General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on March 06, 2014, 05:08:55 PM

Title: Bobby Jindal makes a 'Uh Duh' observation
Post by: muman613 on March 06, 2014, 05:08:55 PM
I have been saying for several years that Oblamma is THE WORST president of our lifetime, if not for the entire history of America...

So now Bobby Jindal makes this observation and they write an article about it...


Gov. Bobby Jindal told the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday that Barack Obama is the worst president of his lifetime. Then he deepened his criticism.

During a 15-minute speech in Washington, D.C., Jindal flipped the calendar back to the 1960s, when then Alabama-Gov. George Wallace stationed himself between the door of the University of Alabama and two black students trying to register. Wallace eventually backed down. His segregationist stance became known as Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.

Jindal didn’t mention Wallace by name but his choice of words seemed pointed. He is at odds with the Obama administration over Louisiana’s voucher program, which uses taxpayer dollars to enroll children in private schools. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder raised legal concerns about the voucher program’s impact on federal desegregation orders.

“We’ve got Eric Holder and the Department of Justice trying to stand in the schoolhouse door to prevent minority kids, low-income kids, kids who haven’t had access to a great education the chance to go to better schools. Over 90 percent of these kids are minority children. One hundred percent of these kids are in low income families,” Jindal said.
Title: Re: Bobby Jindal makes a 'Uh Duh' observation
Post by: muman613 on March 06, 2014, 05:14:02 PM