Must be some inbred from the rosenberg gang.My gut hunch is Ralph, not Rosenfag or ilk.
To all Arabs. Stop sending your infants to fight your war. Stop sacrificing your children and hiding behind them. Stop Abusing your women. Stop with your honor killings. Sad but I know, Israel cannot protect all Arab women and children from Arab men.It's not sad, we should rejoice, because Israel is stupid enough to do just that, if it could.
Israel exists only because Western countries have given nearly one hundred trillion dollars to it to this date. If the West stopped supporting Israel, the Arab nations could easily destroy Israel in a few days because you parasitic kikes are well known for being the biggest cowards in the world.
During the holocaust you inbred, pedophile kikes knew that the Nazis were going to kill you even if you cooperated with them. You knew you had nothing to lose by fighting back. Yet you were such cowards that you chose to be incinerated in ovens and choke to death in gas chambers rather than fight back. It was because of your cowardliness that such an astronomical number of you ugly kikes were exterminated in the holocaust. If any other group of people were in that situation they would have fought back and lost far less people than you did.
After Irv Rubin, the head of the JDL, was sentenced to prison for terrorism, he committed suicide like a coward. He knew that the Blacks in prison would beat and rape him like they did to Victor Vancier (Chiam Bin Pissach) so he chose to take his own worthless life like a coward rather than defend himself in prison.
Right before Meir Kahane was shot to death by Nosair, Kahane was surrounded by over a dozen kike bodyguards who were armed with guns. Despite being armed, his kike bodyguards just stood there like cowards and watched as Nosair shot Kahane to death. Kahane was also a coward because he too had a gun but did not shoot back at Nosair after he was shot.
Victor Vancier, the dwarf, is the biggest coward of all. This ugly, shaved gorilla is on welfare and constantly hides in his mother’s basement like a coward because he’s afraid that he’ll be the next kike to be exterminated.
Israel exists only because Western countries have given nearly one hundred trillion dollars to it to this date. If the West stopped supporting Israel, the Arab nations could easily destroy Israel in a few days because you parasitic kikes are well known for being the biggest cowards in the world.
Ralph is a left wing troll who has come on the forum many times before as Nazis, black supremacists, Muslims, etc. either to post hate, porn, threats, or pictures of holocaust victims. He trolls this and other sites which he does not like (which is why I said he would never troll a fag site as a straight person). He hasn't been on for awhile, probably because he was in jail (most trolls we find an identity on turn out to have criminal backgrounds and mental problems). We refer to him as Ralph because it is one of his original usernames. Basically his purpose is to make people angry.He is an Iranian "Christian", isn't he? Also, I think he pretends to be "right-wing", i.e. of the Pedofront variety. (Of course, they are really leftists.)