General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Joe Gutfeld on August 07, 2007, 06:54:33 PM
The "princapail" of the new muslim school in New York City, that hasn't even opened yet, wore a t-shirt that supports a holy war in New York City. There is an article that is in today's(08/07/07) New York Post written by the great Andrea Peyser about it. Go to the New York Post website and read it yourselves. What are your views?
My opinion is that there should be no muslim school anywhere here. What exactly are they teaching? Is it koran based, are they still teaching that the earth is flat, and the mountains act as pegs holding everything down because thats what good ole moe says? Instead of arts and crafts is it bombs and guns? Are they teaching the children there to hate America and infidel Americans...I would bet everything I have that they are, this school should be shut down before it even opens.
Yeah, in Brooklyn where I live there's an Arab school called Al-Noor which means the fire.
There was a reporter who did a story about the school and asked a bunch of the kids there if they support suicide bombers in Israel and they all said yes.
Some of them even said that they hoped to do the same "martyrdom operations" one day.
Only the sick mind of Mohamed could make martyr synonymous with murderer.
Kelly, they are teaching how to kill Jews and americans there.
Kelly, they are teaching how to kill Jews and americans there.
Muslim schools should be in industrial areas because they are nothing more than terrorist factories.
Kelly, they are teaching how to kill Jews and americans there.
Muslim schools should be in industrial areas because they are nothing more than terrorist factories.
It would also make it easier to bomb them without endangering the lives of any human beings.
I'd love to go one day and pretend to be an arab-muslim and see what goes on in these "schools".
Kelly, they are teaching how to kill Jews and americans there.
Muslim schools should be in industrial areas because they are nothing more than terrorist factories.
It would also make it easier to bomb them without endangering the lives of any human beings.
Roger that! ;)
When I was still in high school there was a Muslim school right next door. One day a kid threw a rock at me and called me a Yahud. As quick as the rock hit me, I picked one up and conked him a good one in his skull. Some of the kids at the school said the cops were looking for me. ;)
A shame you didn't use a sling like David and do the job on that muslim SOB properly. :D
I do hope you claim self defense.
But they are THE religion of peace aren't they? :o I am amazed that you would think of them as a terrorist orgnization!! ::) I'm shocked that they are being considered as baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!
Al-Noor means the light Judeaoncapta.
It will probably teach the same things as this Muslim school in London:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hBXHtQDxOo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hBXHtQDxOo)
Children learn from Saudi textbooks with lines such as:
"The monkeys are the Jews. And the pigs: they are the Christian infidels at Jesus' table" >:(
Al-Noor means the light Judeaoncapta.
Noora means fire in Aramaic. I just assumed it was a common root.
I must've assumed wrong.
We already have a war in New York City. We were attacked twice. In 1993 and in 2001. We will also be attacked soon from the "kids" who go to this school.
We already have a war in New York City. We were attacked twice. In 1993 and in 2001. We will also be attacked soon from the "kids" who go to this school.
And when you are, the sick, self-hating dhimmicrats will blame your intollerence and Americas foreign policy......I guarantee it.
How am I self-hating Newman? I was the one who first posted on this fourm about the opening of a new muslim school in New York. No one else started a post about the school before I did. Does that make me a self-hating Jew?
She resigned i blame the panderer Bloomberg for this whole problem
How am I self-hating Newman? I was the one who first posted on this fourm about the opening of a new muslim school in New York. No one else started a post about the school before I did. Does that make me a self-hating Jew?
Joe, you misread newman's post, he was saying that the self-haters will tell you that it's your fault that you've been attacked.
And the whole Board of Ed as well
FTF, I appreciate you trying to defend me, but, I feel that newman should explain what he posted and say if he was trying to insult me or not.
FTF, I appreciate you trying to defend me, but, I feel that newman should explain what he posted and say if he was trying to insult me or not.
He obviously said when you are attacked. Nothing derogatory at all and nothing that needs explained. Go read again what he wrote.
And when you are, [Meaning N.Y.C.] the sick, self-hating dhimmicrats will blame your intollerence and Americas foreign policy......I guarantee it. [Meaning the Liberals will blame the U.S.]
FTF, I appreciate you trying to defend me, but, I feel that newman should explain what he posted and say if he was trying to insult me or not.
Slow down, Joe. Your jumping the gun, big time. :laugh:
I'm not attacking you in any way, shape or form. Read it again.
I'm attacking self hating democrat politicians who will blame the terrorist attack (you so rightly predicted) on your (Americans') supposed intollerence, US foreign policy and the west in general.
Just like they blame the crimes of negro rapists on white racism and muggings on rich whitey who won't share.
Clear now?
Thanks for the explaination, Newman. I just thought that you were insulting me and my views.
Thanks for the explaination, Newman. I just thought that you were insulting me and my views.
No wuckas