys do this because if muslims took your country over,
they would use your nukes on us.
I wish India got back pakistan. Muslims seized enough global land. It time someone took it back from them for a change
I agree...even if the world recognized the dangers of both Islam and Communism: International Socialism....and push these Mohammedans back into the Sands of the Hijaz from whence they came....
MarZutra is right !
And vaticca !!!
Yes! O0 O0
No way anybody is going to bomb vatikan.
Amb you might research the history behind the Pope. It is such a sad history of how the Papal See corrupted Catholocism for both personal gain and pure power. The Vatican is one of the largest and most corrupted entities on Earth.....totally exclusive of the Catholic masses... :) Have you ever read "A History of Christianity" - Paul Johnson or anything on the Medici Family? Very interesting.
For your interest I posted a link to "Vatican Assassins" by Eric J. Phelps on the JTF site for you. You'll, no doubt, find it very interesting...
Bombing the Vatican may not be the proper schema but most emphatically bombing Mecca into a large divot on the face of the Earth is... ;)
Bombing the Vatican is the equivalent of bombing the 3d Temple.
Indeed. No Churches are to be bombed whatsoever.
I don't care about mosques, however.
The Catholic church crimes are known, but people here consider it is something from the past.
Since lesser and lesser people attends the Masses, the Church is being perceived as a weak institute, morally/religiously,
but with a lot of financial, and some political power. In our country, officially the separation of Church and State is total.
So , it's power is behind the scenes.
Bombing the Vatican is the equivalent of bombing the 3d Temple.
Indeed. No Churches are to be bombed whatsoever.
I don't care about mosques, however.
The Catholic church crimes are known, but people here consider it is something from the past.
Since lesser and lesser people attends the Masses, the Church is being perceived as a weak institute, morally/religiously,
but with a lot of financial, and some political power. In our country, officially the separation of Church and State is total.
So , it's power is behind the scenes.
I agree with you 100%. The corruption and quest for power has been the debasement for a very long time. The Vatican, mainly to Jewish history has been a blight to say the very least....
For your interest I posted a link to "Vatican Assassins" by Eric J. Phelps on the JTF site for you. You'll, no doubt, find it very interesting...
I listened to 1 radio-show.
I just wonder if you read the book.
I have the book but have not read it yet. I've read many others but not that particular one. I've listened to this Phelps interviews as well. Of course as a Jew, I disagree with him in some religious areas, but when it comes to history, he seems to know his stuff. For example, he speaks of Jews being a "race" when anyone can become a Jew by accepting the Yoke of Heaven: Mitzvot ha Torah, thus the Jewish people are a Nation and not a race.... This is a common mistake that many Jew-haters make via accepting the antisemitic propaganda instead of actually reading/researching things for themselves. What was it Hitler Stated: "The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one. "..or something to that affect....obviously taken from his active days within the Communist party as per Lenin's earlier position: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
I have the book but have not read it yet. I've read many others but not that particular one. I've listened to this Phelps interviews as well. Of course as a Jew, I disagree with him in some religious areas, but when it comes to history, he seems to know his stuff. For example, he speaks of Jews being a "race" when anyone can become a Jew by accepting the Yoke of Heaven: Mitzvot ha Torah, thus the Jewish people are a Nation and not a race.... This is a common mistake that many Jew-haters make via accepting the antisemitic propaganda instead of actually reading/researching things for themselves. What was it Hitler Stated: "The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one. "..or something to that affect....obviously taken from his active days within the Communist party as per Lenin's earlier position: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
It would be good to mention that, where you posted the links.
I indeed heard him saying <<the Jews are a race [...]>>
Before you now, you are advocating viewpoints that are radically different than JTF's point of view.
I think not. JTF doesn't see Jews as a "race" whatsoever. Any knowledgable Jew knows this... One cannot convert into a race... ;)
Lots of non-Jews here. ^-^
He also says the CIA controls Al qaida.
and that the MI6, the CIA, KGB all work together for the Jesuits.
He also says that the Cuba will be used by the muslims to invade the USA.
I think not. JTF doesn't see Jews as a "race" whatsoever. Any knowledgable Jew knows this... One cannot convert into a race... ;)
He says any nation, is a race.
Treat them like Pirates scum they're Hang them high... Nuke Mecca as well. O0
As to Vatican I personaly being ex catholic turned protestant don't care but lots of people will be turned off from JTF, and Chaim is not for atacking catholics... besides even when RCC needs reform in most severe case the Vatican shud be turned into museum Rome is too beutifall city to nuke anyway... ;)
I have nothing on Catholics so long as they are not anti-semites and are learned to the Land of Israel with respect to the Jews/Israel to be a Jewish-Noahide country as demanded in the Bible... ;) Most Catholics I know are nice people... I must say that most Catholics I know, have never read the Bible...not even the NT....
I have nothing on Catholics so long as they are not anti-semites and are learned to the Land of Israel with respect to the Jews/Israel to be a Jewish-Noahide country as demanded in the Bible... ;) Most Catholics I know are nice people... I must say that most Catholics I know, have never read the Bible...not even the NT....
That's why they're catholics... still they're more socialy conservative than mayority of (mainstream) protestants and (deformed and conserved) jews.
P.S. Most jews don't read the NT neither; is this prohibited?
I have nothing on Catholics so long as they are not anti-semites and are learned to the Land of Israel with respect to the Jews/Israel to be a Jewish-Noahide country as demanded in the Bible... ;) Most Catholics I know are nice people... I must say that most Catholics I know, have never read the Bible...not even the NT....
I am a Catholic and I agree.
I should add that I absolutely hate any of the following :
pro-multicultural Catholics, that in the same time hate the South-African Boer, that hate the Jews and Israel, whites in europe, but adore the "new Europeans" i.e.: muslims.
Catholics that hate Orthodox or Protestants but that don't care about the presence of Islam, that is killling us.
Most people here , don't refer to Orthodox, they refer to "East-Europeans"
Agreed Ultra and Amb. I've read the NT, as well as my other holy works from other faiths. I think that one must read them, especially the Qur'an and the Hadith, to understand where the people are coming from or intending to go. One thing I cannot understand is how, for example Greek Orthodox, have so many idols, graven images and other purely occultural aspects which are clearly prohibited within the Bible. I think the "environmental" movement would love Jer 10.... ;)
I think not. JTF doesn't see Jews as a "race" whatsoever. Any knowledgable Jew knows this... One cannot convert into a race... ;)
Agreed, Jews aren't a race. The Nazis and Nazi Anthropologists have always wanted you to accept the BolsheviKKK Nazi lie that Jews are inferior and are a race. Total BS and Baloney!
Agreed Ultra and Amb. I've read the NT, as well as my other holy works from other faiths. I think that one must read them, especially the Qur'an and the Hadith, to understand where the people are coming from or intending to go. One thing I cannot understand is how, for example Greek Orthodox, have so many idols, graven images and other purely occultural aspects which are clearly prohibited within the Bible. I think the "environmental" movement would love Jer 10.... ;)
It's folk religion, the people in medival times coudn't read so they needed the images to focus their prayers and to be religiusly educated, and priest who coud wanted pagans to be christians presto... So they took traditional pagan idols and mergedem them with martyrs from roman prosecutions into saints. Theoreticly they're were not intended to be worshiped as idols like true G-d is but only venerated, but in practice... ::) Let say that's one more reason why I'm not catholic any longer.
Agreed Ultra and Amb. I've read the NT, as well as my other holy works from other faiths. I think that one must read them, especially the Qur'an and the Hadith, to understand where the people are coming from or intending to go. One thing I cannot understand is how, for example Greek Orthodox, have so many idols, graven images and other purely occultural aspects which are clearly prohibited within the Bible. I think the "environmental" movement would love Jer 10.... ;)
It's folk religion, the people in medival times coudn't read so they needed the images to focus their prayers and to be religiusly educated, and priest who coud wanted pagans to be christians presto... So they took traditional pagan idols and mergedem them with martyrs from roman prosecutions into saints. Theoreticly they're were not intended to be worshiped as idols like true G-d is but only venerated, but in practice... ::) Let say that's one more reason why I'm not catholic any longer.
so Protestantism is better?
I find Protestant Churches actually less nice , than Catholic Churches.
But they have good organs as well.
But organs are prohibited in Orthodox Churches.
Agreed Ultra and Amb. I've read the NT, as well as my other holy works from other faiths. I think that one must read them, especially the Qur'an and the Hadith, to understand where the people are coming from or intending to go. One thing I cannot understand is how, for example Greek Orthodox, have so many idols, graven images and other purely occultural aspects which are clearly prohibited within the Bible. I think the "environmental" movement would love Jer 10.... ;)
It's folk religion, the people in medival times coudn't read so they needed the images to focus their prayers and to be religiusly educated, and priest who coud wanted pagans to be christians presto... So they took traditional pagan idols and mergedem them with martyrs from roman prosecutions into saints. Theoreticly they're were not intended to be worshiped as idols like true G-d is but only venerated, but in practice... ::) Let say that's one more reason why I'm not catholic any longer.
so Protestantism is better?
I find Protestant Churches actually less nice , than Catholic Churches.
But they have good organs as well.
But organs are prohibited in Orthodox Churches.
Yes It's closer to scriptures;
I'm not not denominationist Evangelic now, The old catholic churches are alot nicer yes they're many wonderful pieces of art there; I can pray in them I'm not iconoclast, I just can't give my money and support on church which don't recognise legitimity of Israel and replace Jewish people with itself; beside polish catholic church is crazy on Mariology and cult of JP II :D ... so I bought entire colection of Bach's Organ music and play it in home. O0
I was in ortodox mass they have beutifall songs though...
You know, I think you all will love the book by Paul Johnson "A History of Christianity". A very good read...as is his "A History of the Jews".
Sounds like India has the right idea. Afterall, the best way to fight fire is with fire. Nothing like a bit of preventive maintenance. Killem' all, let God sort them out. God bless AMERICA and ISRAEL!!!!!