General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Every Jew AK47 on June 26, 2014, 03:47:30 AM

Title: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 26, 2014, 03:47:30 AM
Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance/Nationalist Fighter, Enemy of Israel and Infiltrator of the Jewish Community   

Jacob in his Che T-Shirt.. Che Guevara was a virulent hater of Jews, in addition of being a murderer, psychopath and advocate for nuclear war against the USA.

Protest and Support of Gaza Invasion in Israel.. Jacob is the guy in the kippa standing on the Palestinian side, look closely.

Jacob at a Mosque in Iran

A Plea To A Rabbi To Guard His Community Against Our Enemies, The Enemies of Eretz Yisrael.

In addition to reading this letter, I would like people to first read the story of Yanai Ha Melech, the evil Canaanite king who the Sanhedrin were too afraid to chastise, but later endured the wrath of Hashem for their failure to do so:

Shimon ben Shatah was a nasi (prince). His great dignity obligated him to undertake somber tasks. There was once a slave of King Yanai that had committed murder. The king therefore had to appear before the Sanhedrin. He had a throne brought into the antechamber adjacent to the Holy Temple, and on it he sat. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah told him, “Arise King Yanai, not before us, but before the Master of the world, Who has said, ‘Then the … men who have the grievance shall stand before the L-RD’ [Deuteronomy 19:17].” The king replied, “It is not what you say, son of Shatah, that I will do. I will do what the other judges decide.” The judges formed a semi-circle on both sides of the king. Shimon ben Shatah turned his attention to the right, but the judges on his right did not dare uphold the truth because of their fear of the king. They lowered their heads and looked to the ground. Shimon ben Shatah looked to the left, but those on his left also lowered their heads to the ground. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah said, “You fear a man more than G-d? Therefore may the One Who knows all thoughts bring upon you the punishment you deserve.” And thus G-d sent an angel and those judges who were afraid of the king immediately died. The new Sanhedrin formulated a religious decree according to which no king could henceforth be called before a court
(Sanhedrin 19a).

Even before he became a prince, Shimon ben Shatah promised himself that if he ever attained this high position, he would remove evildoers who deserved death from among the people of Israel (Yerushalmi, Sanhedrin 6:6).

My Letter To The Rabbi:

Dear Rabbi,
I apologize for beating this subject to death...  I've been deeply troubled about my experience with this Jacob Rosenblum and have taken it upon myself to do some research about this guy and find out more about him.   I knew from our short confrontation that he was no ordinary liberal leftist type of Jew.  When he told me he was a member of BDS and a good friend of Rachel Corrie, I knew this guy was indoctrinated and on a mission to fight for a cause.

After doing an internet search and locating all types of information about him I was able to find several articles, including letters, videos and articles.  I have an entire group of letters he wrote while he was in Israel and what he calls Palestine (West Bank, Chevron, Bethlehem, etc).     After devoting some time to reading his letters and learning about him I see this guy has a serious agenda and has been on a mission for over the last decade.     In fact, this good Jew who you think you are helping in your synagogue is actually taking advantage of you.  He is using you to help himself be portrayed as a "Good Jew" to promote his cause to bring the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.    To be exact, and let me be clear, this guy is not a Jew (in my eyes), but a Palestinian Freedom Fighter who portrays himself as a Jew in order to be more convincing and coercing.  He emanates a persona of peace, love, tranquility and some shomerness.

What real Jew would join sides with his enemy and belittle, berate and denigrate his own people and nation, constantly,  as he does?  His Jewishness is nothing but a fabrication, a well orchestrated performance.  Maybe, he thinks of himself as an ethnic Jew and is humored by his Jewish traditions, many which he claims he learned from his Anti-Israel Reformed female rabbi.   However, his outward Jewishness is much a facade to divert his inward hatred of Judaism and Israel, yet inspire his compassion, sympathy and love to the enemies of Israel and Jewish people.

I have learned his techniques and tactics from his long set of letters!  This guy is very vocal!  He loves to be heard, but probably doesn't think people like me will locate his published memoirs.  I'm making hard copies of all his letters, in case he decides to change the privacy settings or removes them from the google groups where they are published.

The beginning of my investigation of Jacob Rosenblum was going to his facebook page and seeing the long list of Islamist and Anti-Israel friends he has hidden among all the Jewish friends.  As you know he traveled to Iran with his very Anti-Israel/Pro-Shia Iranian friend Leila Zand, who is nothing less than a terrorist in my eyes.  She is a great supporter of a nuclear Iran and promotes the boycott and destruction of Israel.  This is the person who he traveled around Iran with and probably assured his safety in a country very hostile to Jews.

My investigation continued and I then found a video of a very liberal Jewish organization in Portland, OR, called J-Street, who recorded a video of a speech Jacob made.  In this video he talks about his dear friend Rachel Corrie who he claims was brutally murdered by the Israelis.  He goes on to saying her murder was the inspiration of him becoming a Palestinian nationalist and activist.   Now, I can see why he became hostile to me when I started trashing Corrie, as the two were very close.  What he calls her murder, was the start of his career to fight against Israel and defend the cause of the Arabs.   

If you watch the video you will see how he discusses about using his Birthright trip as a deceptive means for him to get into Gaza.  He tried very hard to get into Gaza on his trip to Israel , but failed and instead went to the West Bank.  He wanted to go join hands with Hamas and the terrorist groups in Gaza (via ISM organizations) and join their side against Israeli strikes.  He says his mission now is to bring Jewish people to the West Bank to meet Palestinians and learn of how great of people they are.  Don't be surprised if one of these Jewish people is a member (attendee) of your synagogue, as he is influential!


Well, obviously, I have learned a lot about Jacob from just watching his videos and viewing his facebook page.  However,  I still wondered what was really going on in his mind and what he was thinking.   That is when I stumbled across a bunch of his memoirs of his trip to what he calls Israel/Palestine, in which he spent most of his time in the West Bank.     All I can say is I am blown away from reading his letters of his hatred for Israel, Jews, Settlers and his love, admiration and idolization of the Palestinians who he refers to as the most kind, loving , peaceful and dignified people.  However, reading his various letters I built a consensus of his thoughts of Israelis who were usually held in contempt or even vilified as barbaric.  For example, he describes the Palestinians in Chevron (which he refers to as Palestine) as kind, loving, peaceful pacifists, but the Jews as barbarians who oppress and terrorize the innocent Arabs.   

I hope you read these letters.. The letters in [JakeIsraelPalestine] are the ones of his trip to Israel, including the West Bank.   I have provided links to each letter..    Just know if you tell him about these letters that he may delete them from the google groups at any time.  I, myself, am making copies of the letters and going to post them on several Jewish forums and share them with other Jewish friends who are supporters of Israel.   

Rabbi, I apologize for having to bring this issue to you, but I feel it is my duty as a Jew, who loves his people and his community to protect them against those who wish us harm.   I know you have only the best intentions in your heart, but I also believe there is a time when must challenge members of our own community, as their intentions are ultimately to bring harm, not good to the Am Yisrael and the Jewish people.      I don't come to you even as a member of your synagogue now, but as a Jewish brother.   I'm making my plea that you confront Jacob with his anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian fanaticism and see that he either make teshuva from it or have him leave, because a community cannot function safely with a Palestinian Terrorist in its midst.  Yes, not all Palestinian terrorists have to be Arabs, there can certainly be Jewish ones as well.   

Some of the worst enemies we Jews have had over the years, sadly have been Jews, themselves.  Please remember the three kidnapped boys which we all gave L'Chaims and prayers to in the synagogue.  In my eyes, people like Jacob are responsible for the kidnapping of these three innocent Jewish children by supporting these Palestinian barbarians. 

In fact, Jacob attempted to go to Gaza to eat, drink and befriend  these same terrorists who have kidnapped and murdered Jewish men, women and children.   Jacob is a supporter of the murder of innocent Jewish souls for his support of Palestinian terrorists.

These are the letters Jacob wrote during his trip to share with his ISM and radical Anti-Israel friends of his mission.  Of course, every good foot soldier or radicalized zealot needs to gain recognition for his/her deeds.  These letters are what Jacob shared to his compatriots during his journey and mission to defend who he calls the Peace-Loving Palestinian people against what he calls the Oppressing/Demeaning/Brutalizing Israeli government..  The titles listed are the titles he used for his letters.

(Mein Palestine) Anti-Israel Writings of Palestinian Nationalist, Jacob Rosenblum - Introduction

   I have saved all of Jacob's writings and going to post each of his writings as comments under this Facebook post, so you can read them, in case the links to the writings are no longer available, for whatever reason.  If you wish to get inside the mind of this enemy of Israel, virulent and rabid Israel hater and Arab Nationalist, read his writings.  I WARN PEOPLE that these writings may be very hard to stomach and these are written by Jacob Rosenblum, himself.  So, please be aware of that and understand I am posting them here so people can see how indoctrinated, one-sided, brainwashed and bigoted this man is in his writings.   
    This man has an agenda to destroy Israel.  He claims in his writings that Jews are guests and should apply for citizenship in Palestine, as the land of Palestine belongs to Arabs not Jews.  He always talks about all the evils of Jews, but after reading all his anti-Israel/Palestinian-Worshipping wrtings, ask yourself one question?  Of all the time he spent in the West Bank and with the Arabs and, even Iranians, did this guy take one moment to make one criticism about the Muslims, Arabs or Persians?
   The only criticisms he makes are of Jews and ridicules and denigrates them exuberantly.  However, if you read his writings you will see that he constantly idolizes the Arabs and you will hear no criticism or any issues with their society .  All he can do is look at them as some type of gentle, kind, peace loving people.  However, you will see from his one-sided , Anti-Israel/Anti-Jewish mindset.   He also claims Hebrew is the language of the oppressor and that being an Israeli  has destroyed the identities of all the people who live in Israel, because he claims they are truly foreigners with different cultures.  I guess he forgot that the Arab and European hosts of the lands these Israeli citizens came from massacred most of them and chased them away to the land of Israel?  His history seems to revolve around the Arabs and doesn't seem to have much knowledge of his own Jewish people or that of Israel.   
    Reading his writings is similar to reading a book like Mein Kampf.  However, it is important to see how people like Hitler, Himmler, Stalin, CHe Guevara, Mufti Al Husseini and other radical Jew haters of the world have thought and also the type of tactics they utilize to execute their plans.   It is also interesting to see their mentality and where their hatred of Jewry and Israel are sourced. 
    After reading these writings, I encourage people to stand up for what is right and alert others in their communities about Palestinian radicals who will try to go to their synagogues to recruit and brainwash Jews into supporting their cause.   Jacob Rosenblum, is on facebook, so I do encourage people to contact him and share their views with him about his hatred of Israel , Jewish heritage and also to share with him about the wrongdoings, bigotry, hatred that are prevalent among both Palestinian people and Muslims as a whole.  The man claims to be a feminist and gay rights activist.  You may also share with him the bad human rights records that his beloved Palestinian people have in those respects to.     I, myself, hope one day to share with him about Mufti Al Husseini, who was the founder of the PLO and the leader of the Palestinian people in the 1948.  He was a very high ranking Nazi and a good friend of Heinrich Himmler.  This man contributed to the death of many innocent Jewish people and many others in the Balkans, including Serbs.   Mufti Al Husseini, the hero and founder of the modern Palestinian state's famous words were, "In heaven we have Allah, on earth we have Hitler".  This is the man the Palestinian people view as their great hero and father of their modern nation.

Baruch Haba


Three for Free

Tradition & Traicion the Ivri

Bleed for Palestine

Dvarim Tfuzim

What's Left

Behar Dvar

A Shabbos Thought

If you wish to contact Jacob Rosenblum, this is his facebook profile.. For now, it is available for messaging.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 26, 2014, 04:01:08 AM
These are some of the friends of Jacob Rosenblum who he collaborates with in his efforts to destroy the nation of Israel and support the Palestinian enemies:

Leila Zand
Leila Zand is an Iranian terrorist who openly preaches for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish nation.  She befriends self-hating and naive liberal Jews for her cause to give herself a footstool to stand on and try to promote her vicious Anti-Semitic views within the Jewish community, itself.   I would appreciate if everyone pays her Facebook page a visit and views her vicious Anti-Israel propaganda and then messages her and shares their feelings with her about her hatred of Israel and to discuss the evils and atrocities that are truly committed by her own Iranian people.  This lady also has a picture of her sitting with a high ranking Iranian cleric.  Sadly, she likes to visit synagogues , even in Iran, to promote her cause of the destruction of the Israeli people and to promote an Iranian empire across the world, as well as to prop up the Iranian puppet state of Palestine.

Here is her FB page, I would ask for all to pay her visit and share their feelings.  Let her know that we Jews and supporters of Israel have a voice and we will not stand there and let this Iranian Jew-hating Nazi proudly promote the death of our people.  Currently Leila lives in New York, but flies back and forth to Iran with self-hating Jews and other anti-Israel advocates to show her vile Jew-hating country to them to try to promote the false pretense of Iran being a peaceful nation. 

Currently, Iran is trying to develop a nuclear bomb to not only destroy their Sunni enemies, but to destroy the nation of Israel, which they hate and label as "Little Satan".  Iran must stopped and so must Iranian terrorists like Leila Zand!


This is Leila Zand's mission, lure naive self-hating Jews to Iran to introduce them to her Shia people to convince Jews that Iran is their friend and, of course, Israel is their enemy.

Cindy Corrie
The mother of Rachel Corrie and wife of Craig Corrie.  Cindy and Craig Corrie are the heads of the Rachel Corrie Foundation whose primary goal is to empower the Palestinian people and punish the nation of Israel through the use of the media and protests.  The Rachel Corrie Foundation also collaborates with many Palestinian NGOs whose funding through their foundation are able to help finance Palestinian terrorists to bring harm to Israeli people, including the kidnapping of the three Jewish boys.   The Rachel Corrie Foundation is perhaps one of the most pro-active Anti-Israel organizations on the Earth.  Jacob is good friends with Cindy and was a good friend and comrade of Rachel during his time at Evergeen State College.


Cindy and Craig, Jacob's friends, receiving an award from Yassir Arafat for sacrificing their fanatical and Anti-Israel indoctrinated daughter for the Palestinian cause:

He is very discreet about his Middle Eastern connections on Facebook , but here are some of the Arab people who is helping him with his Pro-Palestine Cause.  These guys are obviously vehemently ANti-Israel and have all types of racist and bigoted propaganda about Jews in Israel.

Mohammed Al-Mohtaseb 
This is his Arab comrade in Hebron.  He is also the director of Explore West Bank.  Jacob works with this guy in helping to bring Jewish people from USA and Israel to the West Bank to stay with Arab families, so they can "hear their side of the struggle."  This guy helps Jacob with his mission of indoctrinating and brainwashing Jews to support the Palestinian Nazis in their quest to conquer Israel.  What better way than to drill away at the source, Jews, themselves?

Mansour Mansour
One of the friends listed you will recognize if you read Jacob's memoirs I posted..  This is the guy named Mansour.  Mansour is another rabid Israel hater who refers to Israel as the "Apartheid".   Mansour, from reading Jacob's writings, also has property in the West Bank and also helps Jacob with bringing Israeli Jews, including one IDF soldier (as in his 4th writing),  as well as other naive American Jews to the West Bank, including Ramallah.   Mansour also lives in the USA, in Florida.    His facebook page is a wonderful mix of family life coupled with Anti-Israel propaganda.  It is funny how Palestinian propagandists these days try to hide behind a secular , American/Western looking lifestyle and then mix this with pictures of innocent , helpless Arabs being terrorized by evil men in green uniforms.    Mansour is a Pro, a great propagandist and like his friend Jacob, is on a mission to brainwash and indoctrinate Jews to hate themselves and join the cause of the Palestinian terrorists.

Jacob's friend Mansour fighting with Israeli soldiers, what a hero
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 26, 2014, 03:55:28 PM
It appears that after contacting some of the members of my Chabad synagogue I was attending, that they have no interest to hear any of my criticisms of Jacob or to stand up and confront Jacob, including an Israeli member, I contacted.     I've contacted three Chabad rabbis, two of which, know him personally and who have had Jacob attend their synagogue and be part of their communities.   It appears my pleas and message to them has fallen upon deaf ears and they just want me to be silenced and not try to make an issue about it.   In the mean time, Jacob is winning over the hearts of people in the Jewish community, making a lot of friends and helping to influence people to support the Palestinian people, especially Jews.  Jacob's mission is to bring Jews to the WEst Bank to help educate them about the "TRUTH OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE".  He has many contacts who help orchestrate his efforts.  His peace, loving, frummish looking persona is a complete fabrication to promote his agenda.

I am disappointed with the Chabad and don't believe I will ever attend another Chabad shul as a result of this episode.  As of now, I am officially without a synagogue, since I have no money to join any of the larger synagogues in my area.  The Chabad, as of now, was a place I thought I could be safe and experience Jewish life without having to sit side by side with vicious haters of my homeland, Eretz Yisrael.  As well, I do not want to join a Jewish community, so that I am sitting next to a radicalized Palestinian freedom fighter/activist.   If we Jews cannot be safe from these people in our communities/synagogues, then there is no other place left, except JDL/Kahanist type forums or communities.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: AsheDina on June 26, 2014, 04:08:22 PM
This is why Chaim needs to be in Israel.

David says he will go to Israel if Chaim is in charge.

WHY do they let this pig stay there? ? ?
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: muman613 on June 26, 2014, 04:11:36 PM

I like you, you know this... But I am greatly disappointed that this is all it took to get you to give up. As I stated previously, life is full of challenges like this. If I were to break down and give up on everything just because of one or two bad eggs, I would have given up a long long time ago.

You should form a strategy of how you will present the truth in a form which will persuade people. Do not sound defeatist, do not argue or become flustered at people, simply state the truth and provide the evidence of the truth.

Do not expect others to assist you, you must do this on your own. I also would not blame Chabad for any of this. They are providing a service to Jews regardless of their politics. You should take this as an exercise, a way to strengthen your character and in addition turn other Jews from evil toward good.

I am very busy recently and don't see that I will have any time to help you in this until possibly next week (when I have the entire July 4 week off)... But let us brainstorm on how you can accomplish the goal which Rabbi Kahane was able to rise to and accomplish. Rabbi Kahane, our teacher, was able to face extreme criticism and hostility, and still he was able to convince enough people that he was right, and in the long run many people who rebuked him realized their errors.

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Aces High on June 26, 2014, 04:15:56 PM
They deserve what they get, if they won't listen to you.  Concentrate on yourself, forget the lot of them.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: ChabadKahanist on June 26, 2014, 04:32:25 PM
This isn't all Chabad as any Chabad I have ever been affiliated with would have thrown him out or at least given him some musar.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Lisa on June 26, 2014, 10:03:24 PM
You should send all of this to a bunch of right wing Jewish blogs.  Some of them might help get the message out.


I would contact Debbie Schlussel:


And then there's the wonderful Sultan Knish blog whose author is Daniel Greenfield:


Write to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs as well:


And don't forget Frontpage Magazine.  They have a whole sub-site called Discover The Networks, which profiles all the leftists/ and leftist groups in America:



One final thought.  I don't know the status of some of the terrorist groups this creature is involved with.  Some of them might be officially classified as terror organizations by the State Department.  So another thing you might want to try is to search Linkedin.com for this guy, and get him kicked off of there. 

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Lisa on June 26, 2014, 10:08:47 PM
Is this Rosenblum beast by any chance a lawyer? 
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: kyel on June 26, 2014, 11:27:22 PM
Is this Jacob Rosenblum (YSV) a closet homosexual? I heard it from 5 seconds in his voice. I feel sorry for his wife...
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 26, 2014, 11:31:05 PM
Is this Jacob Rosenblum (YSV) a closet homosexual? I heard it from 5 seconds in his voice. I feel sorry for his wife...

He's not married.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 26, 2014, 11:33:56 PM
Is this Rosenblum beast by any chance a lawyer?

Nope a cab driver or former cab driver
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 26, 2014, 11:50:15 PM
Nope a cab driver or former cab driver

Jacob is NOT a lawyer.  He is a college student and former cab driver.   He was also a student at Evergreen State College and attended with Rachel Corrie, who was a close friend of his.  As he stated in his video, it was Rachel's "murder" (as he calls it) which inspired him to become a Palestinian activist.   While he was in Olympia, he was attending the Olympia Chabad and formed a relation with the Rabbi (Rabbi Cheski Edelman)  there.  It boggles my mind why that Rabbi never confronted him on his radical behaviors.  I'm sure he also helped win a few followers to his cause at that Chabad as well.

He is currently studying electrical engineering which worries me, as electrical engineers are very high in demand by terrorist groups, as their skills are highly needed in bomb making and developing weapons and various electronics these groups utilize.  I wouldn't doubt for a second he has direct connections with various terrorist groups who he may feel obliged to help in their struggle for "Freedom".    He mentions in one of his letters, which I now have called "Mein Palestine", that one of his friends was sent to prison for two years for being involved with terrorist groups.   It wouldn't surprise me if he, himself, has connections and plans to join with them.   This man is blacklisted by the Israeli government and I am not sure if he is even allowed back in the country.  He also has been arrested in Israel and spent some time in an Israeli jail.

For those who overlooked it in my original post, this is Jacob Rosenblum's facebook page..

P.S. Jacob's vicious ANti-Israel/Pro-Palestine writings ('Mein Palestine') are still on the google groups.  He probably had no idea I would have been able to locate them as they are like 7-8 years old.  Most likely, he may have forgot they existed to begin with.  These writings were for his friends of his organization and may have not ever meant to be shown to the public.  If he decides to remove these writings from the web, I have hard copies of the writings I have saved that I can re-post.   
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 27, 2014, 03:41:34 PM
Then it is in the best interest of the Jewish public to know about this.  Just tell the blogs that Rachel Corrie's college friend is now infiltrating Jewish communities, and send all that info.  I would think the story would interest them.

When I can get some more time, I am going to spread his information all over the web..  I was thinking JTF and some JDL facebook forums are a place to start.    However, I encourage other people who have the time to also share his information where you can.

My goal is to get rid of this tyrant from the Jewish community before his cancer spreads into the cells of other Jewish souls.     As of now, he is using Chabad as his base to spread his agenda , although he is very active in the Jewish community and has a lot of influence.  Not only has he won the friendship of two Chabad rabbis, but is part of many Jewish organizations.   The fact that he is trying to influence JEws outside of your typical "reform circles" shows how determined he is on his "Reconciliation" mission.

It's scary , but he really seems like a movie star in the Jewish community, but not many people know the depths of his hatred of Israel and Judaism, as a whole.   Nor, do many people know his deep love and admiration of Palestinians and Muslims.   Very few people have access to his writings which I located on the web from a google group he was part of with his friends.  These writings get inside his twisted mind and share his firsthand experiences fighting the Israelis.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 27, 2014, 05:11:12 PM
Thanks for the information Dan.. I am hoping to start my own blog one of these days.. For now I have my FB page, where I have published this information and his letters (Mein Palestine) with Public access.  After Shabbat, I will look into visiting the sites and forums that you and Lisa have supplied me.  I am very determined to raise awareness about this issue and have this Jihadist exposed and to warn Jews about him and others like him whose goal is to destroy Israel from the inside.  This guy appears to be one of the most dangerous I have met, because he is so popular in the Jewish community, winning the support of people in the Chabad, yet has such deep-rooted hatred of Judiasm and Israel, as well as so much love for the people who murder and kidnap our children.

Sadly, this will be my first Shabbat in a while I have spent alone..  A devoted Kahanist and a devoted Palestinian Nationalist Israel-hating traitor shouldn't share the same Shabbat table.   Since everybody there at that CHabad is on his side and considers him a "Jewish brother", I, the "Outcast and Trouble Maker" will be alone.   

When I get more time, hopefully next week I will find a blog to get it posted on and share it with you and other people here.  I appreciate your help.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 27, 2014, 05:28:05 PM
A couple more of Jacob's good friends who he travels to the WEst Bank and Iran with.. the so-called rabbis Brant Rosen and Lynn Gottlieb.  Just recently the traitors Brant Rosen and Lynn Gottlieb attended the Anti-Semitic/Jew-hating Presbyterian church's Israel Divestment event..  the fake rabbi Rosen is the self-hating Jewish traitor you see in the picture with Jacob's friend, the Iranian terrorist, Leila Zand  and the Iranian cleric.  I would like to find out which Iranian cleric they are talking to in that picture.  Personally, the fact that these people have direct contacts with an Iranian clerics and interact with terrorists should mean these people should be investigated by Homeland Security as potential terrorist threats.   Leila Zand, I notice, is part of the "Abolish Homeland Security" facebook group.. GO figure???  Has she had her home visited before?


How about we divest from the Presbyterian church for its years of oppression and hatred of Jews?   It's funny how Jacob and his people will join the sides with just about anybody who hates Israel.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 30, 2014, 03:43:45 PM
My letter to the traitor Jacob Rosenblum in regards to the murder of the three innocent Jewish children in Chevron.   THis is the first time I ever confronted him directly, since our confrontation at the shul..  I don't know what type of vicious and hateful response he will give, but I just thought I share my mind with this terrorist and collaborator of child murderers.   I encourage anyone else who has the desire to send this vicious traitor who is currently infiltrating the Chabad to promote his "Reconciliation Movement" aka "Submit to Palestinian Movement".   

I am grieved today and just have a very sick feeling in my stomach that my previous rabbi allows a man who collaborating and befriended the very same people who massacred these children to be part of his synagogue and community.

Quote from: Letter to Rosenblum
The blood of these three children is on your head you terrorist , traitor and collaborator with the enemies of Israel..  I would hope you never walk into another Chabad or Jewish community and spread your lies and apostasy to the innocent Jewish souls you seek to proselytize to your cause.

You are a terrorist, an enemy of Israel and the Jewish people and you should never be allowed into any legitimate Jewish community for the rest of your life.. I will do all I can to spread the word about you and your vicious Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic dogma you spread.

I know you were in Chevron and have interacted with the very families of these terrorists..  You should be investigated by the Department of Homeland Security for your interactions with terrorists and the fact you spent so much time in places like Iran and in Palestinian areas.   

Mufti Al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler would be proud to know Jews like you exist on this Earth.   I know your rationale is that Arab children are being murdered by Jews so the Israeli Jewish children's deaths are adequate retribution.  The difference is your cowardly Arab brothers use these children as human shields and canon fodder to gain media publicity.  Human life means nothing in their eyes.. 

Nor, does human life mean anything in your eyes!  What is important to you is that you promote your cause and gain the respect and admiration of your Israel/Jew-hating friends and excel in your movement and to fulfill their mission to annihilate Israel from the Earth.

Just one picture of the man you can consider a hero, one of the highest ranking Nazis of Hitler's Inner Circle, the friend of Heinrich HImmler and the founder of the modern Palestinian State, his name is Haj Amina al-Husseini...   Maybe, in your history lessons of the evil nation of Israel and the kind, peaceful nation of Palestine, you can include references to the Mufti and talk about his support for the extermination of Jews in the Middle East and Europe.  He is widely supported by all the Palestinians to this day.

Here are his famous lines: "In heaven we have Allah, on earth we have Hitler."

You are the worst enemy the Jewish people ever have..   When I think of those innocent Jewish boys who were kidnapped and massacred , I will think of you, you traitor who spent time drinking tea, eating food and working hand-in-hand with the same cold-blooded child killers .   I am sure you feel their blood is satisfaction for the so-called oppression of your Palestinian brothers, but just know that Hashem will make you face judgment for being a traitor, anti-Semite and enemy against Israel and the Jewish nation.   

Don't bother responding back to me or conversing with me.. I have nothing more to say to you..   

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Lisa on June 30, 2014, 04:03:19 PM
My letter to the traitor Jacob Rosenblum in regards to the murder of the three innocent Jewish children in Chevron.   THis is the first time I ever confronted him directly, since our confrontation at the shul..  I don't know what type of vicious and hateful response he will give, but I just thought I share my mind with this terrorist and collaborator of child murderers.   I encourage anyone else who has the desire to send this vicious traitor who is currently infiltrating the Chabad to promote his "Reconciliation Movement" aka "Submit to Palestinian Movement".   

I am grieved today and just have a very sick feeling in my stomach that my previous rabbi allows a man who collaborating and befriended the very same people who massacred these children to be part of his synagogue and community.

Excellent letter.  Keep at this traitor until he is exposed!
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Zelhar on June 30, 2014, 04:08:59 PM
I think it's a good letter that sums pretty well the type of traitorous serpent he is. I agree that discussion with him is futile and he must be put under cherem.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Lisa on June 30, 2014, 04:14:46 PM
Speaking of "Cherem," EveryJewA44, is there a local Beth Din you can contact to alert them about this Jacob creature?  If these Beith Dins can make Henry Kissinger cherem (excommunicated), then they should be able to do the same thing to Jacob.  Here's the contact information for the Seattle Beth Din (Rabbinical Court):

Seattle Bet Din

5305 52nd Avenue S.
Seattle, WA 98118

206) 760-0805


Now EveryJewA44, I'm deadly serious.  You can't stop until this Jacob has been exposed.  You may have more luck than writing to individual Chabad houses.  I'll be happy to help you in any way I can. 
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: ChabadKahanist on June 30, 2014, 11:35:18 PM
Also you might want to  contact
Vaad Rabbonei HaOlami Chabad Lubavitch
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn,NY 11213
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on June 30, 2014, 11:43:17 PM
Speaking of "Cherem," EveryJewA44, is there a local Beth Din you can contact to alert them about this Jacob creature?  If these Beith Dins can make Henry Kissinger cherem (excommunicated), then they should be able to do the same thing to Jacob.  Here's the contact information for the Seattle Beth Din (Rabbinical Court):

Seattle Bet Din

5305 52nd Avenue S.
Seattle, WA 98118

206) 760-0805


Now EveryJewA44, I'm deadly serious.  You can't stop until this Jacob has been exposed.  You may have more luck than writing to individual Chabad houses.  I'll be happy to help you in any way I can.

I have had a disturbing discussion with the Rabbi at my FORMER Chabad about his decision to keep the traitor Jacob there.   I know petitioning to this Rabbi directly is useless. 

I am going to look into these other organzations, especially the Chabad headquarters and talk with some people who deal with public relations and issues concerning particular Chabads.   

Rabbi Avremi is arguing with me, saying I should just pray that he stops being the way he is and not keep advocating for his removal from the synagogue.  The fact of the matter is that this guy, who boldly puts a picture of himself standing in front of a mosque in Iran with is Israel-hating friends, is in no way remorseful or has any regrets for his lifestyle or to stop his mission of "Reconciling Jews with the Palestinian Natives"as he refers to them.

I know that I must stop arguing with the Rabbi directly who is defending Jacob , as well as the rest of the synagogue who is taking his side.   

I will do all in my power to write as many people and contact as many organizations as I can to make sure that he stops attending Chabads and Jewish organizations who are blind to his backgruond as a radical Palestinian activist and a missionary/proselytizer for his movement.

For the sake of the three dead Jewish children, I know that I will have to devote spare time to exposing him.  Yes, there are other traitors, but he is one of the worst I ever met and he shared my Shabbat table and I have seen him win the hearts of gullible and ignorant Jews right before my eyes.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on July 01, 2014, 12:01:40 AM
JR also stands for Joshua ROSENberg.

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Sveta on July 01, 2014, 01:43:32 AM
This isn't all Chabad as any Chabad I have ever been affiliated with would have thrown him out or at least given him some musar.

 I agree completely. The Chabad I have started to attend for a few months now is completely 90% composed of actual Chabad members. This evil traitor would NOT be welcomed!

I fear the problem is that people refuse to listen because they are afraid of "lashon hara" and Sinat Chinam, it is this fear that does not allow them to open their ears. You should continue to expose him.

You're too far away from where I am, if you ever come to my town, I guarantee you will find a shul that you would feel at home at, including the Chabad shuls that are actually composed of Frum Jews. I wish I could show you the possibilities. In one small strip there are like 10+ shuls all Orthodox. You would be welcomed and never have to deal with anti-Israel infiltrators like this looser Jacob.

JACOB you are an anti-Israel looser and a LIAR who pretends all your demon organizations are not Israel haters. He probably won't ever see this but I am furious today!
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 01, 2014, 06:08:46 AM
I agree completely. The Chabad I have started to attend for a few months now is completely 90% composed of actual Chabad members. This evil traitor would NOT be welcomed!

You're too far away from where I am, if you ever come to my town, I guarantee you will find a shul that you would feel at home at, including the Chabad shuls that are actually composed of Frum Jews. I wish I could show you the possibilities. In one small strip there are like 10+ shuls all Orthodox. You would be welcomed and never have to deal with anti-Israel infiltrators like this looser Jacob.
I hope one day to visit your Chabad , IsraeliHeart!   Believe it or not, because of my lack of income, Chabad has been the Jewish community I have been attending on and off for most of my time as a practicing (or synagogue attending) Jewish person.  I'm still not shomer, so I don't consider myself "Observant".      By your description, it sounds like you must be in New York or somewhere in the East Coast.   Where I live you can drive 100 miles without seeing a single shul.   However, I have now been in contact with another Rabbi who also seems disgruntled at Rabbi Avremi for allowing a Palestinian Nationalist be part of his community .   This rabbi was very stern about this issue and told me "No Person Who Insults Israel Or is Against Israel Is Welcomed In My Community."  I had great respect for this Chabad rabbi and plan on trying to return to attend services at his shul.   THe only problem is that the synagogue is farther from the my former synagogue , about another 20-30 minute drive and it is in not the best neighborhood.  Also, they only have a morning service, no evening service and it is mostly older people.   However, at least I will have a place to daven once a month or so, or as much as I can go.  I feel much more confident with his community and integrity.

I fear the problem is that people refuse to listen because they are afraid of "lashon hara" and Sinat Chinam, it is this fear that does not allow them to open their ears. You should continue to expose him.
I am not a very halachic Jew, so here is a question.   Is it a worse sin to speak lashon hara to a fellow Jew or to not speak lashon hara and three children die?   I know , I know, perhaps they say it cannot be lashon hara if it saves a Jewish life.  I guess I would like to know how the rules of lashon hara deal with those who war against the nation of Israel.   Or, in reality, could it be considered lashon hara to say good of another Jew when you know he has contributed to the murders of other Jews?   Maybe, in this case, another term is used.   Oy vey, I get confused.  Nonetheless, we must stay focused on the reality and danger we face from these type of people.

JACOB you are an anti-Israel looser and a LIAR who pretends all your demon organizations are not Israel haters. He probably won't ever see this but I am furious today!

Please, I encourage you to tell him this!!   I am encouraging people to share their feelings with Jacob on his Facebook page.


The more people who share with him their feelings about what he is doing, the more likely he will feel the heat and re-think about using Chabad as his means to spread his Anti-Israel/Reconciliation/Palestinian Nationalist poison.   

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Sveta on July 02, 2014, 01:41:41 AM

Please, I encourage you to tell him this!!   I am encouraging people to share their feelings with Jacob on his Facebook page.


The more people who share with him their feelings about what he is doing, the more likely he will feel the heat and re-think about using Chabad as his means to spread his Anti-Israel/Reconciliation/Palestinian Nationalist poison.

He makes me sick! People like him make me sick. Vicious anti-Israel haters! I'll see what I can do. We have to be tactical. One thing is if we can expose him in person. Online it's different, a worm like him who cowers would just report anyone who sends him messages as "harassment" and it's not worth it while dealing a coward like him.

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Sveta on July 02, 2014, 01:57:45 AM
To answer your questions about lashon hara and to publicly embarrass someone in public. This is a big problem. You can't see someone at an event and tell them in public "get out, you're not welcomed here" for various reasons. To humiliate someone in public is akin to murder. Unless someone is a well known rasha, I don't foresee any shul getting to that point. The rabbi would be extremely concerned about the question of humiliating the person or other outcomes.
I can only think that if there is a shul event and some messianics come in and start preaching, they will be told to get out. If it's someone who the rabbi and others perceive to be a frum Jew, they may not want to kick the person out publicly. In this case, it should be done tactfully. Expose the person and probably have it be done in private. I have heard instances of a persons actually getting kicked out from a shul but they get a letter from the president or get called by phone or into a private meeting.

To explain the implications, there is a Gemara that says: “A person should cast himself into a furnace of fire rather than publicly humiliate his fellow.” and in the Torah, one of the mitzvot says that while you can rebuke a fellow "ou shall not bear upon him a sin" meaning that when you rebuke someone and the person deserved the rebuke, at the same time one must not do so in a way that will humiliate him. But then you get into the technicalities of "how many people present make it public humiliation".

To speak lashon hara, motzi shem ra and rechilut is to also kill a person, and even more than one person is harmed by it. It is the person speaking it, the people hearing it and the person it is spoken against. Very big problem and the easiest one to fall for.  The Chofetz Chaim in his Shimras Haloshon gave the specifics on all situations in which lashon hara should not be said or avoided. He points out the problems, implications of this serious problem.

However, the Chofetz Chaim DID specify when lashon hara is permitted! Yes, in some instances it is permitted and that is when a person is evil and is causing great harm to Klal Yisrael. If someone is an immediate danger to the community, then it is permitted to speak lashon hara on them. There are some specifics, however, that one must try to refute the person. If the person does not change then the community must be warned. I believe, however, the last prohibition is that we are not supposed to enjoy it. It should not be pleasurable to speak ill of someone, it should be out of a necessity to warn to community.
Even though you are right about this Jacob character, and since he is an enemy of Israel so it is technically permitted for you to expose him without having to worry about lashon hara.....it does not mean that other people will hear you out. With the laws of lashon hara hanging over our heads, many people just completely close their ears and will refuse to listen to something negative about a fellow Jew, even if it's the truth. That is why it's important to be tactical about it.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 07, 2014, 01:03:31 AM
Heres the latest post from Rabbi Avremi of my FORMER CHabad which he shared from another FB page on his main page... After seeing his mindset and mourning the death and demanding the punishment of the Jews who murdered this "INNOCENT" Arab, I can see why he is so adamant in defending the traitor in my synagogue Jacob Rosenblum, who with his work with Arabs in West Bank/Gaza has helped bring about the murder of many innocent Jews.


Quote from: Rabbi Avremi's Facebook Page
The murder of Muhammed AbuKhedir is a disgusting and heinous crime, against an innocent child. There can be no ifs, buts or justification. The perpetrators of the crime are a stain on Israeli society. But they are not Israel, the real Israel is the one that condemned the crime, politicians, journalist, general society. The Israel I know takes no joy in the murder of innocents, there is no gloating or celebration.
This was an evil act and I hope that these thugs and murders and punished to the full extent of the law. And yes many will say but the Arabs are doing this and doing that, yes true. But these are not out values, these are not the values of the State of Israel, a country where I as a Muslim feel at home, safe and secure. A nation that seeks peace, seeks not allow the hatred of it's enemies define who it is. I just hope and pray this insanity stops, that those who use the memory of murdered child to incite and cause more death and destruction stop or are stopped before causing more pain. We all bleed the same, what defines us is who we treat the wounds that make us bleed. Pray for peace in Jerusalem

I know it's a lost cause to probably have Jacob Rosenblum booted.. But still working on contacting CHabad HQ and other agencies. I  wonder if Chabad rabbis have the chutzpah to stand up against other Chabad rabbis.

I am devoting my efforts, that will be in vain, to the three murdered Jewish children, who people like Jacob Rosenblum and many other traitors like him, help murder.

My response to Rabbi Avremi, which will most likely result in me being blocked from his page:
Quote from: My Response
So these people who murdered an "INNOCENT" Arab child are not really Israel, but the traitor at your synagogue, Jacob Rosenblum, who helped Arabs murder innocent Jews, is considered "ISRAEL"?  This same guy was in Chevron befriending, drinking tea  and eating food with the murderers who butchered our three Jewish boys.  These same boys could have been your own children.   This man help aid and abet terrorists and criminals who contributed to the violence and murder of innocent Jewish people.  Yet, somehow, he is considered a "REAL JEW" and is part of "ISRAEL".  Even though his entire mission in life is to destroy Am Yisra'el, which he claims is the nation of the Apartheid and Enemy.    How are these murderers of an Arab, who may even grow upt to be a terrorist to murder Jewish children, any worse than the terrorist who sits at your own Shabbat table?

Jews and Arabs don't bleed the same blood. Arab blood means nothing and they are happy to shed blood for their psychotic religion and propaganda.  They use their own children as human shields.  Every Jew is sacred to Am Yisrael and if these people were NOT going around butchering our children and imprisoning us in our own country there would have been no retaliatory murder.  What a myopic view of the situation.  With all the demonizing of Israel, Jewish people and the calls for extermination of the Jews by the Arabs, why be so sympathetic to these people?    These very people who would celebrate and rejoice in the mass murder of all the Jewish people, as advocated by their founding father, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin Al-Husseini!
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 07, 2014, 01:15:10 AM
And, Rabbi Avremi decided to delete my comments.. I guess I am just a heartless bastard, aren't I?  How dare I refuse to mourn for a murdered Palestinian, not condemn these evil Jewish murderers and at the same time slander a great Jewish member of ISRAEL, Jacob Rosenblum.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: kahaneloyalist on July 07, 2014, 04:01:06 AM
And, Rabbi Avremi decided to delete my comments.. I guess I am just a heartless bastard, aren't I?  How dare I refuse to mourn for a murdered Palestinian, not condemn these evil Jewish murderers and at the same time slander a great Jewish member of ISRAEL, Jacob Rosenblum.

That rabbi is a fool at best. YOu are entirely in the right. It astounds me how the Jewish people is so sick that we mourn over the death of our enemies. It just disgusts me.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 07, 2014, 06:11:45 AM
The kidnapping of the Jewish teens brought the best out of the Jews. After their deaths, it brought the worst out of the Jews. And I'm not talking about the ones who ellegedally killed the Arab.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 08, 2014, 03:47:19 AM
The kidnapping of the Jewish teens brought the best out of the Jews. After their deaths, it brought the worst out of the Jews. And I'm not talking about the ones who ellegedally killed the Arab.

I've been checking out Rabbi Avremi's page day after day now..  He keeps posting more and more posts mourning for the death of the POOR, INNOCENT ARAB Mohammad Abu Khdeir..    He insists the men who did htis are FAKE JEWS, but the Jew hater, Jacob Rosenblum, who is devoted to destroying Israel and aids the Arabs in their fight against the "Apartheid" is a friend of Rabbi Avremi and considered a "TRUE JEW".

All I have to say is I am utterly disgusted that Chabad lets a man who first allows traitors in his synagogue, but then sits and mourns the death of our enemy more than even the deaths of our own fellow Jews.  His beloved Mohammad Abu Khdeir, would never had been murdered if these vicious Hamas/Fatah savages didn't kidnap, torture and murder our Jewish boys.

His profile is  upsetting..

I suppose the rabbi is posting a reference from Chabad.org from another Rabbi who also is in mourning over the death of the "INNOCENT" Arab.

Perhaps, the Chabad as a whole is taking the position to support the dead Arab, since his death was at the hands of Jews??   I know Jews, as a whole , support pacifism over vigilance .  I always thought many Jewish people would have been great followers of Gandhi who advocated passive resistance rather than the more Kahanist style of vigilance and pro-active defense.    Aside the fact that Gandhi hated the Jews and loved the Arabs, I would say that his passive resistance theories would result in the complete obliteration of the Jewish people as we know it in the face of a barbaric enemy who seeks no end to our decimation and eradication from this Earth.

I think Pacifism will sooner or later be to the detriment of the Jewish people as a whole.
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on July 16, 2014, 11:14:17 PM
I have Facebook friends who think the Arab kid is innocent. I posted how he supported the murder of the three Jews and people accused my Facebook friend of having hateful friends. People said I was spreading hateful lies.

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 24, 2014, 05:18:24 PM
Jacob Rosenblum's good friend Mansour Mansour is now actively a Hamas member and supporting Hamas..    The Rabbi at the synagogue who is allowing this guy to attend is putting the lives of innocent Jewish people at risk, by letting this Hamas supporter, Rosenblum, attend the synagogue and infiltrate the Jewish community.  It is obvious to me that Rosenblum is taking advantage of his "Jewish ethnicity" as a means to gather intelligence about Jewish community which he in turn then feeds to his Palestinian terrorist friends.  He, himself, wanted to go to Gaza on his birthright trip to help join the Gazan people against Israel.  It would not surprise me that Rosenblum would take up arms and massacre Jews in order to protect what he falsely calls "the indigenous Palestinian natives". 

Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on July 24, 2014, 06:57:31 PM
^How can this Monsour have a Facebook account if he lives in the US and is pro terrorists?
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Lisa on July 24, 2014, 07:12:04 PM
EveryJew, can you find out the names of his immediate family?  I for one would be curious to know what his parents think of his actions.  And if they don't approve, they might be able to shame their brat. 
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 24, 2014, 08:11:22 PM
EveryJew, can you find out the names of his immediate family?  I for one would be curious to know what his parents think of his actions.  And if they don't approve, they might be able to shame their brat.

I do have the names of his family, they are all on his facebook page writing him messages and he even lists them..  I'd encourage people to contact his family members and share their views with them, as well.  As of now, his entire facebook profile is public.. Either he is hiding and not publishing stuff on FB or just doesn't write on his facebook too often.  He hasn't touched his FB page since his last post about a month ago.  He talks about his parents as being supportive of him and said they were typically very secular who didn't like him travelling to Israel and being involved with the "politics" there.  YOu can see it on the J-Street video he recorded that I linked to in my original post on the thread.

If anyone reads the memoirs of him which I published on my FB page as well as gave links to the original copies on his google groups account, you will see Mansour Mansour was one of his best friends and one of the people who facilitated his stays in West Bank.  Also, Mansour is one of the people who he works with in the Reconciliation Movement to bring Jews to the WEst Bank to stay with Palestinian families and be indoctrinated to hate Israel.

^How can this Monsour have a Facebook account if he lives in the US and is pro terrorists?
THere are a lot of terrorists living in this country and openly promoting the destruction of the USA and Israel.  That is the downside of having a Muslim for a President.  America is being infiltrated by Islamic tyrants and their supporters.   The BDS/ISM movement , which Jacob is a leading member, should be labelled as a terrorist group.

To answer your question directly Ephraim, Mansour is from East Jerusalem, so on his records, he probably is not listed as a "terrorist", but rather as an "Israeli Arab" or good Fatah Arab..  However, as you and I both know, Israeli Arabs and West Bank Arabs both are as wicked as Hamas and most of them support Hamas and the destruction of Israel and killing of Jews.  The three Jewish boys who were recently murdered, were murdered by Hamas operatives, like Mansour Mansour, in the Chevron area of the so-called "West Bank".
Title: Re: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel
Post by: ChabadKahanist on July 24, 2014, 11:01:12 PM
There was a guy in my old shul like this but he was a Satmar with knickers & white socks.
Most people including the rabbi dismissed his shtuyot & basically had the feeling what do you expect from a Satmar.