That's because he IS Dexter!
i means : he is NOT Sinister,
DEXTRA is the right wing :)
opposing to
SINISTRA, the left wing! >:(
source: Latin roots.
the "Augurs", Roman pagan divinators, where looking in the sky the flight of birds.
if they were coming from RIGHT HAND that was i good "AUSPICIOUS"
if birds were coming from LEFT HAND, that was announcing a bad "OMINOUS"
Nowadays, in mostly modern languages, we still use such saying, like :
(in French) : -" Etre droit dans ses bottes. " / to be right in your boots
it's means: to be righteous, honest, serious, franc
also: -" Se lever du pied gauche." / to wake up by left feet
it's means: to be moody, to have not a good state of mind today.
Before, when i had still the time to, while i was playing some RPG video games (like WOW, NWN) during holliday, my favorite nick name was DEXTER REGIS
Regis as "first name"
because the character i was pleased to play is a Holy Paladin: i Knight of Justice, servant of the Law; Fighting CHAOS EVIL.
so DEXTER REGIS, the Right Rules! O0
bravo dexter, keep on!