General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan Ben Noah on April 24, 2014, 10:14:54 PM
They need to read the New Testament.
I think that many of these "evangelicals" in GA are negro churches that will of course take the most leftist positions possible.
Yes that's for the most part true.They want open door for all immigrants and anti Israel
They need to read the New Testament.
I think that many of these "evangelicals" in GA are negro churches that will of course take the most leftist positions possible.
Yes, that and the ones that are just ultra left-wing.
I may be wrong but to my knowledge the Bible nor Torah condone the destruction of one's community. I feel it is morally wrong to jeopardize your community with disease, rampant welfare, crime, erosion of values, etc. It is different if you screen people and allow the one's who want to assimilate into the culture and become an American citizen.... and become self supporting.
Just as early Christianity was all about making Gentiles who didn't want to obey the law into full members of God's covenant without conversion, these "Evangelical Table" leaders are doing the same thing with illegal aliens in America:
Doesn't Judaism have a similar proviso with the 7NL?
Most of these leaders do not really know the Bible and simply adopt the twisted interpretation that society has for it. The NT clearly states that we are to obey the laws of the land. I'm guessing most of them are also pro-sodomite and anti-Israel.
No because the 7 Noahide Laws are a separate covenant from the Jewish covenant. Noahides are still considered foreigners and are not one with Israel unless they convert. This is different from Christianity where the belief is that non-observant Gentile Christians are now one with Jews (grafted into Israel) and are no longer "strangers and aliens" because the law was abolished and replaced:
Ephesians 2:15 He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, 16 and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it. 17 So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; 18 for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, 20 built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.
The point is that in both Judaism and Christianity Gentiles are expected to meet basic minimum moral standards--no sexual immorality, no idol worship, no violence, etc. Acts 15:29.
Not really because in Judaism Gentiles are expected to meet more than just the minimum if they want to be a member of the nation of Israel. They have to agree to obey the whole law. This is similar to the conservative position on illegal aliens--foreigners should only become citizens through legal means under American law and not through illegal means. Liberals want to abolish the law to make room for illegals to become citizens, just like the Christian method of grafting Gentiles into Israel. So I can see how some Protestant Evangelicals, whose various interpretations of the Bible are limited only by the imagination, could arrive at a position of promoting illegal immigration.
The last sentence is the real explanation for what is going on. People want to warp and twist the Bible to say whatever they want it to say. I disagree though that this is mainly a Protestant thing. For decades, back when most Americans opposed illegal immigration, most Protestants were conservative on this issue and it was the RCC lobbying for open borders. Now, when most Americans have been brainwashed into supporting the illegal invasion and it is the "cool" position to take, the various Protestant denominations are getting onboard. But, there are plenty of self-hating Jews that twist Scripture to advocate leftist positions, too.
Well I don't claim this is mainly a Protestant thing--it's mainly an atheist thing, I just can see how these Protestants buy into it based on their scriptures. The Catholic Church is also pro-outlaw invasion and I also put up an article awhile back about the Vatican-firsters down on the border fence performing mass and shedding tears for criminals, so I am not singling Protestants out. Self-hating Jews don't really have a halachic code and don't care about scripture, so I would put them in the atheist column.
It's human nature, really. Evil Catholics, Protestants, and Jews may not have genuine faith, but they will look for ways to justify their itching desires in any way possible. I do though think that the main thrust of the pro-illegal movement started with the RCC (not that I am blaming individual Catholics for it).
Well since Mexico is a Catholic country, the RCC does have an interest there, but illegal immigration would not be going far without atheist Democrat voters (you pretty much have to be an atheist to vote Democrat even if you claim otherwise.)
Of course that's why the RCC supports the illegal invasion. I doubt they would care about the issue nearly so much if the invaders were primarily Protestants. (Then again, they support the Fakestinians who are not Christians at all.)
Yes, you are right. Nobody with a real abiding faith in God votes Dumbocrap.